(to pages 11 to 51 inc)
Studies in Dorset History (1st half 17th century)
by Maureen Weinstock printed by Longmans (Dorchester) Ltd 1953
© Index compiled by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester & Fordington - August 2015 (Last Updated Jan 2020)

Pages 11 to 24 are concerned with local government at Weymouth and pages 26-51 trading through the port of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis
I have produced this index to aid my own studies of Dorchester Merchants who used the port.

[ jump to      LOCATIONS -      SHIPS]


Arthur, Captain John - 16, 20

Babbidge, Gregory - 39

Babbidge, Jeremy (1631) - 17

Babbidge, widow - 19

Baldwin, Thomas (tailor) - 15

Bales, G - 45

Baylis, C - 45

Beere, R (collier) - 38

Berry or Bury, Richard (ship Fellowship) - 32, grocer of Dorchester 41,

Blackford or Blatchford, Family - 39

Blackford, or Blatchford J (ship Francis) - 44

Blackfood or Blatchford, John (ship Hopewell 30 tons) - 31

Blackford or Blatchford, John (ship Hopewell 40 tons) - 31, ship Great Katherine - 32,

Blackforde, or Blatchford John (ship Content) - 31

Blackford or Blachford, John (son of William) - 35, 39, 46, 49

Blackford or Blachford, R [Richard] - 43, ships James & Swallow 44, ship Sarath 45, ship Pelican 45,

Blackford or Blatchford, William (merchant clothier of Dorchester) - 35

Bond, O [Onesiphorus](ships Ann & Swallow) - 44

Bond, Samuel (recorder) - 16

Bragg, Sir John - 50

Bright, William - 20

Bushrod, Richard (Merchant of Dorchester) - 40

Butler (carrier from Upwey) - 16

Butcher, John (Johan) - 22

Charytie, William (ship Elenor) - 31, 37

Churchey, George (Royalist merchant capital burgess, bailiff 1637, Mayor 1639) - 16, 17, 22, 44, 45, 46

Churchey, James - 16

Collins, William (ship Hopewell) - 31

Cooper, Nicholase - 19

Coothes, J (of Dorchester) - 35 [Note:- Probably John Cooth Clothier of Dorchester died 12th Oct 1633 William Whiteways Diary and his will proved 16 May 1634]

Cornew, Nicholas (ship Margaret) - 31

Cornish, Gabriel - 14, 40

Cuttance - 50

Cuttance, Edward - 49

Cuttance, Henry (now of London) - 14, 21, 31 -ship Truelove, 32 -ships Swift, Ark & Hopewell, 42

Damon, John - 21, 31 ship Hopewell 40 tons,

Darby, John - 34

Darby, William (Mercer) - 39, 40

Dashwood , F - 44, 45 [Note:- Probably Francis Dashwood son of Edmond [Edmund] Dashwood (1588-1643) a Mercer of Dorchester who married a French woman in Caen on 27th July 1634]

Davis, William (ship Desire) - 31

Dennis, Jonas - 49

Dennis, Thomasyn (widow) - 20

Derby, William (Mercer) - 39, 40

Devenish, Roger (glasier) - 15

Drake, Sir James - 50

Drake, Sir John - 49

Drier, Elizabeth (ship Desire) - 31

Erle, Sir Walter (MP) - 15, 40

Fippen, David (carpenter) - 20

Flory, George (grocer) - 14, 21, 39

Freak, John (ship Leopard) - 32

Fry, John (glasier 1634) - 15

Gallott, John (ship Pilgrim) - 31, 37, (ship Hopewell) 32,

Gardner, J - 45, 47

Gardner, John (ships Phoenix & Content) - 32, 49

Garlard (plumber) - 34

Geiar or Gier, David (Mayor) - 13, 35

Geiar or Gier, Family - 13, 37

Geiar or Gier,, James (Mayor 1656)- 13, 14

Geiar or Gier,, Thomas (Mayor & MP) - 13, 46

Geiar or Gier, Waltham (ship Sara) - 37

Gibs, Henry (shopkeeper), 20

Gould, J - 35, 44

Gould, James (of Dorchester) - 35, 45

Gould, John - 45

Gyre or Gier, David (ship Sara) - 31, (ship Caramouchy) - 32

Gyre or Gier, Thomas (ship Elizabeth)- 32

Harrison, Richard - 21

Hearne, Captain James (Gov of garrison) - 16

Hill - 37

Hill, R - 38

Hills, J - 45

Hodder, Edward (grocer) - 14

Hodder , John (mercer) - 14

Holman, A - 45

Holmes, William (ships Sara & Pilgrim) - 31, 37

Hutchins - 16, 42

James, James (ship Samuel) - 32, 35, 47

James, John (ship Hopewell 40 tons)

Jennings, Hannibal - 22

Jones, Inego - 50

Kirtch, William - (ship Star)

Ledoze, Thomas (ships Swift & Ark) - 32

Lime, J - 38

Lindsey or Linsey, Edward (of Weymouth) - 42, 44

Lockier, John (Merchant) - 13, 21, 32 ship Phoenix,

Lockier, Thomas (son of John) - 13

Lockier, Thomas (uncle of John) - 13

Maddocks, John - 16

Major or Maior, Henry - 49

Major or Maior, Robert - 35, 49

Mansel, Sir Robert - 48

Middleton, Robert - 21

Minard, Nicholas (carpenter) - 15

Mitchell, Mr - 22

Mitchell, Bernard - 17

Mitchell, Henry (ships Seahorrse & Abigall) - 32, 35, 39

Moule Henry Joseph - 11, 16, 17, 26, 43

Napper, Gerard (MP) - 15

Newman, Robert (Kings man) - 50

Now, Frank - 34

Perkins - 49

Pettifitz - 49

Pitt, John - 34, 43

Polhill, Thomas (ship Margaret) - 31

Pollard, Steven - 24, 25

Reape, (widow) - 25

Reape, William (Clerk, died 1654) - 24

Reynolds, John (tailor) - 15

Rashley, John (fuller) - 15

Rives, J (ships James, Francis and Rotterdam) - 44, 45

Rose, Henry (chandler, churchwarden at Melcombe, bailiff 1645, alderman 1649, a Royalist) - 14, 39

Rose, T (of Weymouth) - 35

Rose-Troup, Biographer of John White - 51

Russell, Henry (ships Samuel, Shuttle, Francis, & Content) - 32, 35, 39, 44, 45

Salenesne or Salleneuve, Peter - 31 Ships Judith & Truelove, 49

Sambourne, Richard (of Dorchester) - 35, 44, 45, 46 [Note:- See preamble to William Blachford of Dorchester]

Sampson , Thomas - 37

Samuel, W - 43

Samways, J - 44, 45

Simpson - 37

Skinner, William - 22

Slatcher, William (miller 1650) - 22

Stride, John (clothmaker) - 14

Swetman, John (clothmaker) - 14

Town, Mr (clerk) - 22

Tizer, Henry (tenant) - 22

Wall, John (capital burgess) - 22, 31 (ships Hopewell & Fortune),

Wall, R - 38

Wall, Richard (ships Hopewell & Fortune) - 31

Walthams Family -13

Waltham, Henry (Councillor, bailiff, mayor, treasurer, alderman merchant trading in cloth) - 13, 35, 44, 46, 47

Waltham, Henry (son of Henry?) - 13

Waltham, Henry (ship Eleanor) - 31, 37

Waltham, Thomas (brother of Henry) - 13, 35, 42, 44, 45, 46

Waltham, William (ship Elizabeth) - 32

Ward, William - 22

Watts, Joseph - 34

White, John - 51

White, (pirate) - 46

White, Robert (ship Great Katherine) - 32

Whiteway (of Dorchester) - 35 [Note:- William Whiteway the elder (1570-1640) and William Whiteway the younger (1599-1635) both Merchants]

Whiteway, G - 45

Woods, Brian (town beedle)- 19

Wright, Richard (ship Shuttle) - 32

[ Jump to:-      NAMES -      SHIPS]


    Aldernay - 29

    Algiers - 48

    Alicante - 29

    Amsterdam (Hollnad) - 28

    Barfluer (France) - 28,29, 34

    Barnstable - 43

    Barry (Wales) - 38

    Bordeaux (France) - 28, 29, 30, 39, 49

    Boulogne (France) - 28, 29

    Bristol - 43

    Burton - 30, 39

    Caen (France) - 28, 29, 30, 34

    Calais (France) - 28, 29

    Chard - 38

    Charmouth - 33

    Cherburg or Cherbourg (France) - 28, 29, 30, 42

    Chideock - 33

    Conquest - 29

    Cork (Ireland) - 28, 30

    Crosdick - 28, 29

    Dartmouth - 50

    Dorchester - 35, 39,41, 43, 49

    Dover - 28, 34

    Drogheda - 28

    Dublin (Ireland) - 28, 30

    Exeter - 43

    Falmouth - 50

    French Ports - 27

    Gibraltar - 48

    Guernsey - 28, 29

    Harfleur - 29, 42

    Holland - 27

    Horne - 28, 30, 33

    Ireland - 27, 28, 32

    Izendy (Izinac) - 29

    Kinsale - 28, 29, 30

    La Rochelle (France) - 28, 29, 50

    Lanmon - 29

    Limerick (Ireland) - 28, 29

    London - 29, 30, 41

    Lyme Regis - 33, 43, 50

    Marseilles (France) - 28

    Massachusetts - 29, 39, 40

    Melcombe Regis - 11-51,

    Morlaix (France) - 28, 29, 30, 33

    Nantes (France) - 29

    New England - 28, 30, 33

    Newcastle - 37, 38

    Newfoundland - 28, 29, 38, 39, 40

    Newhaven - 28, 29

    Oleron or Olderon - 28, 30

    Ostend (Belgium) - 29

    Plymouth - 50

    Poole - 28, 33, 48, 50

    Portland - 50

    Portland Roads - 28

    Quimper - 29

    Roscoff - 29

    Rouen (France) - 28, 29

    Sallee - 48

    San Sebastian (Spain) - 29

    Spain - 26

    St Lucar - 28, 29

    St Marlo (France) - 28, 29

    St Martins - 29

    Sunderland - 37, 38

    Swanage - 33

    Virginia (New England) - 29, 33, 39, 40, 41

    Wareham - 33

    Waterford (Ireland) - 28, 29

    Wexford (Ireland) - 29

    Weymouth - 11-51

    Weymouth Roads - 29

    Wyke (Regis) - 22

    Younghal - 28, 39

[ Jump to:-      LOCATIONS -      NAMES]

SHIPS: [Weymouth Port - tonnage of ships leaving the port in 1625 page 30: Survey of ships belonging to the port taken 11 March 1628 - pages 31/32]

    Abigall (70 tons) - 30

    Abigall (100 tons) - 32

    Amnity (30 tons) - 30, 40

    Anne - 39, 45

    Ark (50 tons) - 32

    Bamfield - 34

    Bonaventure (80 tons) 33

    Caramouchy (25 tons) - 32

    Christian - 13, (80 tons) - 32

    Content (50 tons) - 31

    Content (40 tons) - 32

    Corymuch - 13

    Desire (30 tons) - 31

    Diligence - 30

    Dragon - 13, (100 tons) 33,

    Eleanor (30 tons) - 31, 37

    Elizabeth - 13

    Elizabeth (90 tons) - 32,

    Fellowship (35 tons) - 30

    Fellowship ( 40 tons) - 32, 33 (New England), 40

    Flowerdeluce - 44

    Fortune (of London) - 30

    Fortune (50 tons) - 31

    Francis (of Chebourge) - 30, 33, 44

    Garland (20 tons) - 30

    Garland (100 tons) - 33

    Gift of God (120 tons) - 14

    Grace (15 tons) - 30

    Grace (of Plymouth) - 41

    Great Katherine (80 tons) - 32

    Happy Endurance (20 tons) - 40

    Hope (of Oleron or Olderon) - 29, 30,

    Hope - 33 (1625), 34

    Hopewell - 30, 39

    Hopewell (25 tons) - 32

    Hopewell (30 tons) 31

    Hopewell (40 tons - 2 ships at sea) - 31

    James - 43

    Joan - 30

    John - 37

    John & Francis (20 tons) - 30

    Judith (40 tons) - 31

    King David - 13

    Leopard (240 tons) - 32

    Little John - 42

    Margaret (60 tons) - 31

    Mary (80 tons) - 33

    Mayflower (18 tons) - 30

    Mayflower (45 tons) of Weymouth - 50

    Neptune of London - 41

    Pelican - 45

    Peter (50 tons) - 31

    Peter (40 tons) - 40

    Phoenix - 13, 39

    Phoenix (35 tons) - 32

    Pilgrim (100 tons) -31, from Newfoundland 34, 37,

    Rebecca (30 tons) - 30

    Recovery of London - 40

    Robert & John - 13

    Rotterdam - 44

    Sara (90 tons) - 31, 37

    Samuel (50 tons) - 32

    Sarah (100 tons)- 13

    Sarath - 45

    Seahorse (80 tons) - 32

    Shuttle (30 tons) - 14

    Shuttle (40 tons) - 32

    Star (from Sunderland) - 37

    Supply (of Weymouth 25 tons) - 30, 33

    Swift (110 tons) - 32

    The Flower (40 tons) - 14

    The John (of Burton) - 30

    Thunder - 41

    Trinity - 39

    Truelove (60 tons) - 31

    Valluke - (of Horne) - 30, 33

    William (25 tons ) - 30, 37

    Willing Mind - 39

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