Frome St Quintin

Roll of Honour
Transcribed from plaques and memorials displayed in St. Mary's Church  and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Kim Parker

In Memory of the Men of this

Parish who gave their lives

in the service of their Country




Corporal F. DOWELL

Private M. SMITH

Trooper R. J. CHAINEY



Brass plate in the centre of the floor of the chancel:

"Here lyeth the body of Jude Collant, who died the 21st of June, and was buried the 26th of the same moneth, in the year of our Lord God 1684."

Various tablets:

"Sacred to the memory of George BAKER, gent. who departed this life November 6th, 1803; and of Hannah BAKER, his widow, who died October 26, 1806."

"Near this place are deposited the remains of Sarah KNIGHT and Jeremiah HAYNE, the mother and brother of Hannah BAKER."

"This tablet is erected in memory of Thomas BRIDGE, of Horchester in this Parish, gent. who departed this life on the xxth [20th] day of October, A.D. M.DCC.XCIII [1793], aged lx [60] years. Also of Ann, his eldest daughter, who died at Frome St. Quintin on the xxvii [27] day of April, A.D. M.DCCC.XXX [1830]; their remains are deposited in a vault beneath."

"Here also lieth the body of Mary, only daughter of Matthew DEVENISH, of Sydling St. Nicholas in this county, gent. and wife of the above-said Thomas BRIDGE. She died on the xxvi [26] day of January, A.D. M.DCCC.XXXIII [1833] in the lxxxviith [87th] year of her age. Also Sarah, wife of Thomas BRIDGE, only son of the said Thomas and Mary BRIDGE, who died xxixth [29th] December, A.D. M.DCCC.XXVI [1826] aged ?? years. Also Elizabeth BRIDGE, daughter of the said Thomas and Mary BRIDGE, who died xxivth [24th] June, A.D. M.DCCC.LV [1855] aged lxxxiii [83] years. And also the said Thomas BRIDGE, only son of the said Thomas and Mary BRIDGE, who died xix [19] September, A.D. M.DCCC.LVII [1857] aged xc [90] years. "

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