
All Saints Church Burials 1654 - 1730

©Transcribed by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester from CLDS Records August 2009
Revised and checked against the National Burial Index July 2010
[Total of 1,578 Burial records - Last updated July 2024]

All Saints Church Dorchester - 2008
© 2008 Michael Russell FIPD

1. Comments by the OPC are in [square brackets in italics ]– original comments by RG Bartelott are in (rounded brackets) Please refer to comments by the Rev RG Bartelot given at the start of the Baptisms for the same period as the original scribe was only just about literate which means that in some cases well known family names are recorded in barely recognizable form.

2. Readers are reminded that the year started on 25 March not 1st January until the year 1752 as we do not have the original register showing date order it is possible for burials between 1st Jan and 24th March to be a year out.

3. The main transcription from 1653 is from a carbon copy of the typed listing by the Rev RG Bartelot done in 1908 and some letters have bled into the paper making them indistinct. The original is an alphabetical listing with burials following baptism for each letter of the alphabet - which means every entry is for a different year and because they are not easy to decipher some caution needs to be exercised & where possible the original should be consulted. The figures for sixes, fives and eights for example look very similar. Baptisms have been checked against the IGI and these include the deaths of some children so I have annotated and cross referenced entries where appropriate. An added complication is that the Rev Bartelott placed many names phonetically & some have been added later & are not in order. I have therefore chosen to return the listing to date order in common with all other transcriptions on this site.

4. This listing has now (July 2010) been checked against the National Burial Register (NBI) which not surprisingly shows many different interpretations in spelling and some additional entries. The NBI has a few entries for 1613 - 1635 which have been taken from John Hurchins'The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' as Bartelot's transcription did not cover these years, but they are included below suitably annotated. I have commented where there are differences between this listing and the NBI and they have some entries which are clearly illegible in Bartelot's transcription leading me to believe that the NBI may have been taken from a different copy or original documentation. The NBI transcription has not been done by someone with knowledge of the family names exiting at this time in Dorchester and I have said where I think their version is incorrect and in no way imply any criticism of their transcription - it is always best to check the originals if you can.

PRISONERS buried at All Saints Church
Note:- The old Goal used to be in All Saints Parish. There is a picture of it in Dorchester Museum.

March 2012 - These transcriptions have now been checked against the original parish registers and any alternations necessary made to the file. M Russell OPC

Known to have been buried at All Saints Church prior to surviving parish registers:-

1434 John WELFORD (Note:- See Charter 479 - In his Will "my body to buried in the cemetery of All Saints Dorchester" )

1574 John VYNIE [VINE] weaver of Dorchester - See Wills Index for his will dated 4th June 1574 proved 24th Nov 1574 in which he states "My bodie to be buried in the church of all Saints in Dorchester"

1587/8 Peter GOODFELLOW a baker of Dorchester - See Will dated 25 Nov 1587 and proved on 31 Jan 1587/8 - almost certainly buried at All Saints will states "To my own Parish of All Saints 6p; To the Poor of All Saints 4 bushells of wheat distributed by Overseers".

1586 Rycharde [Richard] WYLLI'MS [WILLIAMS] of Dorchester, Dorset - See Will dated 08 June 1585 Proved 23 July 1586 states "To buried in the chuyrchyard of All Saints in Dorchester".

1613 Peter CHUBB (NBI & Hutchins page 378)

1617 Robert CHEEK (NBI & Hutchins page 378) (Note;- this is an incorrect transcription by NBI - we know from William Whiteway's diary that he died on 8 Oct 1627- he was master of the Free School in Dorchester - See Rev Robert Cheeke MA (1572-1627 )

1617 Matthew CHUBB (NBI & Hutchins page 378) (Note:- [ See Wills Index Will proved 15 July 1617]

1618 Thomas BASLARD (NBI & Hutchins page 378)

1627 Margaret CHUBB (NBI & Hutchins page 378)(Note:- [Margaret CHUBB's death is recorded in William WHITEWAY's diary for 8th Jan 1627/28. See transcription of her Will proved 14 May 1628]

1632 Matthew CHUBB (NBI & Hutchins page 378)(Note:- This is a close relation of Matthew CHUBB(1547-1617) who was adopted as heir by Margaret - it is recorded in William WHITEWAY's diary as 8 March 1632/3)

1635 James BAMFIELD (NBI & Hutchins page 378)

COMMENTS:- by The Rev:- RG BARTELOTT at the start of the register:-
For Field Club 20.130 -
From Register of All Saints now missing. Quoted by Mr. Miles BARNES who had seen the register:-
    (1645 "Mr Stephen Thomas THORINGTON buried October 13 at which time the plague of Pestilence was here and in twelve months there died 52 people whose names are not inserted; the old clerk being dead who had the notes...) N.B. 48 burials at Trinity in 1645 about 12 above the average. Rev John WHITE Rector of St Peters & Trinity refers to it in 1647 "Pestilence which broke upon you several times & by several ways gleaned only a few among you here & there at that time when some other towns were almost laid waste by the stroke of God's hand".


11 Jun 1654 - John DRAYTON the younger buried the 11 of June (first entry) (PR)

22 Jun 1654 - Susanah the daughter of Jeremiah CONWAY buried the 22 of June (PR) [Note:- Born 17 April 1654 & baptised All Saints 15 May 1654]

25 Oct 1654 - Benjamin the son of Robert LININGTON buried the 25 of October (PR)

11 Dec 1654 - Gillbert GRAY buried the 11 of December (PR)

17 Dec 1654 - Joan the daughter of John EDWARDS buried the 17 of December (PR)

05 Feb 1654/5 - Mary the wife of John BUSHROD the elder buried the 5 of February (PR) [Note:- 1st wife of John BUSHROD (1612-1683/4) ]

06 Feb 1654/5 - Orben BULL buried the 6 of February (PR)

11 Feb 1654/5 - Agnes the wife of Robert HELLARD buried the 11 of February (PR)


20 Apr 1655 - Mary the daughter of Alexander BILES buried the 20 of Aprill (PR) [Note:- Mary was the daughter of Alexander BILES and Dorothy Strong. Her father Alexander was buried All Saints 30n June 1682]

10 May 1655 - John WHITE the elder buried the 10 of May (PR) [Note:- National Archives have a will for a John White of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, Dorset - will proved 20 Aug 1655 Ref PROB 11/244 which might be him]

05 Jun 1655 - James WOODCOCKE buried the 5 of June (PR)

08 Jun 1655 - James the son of James KEECH buried the 8 of June (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname as PEECH - Keech is a known family in Dorchester]

24 Jun 1655 - Edeth the wife of George HELLARD buried the 24 of June (PR)

27 Jun 1655 - Joane BROWNE "a prisnor" buried the 27 of June (PR)

09 Aug 1655 - Ester the wife of Richard WHITLE buried the 9 of Auust (PR)

09 Dec 1655 - Robert the son of Robert EDWARDS buried the 9 of December (PR)

14 Dec 1655 - Samuel the son of Thomas MELLER buried the 14 of December (PR) [Note:- NBI has recorded under MILLER; IGI has his baptism as 12 Dec 1655 under Samuell MELLER ]

02 Feb 1655/6 - Joane the wife of Henery HELLARD buried the 2 of February (PR)

08 Mar 1655/6 - The widdow SHEPPARD buried the 8 of March (PR)


13 Apr 1656 - Ann BUTLER buried the 13 of Aprill (PR)

11 May 1656 - Mary the wife of William HAYWARD buried the 11 of May (PR)

12 May 1656 - Widdow RIGHTON buried the 12 of may (PR)

05 Aug 1656 - Rebeckah the wife of Thomas CLENCH buried the 5 of August (PR) [Note:- NBI has Christian name as Rebechak]

13 Oct 1656 - Richard BUTLER the elder was buried the 13 of October (PR)

14 Oct 1656 - William CLENCH buried the 14 of October (PR) [NBI has surname DENCH?]

11 Jan 1656/7 - Elezabeth the wife of Edward HILL buried the 11 of January (PR)

16 Jan 1656/7 - Elezabeth the wife of William FFOOKE buried the 16 of January (PR)

17 Jan 1656/7 - John the sonne of Thomas SANDERS buried the 17 of January (PR)

05 Mar 1656/7 - Peter WHITE buried the 5 of March (PR)


29 Aug The widdow BAKER buried the 29 of August (PR)

12 Jan 1657/8 - John RUSSELL buried the 12 of January (PR)

14 Jan 1657/8 - Elizabeth the wife of William FFOOKE buried the 14 of January (PR)

14 Jan 1657/8 - Robert HELLARD buried the 14 of January (PR)


02 Feb 1658/9 - Joane the wife of Joseph GRAY buried the 2 of February (PR)

07 Feb 1658/9 - Phelip [Philip] HULIT buried the 7 of February (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname HALIT]

08 Feb 1658/9 - Christopher the sonne of Christopher STEAVENS buried the 8 of February (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname STEVENS]

25 Feb 1658/9 - Mickell FOOKE buried the 25 of February (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has Michell FOOSE ]

02 Mar 1658/9 - (Christian name omitted) the son of Joseph GRAY buried the 2 of March (PR)

1659 [Records not survived]

1660 [Records not survived]

1661 [Records not survived]

07 May 1661 - Henery son of Richard WHITTLE buried 7 of May (PR)


29 Mar 1662 - Robert the sonn of Robert PHEPIT buried the 19th March (PR)

30 Mar 1662 - Nicholas ROSSE [i.e. ROSE] buriedthe 30 of March (PR)

07 May 1662 - Robert the sonn of Ambrose ROAGERS [ROGERS] buried the 7 of May (PR)

11 July 1662 - Henery WOODCOCKE buried the 11 of July (PR)

15 July 1662 - Ann the daughter of Ann WOODCOCKE widow buried the 15 of July (PR)

17 Aug 1662 - Robert FFOOKE buried the 17 of August (PR) [Note NBI incorrectly has surname as FFARK]

14 Sep 1662 - Joseph TAYLER [TAYLOR] buried the 14 of September (PR)

17 Sep 1662 - Grace DRAYTON widow buried the 22 of September (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has Christian name as Jane which relates to the following burial]

22 Sep 1662 - Jane ALLER buried the 22 of September (PR)

01 Nov 1662 - Mr. TASWELL a draper buried the 1 of November (PR)

12 Nov 1662 - Mary the daughter of Mr. Christopher LAWRENCE buried the 12 of Novembner (PR)

14 Dec 1662 - George MARTEN buried (PR) [RGB has christian name as Leadya but I agree with George as per NBI]

14 Dec 1662 - "a child of John DALLYS buried the 14 of December (PR) [Note:- May have been still born and hence not baptised with a Chruistian name]

04 Jan 1662/3 - Jonas the sonn of Jonas BECKAM buried the 4 of January (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as PECHAM]

25 Jan 1662/3 - Joane the daughter of John BARTLET was buried the 25 of January (PR) [Note born 28 Mar 1655 & Baptised at All Saints Church on 23 May 1655 -- 1st child from the marriage of - John BARTLETT to Humility PERRAM at HT on 12th Feb 1654/5]]

24 Feb 1662/3 - John the sonn of Richard DOWLE buried the 24 of January (PR)

03 Mar 1662/3- Honor the wife of William GALTON buried the 3 of March (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as BALTON]

18 Mar 1662/3 - Mathew BINIT buried the 18 of March (PR)

22 Mar 1662/3 - Thomas the sonn of Richard HOPKINS buried the 22 of March (PR)


22 Apr 1663 - Jane the wife of John BARTLET the elder buried the 22 of Aprill (PR) [Note:-I have not been able to locate a marriage between a John Bartlett and a Jane or Joane in Dorset. Wife of John BARTLETT the Elder buried at All Saints 9th March 1698/9]

22 Apr 1663 - Joane the wife of Henry WOODCOCKE buried the 22 of Aprill (PR)

05 Jun 1663 - Thomas GRINDHAM buried the 5 of June (PR)

20 Jun 1663 - Mary the daughter of Roger FFOOKE buried the 20 (PR)

29 Jun 1663 - Robert BELLIT buried the 29 of June (PR)

01 July 1663 - William DRY buried the 1 of July (PR)

    [Note:- See pages 138 and 237 of 'Fire from Heaven' by David Underdown - he was a tailor by trade, churchwarden 3 times and overseer of the poor 3 times between 1637-1654. He left a will available at National Archives " Will of William Dry Inholder of Dorchester Dorset - proved 30 Oct 1663 Ref PROB 11/312. NBI incorrectly has surname as FRY]

12 July 1663 - Sissillia the wife of William BARTLET buried the 12 of July (PR) [Note:- William BARTLET (the Younger) of All Saints Parish & Sisly HARBEN from Charminster were married at All Saints on 22 of September 1657]

12 Aug 1663 - The widdow WAY was buried the 12 of August (PR)

23 Aug 1663 - Thomas HELLARD buried the 23 of August (PR)

01 Sep 1663 - Elizabeth the daughter of Mr. CRANE buried the 1 of September (PR)

20 Sep 1663 - William BARTLET the younger buried the 20 of September (PR) [Note:- William Bartlet the Younger was baptised at Holy Trinity 15th Nov 1635 the son of William BARTLETT the Elder & Christian WILLS and was the husband of Sisly shown above]

23 Oct 1663 - Elizabeth wife of John HELLARD seneyer [senior] buried the 23 of October (PR)

26 Oct 1663 - Judeth the wife of Thomas GRINDHAM buried the 26 of October (PR)

31 Nov 1663 - Joane wife of Michaell FOOKE buried the 31? of November (PR)

20 Dec 1663 - Sarah the wife of Israel SHEAPPARD buried the 20 of December (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname as SHEPPARD - He remarried to Ann Peach at AS on 19th may 1664]

23 Dec 1663 - Samuel COLE buried the 23 of September (PR)

23 Dec 1663 - Robart GILLIT buried the 23 of September (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as BILLIT]

18 Jan 1663/4 - Margery the wife of Phillip ELLAT buried the 18 of January (PR)

24 Jan 1663/4 - Bersheba the daughter of John DALLY buried the 24 of January (PR)

24 Jan 1663/4 - Christian the daughter of William BARTLET the elder buried the 24 of January (PR) [Note:- daughter of William BARTLETT and Christian Wills who married at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 6th July 1635]


01 Apr 1664 - Joane DRY the younger buried the 1 of April (PR)

06 Apr 1664 - Joane DRY the elder buried the 6 of April (PR)

11 May 1664 - Timothy the sonn of William LESSTER buried the 11 of May (PR)

12 May 1664 - Margaret the daughter of Lawrence RIGHTON buried the 12 of May (PR) [See Notes on the family against bap of Laurence RIGHTON 9 Jun 1658]

16 May 1664 - James the sonn of Robert POUNCY buried the 16 of May (PR)

01 Jun 1664 - Christian the wife of Henery CHAPPLE buried the 1 of June (PR)

22 Aug 1664 - Joane the daughter of John ALLFORD Sen buried the 20 of August (PR)

18 Sep 1664 - Thomas the sonne of John BARTLET buried the 18 of September (PR) [Note:- 1st known child from the marriage of John BARTLETT (bur.1678) to Deans Unknown (bur.1706/7)]

09 Oct 1664 - Mary the daughter of Rose COALMAN buried the 9 of October (PR)

11 Nov 1664 - Thomas the sonn of Joseph & Sara WHITLE was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI correctly has birth as 29 Mar 1655 and baptism as 18 Apr 1655]

27 Nov 1664 - John MERRIFIELD buried (PR)

08 Dec 1664 - William son of Edward CHEAPMAN & Ann his wife buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 3 Dec 1664 & NBI has surname CHAPMAN]

08 Jan 1664/5 - John ALLFORD the younger buried (PR)

09 Jan 1664/5 - (omitted) the daughter of Mores GINKINS & Joane his wife was buried (PR) [Note:- This may be Aves the daughter of Morrel GINKINS bap 26 Jul 1663 - but NBI has 2 burials one with no Christian name and one as Joane JINKINS which I think is an incorrect ref to his wifes name]

10 Feb 1664/5 - William HAYWARD the elder buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills Index for Letter of Administration granted for his estate to his lawful widow & relict Christiam HAYWARD on 15th December 1665 - she appears to have lived another 39 years being buried at All Saints on 7th Aug 1704]

15 Feb 1664/5 - William GINKINS [i.e. JINKINS or JENKINS] buried (PR)

16 Mar 1664/5 - Elizabeth the wife of John STEAVENS was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname as STEVENS]


03 Apr 1665 - Jane the daughter of Roger & Sarah FOOKE was buried (PR) [Note:- born 26th December 1656]

16 Apr 1655 - Margaret the daughter of Lawrence & Dorithe [Dorithy] RIGHTON was buried (PR) [See Notes on the family against bap of Laurence RIGHTON 9 Jun 1658]

06 July 1665 - Prudence the (omitted) of Philip TAYLER [TAYLOR] was buried (PR)

07 July 1665 - Thomas SANDERS was buried (PR)

07 July 1665 - John STRONG was buried (PR)

26 July 1665 - Joanah the wife of Samuall WILLIAMS was buried (PR)

11 Feb 1665/6 - Joane the wife of John STRONG was buried (PR)

1666 [Note:- previous burial was the last on the page and 1666 continues overleaf (on the back of the same page) so there does not appear to have been any burials prior to September - or at least none recorded in the register]

23 Sep 1666 - Sarah daughter of Nicholas & Judith SLADE buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 16 Jan 1665/66]

10 Oct 1666 - Jone the wife of Julian HOBBES was buried (PR)

23 Oct 1666 - Elizabeth the wife of Mathew POUNCY was buried (PR)

28 Oct 1666 - Margaret the wife of Richard PALL [PAUL] was buried (PR) {Note:- Richard PAUL of Dorchester married Margaret SAMWAYES of Melcombe Regis at Charminster on 6th Oct 1659 and had 2 children baptised at All Saints]

06 Dec 1666 - Morgan the sonn of Thomas PETTY was buried (PR)

14 Dec 1666 - Johnathan PHEPARD was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has Pheryard JONATHAN?]

05 Jan 1666/7 - John MERRIFIELD was buried (PR)

20 Jan 1666/7 - Joane the wife of Passivall [i.e. Percival] COALE was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname COALD?]

12 Feb1666/7 - Richard HUMBER 'a prisoner' was buried (PR)

11 Mar 1666/7 - William the son of John SNOOKE & Susanna his wife was buryed (PR)

13 Mar 1666/7 - Mary the daughter of Christopher SCOTT & Joan his wife was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 10 Mar 1666/67]

1667 [Note:- The Rev RG Bartelot comments 'Great mortality 1667 June to January - query plague'.]

27 Mar 1667 - Annie the wife of William BOYSE buryed (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname BOYLE this is Ann (nee Dowle) originally from Fordington who married William BOYES at All Saints on 15th Oct 1655]

04 Apr 1667 - Peter RANDALL was buryed (PR)

26 Apr 1667 - Anne the wife of Henry SHEPHARD was buryed (PR)

28 Apr 1667 - Lydia ye daughter of Robert GRIFFEN & Hannah his wife buryed (PR) [Note there is a baptism of a Ledia daughter of Robert & Ann GRIFFEN 20 Aug 1665]

18 May 1667 - Christopher LAWRENCE Clerk was buryed (PR) (Died 15 May) (Note by Rev RG Bartelot - See Calamy II 124 Christopher LAWRENCE had been non conformist Vicar of Came.)

    [Note:- The Oxford Alumni records:- LAWRENCE, Christopher, son of Robert LAWRENCE of Dorchester, pleb. He attended the free school in Dorchester before matriculating at Queens College Oxford on 4 Nov 1631 aged 18; obtained his BA Degree 30 Jan 1634/5; Appointed Rector of Odcombe Somerset and of Langton Matravers Dorset 1656-8 and of Winterbourne Came 1658, until ejected for non-conformity in 1662; died 15 May 1667 and buried at All Saints Dorchester See Calamy II 123 & Fosters Index Eccl - Also page 639 MRD]

10 Jun 1667 - Joseph the son of Henry & Joane CROOME was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname CREAME]

12 Jun 1667 - John DALY was buried (PR)

21 July 1667 - Ralfe SHWAFELL (SWAFFIELD) a prisoner was buried (PR)

24 July 1667 - Cathren the wife of John BUSHROD yunyer [i.e. the younger] was buried (PR) [Note:- The wife of John Bushrod (1627-1670/1) the Younger who was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 24th Feb 1670/1. Catherine probably died of the plague as The Rev RG Bartleot Rector of St Georges Church in Fordington refers to great mortality June to January this year]

06 Aug 1667 - Joseph the son of Thomas FRY was buried (PR)

09 Aug 1667 - Thomas the son of John & Marie GREENE was buried (PR)

04 Sep 1667 - Henery WILCE was buried (PR)

15 Sep 1667 - Catheren daughter of Charels & Cathern ASTEN was buried (PR) [Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of Charles ASTEN to Catharine CHEPPLE at All Saints Church in 1656 - Also NBI incorrectly has surname as AFTON]

15 Sep 1667 - Mary daughter of Phelip & Alce BARTLET was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 20 Nov 1664 2nd known child of Philip & Alce BARTLETT]]

20 Sep 1667 - John DRY was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as FRY - 'Dry' is also a well known Dorchester Family]

07 Oct 1667 - Joyce the wife of William CHEAPMAN was buried (PR)

15 Oct 1667 - The widow SMIDMORE a prisoner was buried (PR) [NBI has surname as FRIDMORE?]

20 Oct 1667 - Rose the daughter of Richard & Judeth FOY was buried (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Richard FOY to Judeth BISHOP at All Saints on 14th Nov 1654 baptised AS 11 Feb 1666/67]

20 Oct 1667 - Hannah & Jane the daughters of Peter & Joane BUNN buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptisms as Hannah 1 Mar 1664/5 and Jane 19 Mar 1667]

27 Oct 1667 - Robert the son of Samuel & Joane ALLEN buried (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Samuel ALLEN to Joane MARTEN at All Saints church Dorchester 11th Dec 1656 Link to more information - NBI incorrectly has Peter ALLON]

05 Nov 1667 - Mary the daughter of Mary LEMMON buried (PR)

07 Nov 1667 - Rebecka daughter of Samuel & Joane ALLEN buried (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Samuel ALLEN to Joane MARTEN at All Saints church Dorchester 11th Dec 1656 Link to more information]

18 Nov 1667 - William WADE was buried (PR) [ See Wills Index Will proved 10 June 1668]

21 Nov 1667 - Richard WILLIAMS was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills Index for Letter of Administration granted to his relict Christian WILLIAMS on 13th June 1668]

05 Dec 1667 - Thomas son of Richard HOPKINS was buried (PR)

09 Dec 1667 - Thomas CLENCH was buried (PR)

09 Dec 1667 - Richard OLDISH a prisoner was buried (PR)

09 Dec 1667 - Elizabeth the daughter of Anthony & Mary COMBES was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 24 Jan 1666/7]

11 Dec 1667 - Hannah the wife of John KEECH was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has FEECH]

17 Dec 1667 - Richard MADITT was buried (PR)

06 Jan 1667/8 - John the son of Thomas & Elizabeth STANDISH was buried (PR)

22 Jan 1667/8 - Edward SMALE a prisner was buried (PR)

27 Jan 1667/8 - The widdow LAURENC [i.e. LAWRENCE] was buried (PR)

04 Feb 1667/8 - Margaret the daughter of Robert & Elizabeth LILLINGTON buried (PR) [Note:- baptism 5 Sep 1665 ]

14 Feb 1667/8 - Marie the wife of Anthony COMBES was (PR) buried [Note:- NBI incorrectly has Maria COMB]

03 Mar 1667/8 - Elizabeth the daughter of Abraham FFORRESTER deceased & Abigail his widdow was buried (PR)

    [Note:- Abraham FORRESTER (1622-1663) was born on 25th March 162 the son of Abraham FORRESTER MA the Rector of Folke in Dorset who baptised his son in his church of St Lawrence Folke on 3rd April. His grandfather was William FORRESTER of London MD. He studied at Wadham College where he matriculated 20th March 1639/40 at the age of 17. Abraham FORRESTER the younger married Abigaile LYFORD of Sherborne at Folke on 20th day of Dec 1653. Abraham Forester of Sherborne recorded as the son of Abraham FORRESTER the Rector of Folke was buried at Folke on 11th July 1663]

04 Mar 1667/8 - Robert the son of Robert & Joane FOOKE was buried (PR)

13 Mar 1667/8 - Joane the daughter of Jonas & Margaret BECKAM buried [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as FECHUM which is what it does look like but Jonas BECKHAM was buried AS 28th Feb 1694/5]


29 Mar 1668 - Ffrannces [i.e. Francis] the sonn of John FFOSTER Jun? buried (PR)

11 Apr 1668 - John WILLS alias MOREY was buryed (PR)

16 Apr 1668 - Barbara the daughter of John & Prisilla DOWLE buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 11 Oct 1663]

25 Apr 1668 - Robert STROUD a prisoner was buryed (PR)

05 Jun 1668 - John OLDIGE was buryed (PR)

12 Jun 1668 - John the sonn of John & Alce CEPLAY was buryed (PR)

21 Jun 1668 - Elizabeth daughter of Philip & Edith ROW buryed (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 14 Jun 1668 - NBI has date 2nd June?]

27 Jun 1668 - Thomas FFUDGE a prisoner buryed (PR)

05 July 1668 - Elianor the daughter of George HELLARD buryed (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 30 Mar 1657 - NBI has Eleanor HALLARD]

12 July 1668 - James the sonn of Thomas & Elizabeth STANDISH buryed (PR) [NBI incorrectly has surname as STAND]

18 July 1668 - John sonn of John KEECH buryed (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 11 Dec 1667]

21 July 1668 - Sarah KINGMAN was buryed (PR) [NBI has surname as LONGMAN?]

23 July 1668 - Ann the daughter of William BARTLETT buryed (PR) [Note:- Thought to be 3rd child from 2nd marriage of William BARTLETT the Edler (1609-1687/8) to Edeth c1663]

16 Aug 1668 - Thomas sonn of Philip & Edeth ROWE buryed (PR)

30 Aug 1668 - Robert sonn of Nicholas & Elizabeth CONAWAY buryed (PR)

11 Sep 1668 - Janne BONDE widdow was buried (PR) [Note:- there is the following entry in the burial Register for St Peters Church Dorchester:- "11th Sep 1668 Mrs Jane BOND widow buried in the parish of All Saints" - Also See Wills index Letter of Administration granted to her principal creditor Ann Forward 1st Feb 1669]

29 Sep 1668 - Mary (?) the daughter of John & Cleare EDWARDS was buried [Note:- Mary the daughter of John EDWARDS was baptised All Saints Parish 10 Jan 1663/4]

03 Oct 1668 - Robert SYMONDS a prisoner was buried (PR)

22 Nov 1668 - Tamsen the wife of Richard HILGROVE was buryedd (PR)

08 Dec 1668 - Mathew the sonne of John & Pressillor DOWLE buryedd (PR) [Note:- Baptism 14 Jun 1668]

12 Jan 1668/9 - John SEALEY a prisoner was buryed (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as DEFFEY]

13 Jan 1668/9 - Samewell [Samuel] the sonn of Samewell & Joane ALLEN buryed (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Samuel ALLEN to Joane MARTEN at All Saints church Dorchester 11th Dec 1656 Link to more information]

13 Jan 1668/9 - Elizabeth KINGE was buryed (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname as LING]

22 Jan 1668/9 - John ROGERS was buryed (PR)

22 Jan 1668/9 - Robert a bastard childe of Dorathey HODDER was buryed (PR)

07 Feb 1668/9 - Julynes HOBBES was buryed (PR)

14 Feb 1668/9 - Thomas GENGE a prisoner was buryed (PR)

15 Feb 1668/9 - Samewell the son of William & Angell GALTON buryed (PR) [Note:- bap AS 16th March 1668/9 ?]

Dorchester Trade Token dated 1669

Around the outside it says "DORCHESTER ARMES OF" on the front
and "A DORCHESTER FARTHING" on the back

12 Apr 1669 - John the sonn of John & Leadya TUCKER buryed (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 14 Jul 1668]

16 Apr 1669 - Biniamen CARINGTON senior buried (PR) [Note:- Biniamen may be illiterate hand for Benjamen as a Benjamin Carrington was baptised in All Saints the son of a Richard & Judeth Carington on 26 Jul 1674 - If they are a relation child may have been named after him]

25 May 1669 - Robert sonn of Thomas & Jane MILLER buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 26 Jul 1668]

    04 Jun 1669 - John ZEALY died in Dorchester Goal admon granted to Samuel HALSELBER of Dorchester principal creditor ---Not in PR at this date?

01 Sep 1669 - Phelip [Philip] TAYLER [TAYLOR] was buried (PR)

13 Oct 1669 - John WHITE was buried (PR)

13 Oct 1669 - Sissiliah the wife of Zakery BROWES was buried (PR) [Note:- Zakeriah (Zachariah) BROWES & Sisiliah SMITH were married at All Saints April the 28 1666]

19 Oct 1669 - Edith the daughter of Peter & Joane BUNN was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 16 Aug 1663]

25 Oct 1669 - Alce SHORTE widdow was buried (PR)

26 Oct 1669 - Marie the wife of Thomas BARTLET was buried (PR) [Note:- Marie had a son Edward Bartlett baptised at All Saints on 26th Sep 1669, so her death a month later is likely to be because of complications with the birth as Edward also died being buried at All Saints on 19th Feb 1670/1]

07 Nov 1669 - Thamsan COX widdow was buried (PR)

14 Nov 1669 - Richard ELLAS was buried (PR)

16 Nov 1669 - Sarah OLDISH widdow was buried (PR)

24 Nov 1669 - Marie the wife of William HART buried (PR)

10 Jan 1669/70 - Sarah the daughter of Joseph & Maria TAYLOR was buried (PR)

11 Jan 1669/70 - James TRAYFOOT was buried (PR) [Note;- NBI incorrectly has date as 14th Jan]

14 Jan 1669/70 - Richard HELLGROVE was buried (PR)

16 Jan 1669/70 - William sonn of Lawrence & Dorithe RIGHTON was buried (PR) [See Notes on the family against baptism of Laurence RIGHTON 9 Jun 1658]

17 Jan 1669/70 - Ffrances SEAWARD widdow was buried (PR)

04 Feb 1669/70 - Marie the daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth BARTLET buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 30 Jan 1669/70][Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas BARTELOT to Elizabeth PITTS at Charminster on 9th Sep 1663]

09 Feb 1669/70 - Marie the daughter of Robert & Margaret BUNN was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 14 Mar 1669]

25 Feb 1669/70 - John SPRACKLEN the elder was buried (PR)

27 Feb 1669/70 - Fillas (Philles) MORIE was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has Filles MORRIS?]

16 Mar 1669/70 - Ann the daughter of John & Frances CLARKE buried (PR)

24 Mar 1669/70 - Frances daughter of Mr. Richard & Christian WINE buried (PR) [Note:- baptism 8 Mar 1668/69 - NBI incorrectly has surname as VINE. Richard Wine was Rector of All Saints between 1663 and 1687]


05 May 1670 - Sarah the wife of Roger FFOUKE [FOOK] was buried (PR)

03 Aug 1670 - Jane the wife of Nathaniel GRINDHAM was buried (PR)

19 Aug 1670 - Constanc BELLIT widdow buried (PR)

21 Aug 1670 - Catheren HEWLITT widdow was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has HUNLITT]

22 Aug1670 - Luce the daughter of Richard & Jurdan OLDISH was buried (PR)

23 Aug 1670 - Margaret daughter of Margaret HELLARD was buried (PR)

02 Sep 1670 - Joseph TAYLER was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for a Letter of Administration granted to his widow and relict Mary [Mariam] TAYLOR dated 5th dec 1670]

12 Sep 1670 - Water [i.e. Walter] HEWETT was buried (PR)

27 Sep 1670 - Barbara wife of William BAGWELL was buried (PR)

12 Oct 1670 - William PYNE (possibly DYNE) a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname OYNE]

20 Oct 1670 - Leonard BUNTER a prisnor buried (PR)

06 Nov 1670 - Henery SHEAPPARD was buried (PR)

22 Nov 1670 - Elizabeth CONWAY widdow was buried (PR)

24 Nov 1670 - John BUSHROD Junior was buried (PR) [Note:- Likely to have been the eldest son of John BUSHROD (1627-1670/1) the Younger - See his burial 24th Feb 1670/1 below]

09 Dec 1670 - Joardan the wife of Richard OLDISH was buried (PR)

11 Dec 1670 - Joan the wife of William COLMAN was buried (PR)

18 Dec 1670 - Elnor FOOTE widdow was buried (PR)

21 Dec 1670 - Thomas STRONGWAY a prisner was buried (PR) [Note:- John Hutchins in his 'The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' lists this as Thomas STANGEWAYS, a prisoner]

23 Dec 1670 - William HENFIELD a prisner was buried (PR)

19 Feb 1670/1 - Edward the sonn of Thomas BARTLET buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 26 Sep 1669 - Link to baptism of Edward Bartlett ]

24 Feb 1670/1 - John BUSHROD the younger was buried (PR)

    [Note:- Catherin the wife of John Bushrod (1627-1670/1) the younger probably died from the plague as she was buried at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 24th July 1667 when there was great mortality].

26 Feb 1670/1 - John STEAVENS was buried (PR)

06 Mar 1670/1 - Marie MICHELL the elder was buried (PR)


07 May 1671 - Thomas WALBRIDG the elder was buried (PR)

13 May 1671 - Anne RIGHTON was buried (PR) [See Notes on the family against baptism of Laurence RIGHTON 9 Jun 1658]

22 May 1671 - John the sonn of Robert & Elizebeth LININGTON was buried (PR)

24 May 1671 - Cathren the wife of Richard BUTLER was buried (PR)

25 May 1671 - Grace TOOGOOD widdow buried (PR)

20 Jun 1671 - William sonn of Robert & Elezabeth SHORTO was buried (PR)

01 Aug 1671 - Tamsen the wife of Phelip BANKS was buried (PR)

26 Aug 1671 - Edeth STRONG Widdow was buried (PR)

24 Sep 1671 - Christopher sonn of Thomas FFRY buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 1 Jan 1662/63]

23 Oct 1671 - Ann wife of John SELY was buried (PR)

23 Nov 1671 - Ellas EVERIT was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills Index where there is a Letter of Administration taken out for an Ellis EVERARD of Dorchester by his principal creditor Thomas DELACOURT od Dorchester Gent. This is the only likely burial I located]

04 Dec 1671 - Elsyebeth the daughter of John BUSHROD Junior was buried (PR) [Link to comments about John Bushrod (1627-1670/1) the Younger and his possible son John Bushrod Junior and perhaps her baptism in 1668]

08 Dec 1671 - Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth WALBRIDG buried (PR)

26 Dec 1671 - Danell [Daniel] sonn of Denas [Dennis] & Joane WHITE was buried (PR)

05 Mar 1671/2 - Joane daughter of Charles & Joane ALLEN buried (PR) [Note:- See comments about this family via this link]

10 Mar 1671/2 - John the sonn of Christopher & Joane SCOTT was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 16 Jul 1671]

19 Mar 1671/2 - William FACY was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as FARY]


19 Apr 1672 - Zakeryah [i.e. Zachariah] BROWS [i.e. PROWSE] was buried (PR)

20 Apr 1672 - Peter BUNN was buried (PR)

23 Apr 1672 - Marie the daughter of Ann BAYLAN (sic) widdow was buried (PR)

03 May 1672 - John GAWLER (or GAVELER) was buried (PR)

04 Jun 1672 - William the sonn of Thomas MILLER & Jane his wife was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 10 Apr 1670]

18 Jun 1672 - Esther SANDERS widdow was buried (PR)

26 Jun 1672 - Lasarus the sonn of Lazarus MORES & Ann his wife buried (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Lazarus MOORES to Ann DENT at All Saints on 4th April 1670 baptised 2 Jun 1672]

28 Jul 1672 - Thomas the sonn of Nathaniel GRINDHAM buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has birth as 1st May 1663 and Baptism as 7 May 1663]

30 Jul 1672 - Ann the wife of Nicholas DOWLE buried (PR)

16 Aug 1672 - Elnor STANDISH was buried (PR)

23 Sep 1672 - Elizabeth the wife of Marshall MABER was buried (PR) [Note husband Marshall MABER buried 23 Mar 1674/75]

29 Sep 1672 - Dianah the wife of Richard EDWARDS was buried (PR)

05 Oct 1672 - Marie the wife of Peter WILLS was buried (PR)

21 Nov 1672 - Elizabeth the daughter of Andrew LODER & Marie his wife was buried (PR)

17 Jan 1672/3 - William DEMMENT buried (PR)

18 Jan 1672/3 - Marie HEWITT was buried (PR)

22 Jan 1672/3 - Marie the daughter of Daniell & Cathren TOOPE buried (PR) [See Biography of Bernard Toupe 1587-1635]

05 Feb 1672/3 - Susana the wife of Ffrances [i.e. Francis] GIE was buried (PR)

12 Feb 1672/3 - Robert the son of Joseph & Jane RIALL was buried (PR)

26 Feb 1672/3 - William the sonn of Philip & Edeth ROW was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 23 May 1671]

07 Mar 1672/3 - Sarah COX widdow was buried (PR)

09 Mar 1672/3 - Joane the daughter of John & Joane GAYLARD was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has and surname as GAILARD and baptism as 10 Mar 1671/72]

11 Mar 1672/3 - Bridgett the wife of John WILCE was buried (PR)


04 May 1673 - Elizabeth the wife of George WHITE was buried (PR)

04 May 1673 - Jane the daughter of John & Frances AMME was buried (PR)

11 May 1673 - Alce BARBAR [BARBER] widdow was buried (PR)

21 May 1673 - William the sonn of Ann HAGARD widow was buried (PR)

21 May 1673 - Josiah the sonn of Lawrence & Dorithe RIGHTON was buried (PR) [Note:- baptism 2 Aug 1667 - Also see notes against baptism of Laurence RIGHTON 9 June 1658]

22 May 1673 - William POOLE a stranger was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname POOK?]

13 Jun 1673 - Thamason the daughter of Richard & Judeth CARINGTON was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 11 Jun 1673]

03 July 1673 - A child of John PARSONS was buried (PR)

22 July 1673 - Alce the daughter of Robert & Joane FFOOKE was buried (PR) [Note IGI has baptism as 12 Jul 1669]

03 Aug 1673 - Marie the daughter of Robert & Joane FFOOKE was buried (PR) FOOKE

10 Aug 1673 - John the sonn of Salathiel & Elizabeth NORRES was buried (PR)

10 Aug1673 - Marie the daughter of Arthur & Deborah SPEED was buried (PR)

18 Aug 1673 - Jane the daughter of John & Leadya TUCKER was buried (PR)

03 Sep 1673 - Elizabeth WHITE widdow was buried (PR)

25 Sep 1673 - John the sonn of John & Cathren POTT was buried (PR) [ Note:- IGI has baptism as 26 Jun 1673 - Note NBI incorrectly has surname as PUTT]

05 Oct 1673 - Marie the daughter of Philip & Elizabeth BARTLET was buried (Sic) (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about Philip BARTLETT have checked original register clearly written as Philip and Elizabeth]

15 Oct 1673 - Margery the wife of Peter STANDISH was buried (PR) [Note:- Wife of Peter STANDISH who was buried at All Saints Dorchester 09 Dec 1680 see Strays index for their marriage in 1665]

30 Nov 1673 - Hugh EATEN was buried (PR) [Note;- NBI incorrectly has Christian name as Huge] [Note:- See Wills Index for Letter of Administration granted for his estate to Margaret EATTEN on 18th Feb 1673]

01 Jan 1673/4 - Marie WHITE widdow was buried (PR)

15 Jan 1673/4 - Uret the wife of William SCRIVEN was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname GRILLEN]

20 Jan 1673/4 - John ALLFORD the elder was buried (PR)

09 Mar 1673/4 - Moses the sonn of Nicholas & Judeth SLADE was buried (PR)

09 Mar 1673/4 - Elizabeth daughter of James & Elizabeth KING was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 14 Jun 1668 - NBI incorrectly has surname of KINGMAN]


30 Mar 1674 - Joane HARVIE widdow buried (PR)

26 Apr 1674 - Sarah the wife of William VINSON was buried (PR)

03 May 1674 - Jane daughter of Thomas & Jane MILLER was buried (PR) [Note:- Baptism of Jane d of Thomas & Joane Miller 5 May 1672 - Joane and Jane were often interchangeable and as far as I can see there was only a Thomas & Jane Miller having children in the parish so this is likely to be their daughters death]

14 Aug 1674 - Elizabeth the daughter of Emm MORES buried (PR) [Note:- An Emm MORE widdow was buried 31 May 1675]

25 Aug 1674 - Marie OLDIS [ie OLDISH] widdow was buried (PR)

03 Sep 1674 - George the sonn of John & Presilliah DOWLE was buried (PR) [Note:- baptism 13 Oct 1672]

16 Sep 1674 - The widdow EDWARDS was buried (PR)

20 Sep 1674 - Beniamin the son of Thomas & Elizabeth FRY was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 24 Aug 1673]

29 Sep 1674 - Barbara DEMMENT widdow was buried (PR)

12 Nov 1674 - Robert GRIFFEN was buried (PR)

20 Dec 1674 - Agnes the wife of John GILLINGHAM was buried (PR)

02 Jan 1674/5 - Elizabeth the daughter of Robert ELLAT was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 4 Dec 1674]

04 Jan 1674/5 - Thomas SHORTO was buried (PR)

23 Jan 1674/5 - John HELLARD the elder was buried (PR)

12 Feb 1674/5 - Clement the sonn of Robert & Marie SEAGER was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 29 Oct 1673]

19 Mar 1674/5 - John the sonn of Morres & Marie GINKINS [JENKINS] was buried (PR) [Note IGI has baptism as 17 Feb 1670/71]

23 Mar 1674/5 - Marshall MABER the elder was buried (PR) [Note wife Elizabeth buried 23 Sep 1672]

24 Mar 1674/5 - Thomas BAYLY a prisoner was buried (PR)


31 Mar1675 - Lyanall GAYLARD a prisner was buried (PR)

01 Apr 1675 - Robert SHERING a prisner was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname PHERING]

13 Apr 1675 - Marie SORRELL a prisoner was buried (PR)

14 Apr 1675 - Thomas TURNER a prisoner was buried (PR)

23 Apr 1675 - Ann HELLARD widdow was buried (PR)

03 May 1675 - Christopher WHITE was buried (PR)

09 May 1675 - William SCREVEN [i.e. SCRIVEN] the elder was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname SCEBEN]

16 May 1675 - Eliyabeth [Elizabeth] the daughter of William BARTLET was buried (PR) [Note:- Thought to be 5th child from 2nd marriage of William BARTLETT the Edler (1609-1687/8) to Edeth c1663]

18 May 1675 - Elizabeth BURFET widdow was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname BURSET]

21 May 1675 - Marie the wife of Robert SEAGER was buried (PR)

25 May 1675 - Marie the daughter of Robert SHORTO was buried (PR)

28 May 1675 - Ann the wife of Edward CHEAPMAN was buried (PR)

31 May 1675 - Emm MORES widdow was buried (PR) [Note her daughter Elizabeth was buried 16 Aug 1674]

01 Jun 1675 - Frances GIE the elder was buried (PR) [Note:- may be male?]

04 Jun 1675 - Joane the wife of Mr John CRADOCKE was buried (PR)

06 Jun 1675 - Alexander SHERINGTON the elder was buried (PR)

13 Jun 1675 - Steven the sonn of Christopher OLDIS [i.e. OLDISH as in NBI] was buried (PR)

17 Jun 1675 - Elnor the daughter of Richard & Elnor DOWLE was buried (PR)

18 Jun 1675 - Joane the wife of Thomas BUCKLER was buried (PR)

04 Jul 1675 - Marie the wife of Robert SHEAPARD was buried (PR)

06 Jul 1675 - Hanah the daughter of Gillbert WEFFEN was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname as NESSEN which entry does look like but Weffen (ie WHIFFEN ) as entered by RGB is a known surname in Dorchester]

18 Jul 1675 - Jane the daughter of John PARSONS was buried (PR)

20 Jul 1675 - Marie the daughter of Richard EDWARDS was buried (PR)

25 Jul 1675 - Robert the sonn of Richard & Agnes HOPKINS buried (PR) [Note;- Richard & Agnes Hopkins had at least 5 children in All Saints Parish :- Wm bap 12 Apr 1668; Tho bap 17 Jul 1670; John bap 4 Feb 1671/2; Robert bap 28 Dec 1673 bur 25 Jul 1675; Marie bap 30 Jan 1675/6]

03 Aug 1675 - Jafry [i.e. Jeoffrey] WAY was buried (PR)

08 Aug 1675 - Thomas the sonn of William BOYES was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname BOYDS - Thomas was the second child from the marriage of William BOYES to Annie DOWLE at All Saints Church Dorchester on 15th Oct 1655]

18 Aug 1675 - Marie the daughter of Water [Walter] & Marie BOLES was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 12 Feb 1673/74]

22 Aug 1675 - Luke the sonn of Nicholas DOWLE was buried (PR)

12 Sep 1675 - Ann the daughter of William & Elnor LAMBERT was buried (PR) [Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of William Lambert to Elinor Hellgrove at All Saints church Dorchester on 13th Nov 1671]

19 Sep 1675 - Jane the wife of John ROBERTS was buried (PR)

20 Sep 1675 - Samuell BUSHROD was buried (PR)

04 Oct 1675 - Mrs. CHILES was buried (PR)

20 Oct1675 - William the sonn of William & Margaret BLOYES was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 19 May 1673 - NBI incorrectly has surname BLOYCE]

24 Oct 1675 - Joane SPRACKLEN widdow was buried (PR)

03 Nov 1675 - John the sonn of John CLARKE Junior was buried (PR)

26 Dec 1675 - Margaret the wife of Richard SQUIBB was buried (PR) [ Note:- Richard SQUIBB married Margaret TAILOR at All Saints Church Dorchester on 19th July 1656]

04 Jan 1675/6 - Thomas TANER a prisner was buried (PR)

13 Jan 1675/6 - George GAYLARD the elder was buried (PR)

17 Jan 1675/6 - The widdow DRY was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as FRY]

23 Jan 1675/6 - Agnes ROSE widow was buried (PR)

01 Feb 1675/6 - Richard RANDALL was buried (PR)

06 Feb 1675/6 - Ann COOKE was buried (PR)

10 Mar 1675/6 - Robert HUTTEN was buried (PR)

24 Mar 1675/6 - John the sonn of Peter STANDISH was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 25 Mar 1668 he is the 2nd child from the marriage of Peter STANDISH to Margaret DAN (or DAW) at Sydling St Nicholas on 22nd Nov 1673 see Strays index for more info.]


30 Apr 1676 - Ann the wife of Israell SHEAPARD was buried (PR) [Note:- Israel SHEPPARD married twice his 1st wife Sarah was buried AS 20th Dec 1663 and he remarried to Ann Peach at AS on 19th May 1664]

07 May 1676 - John the son of Christopher & Joane SCOTT was buried (PR) [ Note:- IGI has baptism as 25 Jun 1675]

07 May 1676 - Joane the daughter of Steven & Marie CHEAPMAN was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 21 Mar 1672/73]

21 May 1676 - Charles (or Charels) ALLEN was buried (PR)

    [Note:- See comments about this family via this link. Joane ALLIN [ALLEN] of Dorchester widow the relict and lawful administrix of the estate of Charles ALLIN late of Dorchester was granted Letters of Administration on 2nd June 1676 - image available on - The NBI incorrectly has his surname of ASTEN]

21 May 1676 - Elizabeth the daughter of George & Joane MABER was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 18 Jan 1673/74]

26 May 1676 - James BUSHROD was buried (PR)

02 Jun 1676 - Jane the daughter of John & Hananh HELLARD was buried (PR)

14 Jun 1676 - Judeth GIE [GUY] was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills Index for Judeth GUY and her nuncupative Will dated 9th June 1676 proved 21st Jun 1676 LA granted 1st Jan 1676/7]

21 July 1676 - Christopher TALDERFELD a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname TALDERFOLD]

16 Aug 1676 - Elenor the daughter of Robert LININGTON was buried (PR)

02 Sep 1676 - Thomas JUSTY a prisoner was buried (PR)

26 Sep 1676 - Marie the wife of Joseph HELLGROVE was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname HILLGROW]

08 Oct 1676 - Robert HELLARD was buried (PR)

20 Oct 1676 - Robert BEATON a prisonor was buried (PR)

27 Oct 1676 - William GUPPIE a prisnor was buried (PR)

04 Nov 1676 - Josiah COOTH a prisoner was buried (PR)

04 Nov 1676 - Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas FRY was buried (PR) [Note IGI has baptism as 30 Jan 1675/76 - NBI has surname FOY]

27 Nov 1676 - Robert the son of Robert ELLAT [and Elizabeth] was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 13 Aug 1676 - NBI has date 26th Nov 1676]

26 Nov 1676 - William DINE was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as DIRW]

28 Dec 1676 - Susanna d of Thomas GIE was buried (PR)

28 Dec 1676 - Ffrances the daughter of Steven CLARKE was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 16 Nov 1676]

01 Jan 1676/7 - William GAILE the elder was buried (PR)

14 Mar 1676/7 - Susannah GAVELER widdow was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname GAWLER - a well known family name and may be correct]

19 Mar 1676/7 - Sarah daughter of Thomas & Marie BILES buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 25 Feb 1676/7]

21 Mar 1676/7 - Edward COMBE was buried (PR)

21 Mar 1676/7 - John DOUNE of Dallwood a prisnor was buried (PR) [Note:-A chapelry of Stockland in Fordington Liberty, originally in Dorset, Dalwood was transferred to the Archdeaconry and Diocese of Exeter in 1836 and added to Devon by Act of Parliament in 1842]

23 Mar 1676/7 - Sarah MABER was buried (PR)


25 Mar 1677 - Jane the wife of Joseph GIE was buried (PR)

10 Apr 1677 - William WOODS was buried (PR)

14 Apr 1677 - Elizabeth the wife of Steven CLARKE was buried (PR)

29 Apr 1677 - Christopher the sonn of Thomas BARTLET was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 1 Oct 1671 -- 1st child from the marriage of Thomas BARTLETT to Rebecca c1670 ]

02 May 1677 - Richard BUTLER was buried (PR)

24 May 1677 - John GILLINGHAM a prisoner was buried (PR)

06 Jun 1677 - Charles (or Charels) ALEN [ALLEN] the younger was buried (PR) [Note:- See comments about this family via this link]

15 Jun 1677 - Malachie the sonn of widdow BUSHROD was buried (PR)

01 Jul 1677 - John the sonn of John & Susannah WOODS was buried (PR)

03 Jul 1677 - Clement BRYNE the elder was buried (PR)

05 Jul 1677 - Thomas the sonn of Thomas & Jane DEANE of Wimborne was buried (PR) [Note:- does not state which of the three Wimborne parishes]

15 Jul 1677 - Thomas the sonn of Salathel [Salathiel] & Elizabeth NORRAS [NORRES] was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 11 Jul 1677 - NBI has incorrect surname as NURROS]

20 Jul 1677 - Marie the daughter of Thomas & Jane LININGTON was buried (PR)

11 Sep 1677 - John the sonn of Joseph & Jane RIALL was buried (PR)

20 Sep 1677 - Henery the sonn of Henery & Margery HARBEN was buried (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Henry Harben to Margery Bullock at All Saints Church Dorchester on 25 Jun 1657 - Follow Link to more information about this family]

23 Sep 1677 - Hanah the wife of John BURD of Tanton [Taunton?] was buried. (PR) [NBI has incorrect surname as BURIS]

11 Oct 1677 - Marie the daughter of William SHEAPARD of Wimborne was buried (PR) [Note:- does not state which of the three Wimborne parishes]

23 Oct 1677 - Lazarus the sonn of Lazarus & Ann MORES was buried (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Lazarus MOORES to Ann DENT at All Saints on 4th April 1670 baptised 19 Sep 1677]

02 Dec 1677 - Marke the sonn of Marie SANDERS was buried (PR) [Note baptism 27 Jan 1675/76]

18 Dec 1677 - Elezebeth the daughter of Ann DINE widdow was buried (PR)

14 Jan 1677/8 - John CLARKE the elder was buried (PR)

21 Jan 1677/8 - James FLWELEN was buried (PR) [Note:- Letter of Administration granted to his relict Mary [Mariam] FFLEWELLEN 1678]

29 Jan 1677/8 - Esster [i.e. Hester] the daughter of Andrew & Marie LOADER was buried (PR)

14 Feb 1677/8 - Elener WALBRIDG widdow was buried (PR)

06 Mar 1677/8 - Marie BURFOOT was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname BURFOAT]

06 Mar 1677/8 - Robert SMITH a stranger was buried (PR)

20 Mar 1677/8 - Laurence RIGHTON the younger was buried (PR) [Note:- birth 22 May 1658 & baptism 9 June 1658]

21 Mar 1677/8 - Marie GRAYE was buried (PR)


06 Apr 1678 - Elizabeth the daughter of John & Marie GREENE buried (PR)

12 Apr 1678 - Thomas PETTY was buried (PR)

16 Apr 1678 - Jeremiah CONWAY buried (PR)

19 Apr 1678 - Elizabeth the wife of Laurence SHEPPARD buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for copy of Lawrence Sheppard's will dated 14th Dec 1689 proved 30th April 1690]

08 May 1678 - John BARTLET was buried (PR) [Note:-John BARTLETT (bur.1678) who married Deans Unknown (bur.1706/7) - follow link for more information]

19 Jun 1678 - George the sonn of George & Joane MABER was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 12 May 1678]

30 Jun 1678 - Emm the wife of John GAVELER was buried [Note:- NBI has surname GAWLER - There are other records for families of both Gaveler, Gavler and Gawler so may be derivations of the same name.]

04 July 1678 - Henery SYMES a prisner was buried (PR)

11 July 1678 - Hanah the wife of Henery HELLARD was buried (PR)

04 Aug 1678 - Salathel [i.e. Salathiel] the sonn of Salathell & Elizabeth NORAS [i.e. NORRIS] was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as MORAS - Salathiel which is a biblical name meaning 'asked or lent of God' & Elizabeth NORRES/NORRIS had other children in All Saints. ]

06 Aug 1678 - Marie the daughter of John & Elizabeth BRYNE was buried (PR)

26 Aug 1678 - Nickolas the sonne of John & Marie WILE [WILCE?] was buried (PR)

05 Nov 1678 - Judeth the daughter of Nickolas SLADE was buried (PR)

03 Dec 1678 - Philip BANKES was buried (PR)

09 Dec 1678 - Angell the wife of William GAULTON was buried (PR) [Note:- See the marriage of William Galton to Angell London in All Saints church on 15 Jun 1663 for more information ]

25 Dec 1678 - Elesabeth FOOKE Widdow was buried (PR)

06 Jan 1678/9 - Ann GAULER the younger was buried (PR)

26 Jan 1678/9 - Peter MARTEN was buried (PR)

21 Feb 1678/9 - John WADE was buried (PR) [ See Wills Index 1679 Merchant of Dorchester Re PROB 11/360]

06 Mar 1678/9 - Ann CLARKE a prisoner was buried (PR)


27 Mar 1679 - Frederick LOSSE the elder was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as LOFFE]

06 Apr 1679 - Marie the wife of Thomas PALL [or PALLE or PAUL] was buried (PR) [Note:-Marie surname unknown married Thomas Paul pre 1653 and they had 5 children the first 3 in Holy Trinity 1653-1657 and 2 more in St Peters 1659-1665. See her son Thomas PAUL marriage to Mary CONEY at St Peters 28th Nov 1677 for more information]

12 Apr 1679 - Robert VALENS a prisner was buried (PR)

16 May 1679 - James the sonn of James HAGGARD was buried (PR)

22 May 1679 - Marie the daughter of Robert & Joane FOOKE was buried (PR) [Note baptism 3 Mar 1674/75]

19 Jul 1679 - John POPE of Sherborne a prisner was buried (PR)

08 Aug 1679 - John COLLENS was buried (PR)

24 Aug 1679 - Joane the wife of John HARRIS was buried (PR)

17 Sep 1679 - Thomas the sonn of Mr. William PETT [or PITT] was buried (PR)

10 Nov 1679 - Roger POUNCY was buried (PR)

14 Nov 1679 - Robert the sonn of Robert SHEPPARD was buried (PR)

07 Dec 1679 - Jacob COALE was buried (PR)

12 Dec 1679 - Hugh the sonn of Richard BROOKES [BROOKS] was buried (PR) [Note:- Thought to have died in infancy an elder brother of Mary CHANNING (1687-1704/5), who was executed for poisoning her husband, and son of Richard and Elizabeth BROOKS)

18 Feb 1679 - 1679/80 Mathew POUNCY was buried (PR)

21 Jan 1679 - 1679/80 Sarah the daughter of Richard TOOGOOD was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI also has baptism as 21 Jan 1679/80]

01 Mar 1679/80 - Joane TAYLER widdow was buried (PR)

21 Mar 1679/80 - William SMITH was buried (PR)


31 Mar 1680 - Sarah the daughter of Peter MARTEN was buried (PR)

18 Apr 1680 - Jone the daughter of Samuel & Joane VINSEN was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 13 Apr 1680]

26 Apr 1680 - Christopher OLDISH was buried (PR)

22 May 1680 - Frederick LOSSE junior was buried(PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly gives surname of LUFFE]

12 Jun 1680 - Marie MORES widdow was buried (PR)

15 Jun 1680 - William MILLER the elder was buried (PR)

18 Jun 1680 - Richard GREENE a prisnor was buried (PR)

27 Jun 1680 - Elizabeth the daughter of Salathiel & Elizabeth NORRES [or NORRIS] was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 25 Apr 1680 - NBI incorrectly gives surname as MORRAS]

07 July 1680 - Robert LENNINGTON [LINNINGTON] the elder was buried (PR)

09 July 1680 - Joane the daughter of Mr John CRADOCKE was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 9 Jul 1680]

10 Aug 1680 - Joseph GIE was buried (PR)

28 Aug 1680 - Philip HOOPER was buried (PR)

12 Sep 1680 - James LEMMON was buried (PR)

04 Oct 1680 - Ann the daughter of Alexander SHERINGTON was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 10 Jun 1679]

14 Oct 1680 - Elizabeth SHERINGTON was buried (PR)

14 Oct 1680 - Agnes BARTLET widdow was buried (PR)

20 Oct 1680 - Elizabeth LINNINGTON widdow was buried (PR)

22 Oct 1680 - Jane HEWETT was buried (PR)

31 Oct 1680 - Martha HUNT was buried (PR)

03 Nov 1680 - Marie ALLFORD widdow was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly gives surname as ALLFORS]

10 Nov 1680 - Elizabeth MANING was buried (PR)

09 Dec 1680 - Peter STANDISH was buried (PR) (Admon 1681 Arch Dor.39) [Note:- See Wills index for Letter of Administration granted on 16th March 1681 to Alice STANDISH spinster his lawful sister refers to the minority of his 3 children Peter, James and Sarah - also strays index for their marriage in 1665]

25 Dec 1680 - Denas [Dennis] WHITE was buried (PR)

06 Jan 1680/81 - Marie HEWITT the elder widow was buried (PR)

17 Jan 1680/81 - Edward CHAPMAN the elder was buried (PR)

23 Jan 1680/81 - Alse the daughter of Thomas GAWLER was buried (PR)

06 Feb 1680/81 - Dorithe [Dorothy] the wife of Israel SHEPARD was buried (PR)

07 Feb 1680/81 - James the sonn of James & Frances DOWLE was buried (PR)

27 Feb 1680/81 - Elezebeth the wife of William HARIS was buried

27 Jan 1680/81 - Elizabeth the wife of William HARRIS was buried (PR)

01 Mar 1680/81 - Clement BRYNE yunger was buried (Junyer) (PR)

07 Mar 1680/81 - Mr. William BEN was buried (PR)

    [Note:- This is the Reverend William Benn Rector of All Saints from 1629 to 1662 and founder of the Dorchester Congregational Church in 1662 where he remained until his death. See separate Biography on Rev. William BENN [1600-1680] A separate entry is in the NBI for 22 Mar which also gives his age as 80. This has actually been taken from the Oxford Alumni see comments in biography]

17 Mar 1680/81 - Alce the wife of Philip BARTLETT was buried (PR) Alce the wife of - Philip BARTLETT follow link for more information

22 Mar 1680/81 - Robert the son of John HELLARD was buried (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John HELLARD to Grace SENGER at All Saints on 5th May 1679 - IGI has baptism as 4 Jul 1680]

22 Mar 1680/81 - Marshall the sonn of George MABER was buried (PR)


26 Mar 1681 - Debroah the daughter of James BUSHROD was buried (PR)

02 Apr 1681 - John DEMONT a prisoner was buried (PR)

07 Apr 1681 - Margaret HOPKINGS widdow was buried (PR)

10 Apr 1681 - Henery the sonn of John HELLARD was buried (PR)

18 Apr 1681 - Margreat [Margaret] GAILARD was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for Letter of administration granted to her brother Francis 18th Apr 1681]

27 Apr 1681 - Joane the wife of George HELLARD was buried (PR)

09 May 1681 - Nicholas GIE was buried (PR)

22 May 1681 - Ann the daughter of William LINNINGTON was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 10 Apr 1681]

23 May 1681 - Christopher SANSUM was buried (PR)

28 May 1681 - Richard the sonn of Richard TOOGOOD was buried (PR)

28 May 1681 - Joane the daughter of Lazarus MORES was buried (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Lazarus MOORES to Ann DENT at All Saints on 4th April 1670 baptised 27 Oct 1678]

29 May 1681 - Elesebeth TENCH widdow was buried 29 May (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 27 May 1681?]

30 May 1681 - Binnitt [Bennet] the daughter of James KING was buried (PR) [Note:- baptism 5 Jan 1679/80]

02 Jun 1681 - Luce the wife of John GILLHAM was buried (PR)

12 Jun 1681 - William the sonn of Philip HUTCHENS was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 13 Jul 1679]

15 Jun 1681 - William the sonn of Lazarus MORES was buried (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Lazarus MOORES to Ann DENT at All Saints on 4th April 1670 baptised 8 Aug 1680]

15 Jun 1681 - Bridget the daughter of George MABER was buried (PR)

19 Jun 1681 - Margery BARLY widdow was buried (PR)

27 Jun 1681 - Joane RUSSELL widdow was buried (PR)

02 Aug 1681 - William BAGGWELL was buried (PR)

21 Aug 1681 - Joane the wife of Henry CROOME was buried (PR)

26 Aug 1681 - Richard SQUIBB was buried (PR) [ Note:- Richard SQUIBB married Margaret TAILOR at All Saints Church Dorchester on 19th July 1656]

19 Sep 1681 - Frances the wife of John AMME was buried (PR)

08 Oct 1681 - Henery CHAPPLE was buried (PR)

24 Oct 1681 - Mrs Joane MILLER widdow was buried (PR)

05 Nov 1681 - Frances the daughter of John AMME was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 19 Oct 1673]

16 Nov 1681 - John the sonn of John & Elizabeth HARBEN was buried (PR)

02 Jan 1681/2 - William CRAFORD a prisoner was buried (PR)

06 Jan 1681/2 - Edward the sonn of Nathaniel MILLER was buried (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about this family]

19 Jan 1681/2 - John sonn of John & Joane HELLARD buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 1 Nov 1681]

03 Feb 1681/2 - Mr. Joseph SEAWARD was buried (PR) [Note:- Listed in John Hutchins 'The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' ]

04 Feb 1681/2 - Ezekell WILLES a prisnor was buried 4 Feb (PR)

11 Feb 1681/2 - Frederick BUSHROD was buried (PR)

12 Feb 1681/2 - Ffrances the wife of John GAWLER was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 20 Jul 1679]

14 Feb 1681/2 - Elizabeth the wife of John ASTEN was buried (PR)

20 Feb 1681/2 - Mary the wife of Edward LENINGTON was buried (PR)


25 Mar 1682 - John the sonn of John GAWLER was buried (PR)

26 Mar 1682 - William GILLIT a prisoner was buried (PR)

11 Apr 1682 - Ann BISSHOP [or BISHOP] widdow was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname of BISSMOP]

14 May 1682 - John the sonn of John HELLARD was buried (PR)

19 Jun 1682 - Grace the wife of John HELLARD was buried (PR) [Note:- John HELLARD married Grace SENGER at All Saints on 5th May 1679 & they had 2 children before her death]

26 Jun 1682 - Richard FFOY was buried (PR) [Note:- See comments by Rev RG Bartelot appears to have been Parish Clerk Administration granted to his relict Judith 7th Nov 1682 - See Wills Index]

30 Jun 1682 - Alexander BILLES (sic) was buried (PR) [ This is the burial of Alexander BILES husband of Dorothy nee STRONG ]

11 July 1682 - Elizabeth the daughter of Richard TOOGOOD was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 25 Oct 1675 - NBI has date 11 June]

28 July 1682 - Mary BRINE widdow was buried (PR)

06 Aug 1682 - Ann the wife of John AMEY was buried (PR)

06 Aug 1682 - Ann the daughter of John & Joan GAYLARD was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 28 Dec 1680]

17 Aug 1682 - Richard THOMAS a prisoner was buried (PR)

29 Aug 1682 - Ann WOODS widdow was buried (PR)

15 Sep 1682 - Joan the wife of George MABER was buried (PR)

20 Sep 1682 - John the sonn of John BARTLETT was buried (PR) [Note: 2nd child from the marriage of John BARTLETT to Margaret HOSKINGS at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 22nd Apr 1679]

23 Sep 1682 - Marey SHORT a prisner was buried (PR) [NBI has Christian name as Mazey]

24 Sep 1682 - Nathaniel the sonn of John AMEY was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 16 Jul 1682]

24 Sep 1682 - William HARRES [HARRIS] the elder was buried (PR) [Note:- The surname Harris has been written as HARRES a number of times - See Letter of Administration for his estate granted to his principal creditor on 20th Nov 1682]

27 Sep 1682 - Ann the daughter of John & Susanah ILAREY (or ELLARY or ELDARY or HILLARY) buried (PR) [Note:- possible baptism 1 Nov 1674 under ELEREY]

28 Sep 1682 - Ann the daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth HELLARD was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 3 Sep 1681]

15 Oct 1682 - John the sonn of John & Luce LONG was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 4 Nov 1681]

01 Nov 1682 - Mary TRAYFOOTE widdow was buried (PR)

06 Nov 1682 - Mary the daughter of Jeremiah & Mary CLARKE was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 23 May 1682]

07 Dec 1682 - Joan the daughter of Elizabeth SHORTHOUSE widdow alias GIBS was buried (PR)

09 Dec 1682 - Elizabeth the daughter of John & Presila DOWLE was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 12 Feb 1681/82]

13 Dec 1682 - Ann BAYLARD (sic) [BOYLAND?] widdow was buried (PR)

19 Dec 1682 - Mary the wife of John SHEPHERD was buried (PR)

24 Dec 1682 - John the sonn of Robert PHEPATT was buried (PR)

08 Jan 1682/3 - Hugh HASKETT a prisnar was buried (PR)

11 Feb 1682/3 - Robert EDWARDS alias RANDOLL was buried (PR)

22 Feb 1682/3 - John EDWARDS alias RANDOLL was buried (PR)

09 Mar 1682/3 - Ann EDWARDS widdow was buried (PR)

18 Mar 1682/3 - Margrett SANWAY (i.e. SAMWAYS or SAMWAIES) widdow was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for Letter of Administration granted to her natural and lawful daughter Margaret PRIME of Wimborne dated 23rd April 1684]


10 Apr 1683 - Elizabeth the daughter of Morgan BRINE buried (PR)

01 May 1683 - Elizabeth the daughter of Trustrum BARTLETT buried (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Tristram BARTLETT to Frances WHITE who married at St Georges Church in Fordington on 2nd Feb 1669.]

02 Jun 1683 - Joan CHEPMAN widdow was buried (PR)

19 Jun 1683 - Joan the daughter of John & Rachell CROOME buried (PR)

04 July 1683 - James the sonn of Richard & Sarah TOOGOOD was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 7 Nov 1676]

10 July 1683 - Lazeras the sonn of Lazeras VRAM [or VERM] was buried (PR) [Note see baptism 10 Apr 1683 under surname VREM]

12 July 1683 - Sarah the daughter of John WILSE [or WILCE] was buried (PR)

12 July 1683 - Mary the wife of John WILSE [or WILCE] was buried (PR)

08 Aug 1683 - Martha BUNN widdow was buried (PR)

26 Aug 1683 - Jon [John] the sonn of John MOREY was buried (PR)

09 Sep 1683 - Sarah the wife of John BARTLETT was buried (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about her daughter Eleanor BARTLETT bap All Saints 7th Feb 1668/9 ]

06 Nov 1683 - John the sonn of John & Ann DOWLE buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 5 Nov 1683]

30 Nov 1683 - Joseph ye sonn of John HELLARD buried (PR)

08 Dec 1683 - Mary HAGGARD (sic) widdow was buried (PR)

12 Dec 1683 - William GARLAND a prisner was buried (PR)

14 Dec 1683 - Joan STEVENS widdow was buried (PR)

16 Dec 1683 - Nickles ye sonn of John WILLS was buried (PR)

28 Dec 1683 - Robert ye sonn of William DRY was buried (PR) [NBI incorrectly has surname FRY]

31 Dec 1683 - John the sonn of Mr. Joseph GIGGER buried (PR) [Note See Baptism All Saints Church Dorchester 29 Jun 1683 ]

03 Jan 1683/4 - Mr John BUSHROD senior was buried (PR) [John Bushrod (1612-1683/4) son of Richard Bushrod and Dorothy Watts]

07 Jan 1683/4 - Elizabeth the wife of James KING was buried (PR)

11 Jan 1683/4 - Joan the daughter of Walter HUETT was buried (PR)

30 Jan 1683/4 - Mary the daughter of Mr. Morgan & Mary HARBEN was buried (PR) [Note:- Morgan HARBEN married Mary LOADER on 23 April 1679 in St Georges church Fordington - NBI incorrectly has surname as Morgan]

26 Feb 1683/4 - ffrances the wife of Mr. Thomas KNAPTON Junior was buried (PR) [Note:- 20 Feb 1683/4 - Thomas the son of Thomas KNAPTON the younger was borne the fifteenth day of ffebruary between the hours of ten and eleven att night & christened the twentyeth of the same. She may well therefore have died as a result of childbirth complications]

28 Feb 1683/4 - Mary the daughter of Larens [Laurence] & Dorathie RIGHTON was buried (PR) [See Notes against Laurence Righton baptism 9 Jun 1658; Mary was baptised as Marie 13 Feb 1673/4]

21 Mar 1683/4 - Ann the wife of Robert SHEPHARD was buried (PR)

21 Mar 1683/4 - Christopher the sonn of Christopher WHITE was buried (PR)


18 May 1684 - Richard KEASIAR was buried (PR)

19 July 1684 - Mary the daughter of Henry & Mary HERBATT buried (PR)

22 July 1684 - John DOWLE the yealder was buried (PR)

29 July 1684 - William the sonn of Phillip & Joan HUTCHENS buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 18 Oct 1682]

11 Aug 1684 - Frances the wife of Thomas GUY was buried (PR)

02 Sep 1684 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Richard [Note:- & Judeth] CARINGTON buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 5 Jun 1682]

20 Sep 1684 - Alexander SHERINGTON was buried (PR)

05 Oct 1684 - John GALLER the elder was buried (PR)

23 Nov 1684 - Edeth the daughter of George & Martha HELLARD was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname SHEPPARD although it looks like Sheppard see baptisms foer other children of George and Martha HELLARD]

22 Dec 1684 - Elizabeth the daughter of Robert & Hanah LOCK was buried (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Robert LOCK of All Saints Parish to Hannah WILLIAMS of Holy Trinity Parish who were married at HT on 07-Feb 1681 - IGI also has her baptism as 22 January 25 January 1684]

25 Dec 1684 - Nicholas and Thomas the sonns of John DOWLE were buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 21 Dec 1684]

01 Jan 1684/5 - James the sonn of Symon GEAME buried (PR)

07 Jan 1684/5 - Yedeth COLE widdow was buried (PR)

07 Jan 1684/5 - Robert sonn of Robert & (omitted) SHORT was buried (PR)

25 Jan 1684/5 - Joan the wife of Robert SOUTHY was buried (PR)

29 Jan 1684/5 - William the sonn of William DINE buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 13 Sep 1674]

10 Feb 1684/5 - Robert SHEPHARD was buried Feb 10 (PR)

27 Feb 1684/5 - Ann the wife of Israell SHEPARD was buried (PR)

03 Mar 1684/5 - Cislay VINE was buried (PR)

20 Mar 1684/5 - George HELLARD the elder was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for Letter of Administration for his estate dated 30th Sep 1685 granted to his widow Elizabeth]


02 Apr 1685 - Thomas the sonn of Mr Morgan & Mary HARBEN was buried (PR) [Note:- Morgan HARBEN married a Mary LOADER on 23 April 1679 in St Georges church Fordington - NBI has recorded under the surname of MORGAN?]

03 May 1685 - Martha the daughter of Edward ROY was buried (PR)

05 May 1685 - John AUSTEN the elder was buried (PR)

28 May 1685 - Mary BUCKLER widdow a prisner was buried (PR)

14 Jun 1685 - Mr Joseph JEGGAR [i.e. GIGGER] was buried (PR) (Will dated 27 Feb 1684) [Note:- See Wills Index Will registered at the National Archives for a Joseph Gigger, Grocer of Dorchester, Dorset proved 15 Feb 1686 Ref PROB 11/382]

12 July 1685 - John EALLIS of Mayne was buried (PR) [Note:- 'Mayne' may be referring to the parish of Broadmayne]

17 July 1685 - Margret MERAFIELD widdow was buried (PR)

19 Aug 1685 - Elizabeth the daughter of John HELLARD buried (PR)

22 Aug 1685 - Thomas the sonn of Philip ROE [or ROWE] was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 12 Sep 1669]

18 Oct 1685 - Philip BARTLETT was buried (PR) [Note:- Philip widower of Alce BARTLETT]

23 Nov 1685 - Mary the wife of Thomas HEWLETT was buried (PR)

25 Nov 1685 - Mary BLEAK of Taunton was buried (PR)

16 Dec 1685 - Edward PHILPOTT a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note 1:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' one of sixteen prisoners executed by judge Jeffreys as a Monmouth follower ]

17 Dec 1685 - Daniell HOOKENS a priosner was buried (PR) [Note 2:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' one of sixteen prisoners executed by judge Jeffreys as a Monmouth follower ]

20 Dec 1685 - Thomas HANCOCK a prissner was buried (PR) [Note 3:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' one of sixteen prisoners executed by judge Jeffreys as a Monmouth follower ]

23 Dec 1685 - Edward HURLE a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note 4:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' one of sixteen prisoners executed by judge Jeffreys as a Monmouth follower ]

26 Dec 1685 - Samuell ye sonn of Samuell ALLEN was buried (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Samuel ALLEN to Joane MARTEN at All Saints church Dorchester 11th Dec 1656 Link to more information]

28 Dec 1685 - Thomas GILLAN a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note 5:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' one of sixteen prisoners executed by judge Jeffreys as a Monmouth follower ]

08 Jan 1685/6 - Rodger FFRENCH of Seaton a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note 6:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' one of sixteen prisoners executed by judge Jeffreys as a Monmouth follower ]

08 Jan 1685/6 - Joan TUXBURY widdow buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname TUPBERY]

12 Jan 1685/6 - William LEAVRIDGE a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note 7:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' one of sixteen prisoners executed by judge Jeffreys as a Monmouth follower ]

20 Jan 1685/6 - James HARRES a prisener was buried (PR) [Note 8:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' one of sixteen prisoners executed by judge Jeffreys as a Monmouth follower ]

20 Jan 1685/6 - John TRUREN a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname TRUEN][Note 9:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' one of sixteen prisoners executed by judge Jeffreys as a Monmouth follower ]

03 Feb 1685/6 - William PEARAM a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note 10:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' one of sixteen prisoners executed by judge Jeffreys as a Monmouth follower ]

04 Feb 1685/6 - John MANERING a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note 11:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' one of sixteen prisoners executed by judge Jeffreys as a Monmouth follower ]

05 Feb 1685/6 - Robert BILES a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note 12:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' one of sixteen prisoners executed by judge Jeffreys as a Monmouth follower ]

07 Feb 1685/6 - Henry HATHERLEY a prisoner buried (PR)[Note13:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' one of sixteen prisoners executed by judge Jeffreys as a Monmouth follower ]

07 Feb 1685/6 - Joan the wife of John HELLARD was buried (PR)

09 Feb 1685/6 - Elnar the daughter of Thomas STANDISH was buried (PR)

10 Feb 1685/6 - Mary WHITEING a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note 14:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' one of sixteen prisoners executed by judge Jeffreys as a Monmouth follower ]

12 Feb 1685/6 - John the sonn of Robert HELLARD was buried (PR)

16 Feb 1685/6 - William COMDEN a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note 15:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' one of sixteen prisoners executed by judge Jeffreys as a Monmouth follower ]

17 Feb 1685/6 - Henry RUSSELL a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note 16:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' one of sixteen prisoners executed by judge Jeffreys as a Monmouth follower ]

22 Feb 1685/6 - Frances GUY ye younger ye son of Thomas GUY was buried (PR)

23 Feb 1685/6 - Suesana ye daughter of John ILROY was buried (PR) [Note IGI has baptism as 24 Jul 1684 - may be ILREY - family names recorded under many variations such as ELLARY, ELDARY, HILLARY, ELEREY, ILAREY etc]

07 Mar 1685/6 - ffrances the wife of George WHITE was buried (PR)

14 Mar 1685/6 - Thomas STANDISH ye elder was buried (PR)


09 Apr 1686 - Margery BUTTLER widdow was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for her Will dated 3rd April 1686 and details of beneficiaries]

21 Apr 1686 - William RYALL was buried (PR)

25 Apr 1686 - John the sonn of Lawrence SHEPHARD was buried (PR)

26 Apr 1686 - Symond ye sonn of Symond GAME was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 30 Jan 1684/85]

28 Apr 1686 - Steven EDWARDS was buried (PR)

27 May 1686 - Jasper HOLDISH [i.e. OLDISH as per NBI] was buried (PR)

27 May 1686 - Marren KING widdow was buried (PR)

05 Jun 1686 - Joan ye wife of Philip HUTCHENS was buried (PR)

08 Jun 1686 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Trustrum BARTLETT was buried (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Tristram BARTLETT to Frances WHITE who married at St Georges Church in Fordington on 2nd Feb 1669.]

23 Jun 1686 - Petter ye son of Nickolas SLAD [i.e. SLADE] was buried (PR)

27 Jun 1686 - James KING was buried (PR)

29 Jun 1686 - George ye son of Robert WHITE was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 26 Apr 1685]

24 Aug 1686 - Hanah GRIFFEN widdow was buried (PR)

25 Aug 1686 - Martha ye daughter of Charles AUSTEN was buried (PR) [Note NBI has incorrect date of 25 June which is pre baptism on 19 Jul 1686]

07 Sep 1686 - Steven CHAPMAN was buried (PR)

10 Sep 1686 - Cathren ye daughter of Mr. Andrew LOADER was buried (PR)

21 Sep 1686 - Joan the daughter of George MABER was buried (PR)

12 Nov 1686 - Samuel the sonn of Richard WILLIAMS was buried (PR) [Note:- See wills index for a will of a Samuel WILLIAMS Grocer of Dorchester dated 7th Aug 1686 which was proved 24th Nov 1686 by his relict Mary WILLIAMS on 24th Nov 1686]

01 Dec 1686 - Henry WARD a prisner buried (PR)

06 Dec 1686 - Edeth ye wife of Phillip ROE [or ROWE] was buried (PR)

12 Dec 1686 - Thomas the sonn of Thomas STANDISH was buried (PR)

15 Dec 1686 - Joan SYMES was buried (PR)

26 Dec 1686 - Elizabeth the wife of Thomas STANDISH was buried (PR)

06 Jan 1686/7 - Samuell CONAWAY was buried (PR)

21 Jan 1686/7 - Armanell ye wife of Richard BAYLY buried (PR)

26 Jan 1686/7 - John HUTTEN was buried (PR)

28 Jan 1686/7 - William BAKER of Stocklen was buried (PR)

23 Mar 1686/7 - Thomas HOPKENS was buried (PR)


01 Apr 1687 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Robert & Tamsen LEMAN was buried (PR) [See the marriage of Robert LEMEN [LEMMON] & Tamsen HOLGARD at St Peters on 09 Feb 1680/1 for more information about this family]

10 Apr 1687 - Joan ye daughter of Robert YOUNG was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 16 Mar 1686/87]

25 Apr 1687 - Ann ye daughter of Mr John & Elizabeth CRADDOCK buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 9 Mar 1685/86]

01 May 1687 - Petter ye sonn of John & Joan GAYLARD was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 1 Jan 1673/74]

04 May 1687 - Joan ye daughter of John & Joan GAYLARD was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 2 Sep 1683]

12 May 1687 - Mr. William PITT was buried (PR)

    [Note:- Link to Transcription of the Will of William Pitt, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset' proved 10 Feb 1688 - His pedigree is given in the 1677 Visitation of Dorset showing that his grandparents were John PITT of Blandford & Joane the daughter of Richard Swayne of Tarrent Gunville - his parents were Thomas PITT of Blandford & Priscilla SEARLE of Hayle in Devon. He was Govenor of the Co of Freemen in Dorchester in 1655; and Mayor in 1667, and the same year he was appointed Overseer of his friend Richard Davidge's Will. William's widow Jane PITT was buried in All Saints on 6th Feb 1690/1 see below]

18 May 1687 - Samuell the sonn of Samuell FLY was buried (PR)

26 May 1687 - Rebecka ye daughter of Thomas BARTLETT was buried (PR) [Note;- IGI has baptism as 16 May 1680 - - 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas BARTLETT to Rebecca c1670 ]

31 May 1687 - Edeth ye wife of William BARTLETT was buried (PR) [Note:- Edeth was the 2nd wife of William BARTLETT the Elder (c.1609-1687/8) whom she married circa 1663, they had 5 children].

31 May 1687 - Martha ye daughter of James KING was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 7 Jul 1686]

02 Jun 1687 - Joseph ye sonn of John DOWLE was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 1 Jun 1687]

17 Jun 1687 - Robert SOUTHEY was buried (PR)

21 Jun 1687 - Thomas ye sonn of Thomas CLARKE was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 4 Apr 1686]

22 Jun 1687 - Jane ye wife of William PRESLY was buried (PR)

29 Jun 1687 - Jane ye daughter of Thomas CARTER was buried (PR)

13 July 1687 - Rebecka ye daughter of Christopher WHITE was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 12 Apr 1685]

01 Aug 1687 - Joan the wife of William GAULTON was buried (PR)

20 Aug 1687 - Mary ye daughter of Charles AUSTEN was buried (PR) [Note:- baptism was 14 Aug 1687]

10 Sep 1687 - Robert ye sonn of Robert EALIAT was buried (PR)

21 Oct 1687 - Honour ye wife of Enock FORTISEQ (or Fortesque or Fortesoue) was buried (PR)

01 Jan 1687/8 - Francis MATHEWS was buried (PR)

26 Jan 1687/8 - John ye sonn of John CHILES was buried (PR)

29 Jan 1687/8 - William BARTLETT ye elder was buried (PR) [Note:- William BARTLETT the Elder (c1609-1687/8) husband of Christian WILLS ]

12 Feb 1687/8 - Judeth the wife of Richard CARINGTON was buried (PR)

25 Feb 1687/8 - Thomas ye son of Thomas BUSHROD was buried (PR) [Note:- Baptised at All Saints Church Dorchester 26 May 1687 1st known child from the marriage of Thomas & Ann Bushrod]


29 Mar 1688 - Sarah ye daughter of John ILROY was buried (PR) [Note:- - may be ILREY - family names recorded under many variations such as ELLARY, ELDARY, HILLARY, ELEREY, ILAREY etc]

12 Apr 1688 - John ye sonn of Nathaniell MILLER was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 8 May 1687] [Note:- Link to comments about this family]

18 Apr 1688 - Jane GANNEY widow was buried (PR)

20 Apr 1688 - John ye sonn of Henry BISHOP was buried (PR)

26 May 1688 - Elizabeth ye wife of John ROBERTS was buried (PR)

06 July 1688 - John ye sonn of Edward & Elizabeth PORTER was buried (PR)

08 July 1688 - Mr John MINSEN a prisoner was buried (PR)

20 July1688 - Richard VAHAN was buried (PR)

29 Oct 1688 - John CAYNS [CAINS] of Anstey [now under Hilton Dorset] was buried (PR)

10 Dec 1688 - Elenor ye daughter of John & Joan HELLARD was buried (PR)

10 Jan 1688/9 - Mary ye daughter of John & Mary WINSAR [also spelt WINSOR]was buried (PR)[Note:- IGI has baptism as 22 Dec 1683] [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of John WINSER to Mary GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679 ]

15 Jan 1688/9 - Ffrancis ye sonn of William & Ann SCRIVEN was buryed (PR) [Note:- baptism 7 Apr 1656 - NBI have date as 15 Jan 1688 - year is unclear]

21 Jan 1688/9 - Mary ye wife of John GREENE was buried (PR)

15 Feb 1688/9 - Rose COLMAN widdow was buried (PR)

26 Feb 1688/9 - John LILLEY was buried (PR)

12 Mar 1688/9 - Mary ye daughter of Mr Robert NORRIS buried (PR)


28 Mar 1689 - Edward VINSON ye elder of Pudelltoune was buried (PR) [NBI has surname WINSOR?]

09 Apr 1689 - Mary ye daughter of Richard HOPKINES was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 30 Jan 1675/76 daughter of Richard & Agnes ]

02 Jul 1689 - Mary ye daughter of John CROOME was buried (PR)

11 Jul 1689 - Elizabeth the daughter of Robert LEMAN was buried (PR) [ Note:- baptism 5 Feb 1687/8 - See the marriage of Robert LEMEN [LEMMON] & Tamsen HOLGARD at St Peters on 09 Feb 1680/1 for more information about this family]

14 Jul 1689 - George ye sonn of John LOCK was buried (PR)

21 Jul 1689 - Richard HOPKINS was buried (PR)

08 Aug 1689 - Edward CHAPMAN ye younger was buried (PR)

10 Aug 1689 - Susana ye wife of John WOOD was buried (PR)

20 Aug 1689 - Mary ye wife of Mr. Robert HOWSON was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname JUNSON?]

17 Sep 1689 - Elizabeth HOOPER was buried (PR)

20 Sep 1689 - William LOCK ye elder was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills Index for Letter of Adminsitration granted to his relict Edith dated 21st Feb 1689/90]

30 Sep 1689 - Lidiah ye wife of Thomas WHATLY was buried (PR) [Note:- Thomas WHATLY married Ledia HOBBS at AS on the 20 of April 1663]

06 Oct 1689 - Richard ye sonn of John STAGG was buried (PR)

12 Nov 1689 - Ann ye daughter of Walter GUILATT was buried (PR) (Comment by RG Bartelot:- see GUIPARD?) [ I think the surname is actually GILLETT]

25 Nov 1689 - Mr. Gilbert WHIFFEN was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for his will dated 2nd Nov 1689 proved 11th Dec 1690]

10 Jan 1689/90 - The widdow STANDISH ye elder was buried (PR)

19 Jan 1689/90 - Samuell ye sonn of John WINSER [also spelt WINSOR or WINZAR] was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 4 Feb 1682/83][Note:- This cannot be the death of Samuel WINSER the 3rd child from the marriage of John WINSER to Mary GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679 as he lived until 1760 and left a long Will identfying his brothers and their children.]

23 Jan 1689/90 - Rebecka ye daughter of John WHITE was buried (PR)

01 Feb 1689/90 - Em GAULTIN was buried (PR)

11 Feb 1689/90 - Elnor BANKS widdow was buried (PR)

23 Feb 1689/90 - Beniamin ye sonn of Beniamen GAULLER was buried (PR)

26 Feb 1689/90 - William ye sonn of Phillip CIMBER (or KIMBER) was buried (PR)

08 Mar 1689/90 - Nicholas CELLAR [or SELLER] a prisoner was buried (PR)

12 Mar 1689/90 - Lawrence SHEPHARD ye elder was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for copy of his will dated 14th Dec 1689 proved 30th April 1690]


25 Mar 1690 - John COOMES a prisoner was buried (PR)

28 Mar 1690 - Robert ye sonn of George HELLARD was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI incorrectly has 1691 as the year - baptised 17 Feb 1688/89]

30 Mar 1690 - Walter STOODLAY a prisner was buried (PR)

29 Apr 1690 - Robert DAY a prisoner was buried (PR)

01 May 1690 - John GILLHAM was buried (PR)

18 May 1690 - Eavas (or Eamas) ye daughter of Thomas PETTEY was buried (PR)

25 May 1690 - Christian the wife of Henry HELLARD was buried (PR)

01 Jun 1690 - Hanah d of Steven CHAPMAN buried (PR) [Note may have been baptised as Hanah CHEAPMAN 9 May 1675?]

22 Juyl 1690 - Samuel FLY was buried (PR)

11 Aug 1690 - Joan ye daughter of Steven CHEPMAN buried (PR) [Note:- baptised as Joane CHEPMAN 6 Oct 1680]

29 Aug 1690 - Elinor ye wife of Edward CLINE was buried (PR)

26 Oct 1690 - John PERAM of Axminster was buried (PR)

09 Nov 1690 - Agnes KEASHAR was buried (PR)

22 Nov 1690 - Alce ye wife of Phillip ROE [or ROWE] was buried (PR)

11 Dec 1690 - Charles STOCKAR a prisner was buried (PR)

24 Dec 1690 - William PAYNTAR a prisoner was buried (PR)

02 Jan 1690/1 - Mary ye daughter of George & Mary WHITE was buried (PR) [NBI has date of 12th?]

02 Feb 1690/1 - Mary ye wife of Henry CROOME was buried (PR)

06 Feb 1690/1 - Mrs Jane PITT widdow was buried (PR)

10 Feb 1690/1 - John ROBERTS was buried (PR)

21 Mar 1690/1 - Mr. John DUNN prisonar was buried (PR)


07 Jun 1691 - William ye sonn of Anthony READE was buried (PR) [Note:- baptism 27 Dec 1686]

16 July 1691 - Margaret SHEPHARD widdow was buried (PR)

17 Sep 1691 - Sarah ye daughter of Robert LEMAN [or LEMON or LEMMON] was buried (PR) [See the marriage of Robert LEMEN [LEMMON] & Tamsen HOLGARD at St Peters on 09 Feb 1680/1 for more information about this family]

29 Sep 1691 - William ye sonn of John & Rachell COLL was buried (PR)

    (PR) Memoranda: that October 7th & notified to the Church Wardens of the Parish of All HALLOWS [i.e. ALL Saints] that there was no Affidavit brought in the eight days provided by the Act of Parliament for burying in woollan (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 25 Sep 1691]

27 Oct 1691 - Thomas MILLER ye elder was buried (PR)

28 Oct 1691 - William BAKER a prisoner was buried (PR)

10 Nov 1691 - Ann ye wife of Bartholomew HOARE was buried (PR)

11 Nov 1691 - Robert NORIS ye elder was buried (PR)

20 Nov 1691 - Bridgett ye wife of Mr. Francis SAMBER was buried (PR)

10 Dec 1691 - Symon [Simon] GAME was buried (PR)

18 Dec 1691 - Joan the wife of Mr. John GAYLARD was buried (PR)

23 Dec 1691 - Edeth ye daughter of Thomas CHISSELL was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism, as 21 Dec 1691]

24 Dec 1691 - Elizabeth LILLEY widdow was buried (PR)

13 Jan 1691/2 - Walter ye sonn of Richard OLDIS [i.e. OLDISH] was buried (PR)

30 Jan 1691/2 - Martha ye daughter of Robert WHITE was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 13 Jul 1690 daughter of Robert & Ruth WHITE]

10 Feb 1691/2 - Elinor ye daughter of Robert GRIFFEN was buried (PR)

10 Mar 1691/2 - Ann ye daughter of Joseph RIALL was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 24 Jan 1691/92]


04 Apr 1692 - Nicholas DOWLE ye elder was buried (PR)

05 Apr 1692 - Sarah ye daughter of Robert TUCKAR [TUCKER] buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 1 Jul 1688]

08 May 1692 - Walter GUILLAT ye elder was buried (PR)

14 Jun 1692 - Rodger FFOOKE was buried (PR)

25 Jul 1692 - William ye sonn of Anthoney READ was buried (PR) [Note:- birth 26th June and baptism 27th June 1692 with twin Mary]

16 Sep 1692 - Rebeck ye daughter of Robert ARDEN was buried (PR)

23 Sep 1692 - The wife of Richard ARNOLL was buried (PR) [Note:- Richard ARNOLL married Eleanor HELLARD at All Saints on 17th Dec 1691]

10 Oct 1692 - Elener HELARD widdow was buried (PR)

12 Oct 1692 - William BAYES (sic) the elder was buried (PR)

28 Oct 1692 - John CLARY was buried the 28 of October (PR)

05 Nov 1692 - William GALTON [GAULTIN] was buried the 5th day of November (PR)

27 Nov 1692 - Joan the wife of Christopher SKOT [or SCOTT) was buried (PR)

05 Dec 1692 - Edeth & Ann The to [i.e. two] daughters of Thomas CHESSELL were buried (PR) [Note baptisms are under the surname of CHESZEL for 20 Nov 1692 - NBI has surname as CHEFFELL]

14 Feb 1692/3 - Virtue the wife of Christopher WHITE was buried (PR)

19 Feb 1692/3 - John the son of Petter & Sarah STANDISH was buried (PR)

26 Feb 1692/3 - John DOWNTEN was buried (PR)

10 Mar 1692/3 - Darraphe the widow BILSE was buried (PR) [Note:- This is the burial of Dorothy BILES nee STRONG the widow of Alexander BILES who was buried 30 June 1682]


11 Apr 1693 - John KECH [KEECH] was buried (PR)

28 Apr 1693 - Alce the wife of Richard RIAL was buried (PR)

14 May 1693 - Mary the daughter of Antony & Margrate [Margaret] REEDS was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has birth as 26 June 1692 & baptism 27 June 1692]

22 May 1693 - Martha HOOR [HOARE] was buried (PR)

22 May 1693 - Mary the daughter of Edward ROY was buried (PR)

03 July 1693 - Joan the daughter of Henary & Mary SHORTO was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 7 Apr 1692]

10 July 1693 - Ann daughter of Edward & Ann CHAPMAN was buried (PR)

23 Sep 1693 - Sarah the daughter of William & Ann BASKAM [BASCOMBE] was buried (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of William BASCOMBE to Ann DALEY at All Saints church in Dorchester on 27th June 1686]

01 Oct 1693 - POOR [or Poer] a soldier was buried (PR)

08 Oct 1693 - George WHIT [i.e. WHITE] widowman was buried (PR)

22 Oct 1693 - Margery the wife of Hennary HARBEN was buried (PR) [Note:- Henry HARBEN married Margery BULLOCK at All Saints Church on 25th June 1657 Follow Link to more information about this family]

06 Dec 1693 - Bettras the widow SMITH was buried (PR)

06 Jan 1693/4 - John the son of John ABOT was buried (PR) [Note IGI has Baptism as 17 Jun 1688]

07 Jan 1693/4 - James DOWLE senior was buried (PR)

28 Jan 1693/4 - Hanah the daughter of Thomas & Hanah FFRY was buried (PR)

03 Feb 1693/4 - Rebeka the wife of Robert SCKUTT [SCUTT] was buried (PR)

04 Feb 1693/4 - Mary the daughter of John & Ann BISHOP was buried (PR)

10 Feb 1693/4 - The widdow DOWNTON was buried (PR)

10 Feb 1693/4 - A prisnor man of Chestock was buried (PR)

20 Feb 1693/4 - John the son of Robert & Ann GALLER was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 7 Jan 1693/94]

25 Feb 1693/4 - Mary SANDERS was buried (PR)

28 Feb 1693/4 - Richard GILLAT a prisner was buried

08 Mar 1693/4 - Thomas SPRAGE [or SPRAGUE] a prisner was buried (PR)

10 Mar 1693/4 - Edeth GRAY a prisner was buried (PR)


12 Apr 1694 - Robert the sonn of Edward CLINES was buried (PR) [Note possible baptism 20 Apr 1670 - NBI has year as 1694]

16 Apr 1694 - Joan the daughter of Robert SKUT was buried (PR)

01 May 1694 - The widdow BUN was buried (PR)

10 Jan 1694 - Nathaniel the son of Nathaniel GRIFEN was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 15 Dec 1693 - NBI has date as 10 Jun]

25 Jun 1694 - Margret the widdow ROGGERS was buried (PR)

13 July 1694 - Ambrose ROGGERS senner [senior] was buried (PR)

06 Sep 1694 - Elizabeth the widow WAY was buried (PR)

10 Sep 1694 - John the son of Steven KOWARD (or COWARD) was buried (PR) [Note Baptism 2 Aug 1692]

07 Nov 1694 - "A daughter of Martha HELARDS" was buried (PR)

31 Dec 1694 - A Prisoner won [assume meaning one or called ] BARNS was buried (PR)

13 Jan 1694/5 - John SLADE was buried (PR)

15 Jan 1694/5 - The wif [wife] of John STAG was buried (PR)

17 Jan 1694/5 - Thomas WAIT a prisner was buried (PR)

28 Jan 1694/5 - John STAG was buried (PR)

15 Feb 1694/5 - John the sonn of Thomas BUN was buried (PR) [Note IGI has baptism as 19 Oct 1694]

28 Feb 1694/5 - Jonase BECKAM was buried (PR)

11 Mar 1694/5 - Ffrances HARBEN was buried (PR)

17 Mar 1694/5 - The widow WHIT [i.e.WHITE] was buried (PR)

24 Mar 1694/5 - Joan STOCKER A prisoner woman a widow was buried (PR)


07 Apr 1695 - A servant maide of John CROMS was buried (PR)

11 Apr 1695 - Samull [Samuel] MARTEN was buried (PR)

15 May 1695 - John LONGE was buried (PR)

16 May 1695 - Mister Nicholas PALE [or PAUL; PALLE] was buried (PR) [Note:- The father of Aquila PAUL who married Elizabeth BUN from Seaton and Beer in Devon at St Georges Church in Fordington on 14th July 1672]

19 May 1695 - Affter (i.e. Arthur) SPEDE [i.e. SPEEDE] was buried (PR)

26 May 1695 - Thomas GALLER was buried (PR)

31 May 1695 - Richard OLDIGE was buried (PR) [Note:- known family name of OLDISH - NBI incorrectly recorded under OLDRIDGE]

03 Jun 1695 - Thomas ROGERES was buried (PR)

10 Jun 1695 - Jameas TUERNER [i.e. TURNER] of Mashard (i.e. Marshwood) a prisoner was buried (PR)

09 Aug 1695 - Georg[e] the sonn of Robert YOUNG was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 14 Aug 1689]

21 Aug 1695 - A servant maide of Mister OLDISH was buried (PR)

30 Aug 1695 - Samuel the sonn of Samuel FFASAY [or FACEY] was buried (PR)

01 Sep 1695 - The wiffe of John LOWELES was buried (LOVELESS or LOVELACE) (PR) [Note:- Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Deborah LOVELACE alias PITMAN of Nether Compton but died at Dorchester [Dorset] was granted 17th Oct 1695 to her husband John LOVELACE See Dorset Admons OPC Folio 183]

15 Sep 1695 - The widow KECHE [KEECH] was buried (PR)

11 Oct 1695 - Rebecka the daughter of Robert SKWTE [or SKUT or SCUTT] was buried (PR)

03 Nov 1695 - A child of Mary COWARDS was buried (PR)

06 Nov 1695 - Darrathe [Dorothy] the daughter of Thomas & Darrathe ELLMSE [ELMS] was buried (PR)

13 Nov 1695 - The wife of Edward CLENCH was buried (PR)

13 Dec 1695 - William POUNSEY [i.e. POUNCEY] was buried (PR)

18 Dec 1695 - John APPLTON a prisoner was buried (PR)

01 Mar 1695/6 - William the sonn of Anthony & Margaret REDS was buried (PR) [Note:- Baptism 14 Jun 1694 - Anthony & Margaret had other children - Family surname is READ or REED as recorded in NBI for this entry]

10 Mar 1695/6 - Ann the widdow POUNSY [i.e. POUNCY or POUNCEY] was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly surname as YOUNG?]

17 Mar 1695/6 - Bridggatt [Bridget] the wife of John LOCK was buried (PR)


05 Apr 1696 - The widdow FFLWELLLENE was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname as FFWELLON - probably the widow of James FLWELEN or FLUELLEN] buried 21 Jany 1677]

22 Apr 1696 - Mary CLENCH was buried (PR)

24 Apr 1696 - Jane the widdow SHUGGER was buried (PR)

18 May 1696 - Darrathe [Dorothy] PETTE was buried (PR) (illiterate clerk's writing evidently PITT)

26 May 1696 - Mawthew WIRTS a prisoner man was buried (PR)

04 Jun 1696 - Lawarens [i.e. Lawrence] the sonn of Thomas & Darrathe [Dorothy] ELMS was buried (PR)

12 Jun 1696 - Marten the sonn of Robert & Ann GALLER was buried (PR) [ Note:- IGI has baptism as 25 Sep 1687]

20 Jun 1696 - Henery the sonn of Henry & Susana HARBONE was buried (PR)

11 Aug 1696 - Richard DOWLL [DOWEL] Senner [i.e. senior] was buried (PR)

11 Oct 1696 - Richard the sonn of Richard & Sarah TOOGOOD was buried (PR) [Note Baptism 2 Aug 1688]

10 Nov 1696 - Joan ELDARY was buried (or ILROY?) (PR)

15 Nov 1696 - Susanna the wife of Richard RIALLE was buried (PR)

03 Dec 1696 - The wif [wife] of William ARNALE [ARNOLL] was buried (PR) [Note:- Ann nee TAYLOR the wife of William ARNOLL who married 19th July 1656 - see marriage for list of their 7 children]

08 Dec 1696 - Robert ELLEAT [ELLIOTT] was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills Index for Letter of Administration dated 22nd Feb 1696/7]

09 Dec 1696 - LIMBARY a prisoner man was buried (PR)

21 Dec 1696 - Samuel PINCKE was buried (PR)

22 Dec 1696 - The widdow BOOLLOOKE [BULLOCK] was buried (PR)

24 Dec 1696 - Bridggat [Bridget] the wife of Mister Hennary [Henry] WIFFENE was buried (PR)


28 Mar 1697 - John ROGGERS was buried (PR)

11 Apr 1697 - Joan the wife of John AMMY [AMEY] was buried (PR)

13 Apr 1697 - Joane the widdow ALLENE [i.e. ALLEN] was buried(PR) [Note:- See comments about this family via this link - the NBI incorrectly has surname as ALBONE]

28 May 1697 - Jane the widdow GAME was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as GAMS]

25 Jun 1697 - Thomas PETTE [i.e. PITT] was buried (PR)

27 Jun 1697 - The son of Thomas ROSE was buried (PR)

11 July 1697 - Robert son of Robert LOCKE was buried (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Robert LOCK of All Saints Parish to Hannah WILLIAMS of Holy Trinity Parish who were married at HT on 07-Feb 1681 - IGI has baptism as 26 Sep 1692]

19 July 1697 - Mr.John CHAPELE was buried (PR) [Note Wrongly referred to in John Hutchins 'History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' as buried in 1693]

29 Aug 1697 - Peter son of Peter STANDISH was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 18 Aug 1697]

06 Sep 1697 - Thomas LINNINGTON Junior was buried (PR)

12 Sep 1697 - Thomas HELLARD senner [i.e.senior] was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as HOLLAND]

13 Oct 1697 - Ann the daughter of John WODS [or WOODS] was buried (PR)

29 Oct 1697 - Thomas BUSHRODE was buried (PR)

    [Note:- Burial of Thomas BUSHROD husband of Ann Bushrod who had 5 known children all baptised at All Saints Church Dorchester. Not been able to locate their marriage circa 1686 or a will :- (1) Thomas bap 26 May 1687 buried A/Sts 25/2/1687/8 (2) Thomas bap 12 Sep 1688 (3) Ann bap13 Nov 1690 (4) Joseph bap 30 Jan 1692/3 (5) Elizabeth bap 19 Sep 1695]

02 Nov 1697 - John MILLARE [MILLER] was buried (PR)

10 Jan 1697/8 - Elizabeth the daughter of Henary LILLY was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 16 Nov 1697]

04 Feb 1697/8 - Mister Edmund JUELL [or JEWELL] was buried (PR) [ See Wills Index 18 May 1698]

04 Feb 1697/8 - Jane the wife of John ROSSE [i.e. ROSE] was buried (PR)

09 Feb 1697/8 - Henary WILLSE [WILCE] was buried (PR)

22 Feb 1697/8 - Hennary HARBONE [HARBEN] Sener [Senior] baker buried [Note:- See Transcription of his will dated 5th Feb 1697 and proved 21st May 1698 ]

07 Mar 1697/8 - Nathaniel GRINDHAM senior was buried (PR)

13 Mar 1697/8 - Martha the daughter of Gorge [i.e. George] HELLARD was buried (PR) [Note Baptism 26 Dec 1697]

22 Mar 1697/8 - William GOLD a prisner was buried (PR)


07 Apr 1698 - William VINSANT [VINCENT] was buried (PR)

07 Apr 1698 - Jams? [i.e. James] BRADFORD? a prisner was buried [Note:- NBI has Christian name as Janis which is possible]

08 Apr 1698 - Ellar (Elinor?) RANDALL widdow was buried (PR)

14 Apr 1698 - Mary the wife of William LININGTON was buried (PR)

15 Apr 1698 - Ellizabeth HOPKENS was buried (PR)

22 Apr 1698 - Thomas SKAMMELL (a prisnar) was buried (PR)

04 May 1698 - James KETHE was buried (PR)

08 May 1698 - Robert WHITE was buried (PR)

08 May 1698 - Ann the daughter of Edmund JUELL was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 16 Apr 1695]

20 May 1698 - Ann the widdow CHAPMAN was buried (PR) [Note See Wills Index for Inventory for an Ann CHIPMAN (CHAPMAN) of All Saints Parish taken 8th June 1698 and separately a Letter of Administration granted to Elizabeth ABBOTT wife of John ABBOTT of Dorchester a taylor by trade dated 22nd May 1699]

25 May 1698 - Edward the sonn of Anthony REDSE [query READ - NBI has RODE] was buried (PR)

12 Jun 1698 - Henary the sonn of John HLLARD (sic) [HELLARD] was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has HILLARD]

13 Jun 1698 - Darbe LAGGE a prisner man was buried (PR)

22 Jun 1698 - Mary the wife of John LONGE was buried (PR)

06 Jul 1698 - Richard RONNPARNE (or ROMMARNE) a prisoner was buried (PR)

04 Aug 1698 - Andrew FOOKE junior was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as FFOCKS]

16 Aug 1698 - Georg [i.e. George] HARDYE a prisnar man was buried (PR)

20 Aug 1698 - "A prisnar man was buried" (PR)

03 Sep 1698 - John SHEPARD Senner [senior] was buried (PR)

29 Sep 1698 - COMMER SHALL a prisoner man was buried (evidently a surname only Comershall or Comershall R.G.B.-)[ Note NBI has Commar SMALL)

17 Jan 1698/9 - Ann the daughter of Thomas ARNOLL was buried (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas Arnoll to Ann Dowle in All Saints church on 30 Dec 1684 baptised 22 Sep 1689]

29 Jan 1698/9 - John GRABTREE [CRABTREE] was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as GRAFTROR?]

09 Mar 1698/9 - John BARTLET the elder was buried (PR) [Note:- Jane the wife of John BARTLETT the Elder was buried at ALL Saints 22nd April 1663]

13 Mar 1698/9 - Eddeth the widow LOCKE was buried (PR)

13 Mar 1698/9 - The wife of Goodman CHILES was buried (PR)

19 Mar 1698/9 - John AMEY the elder was buried (PR)

23 Mar 1698/9 Thomas LININGTON was buried (PR)

08 Apr 1699 - The wiffe [wife] of Laurence SHEPARD was buried (PR) [Note:- Lawrence SHEPHERD was the son of Lawrence and Elizabeth SHEPHERD and bap at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 1st Nov 1649. This is the burial of his 1st wife. He remarried on 18th July 1699 at Frampton to Elizabeth ENSOR a native of Melcombe Regis]

14 Apr 1699 - William HELLARD sonn of John HELLARD was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 24 Nov 1689]

20 Apr 1699 - the wiff [wife] of William LAMBART was buried (PR) [Note:- 1st wife? of William LAMBERT referred to in his Will Dated 16 Jan 1708/9 when he left his estate between his then wife Alice and his son Samuel by an earlier marriage ]

12 May 1699 - Joseph the sonn of John DOULL [DOWLE] was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 20 Mar 1699]

14 May 1699 - Kattren [Katharine] the wiff [wife] of Charlse [Charles] ASTEN the elder was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has Cathrer ASTON]

21 May 1699 - William the sonn of Raffe [Ralph] ATKENS was buried (PR) [Note IGI has baptism as 14 May 1699]

26 May 1699 - John SHERINGTON the elder was buried (PR)

27 May 1699 - Mary the daughter of Mister Edmund JUELL [or JEWELL] was buried (PR) [Note baptism 9 Aug 1697]

19 Jun 1699 - Fferanses [Frances] the widow RANDELL was buried (PR)

27 Jun 1699 - Dockter ROPER a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has Dokter ROGER]

23 Jul 1699 - William DRY the elder was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname FRY]

26 Jul 1699 - William the sonne of James KINGE was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 21 May 1699]

02 Aug 1699 - Katrene the wiffe of Danell TOPE was buried (PR) [See Biography of Bernard Toupe 1587-1635]

01 Sep 1699 - The widdow ROGERS was buried (PR)

04 Sep 1699 - Sarah SANDERS a servant maid of John CROMSE [or CROOME] was buried (PR)

26 Oct 1699 - Mary LININGTON the younger was buried (PR)

12 Nov 1699 - Edeth the daughter of Thomas CHESSELL was buried (PR) [Note NBI has 12 Nov]

12 Nov 1699 - Mary the daughter of Robert GRIFFEN was buried (PR)

29 Nov 1699 - John ELERY ye younger was buried (PR)

01 Dec 1699 - The wife of Thomas CEACH was buried (i.e. CEECH or KEECH illiterate Clerk's hand) [ Note:- NBI incorrectly has CRACKWALL]

07 Dec 1699 - Mrs Ann NORRIS widdow was buried (PR)

17 Dec 1699 - John ye sonn of Richard RILLE (i.e. RIALLS) was buried [Note:- baptised 16 Apr 1695 his mother Susanna was buried 15 Nov 1696]

31 Dec 1699 - John ye sonn of William HOOLT [HOLT] was buried (PR) [Note:- RGB incorrectly has the surname as ILATT or ELLAT; the NBI correctly has HOOLT as John the sonn of John the sonn of William & Ann HOLT was baptised at AS on 25 Feb 1695/6 ]

31 Dec 1699 - Elizabeth ye daughter of John GAWLER was buried (PR) [Note baptism 24 Apr 1687]

04 Jan 1699/1700 - Trostram BORTE a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname as BONTE which is possible]

11 Feb 1699/1700 - Richard KERINGTON (i.e. CARINGTON) [ NBI has surname as KARINGTON] was buried (PR)

25 Feb 1699/1700 - John TOCKAR [i.e.TUCKER] was buried (PR)

08 Mar 1699/1700 - Rachell the wiff [wife] of John KOLL (or COLL) was buried (PR)

14 Mar 1699/1700 - Jeremiah CLARKE was buried (PR) [Note this must be Jerimiah Clarke 'junior' as 'senior' was buried 23 Sep 1703]


09 Apr 1700 - Mary the daughter of Richard FOY was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 10 Feb 1694/95 daughter of Richard FOY and Alice ]

14 Apr 1700 - The daughter of Laurens [i.e. Lawrence] SHEPARD was buried (PR)

16 Apr 1700 - John GREEN was buried (PR)

02 May 1700 - The widdow BECKAM was buried (PR)

05 May 1700 - John the sonn of John HARIS was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 4 Feb 1699/1700]

13 May 1700 - Robert the sonn of Robert LOKE [LOCK] was buried (PR) [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Robert LOCK of All Saints Parish to Hannah WILLIAMS of Holy Trinity Parish who were married at HT on 07-Feb 1681]

13 Jun 1700 - The widdow FOOKE was buried (PR)

18 Jun 1700 - Luce SIVER a maid of Nollton [i.e. Knowlton] was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as SWAR]

16 Jul 1700 - John HARIS was buried (PR)

07 Aug 1700 - Hester SHERINGTON widow was buried (PR)

12 Aug 1700 - A prisoner man of Salisbury was buried (PR)

18 Aug 1700 - A prisoner man was buried (PR)

23 Aug 1700 - Mary the daughter of John WILLIAMS was buried (PR)

29 Sep 1700 - Joan the wiff [i.e. wife] of Peter FLUELIN [FLUELLEN] was buried (PR)

15 Oct 1700 - Mrs GIGER was buried (Comment by RGB i.e. Joan GIGGER) [Note:- NBI has surname as GIGON]

08 Dec 1700 - Mary the daughter of Robert GRIFFEN was buried (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Robert GRIFFIN to Mary SCOT at All Saints in Oct 1698]

08 Dec 1700 - The daughter of Cornelas WAY was buried (PR)

19 Jan 1700/1 - The wiffe of George HELLARD was buried (PR)

04 Feb 1700/1 - John CHILS of Trenaty Parish [i.e. Holy Trinity Dorchester] was buried (PR)

13 Feb 1700/1 - Ellizabeth SHEPARD widdow was buried (PR)

21 Feb 1700/1 - Mary the wife of Mister Andru [Andrew?] LODAR was buried (PR)

27 Feb 1700/1 - The wife of Ffrances GAYLARD was buried (PR)

09 Mar 1700/1 - Nathaniel the sonn of Nathaniel GRIFFEN was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 14 Aug 1695]

23 Mar 1700/1 - Arnal TOGOOD the sonn of John TOGOOD of London was buried (PR)

23 Mar 1700/1 - Edward the son of Edward WHITMELL was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 16 Mar 1700/01]


04 May 1701 - Edward CHEPMAN [CHAPMAN] senior was buried (PR)

04 May 1701 - ffrances PIPAR a prisnor was buried (PR)

16 May 1701 - Anne HAGARD widow was buried (PR)

18 May 1701 - Edward DASHWOOD Senior was buried (PR)

22 May 1701 - Thomas HOPKENS [HOPKINS] was buried (PR)

25 May 1701 - Thomas KECH [or KEECH] was buried (PR)

29 Jun 1701 - Elizabeth the daughter of Gorg [i.e. George] HELLARD was buried (PR)

13 July 1701 - The wiff [wife] of Nicholas CONAWAY was buried (PR)

23 July 1701 - Thomas VRYE [or FRY] senner [i.e. senior] was burried (PR)

18 Aug 1701 - Mary the daughter of Hennary LILLAY was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism of Mary LILLYE d of Henry & Joan LILLYE baptised 30 Oct 1695 ]

21 Aug 1701 - Elizabeth the widdow HELLARD was buried (PR)

25 Aug 1701 - The wiffe of John WILLIAMSE of the Holly Trinnety was buried (PR) [ i.e. from the Parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester]

27 Aug 1701 - Martha the daughter of Edward [& Martha] HOGGES was buried (PR) [ Note:- IGI has baptisms as 10 Feb 1695/66 - Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as ROGGES]

27 Aug 1701 - Dorate [or Durate - query Dorothy?NBI has Vurate] daughter of Georg[e] WHIT [or WHITE] of St Peters was buried (PR)

02 Sep 1701 - John KOLE (or COLL or COLE) was buried (PR)

14 Sep 1701 - Alis [or Alice ] the daughter of Peter STANDISH was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as Alc or Alice d of Peter & Sarah STANDISH bap 16 Oct 1700]

24 Sep 1701 - William KANLY a prisoner was buried (PR)

07 Oct 1701 - The wif of Mr. Robert GAYLARD was buried (PR illegible)

09 Oct 1701 - Dorethy d of Thomas ELMS buried (PR illegible)

10 Oct 1701 - Elizabeth d of Larens [i.e. Lawrence] RIGHTON (RITON?) buried (PR illegible)

03 Dec 1701 - Mary the daughter of Henry LILLY buried (PR surname illegible) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 1 Oct 1701]

21 Dec 1701 - Thomas the son of Thomas STOUT was buried (PR surname illegible) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 15 Dec 1701]

21 Dec 1701 - Mary the daughter of Thomas STOUT was buried (PR fathers Christian name illegible)

02 Jan 1701/2 - The widow WHIFFEN was buried (PR)

06 Jan 1701/2 - BOSHA a prisnar man was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly have surname as BASH]

07 Jan 1701/2 - 2 daughters of George SHEPARS [or SHEPARD] Sarath & Tamsin were buried (PR only legible up to Sarah) [Note baptism of Tamsen 29 Dec 1701 d of George & Margaret Shepard - NBI incorrectly has Grace SHEPARS?]

16 Jan 1701/2 - HEWSMOOR a prisoner man was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has name as Hew MOOR which is possible]

01 Feb 1701/2 - Mathew the sonn of John WINSER [also spelt WINSOR or WINZAR] buried (PR) [Note IGI has baptism as 8 Jun 1701] [Note:- 12th child from the marriage of John WINSER to Mary GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679]

07 Feb 1701/2 - Jams [i.e. James ] HAGGARD buried (PR)

15 Feb 1701/2 - Mary BARBER was (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 27 Apr 1701]

09 Mar 1701/2 - William VALLET a prisner was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname WALL]

21 Mar 1701/2 - John HANUM (HANHAM) a prisner buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname THAMIN]

1702 [Note:- The Parish register:- Another poor quality water damaged document where most of the dates and some names down the left of the page are illegible on my image - I have as before retained info from RGB's transcription]

25 Mar 1702 - John BARTLET a prisoner buried (PR)

08 Apr 1702 - Mary WILLIAMS widdow was buried (PR)

27 May 1702 - William GEALE senior was buried (PR)

07 Jun 1702 - Nicholas SLEAD [i.e. SLADE] Senior was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname HEAD]

15 Jun 1702 - John DIFFEY was buried (PR)

30 Jun 1702 - Joan MILLER was buried (PR)

06 Jul 1702 - Edward son of Edward HODGES buried (PR illegible)

16 Jul 1702 - Joan wife of Henry LILLY buried (PR illegible)

26 Jul 1702 - John PARSONS was buried (PR)

02 Aug 1702 - Christian wife of John HARRIS buried (PR)

02 Aug 1702 - Elizabeth HELLARD widow buried (PR)

12 Aug 1702 - John HELLARD Sen: [senior] was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for his will dated 17th July 1702 proved 24th May 1703]

30 Aug 1702 - John son of Thomas MILLER was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 2 Apr 1699]

05 Sep 1702 - Elizabeth the wife of Larauns [Laurence] SHEPARD was buried (PR) [Note:- 2nd wife of Lawrence SHEPHERD see Strays index for his marriage to Elizabeth ENSOR on 18th July 1699 in Frampton]

15 Sep 1702 - Henry son of Henry & Mary SHORTO was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 6 May 1696]

17 Sep 1702 - Magdalen GRINDOM was buried (PR)

18 Sep 1702 - John HARIS the son of John & Sarah HARIS [HARRIS] was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 16 Mar 1701]

20 Sep 1702 - Elner the daughter of Edward & Sarah GRACE was buried (PR) [Note:- Sarah the wife of Edward GRACE of Fordington was buried at All Saints 18th jan 1707/8 and Edward GRACE the elder of Fordington was buried at All Saints 2nd Mar 1712/3 and left a Will.]

27 Sep 1702 - Ann wife of Robert FFIPPOT [PHILPPOT] was buried (PR)

30 Sep 1702 - Sarah DRYE [DRY] widow was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills Index for her will dated 21st jan 1701/2 proved 24th May 1703]

01 Oct 1702 - Suzana the daughter of William EDWARDS buried (PR)

18 Oct 1702 - Edward CLENCH was buried (PR)

25 Oct 1702 - The widdow LININGTON was buried (PR)

28 Oct 1702 - Joseph LININGTON was buried (PR)

03 Nov 1702 - Susana HARBIN was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has date 3 Oct]

22 Nov 1702 - Edward ROLLANDS a prisoner was buried (PR)

23 Nov 1702 - Edward HODGES was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has date 3 Dec?]

10 Dec 1702 - Elizabeth STOUT widdow was buried (PR)

24 Dec 1702 -William COUWARD [COWARD] was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname COUNWAY]

24 Dec 1702 - Margreat SHEAPEARD [or SHEPARD] was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname SHEPWARD]

20 Jan 1702/3 - Joseph FOOY [FOY] was buried (PR)

21 Jan 1702/03 Catren [Catherine] the widow GILLET was buried (PR)

29 Jan 1702/03 - Jane ux [abbreviated latin for uxor or wife of ] Thomas VOS [or VOSS] buried [Note:- PR has " Jan the wif [wife] of Thomas UOS [VOS] was buried]

22 Feb 1702/3 - Samuel HELARD Junior was buried (PR)

09 Mar 1702/3 - Robert YOUNG senior was buried (PR)


19 Apr 1703 - Jams [i.e. James] LODER a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has James LASER]

19 Apr 1703 - Annie HOPKINS widow buried (PR)

02 May 1703 - Margaret POUNCY buried (PR)

23 Jun 1703 - Christopher WHIT [or WHITE] was buried (PR illegible)

28 Jul 1703 - Anna d of Mr Henry WHIFEN was buried (PR illegible)

23 Sep 1703 - Jeremiah CLARK Sen [i.e.senior] was buried (PR) [Note a Jeremiah Clarke presumably 'junior' was buried 14 Mar 1699/1700]

07 Nov 1703 - Frances HAYWARD was buried (PR)

28 Dec 1703 - Robert BARTLET was buried (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the 2nd marriage of William BARTLETT the Elder (c.1609-1687/8) to Edeth Circa 1663].

20 Jan 1703/4 - Mrs. Mary SEWARD of Melcombe Regis was buried (PR) [Note:- There is a very weathered family tomb at the entrance to All Saints churchyard where I can make out the words "Here Lyeth; M [i.e. Mr.] Joseph SEWARD Mary his wife Joseph Frances Mary [perhaps children?] --Jane ye wife of Mr. Thomas SEWARD who dyed ---"]

11 Feb 1703/4 - Laurens [i.e. Lawrence] RIGHTON was buried (PR)

16 Mar 1703/4 - William CRIFEN (or GRIFEN) was buried (PR)


26 Mar 1704 - Martha the daughter of William TOOKER [or LOCKER as per NBI entry] was buried (PR)

24 Apr 1704 - A stanger a travelling man was buried (PR)

18 May 1704 - William PHELPS was buried (PR)

19 May 1704 - Margaret the wife of John BARTLETT was buried (PR) [Note:- the copy register has used the latin abbreviation of 'ux' for 'uxor' meaning:- 'wife of'][Note:- Margarey BARTLETT nee HOSKINGS who married John BARTLETT at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 22nd Apr 1679]

23 May 1704 - Elizabeth the daughter of Henry LILY was buried (PR)

30 May 1704 - Thomas CLARKE was buried (PR)

02 July 1704 - Joan HUTTEN widow was buried (PR)

07 Aug 1704 - Christian HAYWARD widow was buried (PR) [Note:- The widow of William HAYWARD who was granted adminsitration of her husbands estate on 15th Dec 1665]

07 Aug 1704 - Nathanell [Nathaniel] the son of Nathanell [Nathaniel] GRIFFEN was buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 9 Aug 1701 son of Nathaniel & Sarah GRIFFEN]

24 Sep 1704 - Judeth FOOY [FOY] widow was buried (PR) [Note:- The widow of Richard FOY follow link for more information about this family left a Will dated 5th Aug 1704 proved 25 Sep 1704 See Wills index]

24 Sep 1704 - Elizabeth the daughter of Henry SHOTO [SHORTO] buried (PR)

24 Sep 1704 - Thomas ELMS the elder was buried (PR)

24 Oct 1704 - Sarah the daughter of Nathaniel MILLER was buried (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about this family]

03 Nov 1704 - Nicholas MINTREN [MINTERN] a prisoner was buried (PR)

20 Nov 1704 - Mr. Joseph SEWARD the elder was buried (PR) [Note:- There is a very weathered family tomb at the entrance to All Saints churchyard where I can make out the words "Here Lyeth; M [i.e. Mr.] Joseph SEWARD Mary his wife Joseph Frances Mary [perhaps their children?] --Jane ye wife of Mr. Thomas SEWARD who dyed ---" John Hutchins lists this as the burial at All Saints of a significant member of the parish ]

All Saints Church Dorchester - 2011
© 2011 Michael Russell FIPD

10 Dec 1704 - Anthony REED the elder was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname REVE]

12 Dec 1704 - Josiah BILLS [i.e. BILES] the younger was buried (PR)

14 Dec 1704 - Alce DIFFEY widow was buried (PR)

18 Feb 1704/5 - Elizabeth SHORTO widow was buried (PR)

12 Mar 1704/5 - Elizabeth HARBEN was buried (PR)


31 Mar 1705 - Joh: [John] the soon [son] of William TUCKER was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname LUCKER]

02 Apr 1705 - Elizabeth SQUEB (note altered to 'SPEED') widow was buried [Note:- Her surname as originally written does look like SKWEEF which is how it has been recorded in the NBI. It is actually SKWUEEB which the Rev Bartleot correctly transcribed as being SQUEB for SQUIBB a well known family in Dorchester - this entry is not crossed out, but somebody else - different hand - has then written the word 'Speed' immediately above it]

12 Apr 1705 - Mary MEECH of Stipleton was buried (PR) [Note:- probably Winterborne Steepleton]

16 Apr 1705 - Ann the daughter of William ARNOLL was buried (PR)

18 Jun 1705 - Debbra SPEED widow was buried (PR)

27 Jun 1705 - Elizabeth BARTLETT was buried (PR) [Note:- Elizabeth BARTLETT (1666-1705) 2nd child from the Marriage of Thomas BARTLETT (c.1637-1672) to Elizabeth PITT from Fordington at Charminster on 9th Sep 1663]

28 Jun 1705 - (omitted) The wife of Thomas GUI was buried (PR) [Note:- Likely to be Frances the wife of Thomas GIE who married at All Saints 16th jan 1654/5]

28 Jul 1705 - John BIMDOLE was buried prisoner [Note:- NBI has surname BIMDALE]

13 Sep 1705 - Thomas BUNN Parish Clerk buried [See comments by Rev RG Bartelot at start of register and the Wills Register for his Will dated 2nd June 1705. Wife named Mary Parish Clerk of All Saints from circa 1692 until his death]

07 Oct 1705 - Judith SLADE widdow was buried (PR) [Note:- husband buried 7 June 1702]

16 Oct 1705 - Mical [Michael] Harryye son of Rick: [Richard] & Alce FFOY was buried (PR) [Note:- baptised 12 Feb 1704/05 as Micall Henry - NBI incorrectly has surname as HARVYE]

02 Nov 1705 - Elnor [Eleanor] DOWLE widow was buried (PR)

17 Nov 1705 - Magret [Margaret] RYALL [or RIALL] a widow was buried (PR)

28 Nov 1705 - Mary CHURCHILL widdow was buried wife to John CHURCHILL (PR)

30 Nov 1705 - Sarah the daughter of Nathanile [Nathaniel] GRIFEN was buried (PR) [Note baptism 9 Jul 1699]

08 Jan 1705/6 - Elizabeth COAST ye wife of John COAST was buried (PR)

14 Mar 1705/6 - Joan the wife of Samuel ALLEN was buried (PR) [Note:- Samuel ALLEN married Joane MARTEN at All Saints church Dorchester 11th Dec 1656 Link to more information]

18 Mar 1705/6 - Henry the sonn of Mr Henry WHIFEN was buried (PR) [Note:- baptism 17 Jul 1701]

20 Mar 1705/6 - Samuel VAUGHAN son of Richard VAUGHAN was buried (PR)

[21 Mar 1705/6] FILE NOTE:- The Rector of All Saints on this day was the Rev. Richard HUTCHINS BA who was Rector here from 1693 to 1734. On this day


10 Apr 1706 - George SHEPPARD son of Israell SHEPARD buried (PR)

29 May 1706 - Henry SHORTO was buried (PR)

03 Jun 1706 - Thomas ye son of Thomas CHANING was buried (PR)

27 Jun 1706 - Anne DOWLE ye daughter of John & Ann his wife was buried (PR) [Note baptism 29 Apr 1688]

22 July 1706 - Deborah: ye wife of Sebastian HUNT was buried 1706 (PR) [Note:- Deborah was the 2nd child from the marriage of Henry Harben to Margery Bullock at All Saints Church Dorchester on 25 Jun 1657 - Follow Link to more information about this family - Her husband remarried to Mary and was buried at All Saints on 30 Mar 1722 and left a Will]

22 Sep 1706 - Mr Robert IRONSIDE buried - a prisoner (son & heir of the Ven Ralph IRONSIDE Archdeacon of Dorset) (PR) [Note:- Listed in John Hutchins 'History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset']

    Genealogical Notes:- Regarding the comments made by Rev. Richard Grosvenor BARTELOT in his transcription: Research by descendants has recently drawn into question whether he was actually the son of the Archdeacon:

    The Rev RG Bartelot probably relied upon the Pedigree for this family listed in the 1677 Visitation of Dorset which was conducted in the summer of that year by the eminent herald Sir Edward Bysshe Clarenceux King of Arms. The pedigree is signed by a descendant John Ironside (1627-1694) of Longbredy. The university information given on the pedigree is clearly taken from Oxford and Cambridge alumni and is accurate. On the pedigree there are three Robert IRONSIDE's and the Rev Bartelot refers to the first of these which is shown as the son and heir of Ralph IRONSIDE MA (1605-1682) (Rector of Long Bredy from 1629-1682) who was ejected from his living by the Long Parliament in 1650 for continuing to read from the Book of Common Prayer and was reduced to the utmost poverty. He was reinstated at the time of the Restoration and became Archdeacon of Dorset on 16 Sep 1671. He died 5th March 1682, just three days after his wife Margaret; they were buried together on 7th March 1682 under the chancel’s north wall in the parish church of St Peter's at Long Bredy. According to this pedigree Robert IRONSIDE married an Elizabeth and they had a son John baptised 10 Feb 1668/69 but no other information is provided. His younger brothers are shown as Gilbert (1649/50-1715) and Ralph who married Margaret the daughter of Sir Edward Furs (Fust) Knight of Hill in Gloucestershire.

    Ralph IRONSIDE MA (1605-1682) was Rector of Longbredy but only a few leaves from his original parish register appear to have survived. Those that do confirm Ralph's marriage to Margaret Strode on 17th April 1632 and the baptism of their first two children (1) Elizabeth (correctly recorded in the pedigree as 27th Jan 1632/3) and (2) Robert IRONSIDE (not recorded) on 26th April 1635. A problem then arises in that the next entry in the register is the burial of a Robert Ironside on 1st November 1635. With high infant mortality rates it is reasonable to assume that this relates to the earlier baptism. We are not helped by the poor quality of these records or the fact that Ralph only seems to have listed peoples names when burials took place. With subsequent records missing its always possible that another Robert Ironside was baptised, lived and married Elizabeth but it at least raises the possibility that the Rev G Bartelot latched onto the wrong Robert Ironside.

    Ralph IRONSIDE MA (1605-1682) had an older brother Gilbert IRONSIDE (1588-1671) Lord Bishop of Bristol who is referred to a number of times in David Underdown's book about Dorchester called 'Fire from Heaven' and also listed in the pedigree. He married twice his children baptised at Winterborne Steepleton from his 2nd wife Elizabeth Frencham were:- (1) Elizabeth bap 17th Oct 1622 buried 20 Jan 1622/3 (2) Thomas (1624-1643) bap 24 Jan 1624, Wadham College Oxford 1641 buried there 11 May 1643 (3) John (1626-1694) bap 23 June 1626 of Burton Bradstock died 20 Nov 1694 Will proved 21 Mar 1694/5 (4) Ralph bap 27th Aug 1628 of Wadham College Oxford 1650 and St Mary Hall Cambridge 1652 (5) Gilbert (1632-1701) bap 4th Oct 1632 of Wadham College Oxford DD 1666 died 27 Apr 1701 (6) Robert IRONSIDE bap 27th May 1633 who is said to be without issue in 1677. I am told by researchers that he survived as he is mentioned in his fathers will of 1671, various leases dated 1698/99 and 1703. If this is our man he would have been 73 years old which although perfectly possible seems old to die in prison for debt (7) Edward bap 18 Aug 1633 who married Jane the daughter of Richard HOW of Fordington

    The third Robert IRONSIDE was the son of Major John IRONSIDE and Katherine MICHEL and was baptised on 9th May 1671 at Burrton Bradsock and is in my view a much more likely candidate. His mother Katherine Ironside in her will dated in 1704 is referred to as being of Dorchester and his sister Elizabeth married there in 1697 suggesting that the family may have been living in Dorchester after the death of their father in 1694. Also in John Hutchins Account of of the Hamlet of Bridy he refers to this family and states "Ralph his son dying without issue in confinement for debt---" Hutchins, like all of us, also made mistakes and an example can be found in this families pedigree as he refers to Major John IRONSIDE being the son of Gilbert the Bishop of Bristol by Alice; whereas we know from the Visitation and his baptism that he was the Bishops son by his 2nd marriage to Elizabeth Frencham. Its possible therefore that Hutchins also made a mistake between Ralph for Robert but at the very least there is evidence of debt in the family and this robert would have been 35 when he died. As can be seen from these registers Dorchester gaol was not a healthy place to be.

01 Oct 1706 - Joseph ye son of Joseph RODGERS was buried (PR) [Note baptism 3 Jun 1702]

23 Oct 1706 - ffarmer TUCK a prisoner was buried (PR)

06 Nov 1706 - farmer AKERMAN a prisoner was buried (PR)

13 Nov 1706 - John ye son of John HUTCHENES was buried (PR)

18 Nov 1706 - Charles AUSTEN senior was buried (PR)

06 Dec 1706 - Joseph RYALL senior was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has date 18 Nov]

19 Jan 1706/7 - Deanes BARTLET widdow buried (PR) [Note:- widow of John BARTLETT (bur.1678) who married Deans Unknown (bur.1706/7 before 1661) - follow link for more information]

20 Jan 1706/7 - Petter CLINTON or CHIRTON a prisoner buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname COINTON?]

07 Feb 1706/7 - Susannah RYALL was buried (PR)

11 Feb 1706/7 - Robert LILLINGTON ye son of Joseph LILLINGTON was buried (PR)

21 Feb 1706/7 - Sarah the daughter of Richard & Margret EDMONDS was buried (PR)

28 Feb 1706/7 - Robert SHORT was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname as SHORTO which is a known family in Dorchester but Parish Register has SHORT as transcribed by the Rev Bartelot]

18 Mar 1706/7 - Grace the wife of John GAWLER was buried (PR)


27 Mar 1707 - Ann DOYLEY widdow was buried (PR)

06 Apr 1707 - Elizabeth the wife of Thomas POUNCY senior was buried Aprill 6: 1707 (PR)

21 Apr 1707 - Morris JENCKINS [JENKINS] was buried (PR)

08 May 1707 - Rebecka the wife of James GAYLARD was buried (PR)

10 May 1707 - Josiah RODGERS was buried (PR)

04 Jun 1707 - Mr.Andrew LODER senior was buried (PR) [Note:- Alderman of Dorchester See Dorchester Wills Index - Will proved 18 June 1707 - Listed by John Hutchins in his 'History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset']

18 Jun 1707 - Samule ALLEN was buried (PR) [Note:- Samuel ALLEN married Joane MARTEN at All Saints church Dorchester 11th Dec 1656 Link to more information]

07 Aug 1707 - Mary the daughter of Rob: [Robert] GRIFEN was buried (PR) [ 4th child from the marriage of Robert GRIFFIN to Mary SCOT at All Saints in Oct 1698 - NBI incorrectly has Masy GRIFFEN]

18 Sep 1707 - James WOOD was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester [See Dorchester Wills Index - Will proved 9 October 1707]

01 Oct 1707 - John HARRIS ye elder the Hellier was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills Index for his will dated 24th Sep 1707 and proved 8th June 1708 + Inventory of his goods dated 5th July 1708]

16 Oct 1707 - Margery the daughter of Wm [William] & Margrey: [Margery] GRAY buried (PR)

20 Nov 1707 - The widow Lucy DASHWOOD ye wife of Edward DASHWOOD buried (PR)

15 Dec 1707 - Elenar the daughter of ffrancis & Elizabeth SHEERWOOD [SHEARWOOD] of Morden was buried (PR)

20 Dec 1707 - Dorithy RIGHTON widdow was buried (PR)

09 Jan 1707/8 - William BROWN prisoner was buried of Litton burd [buried] (PR)

16 Jan 1707/8 - Andrew SHORT was buried Januarie ye 16 (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for a Letter of Administration granted to his mother Elizabeth SHORT widow of Dorchesterof All Saints Parish dated 7th Feb 1707/8]

18 Jan 1707/8 - Sarah the wife of Edward GRACE of Forington [i.e. Fordington] was buried (PR)

13 Feb 1707/8 - John STILLERAIE a prisoner was buried (PR)

15 Mar 1707/8 - Margret ye wife of John HELLARD was buried (PR)


08 Apr 1708 - Jane GEAME ye daughter of Simon GAME [NBI incorrectly has surname GEANE] buried Aprill 8. (PR) [Note:- baptism of Jane d of Symon & Jane GAME 29 Jun 1687]

23 Apr 1708 - Mary the daughter of Katherine VAUGHAN widow buried (PR) [NBI incorrectly has surname GAUGHAD]

15 May 1708 - Elizabeth ye wife of Rob: [Robert] ARNOLD was buried (PR) [Her husband Robert ARNOLL was bap 12th Nov 1676 the 7th and last child from the marriage of William ARNOLL to Ann TAYLOR at All Saints on 19th July 1656]

11 Jun 1708 - George SHEPPARD was buried (PR)

11 Jun 1708 - George HELLARD was buried (PR)

05 Jul 1708 - Andrew LODER of Dorchester widower (Note:- by Rev RG Bartelot - administration to brother Robert) was buried (PR) [Note:- listed by John Hutchins in his 'History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' as Mr Andrew Loder Junior (senior was buried in 1707) See Wills Index]

05 Aug 1708 - James GAYLARD was buried (PR)

27 Sep 1708 - Mr.Thomas DELICOATE [ should be DELACOURT] was buried (PR)

    [Note: Thomas DELACOURT was the son of Thomas DELACOURT Senior of Milton Abbas and married Margaret COKER at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 25th Sep 1665]

28 Sep 1708 - Sarah the daughter of Rob: [Robert] & Elizabeth ELIOTT buried (PR) [Note:- baptism of Sarah d of Robert & Elizabeth Eliat 25 Sep 1689]

04 Oct 1708 - Nicholas CONWAY was buried (PR)

04 Dec 1708 - John STREWBY was buried (PR)

21 Dec 1708 - Elizabeth the daughter of George & Mary LIMBRY buried (PR)

30 Dec 1708 - Martha the wife of Giles WILLCE buried (PR)

02 Jan 1708/9 - Thomas GUY was buried (PR)

20 Feb 1708/9 - Mary the daughter of Pettar & Sarah STANDISH buried (PR) [Note:- IGI has baptism as 27 May 1708]

03 Mar 1708/9 - John CLARKE ye was drowned & lost in ye snow near 5 weeks before was buried (PR)

------------------------------------------------------04 Mar 1708/9 - Joan wife of Nicholas SLADE buried

04 Mar 1708/9 - John BROWN a soldier was buried out of the prison (PR)

04 Mar 1708/9 - Steven SHERING a prisoner was buried (PR)


29 Apr 1709 - Thomas VOSS child buried (PR)

07 May 1709 - Elizabeth MILLER a prisoner buried (PR)

08 May 1709 - Richard STEVENS of Frampton buried (PR)

08 May 1709 - Ann GRIFEN ye daughter of Robert & Hannah GRIFEN buried (PR)

10 May 1709 - Hannah the daughter of Trustriam & Mary BARTLET buried (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Tristram BARTLETT to Frances WHITE who married at St Georges Church in Fordington on 2nd Feb 1669.]

15 May 1709 - Grace the wife of Steven SMITH buried (PR)

15 May 1709 - Robert TUCKER senior buried (PR)

22 May 1709 - Sarrah [Sarah] & Margrett the daughters of Thomas EVORMY & Sarah his wife was buried (PR) [Note baptism of Margaret Evemy 25 Nov 1707 & Sarah 18 Mar 1701/02]

23 May 1709 - Elizabeth MILLER a prisoner was buried (PR)

23 May 1709 - (Omitted) a soldier was buried (PR)

09 Jun 1709 - Thomas LIMM a prisoner buried (PR)

25 Jun 1709 - James STACEY a prisoner was buried (PR) [NBI incorrectly has surname as STOREY?]

05 Sep 1709 - Giles LUCKAS a prisoner buried (PR)

30 Sep 1709 - Sarah the daughter of Wm [William] & Sarah WINSOR buried (PR) [Note:- 2nd child of William WINZAR's marriage to Sarah circa 1705]

28 Oct 1709 - Robert SCUTT was buried (PR)

24 Nov 1709 - Elizabeth the daughter of John & Mary SEAGER buried (PR)

04 Dec 1709 - Thomas EVOMY the elder was buried (PR)

25 Dec 1709 - Trustriam [i.e. Tristram] BARTLET junior buried (PR) [Note:- Tristram BARTLETT Junior husband of to Frances WHITE whom he married at St Georges Church in Fordington on 2nd Feb 1669.]

13 Feb 1709/10 - Richard the son of George & Elizabeth FFOY buried (PR) [Note:- baptism 19 Mar 1708]

03 Mar 1709/10 - Hanah the daughter of Robert & Mary GRIFEN buried (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Robert GRIFFIN to Mary SCOT at All Saints in Oct 1698]

14 Mar 1709/10 - Hanah the daughter of Eliz: [Elizabeth] BARTLET widow buried (PR)  [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Tristram Bartlett Junior to Elizabeth Unknown circa 1702]


15 Apr 1710 - Ann JEWELL widow was buried 1710 (PR)

21 Apr 1710 - Joseph HELLGROW was buried (PR)

22 Apr 1710 - John DUNN a prisnor buried (PR)

24 Apr 1710 - John WILLIAMS chandler buried (PR) [ Note:- There is a Will in the Index for a John Williams grocer? of Dorchester which might be him]

30 Apr 1710 - farmer TUTTY a prisnor buried (PR)

01 May 1710 - Richard BAYLY was buried (PR)

07 May 1710 - Ann KEECH widow was buried (PR)

11 Jun 1710 - Hannah BRYNE ye wife of John BRYNE buried (PR)

17 Jul 1710 - John KNOWLES a prisnor was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname KNOWLEY?]

19 Sep 1710 - John DASHWOOD was buried (PR)

14 Oct 1710 - Jane RYALL widdow was buried (PR)

24 Oct 1710 - John ROSE was buried (PR)

29 Dec 1710 - Mr. Henry WHIFFON was buried (PR) [Note:- Henry WHIFFEN was Mayor of Dorchester in 1699 and 1710 - Mayo says Dec 26th 1710 Henry Whiffen gent Mayor died this day and Andrew Purchase chosen to succeed him until the Monday after Michaelmas next - Listed by John Hutchins in his'History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset']

01 Jan 1710/1 - Robert FFOOKE the elder was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for his will dated 29th Jan 1708/9 proved 30 May 1711]

05 Feb 1710/1 - Joseph DEANE of Honiton [in Devon] was buried (PR)

22 Mar 1710/1 - Joseph GOULD a prisnor was buried (PR)


03 Apr 1711 - Percilla [Precilla] CHAPLE was buried (PR)

18 May 1711 - Ann the daughter of Thomas & Ann VOSS buried (PR)

08 July 1711 - Mary the daughter Samule WILLIAMS buried (PR)

30 Aug 1711 - Barbara BATSCOMB [BASCOMBE] ye wife of John BATSCOMB buried (PR) [Note:- the copy register has ux [latin for uxor or wife of] John BATSCOMBE]

29 Oct 1711 - Mr. Robert LODER was buried (Note by Rev RG Bartelot original transcriber in 1908:- '15 Dec 1711 Robert LODER of Dorchester - administration to relict Mary') [Note:- Listed in John Hutchins 'History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset' also see page 461 MRD he was town clerk of Dorchester from 1694 and was replaced by Robert Colson 29th Oct 1711 as he had died. Previously elected a Capital Burgess of Dorchester on 3rd Aug 1710]

12 Nov 1711 - Richard HODGES a prisnor was buried (PR)

15 Nov 1711 - John HURD a soldier was buried (PR)

18 Nov 1711 - Lidia TUCKER widow was buried (PR)

08 Dec 1711 - Thomas SWADERIDGE was buried a prisnor (PR)

29 Jan 1711/2 - William DRY was buried (PR) [ See Dorchester Wills Index 17 July 1712 ]

09 Feb 1711/2 - Martha the daughter of John & Ann DOULE was buried (PR)

02 Mar 1711/2 - James BOLLEN a prisnor buried (PR)

03 Mar 1711/2 - John the son Samule HARBINE & Ann his wife buried (PR)

19 Mar 1711/2 - Ralph ATKINS buried (PR)


25 Apr 1712 - Mary BUNN widow was buried (PR)

28 Apr 1712 - Ann the wife of William BATCOMB buried (PR) [Note:- Ann wife of William BASCOMBE who married Ann DALEY at All Saints church in Dorchester on 27th June 1686]

26 May 1712 - Mary the daughter of William & Mary HAYWARD buried (PR)

10 Jun 1712 - Stephen CLARKE was buried (PR)

22 Aug 1712 - Jane the daughter of Thomas & Margaret MILLER buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has month of December]

11 Sep 1712 - Cornelius GAWLER buried (PR)

26 Sep 1712 - Thomas the son of William & Ann HOLT buried (PR)

13 Nov 1712 - John BRADFORD was buried (PR)

20 Nov 1712 - ffrances DOWLE widow was buried (PR)

23 Nov 1712 - Judith the wife of Richard GILLETT buried (PR)

30 Nov 1712 - Alce [i.e. Alice] STANDISH buried (PR)

30 Nov 1712 - Thomas ELMS ye son of Thomas ELMS buried (PR)

25 Jan 1712/3 - George the son of William & Mary HELLIARD buried [NBI has surname as HELLARD] (PR)

01 Feb 1712/3 - Mary GEALE was buried (PR)

25 Feb 1712/3 - John BARTLET the elder was buried (PR) [Note:- John BARTLETT the Elder (bur.1712/3 husband of Margaret nee HOSKINGS (bur.1704)]

02 Mar1712/3 - Edward GRACE the elder of forington [i.e. Fordington] was buried (PR) [ See Fordington Wills Index 1713 ]


10 Apr 1713 - Mrs Joane FFORTUNE wido: [widow] buried (PR)

28 Jul 1713 - Thomas FFRY was buried (PR) [Note:- See Willis Index for his will dated 27th July 173 proved 14 Sep 1713]

13 Oct 1713 - Joanah FFRY ye daughter of Joseph FFRY was buried (PR)

01 Feb 1713/4 - Mary the wife of Robert GRIFFEN was buried (PR) [Note:- Robert GRIFFIN married Mary SCOT at All Saints in Oct 1698]

09 Feb 1713/4 - Richard WELCH a prisner was buried was buried (paid for) (PR)


28 Mar 1714 - Trustriam [Tristram] BARTLET [BARTLETT] was buried (PR) [Note:- Tristram BARTLETT married Frances WHITE at St Georges Church in Fordington on 2nd Feb 1669.]

13 Apr 1714 - Margaret the daughter of John & Elizabeth BARTLET was buried (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John BARTLETT to Elizabeth CRIMBLE at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 19th Oct 1712]

11 July 1714 - Ann the wife of Thomas ARNOLD was buried (PR) [Note:- Thomas Arnoll married Ann Dowle in All Saints church on 30 Dec 1684 -see marriage for children]

12 Nov 1714 - Johnn ye son of William & Margery GREY buried (PR)

12 Dec 1714 - Selathile NORRICE was buried (PR)

30 Dec 1714 - Mary PARSONS widow buried (PR)

14 Jan 1714/5 - Andrew FFOOKE was buried (PR)

04 Mar 1714/5- Mrs. Mary GRIFFEN of Chauldon was buried (PR)

23 Mar 1714/5 - Elizabeth HELLARD was buried (PR)


01 Apr 1715 - Mr. Giles STOODLY buried , coroner for ye West (PR) [Note:- likely to be Giles STTODLEY the son of Benjamin STOODLEY of Broad Winsor Dorset a graduate of Wadham College Oxford matriculated there 10 Apr 1685 at the age of 16 BA 1688 MA 1691]

05 Apr 1715 -Mrs Martha SYDNAM a prisner buried (PR)

07 Apr 1715 - Joan WHITE widow the wife formerly of Denis WHITE was buried (PR)

14 Apr 1715 - Henry HELLARD the mason buried (PR)

27 Apr 1715 - Dorithy LIMBRY widow was buried (PR)

03 Jun 1715 - ffarmer COBB a prisnor was buried [Note:- NBI probably incorrectly have carried forward the above Christian name of Dorithy for this entry]

24 Jul 1715 - William ye son of Mary TILLY was buried (PR)

01 Aug 1715 - Mary the wife of John WHITE was buried (PR)

02 Sep 1715 - Joseph & Mary the son and daughter of Robert LEMON junior & Mary his wife were buried (PR)

15 Sep 1715 - Ruben & John the sons of William & Mary BARTLET was buried (PR) [Note:- 4th and 5th children of the butcher William BARTLETT (bur. 1741/2) and Mary Unknown ]

3 Oct 1715 - Robert PHILPOTT of the Parish of St Petters [Dorchester] buried (PR)

27 Nov 1715 - Ann the daughter of Richard & Joan GILLET buried (PR)

18 Dec 1715 - Joane the wife of Richard GILLET junior was buried (PR)

05 Jan 1715/6 - Henry HAZELL a prisner was buried of ffuntmell [maybe Fontmell Magna ] Parish (PR)

10 Jan 1715/6 - Richard s of Mary GILLET buried (PR)

11 Jan 1715/6 - ffarmer Joseph HARRIS of Pidletown a prisnor buried (PR)

20 Jan 1715/6 - Mrs. Mary LIDDOZ [NBI has LIDDOR] was buried (PR)

25 Jan 1715/6 - John JOHNSON a prisnor was buried (paid 1s) (PR)

30 Jan 1715/6 - Margery the wife of William GREY was buried (PR)

10 Feb 1715/6 - Mr. Thomas IRONSIDE was buried (PR)

06 Mar 1715/6 - Christopher SCOTT was buried (PR)

08 Mar 1715/6 - Elizabeth FFRY widow buried (PR)

23 Mar 1715/6 - Sarah the daughter of Thomas NORRICE buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has NORRIS]


29 Apr 1716 - Susanah ux [Latin for wife of ] Robert WHITE was buried (PR)

29 Apr 1716 - John BARTLETT Senior was buried (PR) [Note:- John BARTLETT the husband of Elizabeth CRIMBLE that he married at HT on 19th Oct 1712 ]

04 May 1716 - William ARNOLD was buried (PR) [William ARNOLL married Ann TAYLOR of Warmwell at All Saints church Dorchester 19th July 1656 see marriage for more info.]

26 Jun 1716 - John MOHUN of Hammoon was buried (PR)

09 Jul 1716 - Jane the wife of Israel SHEPPARD was buried (PR)

22 Aug 1716 - Tamsine HUTCHINS ye daughter of Philip & Mary his wife was buried (PR)

27 Aug 1716 - Elizabeth HELLARD widow was buried (PR)

02 Sep 1716 - Mary ye wife of John GAWLER buried (PR)

11 Sep 1716 - Ann the daughter of William LOCK was buried (PR) [Note:- 5th child from marriage of William LOCK (d.1754) to Frances BROWN at Winfrith Newburgh on 14th July 1707]

16 Sep 1716 - William the son of William LOCK buried (PR) [Note:- 4th child from marriage of William LOCK (d.1754) to Frances BROWN at Winfrith Newburgh on 14th July 1707]

16 Oct 1716 - Elizabeth the wife of Mr. Joseph GIGER was buried (PR)

25 Oct 1716 - Ann LILLINGTON of Maine [maybe Broadmayne as 2 miles SE of Dorchester] was buried (PR)

25 Oct 1716 - Mark WARMAN was buried (PR)

27 Oct 1716 - John BARTLET the son of Trustriam BARTLETT buried (PR)[Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Tristram Bartlett Junior to Elizabeth Unknown circa 1702]

02 Nov 1716 - Robert DRY was buried (PR)

05 Nov 1716 - Joan the wife of Richard GILLET buried (PR)

05 Nov 1716 - Barbara ATKINS widow buried (PR)

09 Nov 1716 - Elizabeth the daughter of John SEAGER buried (PR)

19 Nov 1716 - Honner the wife of Benjamin CARRINGTON buried (PR)

06 Dec 1716 - Sarah the daughter of Philip & Mary ELIOTT was buried (PR)

16 Dec 1716 - Edeth the daughter of Robert WHITE buried (PR)

16 Dec 1716 - Martha the daughter of William WINSOR buried (PR) [Note:- 6th child of William WINZAR's marriage circa 1705]

23 Dec 1716 - Nicholas DOWLE the elder buried (PR)

25 Dec 1716 - Sarah WYAT of Tinekleton [i.e. Tincleton] buried (PR)

02 Jan 1716/7 - Richard DOWLE was buried (PR)

17 Feb 1716/7 - Mary the daughter of James & Mary SHORTO buried (PR)

01 Mar1716/7 - Joan HELLARD buried (PR)

18 Mar 1716/7 - Robert ye son of Robert & Mary LEMON junior buried (PR)


16 Apr 1717 - Charles AUSTIN senior was buried (PR)

16 May 1717 - Sannile [Samuel?] HASBINE was buried (PR)

07 Jun 1717 - Jane the wife of Thomas SEWARD buried (PR) [Note:- There is a very weathered family tomb at the entrance to All Saints churchyard where I can make out the words "Here Lyeth; M [i.e. Mr.] Joseph SEWARD Mary his wife Joseph Frances Mary [perhaps their children?] --Jane ye wife of Mr. Thomas SEWARD who dyed ---"]

28 Jun 1717 - Mary the wife of Morgan HASBIN buried (PR)

13 July 1717 - Danile TOUPE ye elder buried (PR) [Eldest son of Bernard TOUP [1587-1635]

19 July 1717 - Margaret WILLIAMS buried (PR)

20 July 1717 - Susanah COTTON or BRAY buried (PR)

26 Aug 1717 - Mary SHEPPARD widow buried of Trinity Parish [Dorchester] (PR)

11 Nov 1717 - Mr. ffrancis GAYLARD buried (PR)

02 Dec 1717 - Mary = The wife of James GAYLARD buried (PR)

31 Jan 1717/8 - John BARNES a prisnor was buried (received an affid [i.e. affidavit] for him (PR)

10 Feb 1717/8 - John ye son of John & Lucy = BARTLET buried (PR) [Note:- child from the marriage of John BARTLETT to Lucy BENNETT at Wyke Regis in Dorset on 17th Nov 1709 ]

11 Feb 1717/8 - Tomazin WARD widdow buried (PR) [Note;- NBI has surname WAED? and date of 14th]

11 Feb 1717/8 - Elenar the wife of Philip HUTCHINS buried (PR)

13 Feb 1717/8 - Joseph the son of William & Sarah WINSOR buried (PR) buried (PR) [Note:- 7th child of William WINZAR's marriage circa 1705]


09 Apr 1718 - Elizabeth POUNCY widow buried (PR)

10 Apr 1718 - Mrs. Elizabeth SHORT widdow buried (PR)

14 May 1718 - William ye son of Robert & Mary LEMON buried (PR)

11 Jun 1718 - Mary JENKINS widow was buried (PR)

23 Jun 1718 - Robert ARNOLD was buried (PR) [Note:- Robert ARNOLL was bap 16th May 1676 the 7th and last son of William ARNOLL and Ann nee TAYLOR who married at All Saints on 19th July 1656 - see this marriage for more info. Also See Wills Index - Appears to have died intestate and inventory of all his goods amounting to £179 has survived at DHC on which there is ref to administration on 12th March 1718/9]

28 Jun 1718 - Ann HOARE widow was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname HOARD?]

06 Sep 1718 - William ye son of George & Mary LYMBRY was buried (PR)

09 Sep 1718 - Ann RIGHTON was buried (PR)

18 Sep 1718 - Mr. Joseph GIGER was buried (PR) [ See Dorchester Wills Index 08 Feb 1720]

07 Oct 1718 - Ann the wife of Nathanile MILLER buried (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about this family]

22 Oct 1718 - Bridget the wife of Mr. John OLDISH buried (PR)

14 Nov 1718 - Mary MILLS a soldiers child buried (PR)

16 Nov 1718 - William the son of Thomas & Ann LOCKETT buried (PR)

21 Dec 1718 - Elizabeth the daughter of George & Elizabeth FOY buried (PR)

27 Dec 1718 - Bejamin son of Robert & Rebecca VOSS buried (PR)

05 Feb 1718/9 - Mary the wife of Nicholas SLADE was buried at Whitechurch (PR)

10 Mar 1718/9 - Mary CHIPMAN widdow buried (PR)


03 Apr 1719 - William LILLINGTON senior buried (PR)

12 Apr 1719 - Jane BROTHERS widow buried (PR)

01 May 1719 - Joan FFOOK widow buried (PR)

17 May 1719 - Martha the wife of Israle ELLIOT buried (PR)

18 Jun 1719 - Mr. Lawrence SHEPPARD buried (PR)

13 Aug 1719 - Joan the wife of John STICKLAND buried (PR)

15 Aug 1719 - John PALMER a prisner buried (PR)

11 Sep 1719 - Ealeanor DIKE widow buried (PR)

13 Sep 1719 - Kathrine SHERINGTON widow buried (PR)

02 Oct 1719 - Edward GRACE buried (PR)

18 Oct 1719 - Martha ye daughter of Samuel & Elenar HELLARD buried (PR) [Note:- NBI has surname HOLLARD]

19 Oct 1719 - John GRACE ye son of Edward GRACE buried (PR)

23 Nov 1719 - Mary BILES ye younger buried (PR)

23 Dec 1719 - Robert the son of Henry & Joan CREECH buried (PR)

27 Dec 1719 - Joane COUSENS a prisner buried (PR)

08 Feb 1719/20 - Steven MADDAFOARD [or MADDAFEARD] buried (PR)

19 Feb 1719/20 - Issace SHEPPARD ye elder buried (PR)

05 Mar 1719/20 - William COBB of London buried (PR)


7 Apr 1720 - Mary the wife of James SHORTO buried (PR)

9 Apr 1720 - The widow GRACE buried (PR) [NBI incorrectly has just the surname GEARE]

12 Apr 1720 - George MABER buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for his will dated 10th July 1711 proved 24th May 1720 by his wife Alice MABER]

1720 - (no date) Elizabeth dye daughter of Philop [Philip] & Mary ELIOTT buried (PR)

17 May 1720 - Katherine ye wife of Robert HELLARD buried (PR)

25 May 1720 - Hanah the wife of Robert LOCK buried (PR) [Note:- The wife of Robert LOCK whom she married at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 7th Feb 1681]

3 Jun 1720 - Henry LILLY buried (PR) [See Wills index for his will dated 30th April 1720 proved 14th June 1720]

7 Jun 1720 - William GREY of Forington [i.e. Fordington] buried (PR)

9 Jun 1720 - William ye son of John & Hanah INZOR [i.e. ENSOR] buried (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of John ENSOR to Hannah LOCK at Bradford Peverell Dorset on 03 Oct 1709]

1720 - (no date) Ann the wife of William BOYES buried (PR)

11 Aug 1720 - Richard RYALL buried (PR)

01 Sep 1720 - Thomas ye son of William HOLT Junior buried (PR)

29 Sep 1720 - Jane HELLGROVE widow buried (PR)

10 Oct 1720 - Andrew DISCOTT a prisner was buried (PR)

13 Dec 1720 - Elizabeth the daughter of William GEALE buried (PR)

07 Mar 1720/1 - Ann BISHOP widow was buried (PR)

08 Mar 1720/1 - Mrs. Elizabeth DALICOATE [should be DELACOURT] was buried (PR)


27 Mar 1721 - Jane HUTTON was buried (PR)

15 Apr 1721 - Christian the wife of John SWEET was buried (PR)

21 Apr 1721 - George ye son of John & Joane WINZAR was buried (PR) [Note:- child from the marriage of John WINZAR to Joan BROAD at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 03-Jul 1711 ]

30 Apr 1721 - Robert GAWLER was buried (PR)

19 May 1721 - Ffrances BARTLET widow was buried (PR)[Note:- Widow of Tristram BARTLETT who married Frances WHITE at St Georges Church in Fordington on 2nd Feb 1669.]

23 May 1721 - Hanah the widow STICKLAND was buried (PR)

04 Jun 1721 - Mary the wife of John SEAGER was buried (PR)

13 Jun 1721 - Joan SHERING a prisner was buried (PR)

15 Jun 1721 - ffrances the daughter of John BATTEN was buried (PR)

21 Sep 1721 - Bridget COLLINS widow was buried (PR)

01 Oct 1721 - John GAYLARD was buried (PR)

20 Oct 1721 - John DOWLE was buried (PR)

25 Oct 1721 - Robert LOCK was buried (PR) [Note:- The widower of Hannah LOCK nee Williams whom he married at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 7th Feb 1681 - See Wills Index for his will dated 19th July 1721 Proved 20th Nov 1721 Ref to his late wife Hanna see above buried 25 May 1720]

09 Nov 1721 - Mary ye daughter of William & Mary HELLARD buried (PR)

28 Jan 1721/2 - John HALLETT a prisner was buried (PR)

11 Feb 1721/2 - Jane GAWLER widow was buried (PR)

11 Feb 1721/2 - Elizabeth ye daughter of John & Mary HELLARD buried (PR)


29 Mar 1722 - Elizabeth NORRICE widow was buried (PR)

30 Mar 1722 - Sebastian HUNT was buried (PR) [See Dorchester Wills Index for transription of the 'Will of Sebastian Hunt, Sergemaker of Dorchester , Dorset' proved 7 May 1723 - His 1st wife Deborah was buried A/S 22 July 1706 and was heiress of her father Henry Harbin's Will in 1697 ]

01 Apr 1722 - Matthew BATTEN was buried (PR)

04 May 1722 - Thomas REYNHOLDS [REYNOLDS] was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for an Inventory of his goods taken and appraised 4th June 1722]

18 Jun 1722 - Susanah RUTLY was buried (PR)

24 July 1722 - Nicholas SLADE was buried (PR)

04 Sep 1722 - John SEAGER was buried (PR)

06 Sep 1722 - Elizabeth HELLARD was buried ye daughter of William HELLARD (PR)

01 Nov 1722 - Margaret OLDIS widdow was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname OLDS]

15 Nov 1722 - Elizabeth RODGERS was buried (PR) [Note:-NBI incorrectly has surname ROOGERS]

18 Nov 1722 - William GAYLARD the son of Robert GAYLARD was buried (PR)

06 Dec 1722 - fflorence CHAFY widow was buried (PR)

06 Dec 1722 - Elizabeth TURNER was buried (PR)

28 Jan 1722/3 - Walter HUMPHREYS was buried a stranger & painter by trade (PR)

10 Feb 1722/3 - Thomas and Mary COWARD ye son and daughter of Thomas COWARD buried (PR)

20 Feb 1722/3 - Mary ye wife of Tho: [Thomas] COWARD buried (PR)

28 Feb 1722/3 - Pricilla DOWLE was buried (PR)


25 Mar 1723 - Wm [William] the son of William HEWLET buried (PR)

01 Apr 1723 - Sarah ye wife of Emanuel CHIPMAN was buried (PR)

14 Apr 1723 - Avis BOLLEN widow was buried (PR)

16 Apr 1723 - Elizabeth PRIMMER was buried (PR)

20 Apr 1723 - Robert TUCKER ye elder was buried (PR)

24 May 1723 - Thomas BARTLETT ye elder was buried (PR) [Note:- Link to the marriage of Thomas BARTLETT to Rebecca c1670 ]

21 July 1723 - Peter ye son of Samuel Cutbred "DAVIS" was buried (Note:- parish register is illegible after the word Samuel but baptised All Saints 19th July 1723)

09 Aug 1723 - Martha ye wife of Mr. Edward CHAFEY[CHAFFEY] was buried (PR) [Note:- Edward CHAFFEY was Keeper of the Dorchester Gaol from 1722 to1727/8 and thought to be the father of James CHAFFEY Senior (c.1710-1782) ]

10 Sep 1723 - William sye son of William LOCK was buried (PR) [Note:- 9th child from marriage of William LOCK (d.1754) to Frances BROWN at Winfrith Newburgh on 14th July 1707]

16 Sep 1723 - Charles ye son of Captain William CHURCHILL was buried (PR) [Note:- Baptised All Saints 22nd Feb 1722/3]

20 Sep 1723 - Charles ye son of Geoerge FFOY was buried (PR)

22 Sep 1723 - Edward ye son of Samuel HELLARD was buried (PR)

29 Sep 1723 - Richard ye son of Richard & Sarah CONDUIT was buried (PR)

14 Nov 1723 - Sarah ye daughter of John PARSONS was buried (PR)

27 Nov 1723 - Danile ye son of Elizabeth TUCKER was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname TUKES?]

14 Dec 1723 - William GRACE was buried ye son of Edward GRACE (PR)

18 Dec 1723 - Susanah ELORY widow was buried (PR)

11 Jan 1723/4 - Hannah ye 2nd wife of John BRINE was buried (PR)

22 Jan 1723/4 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Richard & Judith WARREN buried (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Richard WARREN (1696-1773) to Judith FOY at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 2nd Feb 1719/20]

07 Feb 1723/4 - Thomas PUNCH of Wareham was buried (PR)

08 Feb 1723/4 - Thomas PLOWMAN a prisner was buried (PR)

14 Feb 1723/4 - John ye son of Richard SIMES was buried (PR) [Note NBI incorrectly has surname of LIMBY]

1724 [Note:- The Rev RG Bartelot Vicar of St Georges Church Fordington between 1906 and 1936 made a note in his transcription of this register that there was the plague or smallpox prevalent in the year 1724 - I also note that there is a change in the scribes hand at this point in the original register. M Russell OPC for Dorchester]

06 Apr 1724 - Robert and Jane son and daughter of Robert WHITE were buried (PR)

23 May 1724 - Mary the daughter of Mr. George BLINKINSOP [BLENKINSOP] was buried (PR)

26 May 1724 - Tamzin ye daughter of Philop [Philip] HUTCHINS was buried (PR)

26 May 1724 - Thomas BARNES a prisner was buried (PR)

26 May 1724 - Martin LEMON a prisner was buried (PR)

27 May 1724 - Benjamin KELLAWAY a prisner was buried (PR)

27 May 1724 - Thomas TURNER & Hugo a prisoner was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname TURNSEY]

01 Jun 1724 - ffrances dye daughter of Richard HOPKINS was buried (PR)

01 Jun 1724 - Mary the daughter of Thomas & Sarah EUOMY [EVOMY] was buried (PR)

01 Jun 1724 - John ye son of John RODGERS was buried (PR)

07 Jun 1724 - William INSOR ye son of John INZOR [ENSOR] was buried (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of John ENSOR to Hannah LOCK at Bradford Peverell Dorset on 03 Oct 1709]

07 Jun 1724 - Alce [Alice] ye daughter of Thomas EUOMY [EVOMY] was buried (PR)

25 Jun 1724 - John WARREN was buried (PR) [NBI incorrectly have surname WASSEN]

25 Jun 1724 - Simeon BURT was buried (PR)

26 Jun 1724 - Susannah MANFEILD a prisner was buried (PR) [NBI incorrectly have surname MANFEISE]

26 Jun 1724 - William SIMES was buried ye son of of Richard SIMES (PR) [NBI have surname LIMBRY]

12 Jul 1724 - John ye son of John PARSONS was buried (PR)

12 Jul 1724 - Catherine ye wife of William CONDUT was buried (PR)

13 Jul 1724 - Andrew WILLIAMS was buried (PR)

16 Jul 1724 - Ann WILLIAMS was buried (PR)

22 Jul 1724 - Ann ye daughter of John WINZAR was buried (PR) [Note:- child from the marriage of John WINZAR to Joan BROAD at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 03-Jul 1711 ]

22 Jul 1724 - (Christian name omitted) DOBSON was buried (PR)

23 Jul 1724 - Ann WEAKE was buried ye daughter of Andrew WEAKE (PR)

02 Aug 1724 - Clavell SHERINGTON was buried (PR) [NBI incorrectly has surname as Canell]

11 Aug 1724 - William SMITH was buried (PR)

12 Aug 1724 - Hannah the dafter [daughter] of Richard & Hannah SIMS was buried (PR)

15 Aug 1724 - Richard the son of Richard & Hanah SIMS was buried (PR)

26 Sep 1724 - William s of Henry LOCK was buried (PR)

07 Oct 1724 - Mary ROGERS widow was buried (PR)

20 Oct 1724 - Margaret LEDOLE widow was buried (PR)

23 Oct 1724 - Robin LOCK was buried (PR) [NBI incorrectly have surname ROGERS]

05 Nov 1724 - John HEWLET Junior was buried (PR)

10 Nov 1724 - Hester FLOWELEN [FFLUELEN] was buried (PR)[NBI incorrectly has surname STOWELEN]

16 Nov 1724 - Ann MOOKET (Sic) was buried (PR)

07 Jan 1724/5 - Sarah DAVIDGE was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has date 16th Nov]

22 Jan 1724/5 - Thomas CHIGGY was buried January the 22 of Willington (PR)

02 Mar 1724/5 - Richard MICHEL [MITCHELL] was buried (PR) [Note:- Richard MITCHELL married Ann AUSTON at St Peters Church Dorchester on 12th April 1710: See Wills index for his will dated 13th Jan 1723 proved 12 March 1725/6]

24 Mar 1724/5 - Marey the wife of John HELERD was buried (PR)

1725 [Note change of parish clerk as hand changes - no burials listed in April]

25 Mar 1725 - The 3rd GREAT FIRE of Dorchester - Destroyed 57 Houses - [Link to more information]

18 May 1725 - Ann DOWL widow was buried (PR)

28 May 1725 - William IZBAL was buried (PR)

18 Jun 1725 - Joseph FRY was buried (PR)

18 Jun 1725 - Thomas THICK a prisoner was buried (PR)

02 July 1725 - Ann the dafter [i.e. daughter] of John & Ann LILEY was buried (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John LILLY to Ann WELLs at St Peters Church Dorchester on 13th Jan 1716/7]

06 July 1725 - Marey BULICK was buried (PR)

10 Aug 1725 - Elizabeth the dafter [daughter] of John & Elizabeth BASKEM [BASCOMB?] was buried (PR)

25 Aug 1725 - Mr. John OLDISH was buried (PR)

03 Oct 1725 - Robert CRABTRE was buried [Note:- NBI has surname GRABTRE]

14 Oct 1725 - Thomas the son of Thomas & Rebecca WIMBURN was buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname NIMRON - Thomas was baptised at All Saints Dorchester on 10th Oct 1725]

24 Nov 1725 - Mr. Thomas PITMAN buried (PR) [Note:- Bap All Saints Church Dorchester 26 Feb 1698 son of Thomas PITMAN (d.1717) and Rebecca (d.1703) ]

08 Dec 1725 - Dorethy ye dafter [daughter] of George & Mary LIMBERY was buried [NBI incorrectly has surname LIMBREY]

25 Dec 1725 - Judeth WORRAN [WARREN?] was buried (PR) [Note:- Judeth WARREN nee FOY was the 1st wife of RICHARD WARREN (1696-1773) who married at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 2nd Feb 1719/20]

25 Dec 1725 - Robert LEMEN [LEMON] was buried (PR) [See the marriage of Robert LEMEN [LEMMON] & Tamsen HOLGARD at St Peters on 09 Feb 1680/1 for more information about this family]

17 Feb 1725/6 - Joushua the son of John & Sarah SIMENTS was buried (PR)

05 Mar 1725/6 - Gilbert SMEATHES a prisoner was buried (PR)

14 Mar 1725/6 - James LODGE a prisoner was buried (PR)


10 Apr 1726 - Jonathan ELLERY was buried Turnkey (PR)

13 Apr 1726 - Mr. KINSTONE a prisoner was buried (PR)

25 Apr 1726 - .... SNOOK a prisoner was buried (PR)

[Note:- 2 lines of illegible text which appear to have been rubbed out]

03 May 1726 - Robert GAYLARD was buried (PR) [NBI incorrectly has surname GAYLAND - See Wills Index for Letter of Administration the estate of Robert GAILARD late of Dorchester a Bookseller granted to his brother James GAILARD]

14 Jun 1726 - George BATT was buried (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for Letter of Administration granted to his widpow Ann BATT 26th Aug 1726]

01 Aug 1726 - William the son of Edward & Jane DOWL was buried of the parish of Holy Trinity (PR) [NBI incorrectly has surname as DOIUL]

10 Aug 1726 - Frances the wife of William HAYDON was buried (PR) [Note:- 1st child from marriage of William LOCK (d.1754) to Frances BROWN at Winfrith Newburgh on 14th July 1707, Frances married William HAYDON at All St's 5th Sep 1725 so probably died from complications associated with childbirth]

19 Aug 1726 - Sarah the wife of James CHUXBERY [TUEXBERY] was buried (PR)

02 Sep 1726 - James TUCKER was buried (PR)

?? Sep 1726 - Thomas s of Thomas COOPER was buried (PR)

20 Oct 1726 - William MOCKET a prisoner was buried (PR)

14 Nov 1726 - John BATTEN was buried (PR) [See Dorchester Wills Index 'Will of John Batten, Inn Keeper of Dorchester, Dorset' proved 23 Jun 1727]

15 Nov 1726 - John son of Roben GRABTREE [CRABTREE] was buried (PR)

16 Nov 1726 - Elizabeth ELLET [ELLIOTT?] was buried (PR) [Note:- Either this entry or that given below on 22nd Mar 1726/7 is the burial associated with the Will of Elizabeth ELLIOTT Widow of Dorchester dated 14th Sep 1725 but not proved until 17th Feb 1727]

01 Jan 1726/7 - The wife of Thomas BARTLET was buried (PR) [Note:- Link to the marriage of Thomas BARTLETT to Rebecca c1670 ]

19 Jan 1726/7 - The wife of William HOPKINS was buried (PR)

21 Jan 1726/7 - William HAYWARD was buried (PR)

27 Feb 1726/7 - Thomas DOOL (or POOL) a prisoner was buried (PR)

22 Mar 1726/7 - The widow ELLET [ELLIOTT?] was buried (PR) [Note:- Either this entry or that given above on 16 Nov 1726 is the burial associated with the Will of Elizabeth ELLIOTT Widow of Dorchester dated 14th Sep 1725 but not proved until 17th Feb 1727]


15 Apr 1727 - The widow HAWARD buried (PR)

17 Apr 1727 - The widow CLARCK [i.e. CLARK] buried (PR)

17 Aug 1727 - Mary the daughter of William & Christen [Christian] HARBIN buried (PR)

23 Aug 1727 - ... BEATER a prisoner buried (PR)

17 Oct 1727 - Christian DRY widow buried (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname FRY]

02 Nov 1727 - Lucy HILLARD buried (PR)

08 Dec 1727 - Nathaniel MILLER buried (PR) [Note:- Link to comments about this family]

24 Dec 1727 - Sarah WHITE buried (PR)

31 Dec 1727 - Mary ye daughter of Elizabeth & William HARRIS buried (PR)

04 Jan 1727/8 - George ye son of Daniel & Ann TUCKER was buried (PR)[Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Daniel TUCKER to Ann WHITE at All Saints church in Dorchester on 18th Jan 1824/5]

09 Jan 1727/8 - William ye son Edward & Jean DOWL was buried (PR)

01 Feb 1727/8 - Batterice ye daughter of Joshua & Elizabeth BRUCKS [BROOKS] was buried [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname as BRUCHS - Batterice was baptised at All Saints on 23rd jan 1727/8 and her father Joshua BROOKS is thought to be the brother of Mary CHANNING (1687-1705/6) who was executed at Mambury Rings]

?? Feb 1727/8 - Mr. WEAKLY a prisoner was buried (PR)

13 Feb 1727/8 - Edward CHEAFY [CHAFFEY] was buried (PR) [NBI has surname CHAFY][Note:- Edward CHAFFEY was Keeper of the Dorchester Gaol from 1722 to1727/8 and thought to be the father of James CHAFFEY Senior (c.1710-1782) ]

17 Feb 1727/8 - Daniel TUCKER was buried (PR) [Note:- Daniel TUCKER husband of Ann nee WHITE who had married at All Saints church in Dorchester on 18th Jan 1824/5]

08 Mar 1727/8 - Bridchett [Bridget] ye daughter of William & ffrances LOCK was buried (PR) [Note:- 11th child from marriage of William LOCK (d.1754) to Frances BROWN at Winfrith Newburgh on 14th July 1707]

08 Mar 1727/8 - Israel ELLETT was buried (PR) [NBI has surname ELLET]

20 Mar 1727/8 - Susanna ye daughter of John & Mary RENDOLL was buried (PR)


02 Jun 1728 - Joseph son Joseph BUSHROD was buried (PR)

08 Jun 1728 - The widow ELMS was buried (PR)

26 Jul 1728 - Aughter GIBES [GIBBS?] was buried (PR)

23 Aug 1728 - Mary the wife of Joseph TUCKER buried (PR)

04 Oct 1728 - PURCHES [PURCHASE] a prisoner was buried (PR) [NBI has surname PUCHES]

18 Oct 1728 - The widow LONG buried (PR)

17 Nov 1728 - William LINENTEN buried (PR)

24 Nov 1728 - John EATEN was buried (PR)

28 Nov 1728 - Mr. MUNDAY was buried (PR)

12 Dec 1728 - John BISHOP a prisoner was buried (PR)

22 Dec 1728 - Mary the daughter of Thomas & Sarah EVOMEY was buried (PR)

30 Dec 1728 - Elizabeth the wife of John READ was buried (PR)

14 Jan 1728/9 - John ARNOLD was buried (PR) [Note:- John was baptised at All saints church Dorchester on 27th March 1659 the 2nd son of William ARNOLL and Ann nee TAYLOR who married 19th July 1656. see his parents marriage for more info on his siblings. See Wills Index for his Will dated 8th Apr 1728 : Proved 1st Feb 1729]

29 Jan 1728/9 - Peter FFLUELLIN was buried (PR) [NBI has surname PHEUELLA]

04 Feb 1728/9 - Susanah the daughter of Richard & Dorithy SIMES buried (PR)

08 Feb 1728/9 - William the son of Robert & Jean ELIOTT was buried (PR)

11 Feb 1728/9 - Jean the daughter of Larenses [i.e. Lawrence] & Hester ELEMES [ELMS?] was buried (PR)

12 Feb 1728/9 - Mary the daughter of William & Charity TUCKER buried (PR)

18 Feb 1728/9 - Robert GRIFEN buried (PR) [Note:- Robert GRIFFIN married Mary SCOT at All Saints in Oct 1698]

27 Feb 1728/9 - ....BAILY a prisoner buried (PR) [NBI has surname KAILY]

28 Feb 1728/9 - Elizabeth MOSE buried (PR)

28 Feb 1728/9 - Sarah SEARL was buried (PR)

28 Feb 1728/9 - Frances the daughter of Ralph & Elizabeth DOPTON buried (PR)

01 Mar 1728/9 - LAMBERD a prisoner buried (PR)

05 Mar 1728/9 - The widow CARTER buried (PR)

16 Mar 1728/9 - Ebenezer the son of Joshua & Beatres BROOKS buried (PR) [Note:- Joshua BROOKS is thought to be the brother of Mary CHANNING (1687-1705/6) who was executed at Mambury Rings]


05 Jun 1729 - William ALLEN buried (PR) [Note:- See comments about this family via this link and the Wills Index for the Will of William ALLEN a baker of Dorchester written 30th Nov 1727 but proved 26th Aug 1729]

12 Jun 1729 - Richard GILET buried (PR) [NBI has surname GILAT]

01 Sep 1729 - Marey CLARKE widow buried (PR)

05 Sep 1729 - Ann the wife of Israel SHEPARD buried (PR)

20 Sep 1729 - Sarah the wife of Peter STANDISH buried (PR)

30 Oct 1729 - GRIGREY a prisoner buried [NBI has Greigrey for a Christian name but no surname)]

12 Nov 1729 - John HELERD buried (PR) [NBI has surname HELLARD]

17 Nov 1729 - PRIDEL a prisoner buried (PR)

01 Dec 1729 - a black woman a prisoner buried (PR)

05 Dec 1729 - James KING the elder buried (PR)

05 Dec 1729 - Susanah the wife of Robert FFOOCK [FOOKE] buried (PR)

18 Dec 1729 - John LOCK the elder buried (PR)

23 Dec 1729 - Elizabeth the daughter of Ralph & Elizabeth DOPTON buried (PR)

13 Jan 1729/30 - WOOLEY a prisoner buried (PR)

19 Jan 1729/30 - Nathaniel GRIFEN buried (PR)

20 Jan 1729/30 - John HAINES [HAYNES] of Wimborne buried (PR)

03 Feb 1729/30 - Richard the son of Joshua & Beatres BROOKES [BROOKS] buried (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Joshua BROOKS (bur.1740) to Bettries RICKETS (bur.1731) on 16th January 1717 in the Parish of Loders, ]

06 Feb 1729/30 - John the son of John & Ann LILEY [i.e. LILLY] buried (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of John LILLY to Ann WELLs at St Peters Church Dorchester on 13th Jan 1716/7]

10 Feb 1729/30 - William VIE the son of Sarah RENDEL buried (PR)

14 Feb 1729/30 - LEMING a prisoner buried (PR)

15 Feb 1729/30 - William ROGES buried (PR)

20 Feb 1729/30 - Henery PARFITT buried (PR)

27 Feb 1729/30 - Edeth the daughter of Thomas & Rebeck WIMBORN buried (PR)

02 Mar 1729/30 - Samuel GREN buried (PR)


04 Apr 1730 - Elizabeth PLUMBER buried (PR)

09 Apr 1730 - Samuel FEASEY buried (PR) [Samuel FFASEY & Judeth GEY maried 3rd Oct 1693 at All Saints church Dorchester - See marriage for more info]

01 May 1730 - The widow LEMEN buried (PR) [See the marriage of Robert LEMEN [LEMMON] & Tamsen HOLGARD at St Peters on 09 Feb 1680/1 for more information about this family]

10 May 1730 - William ELIET buried (PR)

19 May 1730 - The widow BARTLET buried (PR)

19 May 1730 - Thomas the son of Richard & Friancis [Frances] HOPKINS buried (PR)

29 May 1730 - Mary the daughter of Joseph TUCKER buried (PR)

25 Jun 1730 - The widow COLINS buried (PR) [Note:- see Wills index for the Will of Mary COLLINS widow of Dorchester dated 20th June 1730 and proved 29th June 1730]

20 July 1730 - Mary the daughter of Richard & Elizabeth COOLE buried (PR)

21 July 1730 - John the son of John & Mary SMITH buried (PR) [Note:- Baptised All Saints 27th Sep 1729]

25 July 1730 - William son of Thomas & Mary LININTON buried (PR) [NBI has surname LILLINGTON]

05 Oct 1730 - Jane GALLER buried (PR)

12 Nov 1730 - The widow KING buried (PR)

03 Dec 1730 - The widow WIGGONS buried (PR)

09 Jan 1730/1 - The widow FRY was buried (PR)

19 Jan 1730/1 - Gorge [George] son of Richard & Sarah TOOGOOD buried (PR)

25 Jan 17303/1 - Sarah the wife of Richard TOOGOOD buried (PR)

01 Feb 1730/1 - Sarah the daughter of After & Dorithy HAVALAND buried (PR)

04 Feb 1730/1 - Catrin [i.e. Catherine] the wife of Robert HURDEL buried (PR)

08 Feb 1730/1 - Hanah the daughter of William & Mary HELERD buried (PR)

08 Feb 1730/1 - Agusten SIMES a prisoner buried (PR)

22 Feb 1730/1 - Martha the daughter of Richard & Elizabeth COLE buried (PR - surname off page)

24 Mar 1730/1 - Elizabeth the daughter of Robert & Elizabeth HELERD buried (PR - surname off page)

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