
1911 Census Index


This index was created in 2019-2020 by John Patrick & Lew Fletcher. It includes all 4691 individuals named in the 1911 census for Swanage.
The reference numbers for the census are somewhat complicated. For example page one is: RG14/PN12299/RG78PN697/RD262/SD1/ED3/SN1
For simplicity in the index, the 3 sections of Swanage have been marked a, b, c. Thus: a1-a551 (RG14/12299); b1-b543 (RG14/12300); c1-2 (RG14/12304).
Where surnames and/or first names were hard to read, efforts have been made to verify these names using other sources.
These sources include GRO birth, marriage and death records & earlier census returns etc.
Where names are known to be wrongly spelt, the correct name has been used & the wrong one shown in brackets (?). Five entries have been double indexed.
Where house names were hard to read, they have been verified using the 1911 Swanage street directory.
Where places of birth were hard to read, a Google search was used. For counties of birth, the Chapman county codes have been used to save space.
Where it was not possible to be 100% certain of a name or place, a best guess has been used and a ? will appear in the index against that entry.
Every effort has been made to get as much information as possible into the index. See the occupation & misc information column:
Married women's details for marriage years/children born/still alive/died, have been shown as for example: 23/8/6/2.
Where these details had been noted for widows, married men and widowers and crossed out by the enumerator they have been shown in brackets.
Details of a person being an (employer) or working on (own account) have been included, followed by the trade they worked in.
If only the occupation is shown, it can be assumed that the person was a worker or no other details were given.
Information on foreign born individuals has been shown by nationality, (British by parents) and/or (resident) etc.
Details of any infirmity have also been noted in this column.
There were no surnames beginning with X