
St George's Church Burials 1800 - 1812

© Transcribed from BT's by Michael Russell 2007 from CLDS film 1279497
[Transcribers comments are in brackets in italics - 478 Burials]

Last updated Sep 2024

Memorial Plaque to Bennett HARVEY of Fordington
© Michael Russell FIPD

Notes:- In the late 1790's there was a large influx of Militia Men to the Fordington Barracks which led to many marriages to local girls. See my comments under “Overseers Accounts 1798-1802” regarding the Militia and the rebellion of 1798. Some however brought existing wives and families to the area. The vicar has often identified Militia families by annotating entries with the phrase “from the Barracks”.

I have also now [August 2010] checked against the National Burial Index which was taken from original registers not the BT's and re checked images where there are differences between our transcriptions. The originals still need to be checked but this process has helped improve accuracy of my own transcriptions and correctly identify whether a baptisms or a burial and also provide names where they are illegible in the BT return. Where because of 10 years research I know the family name and it is clearly incorrect in the NBI transcription I have said it is incorrect but it is always best to check originals where you can and in no way implies a critcism of previous transcriptions as the process is at times extreemly difficult and we are all doing the best we can.


    [Start of CLDS Image 4205261_00086]

Jan 6 Elizabeth HAZARD

Feb 5 Eleanor POND

Feb 16 Elizabeth LISTER [NBI has surname LESTER]


March 30 Joseph BRETT Junior

April 11 John KERR

April 13 Elizabeth WILSON

    [Note: April 13th 1800 See “The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset” by John HUTCHINS which refers to the death of Mrs CHURCHILL from the mansion situated in Fordington whose remains were interred in the family vault in St Peters Church Dorchester]

April 16 John BROWN [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of John BROWN of Holy Trinity parish to Honour EAMES at her home parish of All Saints on 4th april 1790. John was bap on 24th Nov 1799 at the Presbyterian chapel in pease lane Dorchester]

May 4 William POWELL

May 4 Joseph BRETT Senior



    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00086 & Start of Image 00087]

June 1 Joseph GARRETT

June 8 John AMEY [Note:- either this of the burial , or the one on 1st May 1801 is John AMEY husband of Dinah AMEY (1750/3-1833) as she is confirmed as a widow by 1802]

June 15 Susannah WOODROE [NBI has surname WOODROW]

June 18 Sarah Grace SPARKS [Thought to be Grace nee GOLLOP who married Benjamin SPARKS at FStG church on 8th May 1787]

June 20 Sarah YOUNG

July 18 John CHARLES

July 18 Elizabeth FACEY

July 20 Robert ANDREW [NBI has date 2 Aug]

Aug 1 William BURT [NBI has date 12 Aug]

Aug 17 Joseph SEAL

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00087]

    We the Minister & Churchwardens of the Parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset, and peculiar jurisdiction of the Dean of Sarum, do hereby certify that this is a true copy from the Register of the said Parish of the Names of all persons Christened, Married and Buried in the said parish from August 21 st 1800 to August 31 st 1803 inclusive

    signatures John PALMER Vicar

    Will {William] CAVE

    Will [William] MASTERS Churchwardens

    Fordington August 31 st 1803

    [Start of 2 overlapping CLDS Images 4205261_00093 & 00094]

Aug: 21 Joseph RANDALL

Sep: 17 Sarah GALLER [Gawler?]

Oct: 19 Charlotte CHILIN

Oct: 19 Elizabeth BEDLOE

Sep: 1 Mrs. Mary SAMWAYS [Note: out of date order as shown here on original Bishops Transcripts but NBI has date November 1st]

Nov: 9 Samuel FISHER

Nov: 16 Elizabeth GAWLER

Nov: 30 Jane LOYD

Dec: 12 Sarah DICTUM [NBI has surname DICKINS]

Dec: 25 Thomas FREEMAN

Dec: 31 Mary BARNET [NBI has surname BARNES]


Jan: 4 Luke STILE [STYLE]

Jan: 28 John TAPP

Jan: 29 Martha BUGGLER

Feb: 1 James DAVIS


Feb: 27 Honour ELLIOT [ See Will of Honour ELLIOTT Widow dated 11th May 1799 and proved 22nd Aug 1801 for 22 Aug 1801 referred to as a Widow]

Mar: 10 Hannah FREEMAN

Mar: 15 Hannah BUNT [NBI has surname BURT]

Mar: 26 Martha BARTLETT (Sic) [Note:- Marthe BARTLETT nee BEDLOE (bur.1801) Wife of James Bartlett of Melcombe Regis]

Apr:1 Alfred WAKEFIELD

Apr: 8 Thomas BEDLOE

Apr: 8 Thomas BRINE

Apr: 9 Maria GAWLER [Note;- Maria GAWLER nee SAMPSON wife of Joseph GAWLER whom she married at FStG on 15th Jan 1795]

May 1 John AMEY [Note:- either this of the burial , or the one on 8th June 1800 is John AMEY husband of Dinah AMEY (1750/3-1833) as she is confirmed as a widow by 1802]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00094 & start of 2 overlapping CLDS Images 00102 & 00103]

May 11 Marion WATSON

June 10 William TAYLOR [Note Coroner Mr George ANDREWS was reimbursed for carrying out an inquisition on his body See Quarter sessions Sherborne 27 Apr 1802- 29th Apr 1802]

June 10 John MORRIS

July 5 Mary GAIKSTONE [NBI has surname JACKSON]


July 26 Ann HELLARD

July 26 Jane (sic) BARTLETT [NBI wrongly has Christian name as James]

Aug: 4 Mary REASON [ See Wills Index 1802 referred to as a Widow]

Aug: 23 Christopher KEATS

Sep: 8 Charles PITFIELD [Note:- Charles PITFIELD (1724-1801) Widower of Mary nee Bishop]

Sep: 23 James GRANT Esq: Colonel in the 49 th Regiment of Foot

Sep: 25 John son of William & Elizabeth BROWN [Note: Baptised 4 Jan 1801]

Sep: 27 Joseph BONNETT

Sep: 27 Mary STEWARD a child from the Barracks [NBI has surname STEWART]

Oct: 4 John LOBB from the Barracks [NBI has date 11 Oct][Note Coroner Mr George ANDREWS was reimbursed for carrying out an inquisition on his body See Quarter sessions Sherborne 27 Apr 1802- 29th Apr 1802]

Dec: 20 Martha daughter of Thomas & Sarah BUCKLER [Note:- 3rd known child from the marriage of Thomas BUCKLER to Sarah WINZER at FStG om 28th July 1793 ]

Dec: 29 Jane BROWN a Child from the Barracks

Dec: 30 Agnes WILLSON a Child from the Barracks


Jan: 6 James son of James & Sarah VINCENT

Jan: 14 Elizabeth ROLLS from Dorchester

Jan: 17 Sarah BUCKER

Jan: 20 Charles DART [Note:- Husband of Ann nee READ whom he married at Fordington on 30th May 1771]

Jan:26 James VINCENT from the workhouse in Dorchester [NBI has Christian Name of Jane?]

Feb: 1 John LUSH a Soldier in the North Royal British Dragoons

Feb: 4 John son of John & Ann STICKLAND [NBi has surname STRICKLAND]

Feb: 4 John CLARK a Pauper

Feb: 18 Rebecca KITTLE

    [End of CLDS overlapping images 00102 & 00103 -- Start of 2 overlapping CLDS Images 4205261_00095 - some repeated on 00096]

Feb: 19 Elizabeth daughter of Thomas & Martha LESTER

Feb: 25 Elizabeth daughter of Mary LUCAS baseborn

Feb: 28 Ann GROVES from Dorchester

Mar: 3 William son of Thomas & Mary JOHNSON from Dorchester

May: 13 Jane daughter of Edward & Mary CASHER [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Edward CASHER (1778-1829) to Mary STILE (1766-1750) at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 29th June 1801]

May: 24 Robert son of Lot & Sarah GARTELL [Note a Lot GARTEL married a Sarah TERREL in Fordington in April 1800]

May: 26 William WHITE a Pauper

May: 27 Mary KEATS

May: 30 Elizabeth WHITE

May: 17 Ursula PARSONS from Dorchester [Note out of date order on original]

June 13 Sarah TAPP from Dorchester

July 30 Elizabeth WEST [NBI has surname WISE]

Aug: 24 John DIFFEY from Dorchester

Aug: 29 Ann WEST

Sep: 19 Mary LUCAS [NBI has date 29 Sep]

Oct: 15 James OLD from Dorchester

Oct: 27 John MULLEN [ See Wills Index for 1802 where referred to as a Sawyer]

Nov: 18 John son of John & Dinah EAMEY [EAMES?]

Nov: 21 Mary Turner daughter of John & Sarah SIBBLY [NBI has surname SIBBLEY]

Nov: 28 Robert son of Samuel & Mary FOSTER from Dorchester

Dec: 14 Elizabeth Light Banger daughter of Joseph & Mary RAWLES

Dec: 25 Thomas SEAL

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00095 & Start of 2 overlapping CLDS Images 00097 & 0098]


Jan: 14 Thomas BISHOP

Jan: 14 John SWYER

Jan: 20 Ann, wife of Thomas HUNT

Jan: 24 William REYNOLDS

Feb: 2 Ann HUNT

Feb: 13 Jane daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth MUTFORD [NBI has surname MUDFORD]

Feb: 13 James son of Thomas & Sarah SEAL

Feb: 17 Harriot daughter of William & Susan HOARE

Feb: 18 John BERRY

Mar: 6 Sarah daughter of Richard & Ann BURT [NBI has Christian name Susan]

Mar: 22 William son of William & Betty WARREN

Apr: 17 Ann daughter of John & Ann STICKLAND [Note Baptised 13 Feb 1803 - NBI has surname STRICKLAND]

May 6 John TAPP

May 22 Ann daughter of Hugh & Rebecca VELLACOTT [Note: Baptised May 6 1803]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00098 & Start of Image 00099]

June 10 Elizabeth daughter of Samuel and Maria LANCE [Note Elizabeth was baptised on 11 Oct 1800 in Blandford Forum Dorset]

June 12 Ann daughter of James & Jane BARTLETT [Note:- child from the marriage of James BARTLETT to his wife Jane c1800]

June 20 John son of John & Priscilla LANCE


July 8 Elizabeth daughter of Thomas & Mary ROPER

July 12 Susanna daughter of John & Elizabeth LUCAS

July 27 Sarah daughter of John and Honour BROWN [Note 4th child from the marriage of John BROWN to Honour EAMES at All Saints Dorchester on 4 Apr 1790]

July 29 Mary BARTLETT [Note:- Thought to be Mary Bartlett (c1772-1803) the wife of James BARTLETT (1771- ) who married circa 1797 and had 5 children all baptised at All Saints Church in Dorchester. Follow link for more information about James family who were traditionally buried at Fordington ]

Aug: 3 James WESTON Corporal of the 1 st Regiment of Royal Dragoons

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00099]

    A True copy of the Names of all Persons baptised married and buried in the Parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset and peculiar jurisdiction of the Dean of Sarum, from August 31 st 1803 to August 20 th 1806 both inclusive being the days of the Trannial Visitations at Fordington; the said copy taken from the Parish Registers of Fordington aforesaid

    [Start of CLDS Image 4205261_00104]

Sep: 4 Elizabeth KEATS

Sep: 9 John GRAY

Sep: 18 John son of Thomas & Sarah GALE

Oct: 31 Rachel Wife of Reuben MASTERS

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_000104 & Start of Image 00105]

Nov: 21 William JUDGE from the Barracks

Nov: 23 Adam STEWARD from the Barracks

Nov: 28 John CLARK

Nov: 29 Dorothy TAPP from Dorchester

Nov: 30 Mary DART

Dec: 12 Jane daughter of Philip and Mary WINZOR from Dorchester [7th child from the marriage at Holy Trinity church Dorchester between Philip WINZAR and Mary PURCHASE on 28th June 1784]

Dec: 18 John FITZPATRICK from the Barracks

Dec: 23 Philip LATTER from the Barracks [NBI has surname LATTEN]


Jan: 24 Charles PITFIELD [ Note:- Charles PITFIELD (1750-1804) husband of Ann THORN ]

Jan: 15 Joseph BARTLETT [Note:- Joseph BARTLETT (1749/50-1804) husband of Elizabeth BARTLETT nee LESTER ]

Jan: 27 Edgar son of Robert and Elizabeth ROPER [NBI has Christian name as Egar]

Jan: 30 John WALPOLE from the Barracks

Feb: 10 Sarah daughter of William and Mary MERRY

Feb: 21 Mary Honeybone daughter of Love KEATS [NBI has surname as HONEYBONE]

Feb: 22 Dinah HELLARD

Feb: 27 Mary daughter of George and Susannah PEATY [Note: George PEATY married Susannah KEATS in All Saints Dorchester 20 Sep 1803]

Mar: 13 Elizabeth MATTHEWS

Mar: 20 Alice WHITE

Mar: 28 Sarah daughter of William WINZOR

Apr: 2 Sarah Eliza Clark daughter of John and Susanna FUTCHER [NBI has surname as CLARK]

Apr: 6 Christian BRUNS from the Barracks

Apr: 8 Thomas BEDLOE  [ See Wills Index for 19 Sep 1804 where referred to as a Yeoman]

Apr: 18 William son of Edward and Ruth ENSOR {Note:- 4th child from the 2nd marriage of Edward ENSOR (1748-1832) to Ruth STEVENS at St Johns Church Yeovil on 30 Mar 1795]

May: 10 William CAVE [ See Wills Index for 1804 where referred to as William Cave Junior]

June 17 Thomas MUTTFORD

June 25 Joseph baseborn son of Jane GREAN [NBI has surname GREEN]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00105 & Start of Image 00106]

July 1 Elizabeth wife of John CLARE from Dorchester

July 9 Thomas ASH

Aug: 10 Hannah wife of George STYLE

Aug: 19 Mary daughter of William and Ann WOOSFORD [NBI has surname WOOLFORD]

Sep: 13 William son of James and Frances HARRIS

Sep: 16 Ann CLOTHIER [ See Wills Index for 28 Sep 1804 where referred to as Widow]

Sep: 24 James KEATS

Oct: 13 John William son of Samuel and Harriet WHITE

Nov: 16 Mary SEAL

Nov: 20 Frances BILES

Nov: 28 Thomas son of Thomas and Ann WINSOR from Dorchester [Note:- Thomas WINZOR married Ann TAPP at All Saints church Dorchester on 8th Dec 1802]

Nov: 29 Margaret WESTON

Dec: 18 Shadrack WHITTLE


Jan: 7 Elizabeth daughter of James and Catharine WELLSPRING [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of James WELLSPRING (1760-1845) to Elizabeth LESTER at Fordington on 19th Feb 1783)]

Jan: 8 William son of John SUMMERS & Emey JACOB from Dorchester [Note:- 10th child from the marriage of John JACOB to Amey PITFIELD at FSt G 15-July-1781]

Jan: 15 David GRAHAM from the Barracks

Jan: 15 Mary daughter of Robert and Ann RANDELL

Jan: 25 Nicholas SWYER

Feb: 5 William HELLARD

Feb: 07 Ann WHITE

Feb: 11 Thomas TERRELL [ See Wills Index for 1805 where referred to as a senior Yeoman]

Feb: 12 William COX from Dorchester [Note:- See Wills index for Dorchester for his will dated 14th Jan 1805 Proved 14th Feb 1805]

Feb: 18 John KRAIKE from the Barracks [NBI has surname KRACKE]

Mar: 13 Dinah Wife of John WINZOR

Mar: 22 Edward son of Thomas and Martha LISTER [NBI has surname LESTER]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00106 & Start of Image 00107]

Mar: 23 Henry LICHTE from the Barracks

Apr: 04 Ann daughter of Samuel and Harriet WHITE

Apr: 12 James BONNETT from Dorchester [NBI incorrectly has surname BENNETT - See Wills Index for his will dated 9th Feb 1805 Proved 16th July 1805]

May 12 Mary ADAMS

May 20 Christian WAGGONER from the Barracks

May 23 Mary PRESSLY from Dorchester

June 02 Thomas son of John & Jane DODSON from Dorchester

June 08 Virtue wife of John WINZOR [Note John WINZOR married Virtue OLIVER at Fordington on 17th Nov 1794]

June 30 William SEAL [NBI incorrectly has Robert MATTHEWS which is the next entry]

July 28 Robert son of William and Mary MATTHEWS

Aug: 04 John COWARD from Dorchester

Aug: 23 Joseph BACON from the Barracks

Aug: 26 Frederick GIZE from the Barracks

Aug: 31 Susannah CARTER from Dorchester [Note:- See Wills Index for long will dated 17th March 1804 Proved 29th July 1806]

Sep: 3 John son of James and Betty MILFORD

Sep: 6 William ASHTON from the Barracks

Sep: 16 John UPTON from the Barracks

Sep: 30 William ARMSTRONG from the Barracks

Oct: 11 William HARTMAN from the Barracks [Oct 27 Entry omitted in error see Feb: 20 1806]

Oct 27 [See entry omitted under 20 Feb 1806 for William CLARE]

Nov: 12 Elizabeth wife of John HARVEY

Nov: 26 Henry HOWARD


Jan: 20 Elizabeth wife of James MILFORD

Feb: 9 Sarah STYLE from Dorchester aged 87 [i.e. born about 1719]

Feb: 11 Mary wife of William BISHOP [NBI has date of 12th Feb] [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 674 on record in the Account for te period 2nd Feb to 2nd March 1806 : Paid for tthe Coffin, Shroud and Laying Out of BISHOP's Wife : £1. 3s. 0d ]

Feb: 12 Elizabeth wife of William FRY [Not in NBI]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00107 & Start of Image 00112]

Feb: 20 Jane daughter of James and Rebecca STEPHENS [NBI has date of 12th Feb] [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 675 on record in the Account for te period 2nd Feb to 2nd March 1806 : Paid for the Funeral of STEVINS Child = 7s. ]

Feb: 20 William son of William and Rebecca CLARE was buried October 27 th 1805 omitted to be entered in its proper place

Feb 24 [Entry for Rebecca BARTLETT omitted in error See Nov: 6 1806 [Note:- child from the marriage of James BARTLETT to his wife Jane c1800]]

Mar: 2 James GALPIN of Dorchester

Mar: 5 Mary wife of John GREENING from Dorchester

Mar: 13 Thomas son of Thomas and Hannah BISHOP

Mar: 16 Rebecca wife of James STEPHENS [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 676 on record in the Account for the period 2nd March to 7th April 1806 : Paid for "Laying out, Shroud and Coffin for STEVINS Wife]

Apr: 15 Margaret wife of Henry MARDER from Weymouth

Apr: 24 Stephen BRYER from Weymouth

Apr: 25 Charles son of William and Susanna SHEPPARD from the Barracks

May 2 Sarah daughter of Joseph and Mary JAMES from the Barracks

May 22 Thomas son of William and Sarah STAYNER

May 25 David ALLEN [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 679 on record in the Account for 24th May 1806 Paid :- "Banren? (for) Laying out D. ALLEN 1s. : Mrs NORMAN (for) Shroud 7s.6d : Making (of the Shroud) 1s. (Ringing the church) Bell 1s. Saxon (Sexton for digging the grave) 1s.2d. (Black) Cloth (for Coffin) 1s. Bar (bearers) 1s.6d. Coffin 10s. ]

June 1 Betty daughter of James and Ann LYDE

June 4 Sarah daughter of James and Ann LYDE

June 8 Mary daughter of Robert and Ann SUMMERS

June 10 Richard son of Samuel and Sarah SIMMONDS

June 10 Samuel son of Robert and Edith POWELL

June 23 Sarah wife of Robert TOMLINSON from Dorchester

June 24 Susanna daughter of Edward and Edith CAVE

June 26 Randal son of Edward and Edith CAVE

July 1 Rebecca daughter of Richard and Ann CHAPMAN [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 682 on record in the Account for 3rd July 1806 "Shroud for NORRIS and CHAPMAN Children 6s 4d : (Digging the) Grave for ditto 2s. 4d : Bells for Ditto 2s." : Account for 8th July 1806 "(paid) Mr MASTERS for Coffins - CHAPMAN & NORRIS 15s. ]

July 2 Thomas son of William and Mary ALLEN

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00112 & Start of Image 00113]

July 3 Catharine daughter of William and Mary NORRIS [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 682 on record in the Account for 3rd July 1806 "Shroud for NORRIS and CHAPMAN Children 6s 4d : (Digging the) Grave for ditto 2s. 4d : Bells for Ditto 2s." : Account for 8th July 1806 "(paid) Mr MASTERS for Coffins - CHAPMAN & NORRIS 15s. ]

July 5 George son of Jacob and Sarah CORBEN

July 6 William son of John and Ann HOWRTH [Howarth?] from the Barracks

July 6 Mary daughter of Thomas and Mary KEATS from Dorchester

July 9 Thomas son of Edward and Martha DYER from the Barracks

July 14 John son of Thomas and Mary NORRIS

July 18 Ann daughter of James and Elizabeth ARGYLE [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of James ARGYLE to Elizabeth BARTLETT at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 11th Jan 1790 ]

July 28 Charles son of Edward and Ann KEATS

Aug: 2 John VINCENT from Moreton

Aug: 3 Ambrose DENNIS [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 682 on record in the Account for 1st Aug 1806 "Amos DENNIS's Shroud & Making of 6s 10d]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00113 & Start of 3 overlapping Images 00125 to 00127]

Aug: 22 Mary INGRAM aged 86 [i.e. born about 1720] [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 684 on record in the Account for :-19th Aug 1807 for "Laying Out Mary INGRAM & Liquer 2s. : Shroud for Mary INGRAM 6s. 10d : Coffin 11s. : Bell, Saxon [Sexton for digging the grave and ringing the church bell) 2s. 2d : ]

Aug: 31 John HARRIS

Sep: 5 Ann wife of Richard CHAPMAN [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 685 on record in the Account for :- 31st? Sep 1807:- Laying Out CHAPMAN's wife & liquer 2s. : Shroud for Ditto 6s. 10d : Cloth & Liquer (usually for the pall-bearers) 2s. 6d : Saxan (Sexton for digging the grave) & (ringing the church) Bell 2s. 2d. : Mr MASTERS Coffin (Likely to be William MASTERS the Churchwarden who obtained - or made- the Coffin )

Sep: 28 Abraham BAKER from Dorchester

    [ Husband of Elizabeth nee HOBBINS - They married 14 Sep 1783 Acton-Trussell & Bednall Staffordshire and had 6 children bap at nearby Cannock between 1785-1799. A Earthenware dealer by trade he brought the family to Dorset and his youngest daughter Rhoda married Charles DUFALL[1794-1871] who established a China & Glass business at 7 High West Street circa 1824 - Link to transcription of Abraham's Will ]

Oct: 14 Mary daughter of Elizabeth PITTARD

Oct: 21 Ann daughter of Michael & Elizabeth LEE from the Barracks

Oct: 26 Jane wife of William CLARK

Nov: 6 James YOUNG from the Barracks

Nov: 6 Rebecca daughter of Jane and James BARTLETT was buried Feb 24 th 1806; omitted from its proper place [Note:- child from the marriage of James BARTLETT to his wife Jane c1800]

Nov: 21 John son of John and Anna BUNN from Charminster

Dec: 7 John NORTON from the Barracks

Dec: 11 Sarah wife of John FOSTER

Dec: 19 John son of John and Ann ROBERTS


Jan: 1 Thomas TOWNSEND from the Barracks

Jan: 8 Martha daughter of Thomas and Martha LESTER

Jan: 13 Thomas DOWNES from the Barracks

Jan: 13 Mary Ann daughter of Henry and Elizabeth CHASE

Jan: 16 Mary daughter of Robert and Ann RANDALL

Jan: 20 John son of Jesse and Mary PITTARD from Dorchester

Jan: 21 Alicia daughter of Richard and Rebecca COLE from Dorchester

Jan: 25 James BEER from the Barracks

Jan: 25 Sarah daughter of John and Ann BARTLETT [Note:- Sarah BARTLETT was baptised at FStG 29 Jun 1806 aged 1 year. She was the 5th child of John BARTLETT and Ann MASTERS who married at St Georges Church on 27th Febb 1798]

Feb: 13 Dorothy GRUNDY

Feb: 25 John BARNET from Dorchester

    [Start of CLDS Image 4205261_00126]

Feb: 28 John son of William and Elizabeth CHYNOCK

Mar: 1 Robert BAYLEY from the Barracks

Mar: 3 William CLARE from the Barracks

Mar: 5 Charles Thomas son of William and Mary HEWER [Not in NBI]

Mar: 5 George Beaton son of Thomas and Anna BISHOP

Mar: 15 William LANGFORD from the Barracks

Mar: 15 Hester COTE [COAT] [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 691 on record in the Account for :- 5th March 1807:- Esther COAT 2s. (note already on 2s.per week poor relief prior to death) Also 15th March 1807:- Esther COAT Linen? (Shroud?) , (cost of a) Coffin, (ringing the church) Bell, Cloth (black cloth to be drapped over coffin), was? these?: Sub Total £1. 3s. 4d. Also Account dated 20th March 1807 :- Esther COAT's House Rent 2s.6d. Also on image 693 Account for 31st March 1807 "Expenses on account of Esther COAT Funeral 9s.:]

Mar: 15 Thomas son of William and Elizabeth LUKES [2nd child from the marriage of William LUKES to Elizabeth FUDGE in Fordington on 16 Mar 1804]

Mar: 17 William BANNERS from the Barracks

Mar: 19 Edward PALMER from the Barracks

Mar: 19 Jemima daughter of William and Mary HEWER

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00125 & start of Image 00127]

Mar: 20 Sarah BUNN from Charminster

Mar: 22 John MAY

Mar: 26 Elizabeth daughter of Richard and Mary WESTON

Mar: 27 Joseph son of John and Ann CHALESWORTH from the Barracks

Apr: 12 Mary TOLLERFIELD from Dorchester

Apr: 19 Henry SIMMONDS

Apr: 26 Joseph BENNETT from Ridgeway

May 3 Henry MELIGAN from the Barracks

May 10 Elizabeth daughter of Matthew and Ann GAY

May 10 Mary daughter of Edward and Mary CASHER [Not in NBI][Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Edward CASHER (1778-1829) to Mary STILE (1766-1750) at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 29th June 1801]

May 17 Susanna Maria daughter of Robert RIDEOUT and Susanna HARVEY [Link to tombstone inscription]

May 18 Matthew CHICANEE from the Barracks

May 21 William NARGUTE from the Barracks [NBI has surname NARQUTE]

May 21 George son of Samuel and Elizabeth COLLINS

May 24 John ALIN [Allen?]

May 24 Susanna daughter of John and Elizabeth LUCAS

June 6 Robert son of Stephen and Mary BRYER from Weymouth

June 8 William EDWARDS from the Barracks

June 16 John WILLIAMS from the Barracks

June 21 Mary daughter of John and Mary ORCHARD

June 24 James son of Arthur and Agnes BURCHILL from the Barracks

June 28 John son of John and Honour SWYER

June 29 Thomas BEDLOE from Kingstone

July 4 John Tizard son of Robert and Elizabeth ROPER [NBI has surname as TIZARD]

July 9 Edward son of Peter & Sarah HORIGAN from the Barracks

July 10 Sarah daughter of John and Ann HONEBUNN from Weymouth [NBI has surname as HONEYBONE]

July 28 Andrew son of William and Margaret ASH

July 30 Bennett HARVEY from Dorchester. [Note: His monumental inscription which is on the wall inside St Georges Church Fordington - died 25th July 1807 aged 75; husband of Elizabeth Link to transcription of his Will dated 28th March 1807 Proved 2nd Sep 1807]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00126]

Aug:16 John ATRICH [or ATRICK] from the Barracks

Aug: 19 Mary daughter of George and Elizabeth BLANDAMER

Aug: 20 James HARRIS [ See Wills Index for 19 May 1808 where referred to as a Yeoman]

Sep: 5 Jane daughter of George and Edith OLD

Sep: 25 James son of William and Sarah STAYNER

Oct: 11 Robert PROWSE

Oct: 20 Elizabeth wife of William CAVE

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00127 & Start of 3 overlapping Images 00128 to 00130]

Oct: 25 Edith wife of George OLD

Nov: 27 Elizabeth wife of William BELLMAN [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 701 on record in the Accounts for 27th Nov 1807 "Paid for Burial of BELLMAN: Coffin 10s.6d : Shroud 6s.10d : Grave 1s.2d : Bell 1s. : Beer & Ci?? 4s.6d : Cloth 1s. Sub Total £1. 5s. 0d ]

Dec: 21 John DODSON from Dorchester

Dec: 30 Catharine THORNE


Jan: 03 Thomas son of William and Ann MUTFORD

Jan: 06 John MATTHEWS from the Barracks

Jan: 28 Mary baseborn daughter of Sarah BUCKLER from Dorchester [Note:- Mary daughter of Sarah BUCKLER baptised at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 4th Jan 1807]

Feb: 04 Thomas son of James and Rebecca CROCKER

Feb: 04 Elizabeth ALLEN from Dorchester

Feb: 07 Elizabeth wife of Joseph BONNETT from Dorchester

Feb: 11 John GALPIN from Burton

Feb: 28 Sarah daughter of John and Mary RUMBOLD from the Barracks

Mar: 01 Joseph son of Michael and Rosanna MACGHAN from the Barracks [Note baptised 31 Jan 1808]

Mar: 02 Samuel son of Samuel and Sarah BENTLEY from the Barracks

Mar: 03 William son of William and Margaret WILDON from the Barracks

Mar: 04 Francis CLARK from the Barracks

Mar: 08 Ann wife of Thomas REASON

Mar: 17 Sarah daughter of Joseph and Sarah GEORGE from the Barracks

Mar: 20 James ARNOLD

Mar: 25 Patrick TROY from the Barracks

Mar: 25 Randal son of Edward and Edith CAVE

Mar: 27 Sarah wife of Thomas FRAMPTON

Apr: 02 William RAWLINS from the Barracks

    [Start of CLDS Image 4205261_00129]

Apr: 07 Esther daughter of John and Mary WILLCOCKS from the Barracks

Apr: 12 William MABER

Apr: 24 Onesiphorus HYDE [Note Onesiphorusis a biblical name meaning “bringing profit”. Onesiphorus Hyde was the father of John Hyde born at Holy Trinity in Dorchester c1795. John married a Rebecca and had a child Elizabeth c1815]

May 01 Ann daughter of William and Elizabeth GUY

May 06 Jane SIMMONDS [SYMONDS] aged 85 [i.e. born about 1723] [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 710 on record in the Accounts for 6th May 1808 "Paid for Waking and Laying out 1s. Shroud 7s. : Making of 1s. : Beer 2s. 6d. : Coffin 13 s. : Bell 1s. : Grave 1s. 2d : Cloth 1s. Sub Total £1. 6s. 8d ]

May 22 Thomas BATE from the Barracks

May 25 John son of Robert and Elizabeth ROPER

May 28 Catharine daughter of Nicholas and Elizabeth BATTS from the Barracks

    [Start of CLDS Image 4205261_00130]

May 29 Mary daughter of John and Sarah HAMILTON from the Barracks

May 30 Sarah daughter of Henry and Susan SLAUGHTER from the Barracks

June 13 William BISHOP

June 16 Mary wife of George RYAN from the Barracks

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00128]

July 09 Robert BALDOCK from the Barracks

July 21 Robert son of James and Sarah LODER

July 21 Francis son of John and Elizabeth HARRIS

Aug 14 Rebecca BENNETT from Halstock

Aug 22 William SEAMAN [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 715 on record in the Accounts for August 1808 "Paid for support of A man taken ill and attendance 5s.6d. : Ditto for his Coffin 10s.6d. : Shroud 7s. 68d. : Grave 14s. : Cloth 1s. : Bell & Layng out 2s: bearers 2s. 6d Sub total £1. 4s. 10d ]

Aug 22 Jane baseborn daughter of Jane WITTEY [NBI has surname WHITTY][Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 715 on record in the Accounts for August 1808 "Paid fo rD.WITTY's Child Coffin 6s.6d : Shroud 2s.10d. : Grave and Bell 2s.2d. Sub Total £11s. 6d]

Oct: 16 John Thomas son of John and Mary ROLLS [NBI has surname as THOMAS?]

Oct: 28 Sophia PITTARD from Dorchester [Note:- See Wills index for her will proved at National Archives 13 January 1809]

Nov: 29 Susan LUCAS aged 84 [i.e. born about 1724] [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 718 on record in the Accounts for November 1808 "Paid Reba [Rebecca] LUCAS & N HELLARD for Changing and Waking with Susa [Susan] LUCAS 5s.6d : Coffin 12s. : Shroud 6s. :Laying Out 1s. : Cloth 1s. : Bearers 2s. 6d: Grave & Bell 2s. 2d. Sub Total £1.4s.8d]

Dec: 04 Treazear daughter of John and Mary FLOWER [Might mean Teresa but can only trace a baptism for a Therza daughter of a John and Mary Flower in Tarrant Rushton 20 May 1808]

Dec: 07 John CLARK from the Barracks

Dec: 18 Mary daughter of Peter and Margaret PEARCE from the Barracks

Dec: 27 James WOODMAN from Dorchester

Dec: 28 Nicodemus SLADE [Nicodemus is a biblical name meaning “victory to the people]


Jan: 4 John SIMS [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 722 on record in the Accounts for the period from 1st Jan 1809 Paid for John SIMS " 4th January John SIMS's Ill 4 s.; 5th January Paid for J.SIMS Coffin 12s.Waking & Laying out 2s. 6d; Bearers 2s. 6d ; Shroud 8s; Cloth 1s. ; Bell 1s' Grave 1s.2d Sub Total £1.8s. 2d]

Jan: 29 Mary WHORE [HORE] [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 722 on record in the Accounts for the period from 1st Feb 1809 Paid for " Support for Wakers and Waking and attending M HORE £1.2s.6d: Coffin for M. HORE (12s omitted in error) ; Laying out 1s.; Bearers 2s.; Cloth 1s.; Bell 1s; Grave 1s.2d; Shroud 5s. 6d; Sub Total= £2.6s.2d]

Feb: 6 Mary daughter of Thomas and Rebecca ROGERS

    [Note Mary Rogers was baptised at Fordington on 11th Sep 1808 and was 2nd child of marriage of Thomas ROGERS to Rebecca FORSTER in All Saints church Dorchester 20 Oct 1805 - They renamed their next child Mary again and she was bap 26 Dec 1809: See the marriage record for more information about this family.]

Feb: 13 James BURT [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 724 on record in the Accounts for the period from 1st Feb 1809 Paid for :- "James BURT's Laying out and waking 2s. ; Coffin 12s. ; Shroud 8s.4d. ; Grave and Bell 2s.2d Sub total = Total £1.4s. 6d]

Mar: 2 Elizabeth SHITTLER [SHILLER] aged 85 [i.e. born about 1724] [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 724 on record in the Accounts for the period from 1st Feb 1809 Paid for " Laying out & Waking for Widow SHILLER 2s.; Coffin 12s. ; Shroud 6s; Grave and Bell and bearers 2s.2d Sub Total £1.4s. 6d]

Mar: 5 John MOON [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 724 on record in the Accounts for the period from 1st Feb 1809 Paid for " MOON. Waking & Laying out 2s.; Coffin 12s. ; Shroud 6s 8d; Bell & Grave 2s.2d and bearers 2s Sub Total £1.4s. 10d]

Mar: 6 Joseph KING from the Barracks

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00129]

Mar: 17 Samuel son of Samuel and Harriet WHITE

Mar: 18 Thomas HILL from the Barracks

Apr: 2 Elizabeth wife of William HURD from the Barracks

Apr: 6 John PENN

May 14 Hester wife of John MASTERS

May 17 William S [3 or 4 letters illegible on BT's but NBI has name as William SEAL]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00130]

May 19 Joseph BARRET age 82 [i.e. born about 1727]

June 23 Sarah BUTT from Dorchester

July 25 Charlotte daughter of John and Honour BROWN from Dorchester [Note 10th child from the marriage of John BROWN to Honour EAMES at All Saints Dorchester on 4 Apr 1790]

Aug: 8 Jane wife of Charles GREENING from Dorchester

    [Start of 2 overlapping CLDS Images 4205261_00138 & 00139]

Oct: 12 William son of William and Sarah GARRIT

Oct: 25 William BELLMAN aged 82 [i.e. born about 1727] [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 741 on record in the Accounts for the period from 1st Oct 1809:= Paid for "Laying out of William BELLMAN, beer and making the shroud= 3 shillings: also for;- Bread, Cheese & beer, (digging the) grave, Bell and cloth = 5 shillings 8 pence]

Oct: 29 George son of Thomas and Martha LESTER [LISTER] [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 741 on record in the Accounts for the period from 1st Oct 1809:= Paid for "Laying out of Thomas LISTER's child & beer = 2 shillings: Also "Ditto grave and bell 2 shilling 2 pence + relieved 1 shilling and 6 pence.]

Nov: 20 Ann Maria daughter of Francis and Catharine WILLIAMS from the Barracks

Nov: 25 William STRAWBRIDGE

Nov: 27 Martha baseborn daughter of Mary BUCKLER [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 743 on record in the Accounts for the period from 5th Nov 1809:- "Expenses attending the funeral of Mary BUCKLER's child 3s.8d]

Dec: 10 John PROWSE [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 746 on record in the Accounts for the period 3rd Dec to 7th Jan 1810:- Paid PROWSE Widow Junior 9 amounts sum total £3. 0s.6d: Cloth; bearers, laying out of John PROWSE 4s. ]


Jan: 18 John MATTHEWS from Weymouth

Jan: 21 Mary MAY aged 87 [i.e. born about 1723]

Jan: 28 Frances ARNOLD

Feb: 4 William son of James and Rebecca MILLER from Dorchester

Feb: 7 Edward son of James and Jane BARTLETT from Dorchester [Note:- child from the marriage of James BARTLETT to his wife Jane c1800]

Mar: 26 William TILLBY from the Barracks

Mar: 27 Jane daughter of Thomas and Sarah SEAL

Apr: 26 Jane SAMWAYS from Dorchester

Apr: 29 Nathaniel son of James and Rebecca SPARKS from the Barracks

May 2 Charles son of William and Elizabeth PEAKE from the Barracks

May 7 John son of James and Ann HINE

May 22 William WINZAR [WINSOR] [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 752 on record in the Accounts for the period 22nd April to 30th May 1810:- William WINSER's Coffin 12s. : Grave 1s. : (To) ring (Church) bell 1s. : making Shroud 1s. [Sub Total 3s] : Laying out ditto (William WINSER) 5.6d :WINSER 7/4 2/9 3/--3/--3/-- 3/-- Ditto 1/ beer funeral : Callico for Ditto: Sub Total £1.3.1d (This is an amalgum of extra costs from 7/4 (7th April) and I think it probably means he fell ill and they had to pay someone to look after him, paying them 2s.9d during the first week and 3s a week for 4 weeks before he died. Also included is a shilling for beer at the funeral, probably for the pall-bearers, and the cost of Calico for the shroud. The final entry is 5 shillings for burying him]

July 13 William CHINNOCK [NBI nas surname CHANNOCK - William CHANNOCK husband of Elizabeth CHANNOCK Nee WINZOR who married FStG 25th May 1801 ]

July 24 Ann daughter of Charles and Jane GREENING from Dorchester

    [Start of CLDS Image 4205261_00139]

July 24 Elizabeth daughter of John and Susanna LUCCAS

Aug: 5 Rebecca daughter of Lydia SLADE

Aug: 26 William DODSON from Dorchester

Aug: 26 Elizabeth daughter of John and Ann RANDALL

Sep: 18 Peter GODFRY from the Barracks

Sep: 26 Emma daughter of John and Mary ROLLS

Oct: 6 William son of William and Mary BLISS from the Barracks

Oct: 8 Richard WHITE aged 87 [i.e. born about 1723]

Oct: 21 John son of John EVOMY and Alice NORMAN from Dorchester [Note John Evomy NORMAN was the 5th child from the marriage of James NORMAN (1753-1821) from his marriage to Martha EVOMY at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 08 Jun 1778. Their son John buried here was baptised at St Peters Church Dorchester on 18th Sep 1809]

Oct: 23 Susan daughter of Edward and Edith CAVE

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00138]

Nov: 1 Giles son of Giles and Elizabeth LODER [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Giles LODER to Elizabeth FRAMPTON in Fordington on 16 May 1803]

Nov: 14 Sarah wife of Jacob CORBEN

Dec: 2 Martha BARNET from Dorchester

Dec: 6 Joseph son of Joseph and Elizabeth BARBER from the Barracks

Dec: 21 Ann wife of Robert RANDALL from Dorchester


Jan: 2 Alice daughter of Thomas and Ann WINZOR from Dorchester [Note:- Thomas WINZOR married Ann TAPP at All Saints church Dorchester on 8th Dec 1802]

Jan: 3 Martha daughter of Thomas and Martha LESTER

Jan: 10 James WRIGLEY from the Barracks

Feb: 8 Ann wife of James MASTERS from Dorchester [Note:- Ann GLAPIN married James MASTERS at All Saints Church Dorchester on 7th March 1799]

Feb: 8 Martha daughter of James and Martha NORMAN [Note 3rd child from the marriage of James NORMAN (1753-1821) from his marriage to Martha EVOMY at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 08 Jun 1778]

Mar: 3 James son of John and Ann BARTLETT [Note:- 7th child of John BARTLETT and Ann MASTERS who married at St Georges Church on 27th Febb 1798]

Mar: 6 Elizabeth daughter of Robert and Ann SUMMERS

Mar: 20 Elizabeth FRAMPTON aged 85 [i.e. born about1726]

Apr: 5 Edward son of James and Martha NORMAN [Note 7th child from the marriage of James NORMAN (1753-1821) from his marriage to Martha EVOMY at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 08 Jun 1778]

Apr: 19 Hester KIRK-- [rest of name illegible on BT's but NBI has KIRKWOOD]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00139 & start of 2 overlapping CLDS Images 00140 & 00141]

April 19 Maria wife of Joseph PITFIELD [Note:- Joseph PITFIELD (1786-1852) married Maria SARGEANT at St Georges Church Fordington on 23-Apr-1810]

April 24 Joseph Paul HILL from the Barracks

April 25 Thomas COOMBS from the Barracks

April 26 Charles son of John and Catharine DIMENT

April 28 Sarah wife of James LODER

May 2 Miriam SPARKS [Note:- She was the 2nd wife and widow of Isaac SPARKS (1727-1788) son of William & Elizabeth SPARKS - They married in Bere Regis Dorset 13 Dec 1758 & lived at Langton Herring]

June 2 Elias son of James LODER

July 10 Thomas BOWEN from the Barracks

July 20 James PRESTON from the Barracks

Aug: 3 Thomas PATTEN from the Barracks

Aug: 15 John son of Eleanor BISHOP [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 781 on record in the Accounts for 9th Aug 1811 :John BISHOP's Coffin 14 shillings; Ditto Shroud 5 shillings and 10 Pence; Bell and Grave for J. BISHOP 2 shillings.]

Aug: 18 Elizabeth daughter of Robert and Ann ANSON from the Barracks

Aug: 22 Mary daughter of John and Mary DIMMICK from the Barracks [NBI has surname as DIMMOCK]

Sep: 5 Wallace CLARK from the Barracks

Aug: 25 Margaret Willis daughter of Margaret Willis BEDLOE from Kingston [out of date order on original - NBI has surname as WILLIS]

Sep: 8 Mary wife of William NORRIS [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 783 on record in the Accounts for 5th Sep 1811 :- "William NORRIS Wife Funeral Coffin, Shroud & Expenses £1. 8s.4d]

Oct: 16 George SPENCER from the Barracks

Oct: 16 John baseborn son of Elizabeth MILLS

Oct: 23 Thomas BISHOP from the Barracks

Nov: 3 Elizabeth daughter of James and Ann HINE

Nov: 13 Sarah daughter of William and Sarah STAYNER

Dec: 5 Rebecca BONNETT [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 789 on record in the Accounts for 22nd Nov. Rebecca BONNETT 1s (Relieved) and later same week Rebbecca BONNETT a Blanket: 11 shillings; Paid a woman attending her 1 shilling; Sacking for her bed 3 shillings: In accounts for 7th December 1811 :- "Coffin for Rebecca BONNETT [BENNETT] 14 shillings; Shroud for Ditto 5 shillings 10 Pence; Paid a woman for laying her out 2 shillings]

Dec: 10 Sarah SEAL from Salisbury

    [Start of CLDS Image 4205261_00141]

Dec: 14 George FIELD from the Barracks

Dec: 29 Alice HIDE [HYDE]


Jan: 1 Joseph son of Benjamin and Mary MUTTER

Jan: 1 James son of James and Elizabeth JOHNSON from the Barracks

Jan: 5 Rebecca daughter of James and Rebecca CROCKER

Jan: 15 George WALLIS from the Barracks

Jan: 15 Jane daughter of James and Jane BARTLETT from Dorchester [Note:- child from the marriage of James BARTLETT to his wife Jane c1800]

Jan: 22 Thomas son of Thomas and Sarah FRAMPTON

Feb: 6 Elizabeth PALMER from Bristol [Note: Sister of Rev John Palmer Vicar of Fordington - see her entry on her brothers memorial plaque inside St Georges church ---Also entry in Salisbury & Winchester Journal 10 Feb 1812 - ]

Feb: 6 William son of John and Catharine WOODMAN from Hawkchurch

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00140]

Feb: 16 Thomas son of Robert and Sarah DAW from the Barracks

Feb: 17 David son of David and Mary CONNELL from the Barracks

Feb: 28 William IVORY from the Barracks

Mar: 3 Richard OLDIS

Mar: 11 Michael KELLY from the Barracks

Mar: 14 Samuel CARTER from the Barracks

Mar: 16 Michael son of Daniel and Catharine MACQUIRE from the Barracks

Mar: 26 John son of Joseph and Elizabeth KEECH

Mar: 29 Elizabeth daughter of Damaris CAVE

Apr: 10 Samuel WINZOR [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 798 on record in the Accounts for the period from Easter :- " For the Funeral of Samuel WINZAR =5 shillings and 8 pence: For Setting up with Samuel WINZAR 2 shillings Shroud for Samuel WINZAR 5 shillings 10 Pence. ]

Apr: 7 Charles John son of John Godfry PETERS and Frances PETERS [Out of date order on original - NBI has surname as GODFRY?]

May 3 George HOGG from the Barracks

May 3 Henry KITTLE from the Barracks

May 3 Luke baseborn son of Elizabeth STYLE

May 11 John VINCENT aged 86 [i.e. born about 1726]

May: 20 Jane daughter of Thomas and Sarah COLLINS from the Barracks

June 3 John DAY from the Barracks

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00141 & Start of Image 00142]

June 7 Joseph son of Isaac and Sarah OSMENT from Weymouth

June 11 William son of William and Elizabeth ARNOLD from the Barracks

June 11 Grace daughter of Jonathan and Ann HARGRAVE from the Barracks

June 28 Elizabeth daughter of Anthony and Jane DONLEVY from the Barracks

Aug: 22 John William HORNER from the Barracks

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00142 - following statement on Image 00143]

    A True Copy of the Parish Register of Fordington in the County of Dorset, and peculiar jurisdiction of the Reverend and Worshipful the Dean of Sarum from the 31st of August 1809 to the 26th of August 1812 inclusive

    [Start of CLDS Image 4205261_00155]

Sep: 3 Sarah wife of John BAVES [BEAVIS] [NBI incorrectly has the surname DAVIS] [Note Sarah BEAVIS nee MATTHEWS the wife of John BEAVIS (1757-1813) who married at St Georges Church in Fordington on 5th Nov 1780]

Sep: 10 Susanna wife of Henry DURDEN

Sep: 13 Elizabeth daughter of William and Martha DART [Note: Elizabeth was baptised on 27 May 1811 the 2nd child from the marriage of William DART to Martha READER in Fordington on 13th Dec 1803]

Sep: 27 Jonathan FUDGE [Note:- Johnathan FUDGE (bur.1812) had married Mary LOCK (1742-1815) at FStG on 16-Apr 1759 ] [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 809 of 1029 on record in the Accounts for the period 30th Aug to 2nd Oct 1812. Four separate entries not together "Expenses of John FUDGE's Funeral = 9 shillings" : "John FUDGE a Shirt = 4 shillings and 6 pence": "John FUDGE Coffin = 14 shillings": "Shroud for John FUDGE = 5 shillings and 9 pence]

Oct: 8 Mary Ann daughter of John and Mary ROLLS

Oct: 21 William son of William and Hannah BURT

Nov: 4 Sarah daughter of Thomas LOCK from Dorchester

Dec: 12 Edward son of Jeremiah and Mary CONNER, from the Barracks

Dec: 21 Elizabeth daughter of James MILFORD

Dec: 24 Elizabeth wife of Edward FOSTER aged 86 [i.e. born about c1726]

Dec: 27 Sarah daughter of Richard and Martha BURT [Note:- The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (images 816 and 817 of 1029 on record in the Accounts for the period 21st Dec 1812 up to 3rd to Jan 3rd 1813 :-Image 816: "Paid for the Funeral of Richd BURT's Child and setting up 5 shillings: Image 817 "Richd BURTT's Child - Coffin - 7shillings; ]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00155]

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