Dorchester - Parish of All Saints

1841 Census Enumerators District 1

Transcribed by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester & Fordington January 2010

NOTE:- The 1841 Census was taken on Sunday 6/7 June 1841, for every person in each house that night, but also included night workers who would return to the house in the morning. The returns were compiled in parishes, and the families are shown in the order in which their houses were visited by the enumerators. The Registration Districts were the same as for the General Register. Each was sub-divided into Enumeration Districts of not less than 25, and not more than 200, inhabited houses. The forms were distributed to householders and collected and checked by the enumerators. At Hotels, hospitals, ships and other institutions, the forms were filled in by the official in charge. The enumerators were volunteer schoolmasters, clergymen, businessmen and other persons of some education. The Returns were then copied in pencil, into printed books of blank forms. These are the enumerator Schedules, micorpfilms of which are now widely available. Each one is prefaced with a description of the boundaries of the enumerators district.

The forms show the street in which each house stood, and sometimes the number of the house or its name. Each household also has an enumeration number which should not be mistaken for its street number. The questions asked on the forms are:-

Names of persons in the house: Only the surname and first Christian name are given

Their age and sex: Exact ages in years are given for children up to the age of 14 inclusive. For persons 15 and older, ages are given in five-year groups indicated by the youngest year of the group; that is ages 15 to 19 inclusive are shown as 15, from 20 to 24 as 20 and so on. people however did not always state their ages correctly and a few enumerators entered exact ages throughout.

Profession, Trade, Employment or of Independant Means: Often abbreviated for example Ag.Lab for agricultural labourer; F.S for female servant; F.W.K. for framework knitter; Ind of independant means; J for Journeyman; M.S. for male servant; N.K. for Not Known

Whether born in the same County: This question is only answered by 'Yes' or 'No' abbreviated to 'Y' or 'N' depending on whether or not the person was born in the county in which he was residing on census night.

Whether born in the Scotland, Ireland or Foreign Parts: This is answered by 'S' for Scotland, 'I' for Ireland or 'F' for Foreign Parts. Where the answer to the previous question about whether the person was born is the County [i.e. in this case Dorset] has been answered 'Yes' , I have entered 'England' in the Final Column.

Parish of All Saints Dorchester - Enumerators Schedule for District 1:

All that part of the Township of Dorchester which [small damage] the North & South of the of the Township from the White Hart to the Kings Arms Inn comprising the [illegibale] of the Parish of All Saints

Place Given Name Surname Age Gender Trade Born in County Birth Country
High East Street - Page 1 George Galpin 35 Male Maltster Dorset England
Betsy Galpin 35 Female Dorset England
William Galpin 10 Male Dorset England
George Galpin 8 Male Dorset England
Mary Galpin 4 Female Dorset England
Sarah Barnes 25 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Janes Fudge 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Hooper Tolbort 30 Male Ironmonger Dorset England
Joanna Tolbort 30 Female Dorset England
Lydia Hibbs 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Thomas Bennett 30 Male Cheese Factor Dorset England
Martha Bennett 30 Female Dorset England
Charlotte Bennett 6 Female Dorset England
Martha Bennett 4 Female Dorset England
Maria Coaker 20 Female Dorset England
Emma Case 20 Female Dorset England
Thursa Case 20 Female Dorset England
William Churchill 42 Male Innkeeper Dorset England
Susan Churchill 36 Female Dorset England
Fanny Churchill 5 Female Dorset England
William Churchill 3 Male Dorset England
Elizabeth Churchill 1 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Churchill 71 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Elizabeth Churchill 25 Female Dorset England
John King 52 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
High East Street - Page 2 Susan Cornick 26 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  No England
Rebecca Gregory 23 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Martha Miles 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  No England
James Glenister 35 Male C? No England
Mary Glenister 40 Female No England
Elizabeth Morgan 75 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Elizabeth Morgan 9 Female Dorset England
William Smith 25 Male Unitarian Minister No England
James Drake 32 Male Baker Dorset England
Anne Drake 35 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Galpin 54 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Anna Bassel 17 Female Dorset England
John Tizard 23 Male J [Stands for Journeyman] Dorset England
Isaac Symes 19 Male Ap [Apprentice] Dorset England
William Davis 45 Male Carpenter Dorset England
Elizabeth Davis 46 Female Dorset England
William Davis 20 Male Dorset England
Henry Davis 15 Male Dorset England
Emma Davis 11 Female Dorset England
Caroline Davis 7 Female Dorset England
Albert Davis 4 Male Dorset England
Thomas Nichols 25 Male Dorset England
Susan Nichols 25 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Nichols 1 Female Dorset England
Catharine Carter 15 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
High East street - Page 3 William Barnard 52 Male Cooper Dorset England
Mary Barnard 45 Female Dorset England
William Barnard 25 Male Cooper Dorset England
Martha Barnard 22 Female Draper Dorset England
Elizabeth Barnard 21 Female Governess Dorset England
Mary Barnard 20 Female Milliner Dorset England
Ann Barnard 18 Female Dorset England
John Barnard 16 Male Dorset England
Susan Barnard 15 Female Dorset England
Sarah Voss 28 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
William Stephenson 47 Male Clock & Watch Maker Dorset England
Jane Harris 58 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Jane Drake 26 Female Milliner Dorset England
Francis Drake 8 Female Dorset England
William Drake 4 Male Dorset England
Elizabeth Masters 60 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
William Masters 35 Male Baker Dorset England
Jane Masters 30 Female Dorset England
George Masters 25 Male Baker Dorset England
Mary Masters 12 Female Dorset England
Eliza Robbins 26 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
William Dunkley 20 Male J [Stands for Journeyman] Dorset England
William Hawkins 55 Male Cabinet Maker Dorset England
Henry Hawkins 30 Male Cabinet Maker Dorset England
Georget Hawkins 25 Male Cl? Dorset England
High East street - Page 4 [ES. 5] Mary Hawkins 28 Female Dorset England
Sarah Hawkins 26 Female Dorset England
Emma Hawkins 20 Female Dorset England
Eliza Downton 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Elizabeth Gray 70 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Elizabeth Bryer 17 Female Dorset England
Ann Creech 65 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Lucy Steers 60 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
John Burnett 75 Male Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Maria Thring 60 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
William Cox 20 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Charley Frampton 35 Male Grocer Dorset England
Mary Frampton 40 Female Dorset England
Sarah Frampton 40 Female Milliner Dorset England
Jane Porter 40 Female In Dorset England
Henry Guay 50 Male Artist No England
Henry (Junior) Gray  15 Male No England
Rebecca Stayner 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Ann Trew 45 Female Grocer Dorset England
Mary Trew 10 Female Dorset England
Joseph Morgan 40 Male Grocer Dorset England
Ann Morgan 42 Female Dorset England
Mary Randall 15 Female Dorset England
Anne Fearnhead 45 Female Ind [Independant]  No England
Ann Samways 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
High East Street - Page 5 George Stroud 30 Male Coach Maker Dorset England
Elizabeth Stroud 28 Female No England
George Stroud 5 Male Dorset England
John Parini 52 Male Traveller No Foreign Parts
John Hutchings 23 Male Coach Maker No England
Elizabeth Stayner 62 Female Bonnett Maker Dorset England
Thomas Stayner 30 Male Tailor Dorset England
George Kendall 30 Male Publican Dorset England
Mary Kendall 30 Female Dorset England
Mary Kendall 8 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Kendall 5 Female Dorset England
Isabella Brine 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Charles Lane 20 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Benjamin Rigs 50 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
George Orchard 25 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Ann Besant 55 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Ann Pouncy 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Thomas Eyers 15 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
George Harvey 10 Male Dorset England
Mary Johnson 74 Female Ind [Independant] [Note:- Mary JOHNSON nee BEDLOE (1767-1850) ] Dorset England
Anna Johnson 45 Female [Ann Johnson spinster bap St Peters 1st Jan 1798 ] Dorset England
Elizabeth Johnson 40 Female [Elizabeth Johnson spinster bap 5th Jan 1795 ] Dorset England
Maria Johnson 30 Female [Maria Johnson spinster bap St peters 5th May 1801 ] Dorset England
Jane Fuffen 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Thomas Tullidge 52 Male Maltster Dorset England
High East Street - Page 6 [ES.6] Frances Bagg 35 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Richard Poynter 50 Male Button factor Dorset England
Eleanor Poynter 20 Female Dorset England
George Poynter 15 Male Dorset England
John Tapp 30 Male School Master Dorset England
Elizabeth Tapp 25 Female Dorset England
Jane Forrevell 25 Female Dorset England
John Forrevell 5 Male Dorset England
John Stephens 45 Male Publican No England
Catharine Stephens 30 Female No England
William Tompson 21 Male Cl? No England
Elizabeth Rose 13 Female No England
Ann Cross 22 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  No England
George Greening 31 Male Saddler Dorset England
Rebecca Greening 27 Female Dorset England
Lelitia Greening 6 Female Dorset England
Louisa Greening 3 Female Dorset England
Emily Greening 2 Female Dorset England
Jane Greening 67 Female Dorset England
Sarah Nutt 12 Female Dorset England
Jane House 18 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
William Rickard 50 Male Gardner {Note:- William RICKARD married Elizabeth BARTLETT at Bradpole 25th Sep 1824 - Children baptised at Wesleyan Chapel] Dorset England
Elizabeth Rickard 30 Female [Elizabeth Rickard nee Bartlett his wife (c.1801-1865) Dorset England
Edward Rickard 15 Male [Edward Rickard (1826-1911) ] Dorset England
Thomas Rickard 10 Male [Thomas Rickard (1830-1904) ] Dorset England
High East Street - Page 7 Jane Rickard 9 Female [Jane Rickard (1831-aft1901] Dorset England
Mary Rickard 5 Female [Mary Ann Rickard (1836-aft1891) ] Dorset England
Frederic Rickard 3 Male [Note:- Their son Frederick was buried in 1837 so this is thought to be a mistake for 3 year old Isaac Rickard who is missing from the return. He later became a seaman] Dorset England
John Richard 3 Months Male [Note:- John Rickard Recorded at GRO as a male child unnamed 1st qtr 1841 Dorchester District Ref 8/506; ] Dorset England
Robert Kendle 40 Male Labourer Dorset England
Rachel Kendle 34 Female Dorset England
George Kendle 4 Male Dorset England
Robert Kendle 1 Male Dorset England
James Winzer 40 Male Plasterer Dorset England
Ann Winzer 40 Female Dorset England
James Winzer 25 Male Plasterer Dorset England
Joseph Winzer 15 Male Ap [Apprentice] Dorset England
Elizabeth Robinson 40 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Mary Robinson 20 Female Dressmaker Dorset England
John Robinson 9 Male Dorset England
John Biles 66 Male Dorset England
Edith Biles 56 Female Dorset England
William Biles 20 Male Dorset England
Matilda Randall 13 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Randall 11 Female Dorset England
Thomas Pugsley 9 Male Dorset England
Richard Feacy 45 Male Smith Dorset England
Jane Feacy 44 Female Dorset England
Eliza Feacy 12 Female Dorset England
Charlotte Feacy 10 Female Dorset England
High East Street - Page 8 [ES.7] John Feacy 8 Male Dorset England
William Feacy 6 Male Dorset England
Sarah Feacy 4 Female Dorset England
James Feacy 1 Male Dorset England
George Rideout 40 Male Labourer Dorset England
Sarah Rideout 20 Female Dorset England
William Rideout 18 Male Labourer Dorset England
Caroline Rideout 15 Female Dorset England
John Rideout 12 Male Dorset England
Louisa Rideout 9 Female Dorset England
Mark Rideout 7 Male Dorset England
Mary Rideout 1 Female Dorset England
Mary Chilcott 30 Female Dorset England
Robert Hayward 27 Male Butcher Dorset England
Elizabeth Hayward 4 Female Dorset England
Harriett Hayward 2 Female Dorset England
Maria Curtis 20 Female Dorset England
Mary Curtis 15 Female Dorset England
Benjamin Roberts 20 Male J [Stands for Journeyman] Dorset England
George Woodman 13 Male Ap [Apprentice] Dorset England
Elizabeth Bailey 17 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
John Hancock 30 Male Hairdresser No England
Rhoda Hancock 29 Female No England
Thomas Hancock 6 Male Dorset England
Eliza Hancock 4 Female Dorset England
High East Street - Page 9 Ellen Hancock 2 Female Dorset England
Samuel Lobb 15 Male Ap [Apprentice] No England
Daniel Platten 21 Male Tailor No England
James Woodford 51 Male Ironmonger Dorset England
Mary Woodford 45 Female Dorset England
James Woodford 20 Male Watch Maker Dorset England
Mary Woodford 15 Female Straw Bonnett Maker Dorset England
George Woodford 9 Male Dorset England
Elizabeth Andrews 70 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Mary Andrews 65 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Jane Beale 20 Female Milliner Dorset England
Caroline Buck 15 Female Milliner Dorset England
George Buck 20 Male Grocer Dorset England
John Standish 40 Male Publican Dorset England
Elizabeth Standish 30 Female Dorset England
George Dammon 40 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
William Dammon 15 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Jane Saunders 35 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  No England
Elizabeth Wills 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Thomas Style 26 Male Druggist Sh Dorset England
Robert White 21 Male Sh Dorset England
Joseph Brownjohn 17 Male Ap [Apprentice] No England
Sarah Chalker 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Susanna Devenish 38 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Ann Davis 21 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
High East Street - Page 10 [ES.8] William Tapp 40 Male Surgeon Dorset England
Maria Tapp 25 Female Dorset England
Louisa Tapp 4 Female Dorset England
William Tapp 3 Male Dorset England
Thomas Tapp 1 Male Dorset England
Jane Rose 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Mary Loveless 23 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Sarah Humphreys 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  No England
Emily Bailey 19 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
James Yearsley 35 Male Grocer No England
Elizabeth Yearsley 30 Female No England
Elizabeth Yearsley 5 Female Dorset England
Mary Yearsley 3 Female Dorset England
Amelia Yearsley 2 Female Dorset England
Charlton Yearsley 4 Mo Male Dorset England
Elizabeth Salmon 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Maria Acland 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  No England
George Harvey 15 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
James Fox 50 Male Shoemaker Dorset England
Sarah Fox 50 Female Dorset England
Thomas Fox 20 Male Dorset England
Anna Fox 50 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Evan Davis 55 Male Clerk No England
James Cash 15 Male Ap [Apprentice] Dorset England
Richard Critchell 15 Male Ap [Apprentice] Dorset England
High East Street - Page 11 William Baker 10 Male Ap [Apprentice] Dorset England
Susanna Besant 48 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Henry Besant 21 Male Navy Dorset England
John Besant 20 Male Brewer Dorset England
Ann Hall 23 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
William Groves 20 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Robert Oakley 35 Male Brewer Dorset England
Ann Oakley 35 Female Dorset England
Ellen Oakley 12 Female Dorset England
Susan Oakley 8 Female Dorset England
Robert Oakley 6 Male Dorset England
Clara Oakley 4 Female Dorset England
Ann Oakley 2 Female Dorset England
Ann Oakley 40 Female Dorset England
Jane Thorne 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Ann Hawkins 2 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
James Froud 40 Male Chemist No England
Mary Froud 35 Female Dorset England
Sarah Edney 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Robert Nutt 50 Male Shoemaker Dorset England
Mary Nutt 50 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Nutt 20 Female Dressmaker Dorset England
James Nutt 19 Male Ap [Apprentice] Dorset England
Mary Holmes 82 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Eliza Foosey 23 Female No England
High East Street - Page 12 [ES.9] Francis Oliver 47 Male Publican [See Roberts Directory 1839] Dorset England
[Note:- This was the 'Kings Arms Hotel'] Horatia Oliver 50 Female No England
Louisa Oliver 11 Female Dorset England
Francis Oliver 7 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Greenberg 24 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  No England
Elizabeth Burden 30 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Ann Andrews 25 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  No England
Eliza Legg 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Ann Bridle 24 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Martha Keats 24 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Maria Purdy 16 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Thomas Hilton 47 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
George Holly 22 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
William Burden 25 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
William Simes 25 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Charles Young 20 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Benjamin Bond 30 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Joseph Ash 25 Male Cl? Dorset England
Thomas Smith 30 Male Woollen Maker Dorset England
Thomas Smith 55 Male Glazier No England
Howard Elm 40 Male Merchant No England
John Willie 17 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Friary Lane  William Martin 30 Male Brewer Dorset England
Jane Martin 27 Female Dorset England
William Martin 6 Male Dorset England
Friary Lane - Page 13 Charles Martin 3 Male Dorset England
Thomas Foster 27 Male Glazier Dorset England
Ann Foster 27 Female Dorset England
John Foster 9 Male Dorset England
Henry Foster 7 Male Dorset England
Frederick Foster 4 Male Dorset England
Eliza Foster 1 Female Dorset England
Richard Bridle 25 Male Labourer Dorset England
William Vincent 25 Male Labourer Dorset England
William Pople 50 Male Publican Dorset England
Elizabeth Pople 50 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Pople 45 Female Dorset England
Martha Harvey 25 Female Ind [Independant]  No England
John Toms 10 Male Dorset England
William Brown 40 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Elizabeth Pople 18 Female Dressmaker Dorset England
Church Lane  Robert Troake 46 Male Publican [Note:- By 1851 Census Robert James TROAKE born Exeter Devon has moved his family to Exford in Somerset where he is both the licensed Victualler at the White Horse Inn & a farmer of 32 acres] No England
Sarah Troake 42 Female [Note:- Born at Exeter Devon] No England
Fanny Troake 24 Female No England
Maria Troake 17 Female [Note:- Anna Maria dau of Robert James & Sarah TROAKE aged 13 years bap All Sts Church Dorchester 5th Feb 1839] No England
Emily Troake 8 Female [Note:-Emily dau of Robert James & Sarah TROAKE bap All Sts 1st Sep 1833 - unmarried age 17 in 1851. ] Dorset England
Jane Troake 5 Female [Note:- Sarah Jane dau of Robert James & Sarah TROAKE bap 5th June 1836 - unmarried aged 14 in 1851] Dorset England
William Crocker 54 Male Traveller No England
Richard Parmiter 32 Male Broker Dorset England
Church Lane - page 14 [ES.10] Jane Parmiter 29 Female Dorset England
Jane Parmiter 6 Female Dorset England
Stephen Parmiter 4 Male Dorset England
William Parmiter 2 Male Dorset England
Sarah Vincent 22 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Edwin White 2 Male Hairdresser Dorset England
Jane White 24 Dorset England
Emma White 21 Female Dorset England
Alfred White 15 Male Dorset England
Jane Blandimore 21 Female Dorset England
Robert Foot 50 Male Carrier Dorset England
Ann Foot 50 Female Dorset England
James Foot 26 Male Glazier Dorset England
John Foot 24 Male Dorset England
Thomas Foot 2 Male Tailor Dorset England
Susan Foot 14 Female Dorset England
Joseph Lock 38 Male J [Stands for Journeyman] Dorset England
Elizabeth Lock 42 Female No England
Jane Lock 14 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Lock 12 Female Dorset England
Thomas Lock 10 Male Dorset England
Harriott Lock 5 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Hannam 46 Female Dorset England
William Hannam 44 Male Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Robert Anthony 21 Male Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Ann Anthony 80 Female Dorset England
Church lane - Page 15 Emma Anthony 40 Female Dorset England
Samuel Bullen 30 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Anne Bullen 28 Female No England
Henry Bullen 2 Male Dorset England
Elizabeth Bullen 6 Months Female Dorset England
William Bryer 20 Male Clock & Watch Maker [Note:- William BRYER married Jane DORY at All Sts on 18th May 1841] Dorset England
Jane Bryer 20 Female Dorset England
Thomas Denby 25 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Catharine Denby 25 Female Dorset England
Susanna Fough 40 Female Nurse No England
Aaron Turner 27 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Mary Turner 23 Female Dorset England
Emma Turner 1 Female Dorset England
William George 41 Male Plumber Dorset England
Fabitha George 74 Female Dorset England
Sophia Burgess 31 Female No England
Esau Dicker 30 Male J [Stands for Journeyman] Dorset England
Jane Dicker 25 Female No England
Edward Dicker 4 Male Dorset England
Jane Dicker 2 Female Dorset England
Susan Guy 20 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
George Legg 60 Male Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Jane Legg 45 Female Dorset England
George Legg 20 Male J [Stands for Journeyman] Dorset England
James Bagwell 30 Male Brewer Dorset England
Church lane Alms House -Page 16 [ES.11] John Sargent 79 Male Shoemaker Dorset England
Hannah Sargent 70 Female No England
Rosanna Eyers 86 Female Dorset England
Eliza Bullock 17 Female Dorset England
Thomas Smith 84 Male Labourer Dorset England
Joseph White 70 Male Shoemaker Dorset England
Virtue White 68 Female Dorset England

Wollaston House (Sic)

[also Woolaston House]

Arthur Ackland [Acland] 30 Male Ind [Independant]  [Note:- Arthur Henry Dyke Troyte Acland (1811-1857). No England
Fanny Ackland [Acland] 29 Female [Note:- Frances nee Williams married by licence at Little Bredy in Dorset 15th Sep 1835] No England
Frances Ackland [Acland] 4 Female [Note:- Frances Lydia Dyke Acland Bap 21 Aug 1836 Little Bredy, Dorset] Dorset England
Harrick [Harriet] Ackland [Acland] 3 Female [Note:- Harriet Dyke Acland born St George Hanover Square] No England
Angelina Ackland [Acland] 2 Female [Note:- Angelina Anne Dyke Acland Bap 7 July 1839 Little Bredy Dorset] Dorset England
Mary Ackland [Acland] 8 Months Female [Note:- Mary Dyke Acland bap All Sts 8th Nov 1840] Dorset England
Mary Hankins 47 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  No England
Sarah Canniford 34 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  No England
Mary Hawker 32 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Amelia Barnes 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Eleanor Wilson 23 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  No England
Francis Tucker 22 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Charles Street Thomas Phippin 45 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Mary Phippin 50 Female No England
Thomas Phippin 15 Male No England
Ann Phippin 10 Female No England
Charles Street - Page 17 George Maber 38 Male Mason Dorset England
Elizabeth Maber 37 Female Dorset England
George Maber 5 Male Dorset England
John Maber 5 Months Male Dorset England
John Hicks 66 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Dorothy Hicks 65 Female Dorset England
Eliza Warne 47 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Durngate Street James Longman 36 Male Publican [Note:- of the Green Dragon Inn] Dorset England
Charlotte Longman 40 Female Dorset England
James Longman 12 Male Dorset England
William Longman 9 Male Dorset England
Charlotte Longman 8 Female Dorset England
George Longman 6 Male Dorset England
Ann Longman 2 Female Dorset England
Louisa Longman 25 Female Dorset England
Robert Longman 28 Male Dorset England
Mary Arnold 18 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Arthur Cozens 16 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
George Murphy 14 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Charles Bishop 20 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Charles Eldridge 50 Male Brewer No England
Sarah Eldridge 40 Female Dorset England
Sophia Eldridge 15 Female No England
Emily Eldridge 9 Female Dorset England
Charles Eldridge 7 Male Dorset England
Albinia Eldridge 5 Female Dorset England
Mary Bartlett 21 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Durngate Street - Page 18 [ES.12] Thomas Voss 30 Male Plasterer Dorset England
Elizabeth Voss 30 Female Dorset England
Charlotte Voss 6 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Voss 3 Female Dorset England
Emily Voss 1 Female Dorset England
Mary Locke 70 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Susannah Locke 65 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Frances Legg 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Eliza Legg 10 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Charles Crocker 46 Male Shoemaker Dorset England
Mary Crocker 40 Female No England
Thomas Crocker 11 Male Dorset England
Betsy Roper 46 Female School Mistress Dorset England
Jane Roper 18 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Hardy 55 Female Dressmaker Dorset England
Jane Hardy 24 Female Dressmaker Dorset England
Elias Cole 39 Male Cattle Dealer Dorset England
Elizabeth Cole 25 Female Dorset England
Walter Cole 4 Male Dorset England
William Cole 2 Male Dorset England
Car Woolfryes 57 Female No Foreign Parts
Ann B Woolfryes 17 Female Dorset England
Isaac Woolfryes 16 Male Dorset England
Henry Coward 13 Male Dorset England
George Coombs 57 Male Carpenter Dorset England
Durngate Street - Page 19 Elizabeth Coombs 53 Female Dorset England
John Coombs 24 Male Plumber Dorset England
Samuel Coombs 14 Male Carpenter Dorset England
Charles Coombs 13 Male Dorset England
Martha Coombs 9 Female Dorset England
John Anderson 44 Male Dissenting Minister [Rev John ANDERSON (1797-1866) follow link for picture etc.] No England
Elizabeth Anderson 41 Female No England
Sarah Anderson 10 Female Dorset England
Mary Anderson 6 Female Dorset England
Margaret Anderson 4 Female Dorset England
Maria Anderson 1 Female Dorset England
Ann Drake 28 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Robert Gregory 61 Male Plasterer J [Journeyman] Dorset England
Elizabeth Gregory 51 Female Dorset England
James Gregory 22 Male Plasterer J [Journeyman] Dorset England
Elizabeth Gregory 17 Female Dorset England
James Morgan 55 Male Carpenter J [Journeyman] No England
Lucy Morgan 60 Female Dorset England
Ann Morgan 25 Female Dorset England
Lucy Morgan 20 Female Dorset England
Joseph Bussell 75 Male Labourer Dorset England
Ann Bussell 67 Female Dorset England
Susan Bussell 30 Female Dorset England
Charles Bussell 26 Male Labourer Dorset England
Sarah Bussell 27 Female Dorset England
Durngate Street - Page 20 [ES.13] Mary Bussell 3 Female Dorset England
Martha Bussell 3 Female Dorset England
Charles Richards 24 Male Carpenter Dorset England
Anna Richards 26 Female Dorset England
Fanny Richards 6 Mo Female Dorset England
Martha Phippard 60 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
William Honeybun 78 Male Labourer Dorset England
Mary Slade 65 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
William Slade 35 Male Builder Dorset England
Charlotte Slade 25 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Chapman 18 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Joseph Symes 22 Male Shoemaker Dorset England
Charles Pearcey 28 Male Wheelwright No England
Bell Street Elizabeth Creech 60 Female Shop Keeper Dorset England
George Creech 50 Male Shoemaker Dorset England
William Creech 4 Male Dorset England
Susan Barge 15 Female Shoe Binder Dorset England
George Winzar 40 Male Sh? [Shoemaker?] Dorset England
Mary Winzar 44 Female Dorset England
Thomas Dunster 60 Male Cooper J [Journeyman] Dorset England
Charles Dunster 25 Male Joiner J [Journeyman] Dorset England
Jane Dunster 20 Female Laundress Dorset England
John Stone 23 Male Cooper J [Journeyman] Dorset England
John Roper 45 Male Malster J [Journeyman] Dorset England
Susan Roper 40 Female Laundress Dorset England
Bell Street - Page 21 George Roper 15 Male Shoemaker Dorset England
Jane Roper 10 Female Dorset England
Emma Roper 5 Female Dorset England
William Roper 1 Male Dorset England
Martha Snook 30 Female Dorset England
Caroline Pugsley 10 Female Dorset England
Edith Snook 60 Female Dorset England
John Bird 50 Male Labourer Dorset England
Sarah Bird 40 Female Dorset England
John Bird 15 Male Ap [Apprentice] Dorset England
George Dawe 70 Male Labourer Dorset England
Hannah Dawe 70 Female Dorset England
John Winsor 20 Male Sh? [Shoemaker?] Dorset England
James Tarr 50 Male Carpenter [Note;- James Tarr married Eleanor White at Tincleton Dorset 27th Dec 1813] Dorset England
Eleanor Tarr 40 Female Dorset England
Thomas Tarr 20 Male Painter Dorset England
Jane Tarr 15 Female Dorset England
Emma Tarr 12 Female Dorset England
James Tarr 9 Male Dorset England
Eliza Tarr 3 Female Dorset England
Russell Eyers 50 Male Shoemaker Dorset England
Phillis Eyers 40 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Eyers 20 Female Dorset England
Eliza Eyers 15 Female Dorset England
Mary Eyers 13 Female Dorset England
Bell Street - Page 22 [ES.14] James Eyers 11 Male Dorset England
Francis Eyers 5 Male Dorset England
Henry Standish 75 Male Labourer Dorset England
Elizabeth Coombs 55 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Sarah Shitler 45 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Sarah Seal 65 Female Ind [Independant]  No England
Mary Way 57 Female School Mistress No England
Sarah Coombs 35 Female Dressmaker Dorset England
George Winzar 70 Male Gardiner Dorset England
Jane Winzar 68 Female Dorset England
John Dean 17 Male Tailor Ap [Apprentice] Dorset England
Hannah Hibbs 65 Female Fish Monger No England
Sarah Burt 12 Female Dorset England
Mary Masters 55 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
John Masters 30 Male Dorset England
Susan Masters 20 Female Dressmaker Dorset England
Susan Lock 25 Female Dorset England
John White 50 Male Carpenter J [Journeyman] Dorset England
Ann White 35 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth White 20 Female Dressmaker Dorset England
John White 15 Male Ap [Apprentice] Dorset England
William White 15 Male Ap [Apprentice] Dorset England
Emma White 10 Female Dorset England
William Dawe 45 Male Carpenter J [Journeyman] Dorset England
Hester Dawe 40 Female Dorset England
Bell Street - Page 23 Isabella Dawe 16 Female Dorset England
Robert Dawe 10 Male Dorset England
Fanny Dawe 5 Female Dorset England
George Billows 60 Male Dorset England
Mary Billows 30 Female Dorset England
Matilda Billows 15 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Stroud 65 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
William Legg 45 Male Carpenter J [Journeyman] Dorset England
Ann Legg 45 Female Dorset England
John Yates 25 Male Sadler J [Journeyman] No England
Jeffery Russell 15 Male Plumber J [Journeyman] Dorset England
John Joiner 33 Male Brewer Dorset England
Ann Joiner 35 Female Dorset England
Jane Joiner 7 Female Dorset England
Frank Joiner 5 Male Dorset England
Martha Joiner 3 Female Dorset England
John Joiner 1 Male Dorset England
William Anthony 25 Male J [Stands for Journeyman] Dorset England
William Wall 30 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
James Dudney 28 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Edward Legg 27 Male Shoemaker Dorset England
Sarah Legg 27 Female Dorset England
Eliza Legg 1 Female Dorset England
James Sparks 69 Male Tailor Dorset England
Rebecca Sparks 67 Female Dorset England
Bell Street - Page 24 [ES.15] Rebecca Sparks 26 Female Seamstress Dorset England
Mary Sparks 23 Female Seamstress Dorset England
Amelia Sparks 18 Female Seamstress Dorset England
Mary Clark 45 Female Seamstress Dorset England
Francis Keats 30 Male Shoemaker Dorset England
Elizabeth Keats 30 Female No England
Amelia Foryerey? 12 Female Dorset England
James Miller 70 Male Labourer Dorset England
Rebecca Miller 70 Female Dorset England
Samuel Miller 30 Male Dorset England
Ann Miller 19 Female Dorset England
James Rogers 30 Male Carpenter J [Journeyman] Dorset England
Thomas Rogers 25 Male Tailor J [Journeyman] [Note:- Listed under 'Taylors' in Pigots 1844 Street Directory] Dorset England
John Rogers 20 Male Cabinet Maker Dorset England
Eliza Rogers 20 Female Dressmaker Dorset England
Mary Caish 52 Female Grocer Dorset England
John Caish 17 Male Cabinet Maker Ap [Apprentice] Dorset England
Durngate Street Hugh Hill 30 Male Draper No Scotland
Catharine Hill 35 Female Dorset England
Helen Hill 4 Female Dorset England
Woodman Hill 2 Male Dorset England
Margaret Hill 4 Mo Female Dorset England
Joanna Phillip 14 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Peter Court 20 Male J [Stands for Journeyman] No Scotland
David Murphy 20 Male J [Stands for Journeyman] No Scotland
Durngate Street - Page 25 William Hartley 20 Male J [Stands for Journeyman] No Scotland
Thomas Gollop 30 Male Carpenter J [Journeyman] Dorset England
Eliza Gollop 30 Female No England
Caroline Gollop 4 Female Dorset England
Thomas Gollop 2 Male Dorset England
Henry Gollop 1 Male Dorset England
James Bartlett 30 Male Tailor [Note:- James BARTLETT married Amelia Chandler at All Saints Church Dorchester on 7th Aug 1831] Dorset England
Amelia Bartlett 25 Female [Note:- Amelia BARTLETT nee CHANDLER (1822-1856) ] No England
Jane Bartlett 8 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Bartlett 5 Female Dorset England
George Bartlett 10 Mo Male Dorset England
Herbert Curtis 20 Male Hairdresser Dorset England
Sarah Curtis 20 Female Dorset England
Emma Curtis 4 Months Female Dorset England
Jethro Guy 35 Male Joiner J [Journeyman] Dorset England
Hannah Guy 30 Female Dorset England
John Guy 5 Male Dorset England
Walter Welch 20 Male Joiner J [Journeyman] No England
Joseph Stickling 25 Male Sadler J [Journeyman] No England
Henry Forder 36 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Harriott Forder 30 Female Laundress Dorset England
Emily Forder 12 Female Dorset England
Louisa Forder 10 Female Dorset England
Han Forder 8 Female Dorset England
Henry Forder 4 Male Dorset England
Durngate Street - Page 26 [ES.16] John Palmer 61 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Mary Palmer 60 Female Dorset England
Charles Raynold 30 Male Publican Dorset England
Elizabeth Raynold 30 Female Dorset England
John Patten 30 Male Smith Dorset England
George Cornick 30 Male Publican Dorset England
Susanna Cornick 30 Female Dorset England
Thomas May 25 Male Labourer No England
Charles Marten 20 Male Dealer in Ware No England
Ann Kelly 15 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England
Mary Bland 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  No England
William Bell 25 Male Hawker No England
Esther Bell 20 Female No England
Matthias Toms 25 Male Malster  No England
Emma Toms 6 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  No England
Elias Galpin 85 Male Nurse Dorset England
Elizabeth Foot 60 Female Stone Mason No England
Jane Gange 53 Female Dorset England
John Randell 33 Male No England
Frances Randell 31 Female No England
Charles Randell 5 Male Dorset England
William Randell 1 Male Dorset England
Martha Barnes 19 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  No England
Gaol Lane James Holloway 30 Male Labourer Dorset England
Sarah Holloway 30 Female Dorset England
Gaol Lane - Page 27 Jane Crocker 63 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
George Pugsley 25 Male Smith Dorset England
William Pugsley 20 Male Plumber Dorset England
Henery Meader 20 Male Shoemaker Dorset England
John Call 20 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Rebecca Clare 70 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Daniel Kebby 43 Male M.S. [Male Servant] No England
Ann Kebby 41 Female No England
Levena Kebby 16 Female Ind [Independant]  No England
John Kebby 14 Male Sadler Ap [Apprentice] No England
Daniel Kebby 12 Male Dorset England
Ann Kebby 5 Female Dorset England
Elizabeth Galpin 35 Female Dressmaker Dorset England
Mary Galpin 14 Female Dorset England
Jane Tizard 20 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Mary Tizard 1 Female Dorset England
James Stevens 30 Male Labourer Dorset England
Susanna Stevens 25 Female Dorset England
Sarah Vincent 5 Female Dorset England
Durngate Street William Stoodley 45 Male Shoemaker Dorset England
Maria Stoodley 35 Female Dorset England
Eliza Stoodley 11 Female Dorset England
Robert Stoodley 9 Male Dorset England
Mary Stoodley 2 Female Dorset England
Robert Nother 30 Male M.S. [Male Servant] Dorset England
Durngate Street - Page 28 Jane Nother 30 Female Dorset England
George Nother 3 Male Dorset England
James Nother 2 Male Dorset England
Robert Nother 6 Mo Male Dorset England
David Gollop 31 Male Coach Maker Dorset England
Martha Bagg 35 Female Dorset England
Edward Keats 35 Male Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
High East Street William Wallis 40 Male Tailor No England
Frances Wallis 34 Female Dorset England
William Wallis 8 Male Dorset England
Frances Wallis 6 Female Dorset England
Mary Wallis 4 Female Dorset England
Georgina Wallis 2 Female Dorset England
Thomas Wallis 22 Male Tailor J [Journeyman] No England
John Bushrod 12 Male Ap [Apprentice] No England
Mary Brown 53 Female Ind [Independant]  Dorset England
Mary Wills 20 Female F.S. [Female Servant]  Dorset England

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