Chaldon Herring

Baptisms 1731 - 1880

Transcribed from the Parish Registers and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Kim Parker.

Arranged according to the Gregorian Calendar, with the Julian year indicated to the left of the forward slash (/) in those years when the Julian Calendar, which ran from March 25th to March 24th, was in use (i.e. prior to 1752, 1751 being the transition year).

The register is very faded in places, so researchers are urged to use this transcript only as a guide and to check the original in Dorchester.



17-Jan-1730/1; Jean SQUIBB daughter of Richard SQUIBB

31-Jan-1730/1; Elizabeth CUMBERSHALL daughter of John CUMBERSHALL

03-Mar-1730/1; Elizabeth HARREST daughter of John & Joan HARREST

03-Apr-1731; Grace GRIFFEN daughter of Bingimin & Mary GRIFFEN (Grace was buried 21-Apr-1731)

25-Apr-1731; Mary SQUIB daughter of John & Susannah SQUIB

28-Apr-1731; Mary LILINGTON daughter of John & Mary LILINGTON

23-Jun-1731; Henry BRIDLE son of Henry BRIDLE of Steeple

03-Jul-1731; Robert SQUIB son of Robert & Elizabeth SQUIB

29-Aug-1731; Susanna BURT daughter of William & Hannah BURT

28-Sep-1731; Peter KNIGHT son of William & Mary KNIGHT


31-Jan-1731/2; Hannah FOOK daughter of John & Elizabeth FOOK

30-May-1732; Jane BRIDLE daughter of William & Mary BRIDLE

30-Jul-1732; Robert HONEY son of Robert & Susanna HONEY

21-Sep-1732; John LILLINGTON son of John & Mary LILLINGTON


02-Sep-1733; John TALBOT son of William & Elizabeth TALBOT

19-Oct-1733; Robert BIRT son of William & Hannah BIRT


21-Jan-1733/4; Robert FOOK son of John & Elizabeth FOOK

05-Feb-1733/4; Philip PARMETER son of Philip & Mary PARMETER

23-Jun-1734; Susanna HARREST daughter of John & Joan HARREST

26-Sep-1734; James HONEY son of Robert & Susanna HONEY

20-Oct-1734; Laurence SNELLING son of John & Mary SNELLING

06-Nov-1734; Mary GREGORY daughter of John & Martha GREGORY


12-Feb-1734/5; Sarah BRIDLE daughter of William & Mary BRIDLE

23-Feb-1734/5; Robert COMERSHALL son of Richard & Elisabeth COMERSHALL

23-Feb-1734/5; John RANDAL son of Richard & Lydia RANDAL

19-Mar-1734; John SENNOCK son of Jonas & Dorothy SENNOCK

07-Oct-1735; John PARMETER son of Philip & Mary PARMETER

07-Oct-1735; Elisabeth TALBOT daughter of William & Elisabeth TALBOT

28-Dec-1735; Betty GREGORY daughter of John & Martha GREGORY


17-Feb-1735/6; Ann FOOK daughter of John & Elisabeth FOOK

31-Mar-1736; Mary WILCOX daughter of Priscilla WILCOX

02-May-1736; Susannah ORCHARD daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth ORCHARD

27-May-1736; George LINNINGTON son of George & Anne LINNINGTON

04-Oct-1736; John KING son of Thomas & Elizabeth KING


14-Feb-1736/7; John MEADON son of John & Hannah MEADON

17-Mar-1736/7; Ann SQUIB daughter of John & Susan SQUIB

08-Mar-1736; Mary FOOK daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth FOOK

18-Mar-1736/7; Thomas SENNOCK son of Jonas & Dorothy SENNOCK

22-May-1737; Mary TALBOT daughter of William & Elizabeth TALBOT

28-Aug-1737; Eleanor HEBS daughter of Elias & Elizabeth HEBS

23-Oct-1737; James SNELLING son of John & Mary SNELLING

18-Dec-1737; Martha GREGORY daughter of John & Martha GREGORY


08-Feb-1737/8; Richard HINDE son of Thomas & Anne HINDE (birth date)

09-Feb-1737/8; Anne LILLINGTON daughter of George & Ann LILLINGTON [corrected from "LINNINGTON"]

02-Mar-1737/8; Anne HIND daughter of Thomas & Ann HIND

09-Jul-1738; Thomas FIANDER son of John & Alice FIANDER

01-Oct-1738; Richard RANDALL son of Richard & Lydia RANDALL

01-Oct-1738; John NEWTON son of Thomas & Elizabeth NEWTON

05-Oct-1738; Richard FOOK son of John & Elizabeth FOOK

12-Nov-1738; (crossed out & illegible)


11-Jan-1738/9; Robert SQUIB son of Robert & Anne SQUIB

04-Feb-1738/9; Hannah PARMETER daughter of Philip & Mary PARMETER

04-Mar-1738/9; Joseph LOCK son of John LOCK

04-Mar-1738/9; Rachel TALBOT daughter of William & Elizabeth TALBOT

05-Aug-1739; Anne BIRT daughter of William & Hannah BIRT

02-Sep-1739; Anne GREGORY daughter of John & Martha GREGORY

16-Sep-1739; John HIND (born 08-Sep-1739) son of Thomas & Anne HIND

04-Nov-1739; Mary MASON daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth MASON

11-Nov-1739; George GRIFFIN son of George & Jane GRIFFIN

29-Nov-1739; John NEWMAN aged about 2, son of William & Anne NEWMAN

29-Nov-1739; Anne NEWMAN an infant, daughter of William & Anne NEWMAN


06-Jan-1739/40; Betty KING daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth KING

08-Feb-1739/40; Mary LILLINGTON daughter of George & Anne LILLINGTON

17-Feb-1739/40; James FIANDER son of James & Mary FIANDER

01-May-1740; William STICKLAND son of Henry & Hannah STICKLAND

02-Jun-1740; James TALBOT son of William & Elizabeth TALBOT

29-Jun-1740; John HILL son of Robert & Mary HILL

29-Jun-1740; John HARRIS son of John & Jane HARRIS

16-Nov-1740; Robert SQUIB son of Robert & Anne SQUIB

14-Dec-1740; George GRIFFIN son of George & Jane GRIFFIN


25-Jan-1740/1; Anne HIND (born 23-Jan-1740/1) daughter of Thomas & Anne HIND

26-Mar-1741; Thomas JERVIS son of Charles & Joan JERVIS

30-Mar-1741; Mary BROWN daughter of Clementine BROWN & supposed father John ROBERTS

23-Apr-1741; Jane FOOK daughter of John & Elizabeth FOOK

09-Aug-1741; Joseph TRINKHOLE son of Joseph & Elizabeth TRINKHOLE

11-Sep-1741; George RANDALL son of Richard & Lydia RANDALL

29-Dec-1741; Martha PARMETER daughter of Philip & Mary PARMETER


21-Feb-1741/2; Henry TALBOT son of William & Elizabeth TALBOT

28-Mar-1742; Jenny CUMMERSHALL daughter of Richard & Elizabeth CUMMERSHALL

22-Apr-1742; Martha LILLINGTON daughter of George & Anne LILLINGTON

10-Nov-1742; Thomas TRINKHOLE son of Joseph & Elizabeth TRINKHOLE

17-Dec-1742; Mary MORES daughter of William & Sarah MORES

19-Dec-1742; Betty TIZARD daughter of John & Mary TIZARD


06-Jan-1742/3; Joseph Biles POLDER base born son of Benjamin BILES & Elizabeth POLDER

17-Apr-1743; Edward Tizard KING son of James & Mary KING

08-May-1743; Betty STURMY daughter of Thomas & Susan STURMY

11-Sep-1743; Anna GREGORY daughter of John & Martha GREGORY

06-Nov-1743; Mary HIND daughter of Thomas & Anne HIND


25-Feb-1743/4; John GARLAND son of Joseph & Mary GARLAND

21-Mar-1743/4; Robert LILLINGTON son of George & Anne LILLINGTON

23-Sep-1744; James KING son of James & Mary KING (birth date)

21-Oct-1744; John TRINKHOLE son of Joseph & Elizabeth TRINKHOLE


20-Jan-1744/5; John MORES son of William & Sarah MORES

20-Jan-1744/5; William BILES son of Benjamin & Elizabeth BILES

17-Feb-1744/5; Sarah GARLAND daughter of Joseph & Mary GARLAND

30-May-1745; Martha RANDALL daughter of Richard & Lydia RANDALL

03-Jun-1745; [erased]

18-Jun-1745; Margaret SNOOK daughter of William & Mary SNOOK

18-Aug-1745; Hannah HIND daughter of Thomas & Anne HIND


01-Jan-1745/6; Thomas STURMY son of Thomas & Susanna STURMY

01-Jan-1745/6; Robert HIBBS son of Elias & Anne HIBBS

18-Mar-1745/6; Martha KING daughter of James & Mary KING

27-Apr-1746; Jenny GRIFFIN daughter of George & Jane GRIFFIN

14-Sep-1746; Robert NEWTON son of Thomas & Elizabeth NEWTON

22-Oct-1746; Martha LILLINGTON daughter of George & Anne LILLINGTON

07-Dec-1746; Solomon RASH son of Thomas & Mary RASH

07-Dec-1746; John GARLAND son of Mr. Joseph & Mary GARLAND


25-Feb-1746/7; Sarah TIZARD daughter of Silas & Sarah TIZARD

05-Apr-1747; Rebecca BROWNSEY daughter of William & Betty BROWNSEY

09-Jul-1747; Mary SNOOK daughter of William& Mary SNOOK

06-Aug-1747; Esther HIND daughter of Thomas & Anne HIND

15-Dec-1747; William PITMAN son of James & Mary PITMAN


03-Aug-1745; Betty STORMY daughter of Thomas & Susan STORMY

14-Aug-1748; Mary GARLAND daughter of Mr. Joseph & Mary GARLAND

28-Aug-1748; Mary RASH daughter of Thomas & Mary RASH


02-Apr-1749; Robert SAXAY son of Robert & Sarah SAXAY

02-Apr-1749; Jenny BROWNSEY daughter of William & Betty BROWNSEY

02-Jul-1749; Richard SQUIB son of Robert & Anne SQUIB

24-Sep-1749; Elizabeth TRINKHOLE daughter of John & Elizabeth

24-Dec-1749; Jenny KING daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth KING


14-Jan-1749/50; James GALE son of Elizabeth GALE

27-May-1750; Elizabeth GRIFFIN daughter of George & Jane GRIFFIN

27-May-1750; Margaret RASH daughter of Thomas & Mary RASH

30-Sep-1750; William MAYBE son of Henry & Susanna MAYBE

03-Oct-1750; Mary TIZARD daughter of Silas & Sarah TIZARD

23-Dec-1750; Thomas RANDALL son of Richard & Lydia RANDALL


03-Feb-1750/1; George SLADE son of Robert & Mary SLADE

03-Mar-1750/1; Joseph GARLAND son of Joseph & Mary GARLAND

28-Apr-1751; John SLYFIELD son of John & Anne SLYFIELD

12-May-1751; George HENING son of George & Margaret HENING

21-May-1751; Edward KING son of James & Mary KING

02-Jun-1751; Betty SAXAY daughter of Robert & Sarah SAXAY

28-Jul-1751; William CHRISTOPHERS son of Thomas & Ruth CHRISTOPHERS

20-Oct-1751; Sarah BILES daughter of Benjamin & Elizabeth BILES

05-Dec-1751; Mary STORMY daughter of Thomas & Susan STORMY


07-Jun-1752; John SQUIB son of Robert & Anne SQUIB

31-Dec-1752; Jenny HIBBS daughter of David & Jenny HIBBS


22-Feb-1753; Nathaniel GRIFFIN son of George & Jane GRIFFIN

11-Mar-1753; John SAXAY son of Robert & Sarah SAXAY

23-Apr-1753; Philip JAMES son of Giles & Anne JAMES

10-Jun-1753; George GARLAND son of Mr. Joseph & Mary GARLAND

26-Aug-1753; Ellis WILLIAMS son of Ellis & Margaret WILLIAMS

26-Nov-1753; Mary TIZARD daughter of Silas & Sarah TIZARD


24-Mar-1754; Jenny HIBBS daughter of David & Jenny HIBBS

30-Mar-1754; Jenny CHRISTOPHERS daughter of Thomas & Ruth CHRISTOPHERS

04-Aug-1754; Benjamin BILES son of Benjamin & Elizabeth BILES


05-Jan-1755; Anne SAXAY daughter of Robert & Sarah SAXAY

05-Jan-1755; Mary HIBBS daughter of James & Jane HIBBS

02-Mar-1755; Sarah TALBOT daughter of John & Margaret TALBOT

08-Jun-1755; John Wise (?) ROGERS son of Mary ROGERS

28-Sep-1755; Thomas GREGORY son of William & Elizabeth GREGORY

07-Dec-1755; Morgan TALBOT son of John & Dorothy TALBOT

28-Dec-1755; John WILLIAMS son of Ellis & Margaret WILLIAMS


19-Apr-1756; Benjamin BILES son of Benjamin & Elizabeth BILES

25-Jul-1756; William SLYFIELD son of John & Anne SLYFIELD

03-Oct-1756; John LOCK son of John & Elizabeth LOCK

03-Oct-1756; Margaret BRIDLE daughter of Henry & Martha BRIDLE

31-Oct-1756; Sarah SAXEY daughter of Robert & Sarah SAXEY


26-Feb-1757; Mary ALLEN daughter of John & Elizabeth ALLEN

26-Apr-1757; James SQUIB son of Robert & Ann SQUIB

08-May-1757; William BURT son of Robert & Anne BURT

25-Sep-1757; Mary TALBOT daughter of John & Dorothy TALBOT

09-Oct-1757; John ALLEN son of John & Eleanor ALLEN

06-Nov-1757; Jenny HIBBS daughter of James & Jane HIBBS

18-Dec-1757; John TALBOT son of John & Margaret TALBOT


22-Jan-1758; Betty BAGG daughter of Samuel & Mary BAGG

15-Feb-1758; Joseph WHITTY son of Henry & Hannah WHITTY

27-Feb-1758; Margaret WILLIAMS daughter of Ellis & Margaret WILLIAMS

14-Jun-1758; George GREGORY son of William & Elizabeth GREGORY

27-Aug-1758; David ALLEN son of John & Elizabeth ALLEN

27-Aug-1758; Henry TALBOT son of Lucius & Anne TALBOT


28-Jan-1759; Matthew MILLER son of Matthew & Elizabeth MILLER

25-Feb-1759; Mary BAGG daughter of Samuel & Mary BAGG

26-Mar-1759; William SNOOK son of Joseph & Susanna SNOOK

20-May-1759; Anne SAXEY daughter of Robert & Sarah SAXEY

24-Jun-1759; Philip WILLIAMS son of Ellis & Margaret WILLIAMS

22-Jul-1759; George BRIDLE son of Henry & Martha BRIDLE

05-Aug-1759; Ann BURT daughter of Robert & Ann BURT

16-Sep-1759; William TALBOT son of Ann TALBOT

25-Nov-1759; Mary HIBBS daughter of James & Jane HIBBS


20-Jan-1760; James ALLEN son of John & Eleanor ALLEN

03-Feb-1760; John LOCK son of Joseph & Elizabeth LOCK

24-Feb-1760; William WINDSOR son of John & Anne WINDSOR

06-Apr-1760; Martha RAWLS daughter of John & Ann RAWLS

27-Apr-1760; Joseph SAXEY son of Robert & Sarah SAXEY

30-Jul-1760; Mary NEWMAN base born daughter of Eleanor NEWMAN

30-Jul-1760; William NEWMAN base born son of Eleanor NEWMAN

01-Aug-1760; James WHITTY son of Henry & Hannah WHITTY

01-Aug-1760; Josiah WHITTY son of Henry & Hannah WHITTY

10-Aug-1760; Robert MAIBY son of Henry & Susannah MAIBY

07-Sep-1760; John BAGG son of Samuel & Mary BAGG 

07-Sep-1760; Robert HARRIS son of Susan HARRIS


20-Jan-1761; John LOCK son of Joseph & Elizabeth LOCK

08-Mar-1761; Dinah TALBOT daughter of John & Dorothy TALBOT

10-May-1761; Robert LOCK son of John & Elizabeth LOCK

09-Aug-1761; Elizabeth BRIDLE daughter of Henry & Martha BRIDLE

25-Sep-1761; John HARRIS son of John & Elizabeth HARRIS

09-Oct-1761; Joseph SNOOK son of Joseph & Susanna SNOOK

25-Dec-1761; Anne SAXEY daughter of Robert & Sarah SAXEY


24-Jan-1762; Robert WHITTY son of Henry & Hannah WHITTY

07-Feb-1762; William ALLEN son of John & Eleanor ALLEN

21-May-1762; Elizabeth LOCK daughter of Joseph & Eliza LOCK

25-Jun-1762; William WINDSOR son of John & Anne WINDSOR

03-Aug-1762; Alexander GRANT son of William & Anne GRANT

17-Oct-1762; Jane NEWTON daughter of Thomas & Betty NEWTON

28-Nov-1762; John STORMY son of Thomas & Susanna STORMY


09-Jan-1763; Susanna STICKLAND daughter of William & Mary SITCKLAND

24-Apr-1763; James HIBBS son of James & Jane HIBBS

12-Jun-1763; John TALBOT son of John & Dorothy TALBOT

22-Sep-1763; Mary LOVELESS daughter of John & Mary LOVELESS


11-Mar-1764; William SAXY son of Robert & Sarah SAXY

25-Mar-1764; Elizabeth HARRIS daughter of John & Elizabeth HARRIS

08-Apr-1764; Charles ALLEN son of John & Eleanor ALLEN

17-Jun-1764; Thomas BAGG son of Samuel & Mary BAGG

09-Sep-1764; Thomas WILLIAMS son of Ellis & Margaret WILLIAMS

23-Sep-1764; Ann LOCK daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth LOCK


11-Apr-1765; Ann PALMITER daughter of Philip & Rebecca PALMITER

14-Apr-1765; George BRIDLE son of Henry & Martha BRIDLE

12-May-1765; Edward HIBBS son of James & Jane HIBBS

26-May-1765; Jane TALBOT daughter of John & Dorothy TALBOT

10-Nov-1765; John MILLER son of Matthew & Elizabeth MILLER

24-Nov-1765; Jane HARRIS daughter of John & Elizabeth HARRIS

08-Dec-1765; Sarah BURT daughter of Robert & Ann BURT


02-Mar-1766; George KELLEY son of George & Mary KELLEY [father's name crossed out; possibly "Henry" rather than "George"]

16-Mar-1766; Thomas ALLEN son of John & Elinor ALLEN

11-May-1766; Jane MILLER daughter of Matthew & Elizabeth MILLER

22-Jun-1766; Rebecca PALMITER daughter of Philip & Rebecca PALMITER

26-Dec-1766; John LOCK son of John & Betty LOCK


16-Feb-1767; Thomas OAK son of William & Martha OAK

31-Oct-1767; Robert HOOD son of Robert & Phillis HOOD


07-Feb-1768; Philip PALMITER son of Philip & Rebecca PALMITER

21-Feb-1768; Jane TRINKHOLE daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth TRINKHOLE

29-May-1768; Edward ALLEN son of John & Eleanor ALLEN

05-Jun-1768; Margaret BRIDEL daughter of Henry & Martha BRIDEL

20-Aug-1768; James BAG son of Samuel & Mary BAG

20-Dec-1768; Henry CELEY son of Henry & Mary CELEY


17-Apr-1769; Robert NOTTING son of John & Marey NOTTING

11-May-1769; Janey MILLER daughter of Matthew & Elizabeth MILLER

09-Jun-1769; Joseph NOTTLE son of John & Faney NOTTLE

09-Jun-1769; William NOTTLEY son of John & Faney NOTTLELY

23-Jul-1769; John TRINKHOL son of Joseph & Elizabeth TRINKHOL

20-Oct-1769; Mary PALMETER daughter of Philip & Rebecca PALMETER

03-Dec-1769; Joseph ALLEN son of John & Eleanor ALLEN

10-Dec-1769; Ann HARRIS daughter of John & Elizabeth HARRIS


18-Mar-1770; Marey LOCK daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth LOCK

18-Mar-1770; Robert HEBBS son of James & Jan HEBBS

26-Apr-1770; John BRIDLE son of Henery & Martha BRIDLE

09-Jul-1770; Effream TAYLER son of Thomas & Marey TAYLER

08-Sep-1770; Marey HOOD daughter of Robert & Philas HOOD

29-Sep-1770; Joseph BISHOP son of Joseph & Mary BISHOP

07-Oct-1770; Elizabeth WILLIAMS daughter of Elas & Margret WILLIAMS


27-Jan-1771; William OAK son of William & Martha OAK

10-Feb-1771; Phillip PALMITER son of Phillip & Rebecca PALMITER

27-Mar-1771; Catren BAG daughter of Samuell & Marey BAG

08-Sep-1771; Jeney WINSER daughter of John & Ann WINSER

08-Dec-1771; George HARRIS son of John & Elizabeth HARRIS


23-Feb-1772; Judey RALS daughter of Sarah RALS

30-Mar-1772; Anna Maria LILLINGTON daughter of Robert & Ann LILLINGTON

19-Apr-1772; Edward STURMEY son of Thomas & Bettey STURMEY

19-Apr-1772; Thomas BISHOP son of Joseph & Marey BISHOP

19-Apr-1772; Mary MILLER daughter of Mathew & Elizabeth MILLER

17-May-1772; John PARMARTER son of Philip & Beckey PARMARTER

12-Jul-1772; Mary BRIDEL daughter of Henry & Martha BRIDEL

20-Dec-1772; Thomas BAGG son of Samuel & Marey BAGG


10-Mar-1773; Betey MILLER daughter of Robert & Martha MILLER

28-Mar-1773; John HARRESS son of John & Elizabeth HARRESS

27-Jun-1773; Mearey BISHOP daughter of Joseph & Mary BISHOP

29-Dec-1773; Robert Ekins LILLINGTON son of Robert & Ann LILLINGTON


08-Jan-1774; Sarah MILLER daughter of Robert & Martha MILLER

06-Feb-1774; Sarah TINKHEL daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth TINKHEL

08-Feb-1774; Susannah STURMY daughter of Thomas & Susannah STURMY

01-May-1774; Edith ALLEN daughter of John & Ellioner ALLEN

12-Jun-1774; Ann BRIDLE daughter of Henery & Martha BRIDLE

04-Sep-1774; Betey GEAP daughter of Andrew & Betty GEAP

03-Nov-1774; Marget WINZER daughter of John & Ann WINZER

23-Nov-1774; An SQUIBB daughter of John & Sarah SQUIBB

29-Nov-1774; Bettey SQUIBB daughter of Robert & Susannah SQUIBB


05-Mar-1775; Susanna HARRES daughter of John & Betey HARRES

30-Apr-1775; Meary SQUIBB daughter of Richard & Hester SQUIBB

23-Jul-1775; Jean LOCK daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth LOCK

29-Aug-1775; Sarah BAGG daughter of Samuel & Marey BAGG

03-Sep-1775; Betey OAK daughter of William & Martha OAK


12-Jan-1776; Sarah BISHOP daughter of Joseph & Marey BISHOP

18-Jan-1776; Susanna WILSHEAR daughter of Robert & Marey WILSHEAR

23-Jun-1776; Robert SQUIBB son of John & Sarah SQUIBB

07-Jul-1776; Beth GEAP daughter of Andrew & Betty GEAP

06-Oct-1776; Robert ALLEN son of John & Elenor ALLEN

20-Oct-1776; James HARRES son of John & Bettey HARRES


20-Sep-1777; Bettey FOAN daughter of John & Marey FOAN

28-Sep-1777; Sarah GEAP daughter of Andrew & Bettey GEAP

12-Oct-1777; Elizabeth BISHOP daughter of Joseph & Mary BISHOP

31-Oct-1777; John WILLSHERE son of Robert & Mary WILLSHERE


01-Feb-1778; Elizabeth KING daughter of Jane KING & Efrom GREEN

17-Jun-1778; Sarah FURMADGE daughter of John & Mary FURMADGE privately

16-Aug-1778; Thomas LOCK son of Joseph & Bettey LOCK


11-Apr-1779; Thomas HARRESS son of John & Betty HARRESS

25-Apr-1779; Mary HENNING daughter of William & Elizabeth HENNING

27-Jun-1779; Thomas BELLY son of John & Mary BELLY

26-Sep-1779; Sarah SQUEBB daughter of John & Sarah SQUEBB

07-Nov-1779; Robert SQUEBB son of Robert & Susannah SQUEBB


02-Feb-1780; Thomas FOOKES son of William & Jane FOOKES

23-Apr-1780; David HIBBS son of John & Sarah HIBBS

02-May-1780; Sarah GRIGORY daughter of Thomas & Marey GRIGORY

18-Jun-1780; Ann HENNING daughter of William & Elizabeth HENNING

25-Dec-1780; Susannah LOCK daughter of Joseph & Betey LOCK


04-Mar-1781; James BELLY son of John & Mary BELLY

21-Apr-1781; William Lisle GARLAND son of John & Radigan Lisle GARLAND privately

[NB: Radigan Lisle GARLAND was buried at East Lulworth on 29-Apr-1781 and her son William on 06-May-1781]

25-Aug-1781; Robert HARRIS son of John & Elizabeth HARRIS

28-Sep-1781; Mary WILLSHIRE daughter of Robert & Mary WILLSHIRE


13-May-1782; Susannah GREGORY base born daughter of Catherine GREGORY

02-Jun-1782; John SQUIBB son of John & Sarah SQUIBB

16-Jun-1782; Henry SANSOM son of Henry & Mary SANSOM

15-Dec-1782; Mary HARRIS daughter of John & Elizabeth HARRIS


09-Feb-1783; Mary RANDLE daughter of Thomas & Jane RANDLE

09-Mar-1783; Ann TRINKHOLE base born daughter of Elizabeth TRINKHOLE

16-Oct-1783; William HENNING son of William & Elizabeth HENNING

16-Oct-1783; Robert HENNING son of William & Elizabeth HENNING

30-Nov-1783; Elizabeth LOCK daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth LOCK


05-Jan-1784; John SQUIB son of Robert & Susannah SQUIB

05-Jan-1784; Ann SQUIB daughter of Robert & Susannah SQUIB

25-Jan-1784; Jane WOOLFRYES daughter of William & Jane WOOLFRYES

16-May-1784; Jane GRIFFIN daughter of Nathanael & Elizabeth GRIFFIN

29-Jul-1784; Richard SIMS son of David & Ann SIMS

14-Nov-1784; John JAMES son of Philip & Hannah JAMES


23-Jan-1785; John RANDLE son of Thomas & Jane RANDLE

25-Jan-1785; Henry Willshire SANSOM son of Henry & Mary SANSOM

06-Mar-1785; George BILLY son of John & Mary BILLY

18-Apr-1785; Richard GREGORY base born son of Catharine GREGORY

22-Jul-1785; Richard SQUIB son of James & Mary SQUIB

26-Jul-1785; Charlotte LAMPARD daughter of John & Ann LAMPARD

07-Aug-1785; Diana PITTMAN daughter of Thomas & Edith PITTMAN


20-Apr-1786; William JAMES son of Philip & Hannah JAMES

20-Aug-1786; Mary BELLY daughter of John & Betty BELLY


17-Feb-1787; Thomas GREGORY base born son of Catherine GREGORY

24-Feb-1787; Elizabeth HENNING daughter of William & Elizabeth HENNING

26-Mar-1787; James JAMES son of Philip & Hannah JAMES

09-Apr-1787; Jenney RANDALL daughter of Thomas & Jane RANDALL

27-May-1787; Thomas HARTNELE son of Abraham & Margaret HARTNELE

02-Dec-1787; Edith SQUIB daughter of James & Mary SQUIB

20-Dec-1787; Henry ATKINS son of Benjamin & Mary ATKINS


09-Mar-1788; William PITMAN son of Thomas & Edith PITMAN

07-Apr-1788; Charles BELLY son of John & Betty BELLY

19-Aug-1788; Ann JAMES daughter of Philip & Hannah JAMES


03-Apr-1789; Jane BELLY daughter of John & Betty BELLY


25-Apr-1790; Edmund GREGORY base born son of Catherine GREGORY

28-Nov-1790; Hannah RIDOUT daughter of James & Sarah RIDOUT

30-Nov-1790; William WATTS son of David & Susannah WATTS

12-Dec-1790; Martha SCUTT daughter of Charles & Elizabeth SCUTT


16-Oct-1791; Isaac BELLY son of John & Betty BELLY

19-Nov-1791; William COX son of Robert & Elizabeth COX


12-Feb-1792; Jane VRY daughter of John & Sarah VRY

29-Apr-1792; Abraham HARTNELE son of Abraham & Margaret HARTNELE

27-May-1792; Susannah WATTS daughter of David & Susannah WATTS


17-Mar-1793; Ann SQUIB daughter of James & Mary SQUIB

20-Oct-1793; Mary SCUT daughter of Charles & Elizabeth SCUT


21-Sep-1794; James HARTNEL son of Abraham & Margaret HARTNEL

05-Oct-1794; Mary TRINCOLE base born daughter of Jane TRINCOLE

04-Nov-1794; William PATICK base born son of Mary PATICK

11-Nov-1794; Jane Grant RANDALL daughter of Richard & Sarah RANDALL

21-Dec-1794; James RUSSEL son of James & Mary RUSSEL


19-Apr-1795; Jane RANDALL daughter of Richard & Sarah RANDALL

15-Jul-1795; Elizabeth GALE daughter of Robert & Elizabeth GALE

30-Aug-1795; Elizabeth STICKLEY daughter of William & Elizabeth STICKLEY


07-Feb-1796; Richard WEST son of Richard & Sarah WEST

14-Feb-1796; James RIDOUT son of James & Sarah RIDOUT

24-Apr-1796; Mary SQUIB daughter of James & Mary SQUIB

15-May-1796; Thomas RUSSEL son of James & Mary RUSSEL

11-Dec-1796; Henry TALBOT son of Thomas & Mary TALBOT

11-Dec-1796; John SYMS son of Thomas & Jane SYMS


26-Mar-1797; James HIBBS son of Edward & Anne HIBBS

02-Apr-1797; John SCUTT son of Charles & Elizabeth SCUTT

13-Jun-1797; Robert GALE son of Robert & Elizabeth GALE

18-Jun-1797; Anne HELLIER daughter of William & Mary HELLIER

27-Jun-1797; Edward SNELLING son of John & Mary SNELLING

13-Aug-1797; Mary HARTNEL daughter of Abraham & Margaret HARTNEL

10-Sep-1797; John RANDAL son of Richard & Sarah RANDAL

19-Nov-1797; Thomas FRY son of Isaac & Anne FRY


18-Mar-1798; John WEST son of Richard & Sarah WEST

06-May-1798; Mary HARRIS daughter of John & Susannah HARRIS

23-Sep-1798; Robert HIBBS son of Edward & Anne HIBBS

02-Dec-1798; Mary SYMONDS daughter of Robert & Jane SYMONDS

16-Dec-1798; Jane SQUIB daughter of James & Mary SQUIB

25-Dec-1798; Jane TALBOT daughter of Thomas & Mary TALBOT


07-Apr-1799; Clara SCAMP daughter of Jesse & Keasy SCAMP

11-Jun-1799; George INGRAM son of William & Anne INGRAM

11-Jun-1799; Thomas HARRIS son of John & Susannah HARRIS

30-Jun-1799; Moses LAMB son of John & Elizabeth LAMB

14-Jul-1799; Elizabeth RUSSEL daughter of James & Mary RUSSEL

04-Aug-1799; Jane STICKLEY daughter of William & Elizabeth STICKLEY

25-Dec-1799; William OAK son of Thomas & Sarah OAK


02-Feb-1800; George SIMS son of David & Anne SIMS

09-Feb-1800; Joseph HARTNEL son of Abraham & Margaret HARTNEL

03-Mar-1800; Mary Anne RANDALL daughter of Richard & Sarah RANDALL

03-Mar-1800; Priscilla RIDOUT daughter of Richard & Priscilla RIDOUT

16-Mar-1800; Jane LOCK daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth LOCK

27-Apr-1800; Susannah SCUTT daughter of Charles & Elizabeth SCUTT

13-Jul-1800; John HIBBS son of Edward & Anne HIBBS


24-May-1801; Nora RUSSEL daughter of James & Mary RUSSEL

31-May-1801; Betty ALLEN daughter of Joseph & Eleanor ALLEN

05-Jul-1801; Anne STICKLAND daughter of Robert & Anne STICKLAND

26-Jul-1801; James PATTOCK son of Mary PATTOCK

09-Aug-1801; Edward HIBBS son of Edward & Ann HIBBS

12-Aug-1801; Harriet LOCK daughter of Thomas & Betty LOCK

06-Sep-1801; Mary RUSSEL daughter of Thomas & Jane RUSSEL


21-Mar-1802; Mary BRINE daughter of Richard & Jane BRINE

16-May-1802; Harriet FRY daughter of Isaac & Anne FRY

04-Jul-1802; William INGRAM son of William & Anne INGRAM

29-Jul-1802; John TALBOT son of Thomas & Mary TALBOT

05-Sep-1802; Mary HIBBS daughter of Edward & Anne HIBBS

25-Dec-1802; Charity Priscilla RUSSEL daughter of James & Mary RUSSEL

25-Dec-1802; Anne PERHAM daughter of John & Elizabeth PERHAM


27-Feb-1803; John HARRIS son of John & Susannah HARRIS

27-Feb-1803; Robert SYMMONDS son of Robert & Jane SYMMONDS

06-Mar-1803; Joseph LOCK son of Thomas & Betty LOCK

14-Apr-1803; Eliza RANDAL daughter of Richard & Sarah RANDAL

01-May-1803; Henry KEATS son of John & Mary KEATS

07-Aug-1803; Betty OAK daughter of Thomas & Sarah OAK

21-Aug-1803; William STICKLEY son of William & Betty STICKLEY

04-Sep-1803; Charles SCUTT son of Charles & Elizabeth SCUTT

23-Nov-1803; William RUSSEL son of Thomas & Jane RUSSEL


25-Mar-1804; Richard GALTON son of James & Mary GALTON

15-Apr-1804; Elizabeth HIBBS daughter of Edward & Anne HIBBS

06-May-1804; Jane HARTNEL daughter of Abraham & Margaret HARTNEL

06-May-1804; Esther SQUIB daughter of James & Mary SQUIB

13-May-1804; Harriet NOTTING daughter of George & Betty NOTTING


19-Jan-1805; Thomas CROCKER son of Thomas & Susannah CROCKER of Kesworth

15-Feb-1805; John KEATS son of John & Mary KEATS

14-Apr-1805; George HARRIS son of John & Susannah HARRIS

28-Apr-1805; James DOWNTON son of William & Catherine DOWNTON

28-Apr-1805; Lydia RANDALL daughter of Richard & Sarah RANDALL

26-May-1805; Thomas LONGMAN son of George & Elizabeth LONGMAN

16-Jun-1805; George TALBOT son of Thomas & Mary TALBOT

30-Jun-1805; George LOCK son of Thomas & Betty LOCK

08-Aug-1805; Thomas White INGRAM son of William & Anne INGRAM

13-Oct-1805; Rebecca PATICK daughter of Mary PATICK & Edward KEATS

31-Dec-1805; Sarah VALENCE daughter of William & Sarah VALENCE


03-Feb-1806; Daniel Seller RUSSEL son of James & Mary RUSSEL

02-Mar-1806; Thomas HIBBS son of Edward & Anne HIBBS

04-May-1806; Henry BURDEN son of Robert & Mary BURDEN

08-Jun-1806; Anne NORMAN daughter of William & Betty NORMAN

22-Jun-1806; Mary NOTTING daughter of George & Betty NOTTING

27-Jul-1806; Thomas STURMEY son of Edward & Harriet STURMEY

26-Oct-1806; John OAK son of Thomas & Sarah OAK

26-Oct-1806; Anne OAK daughter of Thomas & Sarah OAK


15-Feb-1807; James STICKLEY son of William & Elizabeth STICKLEY

29-Mar-1807; Christian SUMMERS daughter of George & Mary SUMMERS

12-Apr-1807; William SYMMONDS son of Robert & Jane SYMMONDS

26-Apr-1807; Stephen SCUTT son of Charles & Elizabeth SCUTT

03-May-1807; Martha BRINE daughter of Richard & Betty BRINE

05-Jul-1807; Charles LOCK son of Thomas & Betty LOCK

12-Jul-1807; Anne RIGGS daughter of Henry & Mary RIGGS

02-Aug-1807; Elizabeth KEATS daughter of John & Mary KEATS

16-Aug-1807; Jane HIBBS daughter of Edward & Anne HIBBS

11-Oct-1807; Sally Ridout SQUIBB daughter of Richard & Anne SQUIBB

18-Dec-1807; William SQUIBB son of James & Mary SQUIBB


17-Apr-1808; William SUMMERS son of George & Mary SUMMERS

22-May-1808; Sarah RANDAL daughter of Richard & Sarah RANDAL

10-Jun-1808; Betty STURMEY daughter of Edward & Harriet STURMEY

14-Aug-1808; Charles BURDEN son of Robert & Mary BURDEN


01-Jan-1809; Mary Anne TALBOT daughter of Thomas & Mary TALBOT

22-May-1809; Martha SYMONDS daughter of Robert & Jane SYMONDS

18-Jun-1809; Susanna HARRIS daughter of John & Susanna HARRIS

16-Jul-1809; Mary LOCK daughter ot Thomas & Betty LOCK

16-Jul-1809; Elizabeth SWYER daughter of Charles & Mary SWYER

16-Jul-1809; Anne HIBBS daughter of Edward & Anne HIBBS

16-Jul-1809; Rebecca NORMAN daughter of James & Betty NORMAN

30-Jul-1809; James KEATS son of John & Mary KEATS

30-Jul-1809; Anne DOWNTON daughter of William & Catherine DOWNTON

15-Oct-1809; Hannah Hatherway RIGGS daughter of Henry & Mary RIGGS

19-Nov-1809; Caroline BRINE daughter of Richard & Betty BRINE

24-Dec-1809; Hannah BURDEN daughter of Robert & Mary BURDEN


22-Apr-1810; Thomas STEVENS son of Thomas & Sarah STEVENS

22-Apr-1810; David KEATS son of David & Maria KEATS

10-Jun-1810; Joseph SNELLING son of John & Mary SNELLING

05-Aug-1810; William STICKLEY son of William & Betty STICKLEY

19-Aug-1810; Edward STURMEY son of Edward & Harriet STURMEY

23-Dec-1810; Mary CAINES daughter of Joseph & Mary CAINES

25-Dec-1810; Charles SWYER son of Charles & Martha SWYER


06-Jan-1811; John LEG son of William & Melley LEG

19-Apr-1811; Maria TALBOT daughter of Thomas & Mary TALBOT

20-Apr-1811; Mary KEATS daughter of John & Mary KEATS

02-Jun-1811; Mary OAK daughter of Thomas & Sarah OAK

16-Jun-1811; Elizabeth HARRIS daughter of John & Susanna HARRIS

25-Aug-1811; William SYMONDS son of Robert & Jane SYMONDS

01-Dec-1811; Richard RANDAL son of Richard & Sarah RANDAL

29-Dec-1811; Maria RANDAL daughter of William & Sarah RANDAL


12-Jan-1812; William BRINE son of Richard & Betty BRINE

05-Apr-1812; Charity HIBBS daughter of Edward & Anne HIBBS

05-Apr-1812; David HIBBS son of Edward & Anne HIBBS

19-Apr-1812; Andrew RIGS son of Henry & Mary RIGS

14-Jun-1812; John STEVENS son of William& Mary STEVENS

12-Aug-1812; Betty STEVENS daughter of William & Mary STEVENS

29-Oct-1812; Harriet SWYER daughter of Charles & Martha SWYER

15-Nov-1812; James PITTMAN son of William & Betty PITTMAN


11-Apr-1813; Eliza GREGORY daughter of Edward & Ann GREGORY; Labourer

25-Apr-1813; Joseph STURMEY son of Edward & Harriet STURMEY; Blacksmith

23-May-1813; George RANDEL son of Richard & Sarah RANDEL; Labourer

18-Jul-1813; Mary Ann PITMAN daughter of Frederick & Edith PITMAN; Soldier, Somerset Militia

01-Aug-1813; Caleb Barns SYMONDS son of Elizabeth SYMONDS

29-Aug-1813; Charles HIBBS son of Edward & Ann HIBBS; Labourer

10-Oct-1813; Elizabeth TALBOT daughter of Thomas & Mary TALBOT; Labourer

10-Oct-1813; William TALBOT son of Thomas & Mary TALBOT; Labourer

24-Oct-1813; Thomas STICKLAND son of William & Betty STICKLAND; Labourer

19-Dec-1813; Eliza OAK daughter of Thomas & Sarah OAK; Shepherd


09-Mar-1814; Mary Ann STEVENS daughter of William & Sarah STEVENS; Dairyman

10-Apr-1814; Edward BRINE son of Richard & Elizabeth BRINE; Labourer

26-Jun-1814; Thomas SUMMERS son of George & Mary SUMMERS; Labourer

23-Oct-1814; Joseph PITMAN son of William & Betty PITMAN; Labourer

23-Oct-1814; Letitia BISHOP daughter of George & Ann BISHOP; Labourer

06-Nov-1814; John RANDAL son of Francis & Jane RANDAL; Shoemaker


24-Jan-1815; William GREGORY son of Edward & Ann GREGORY; Labourer

19-Feb-1815; Andrew RIGGS son of Joseph & Sarah RIGGS; Shepherd

19-Feb-1815; William LEGG son of William & Mary LEGG; Labourer

19-Mar-1815; Hannah TALBOT daughter of Thomas & Mary TALBOT; Labourer

09-Jul-1815; George HIBBS son of Edward & Ann HIBBS; Labourer


18-Apr-1816; Richard BRINE son of Richard & Elizabeth BRINE; Labourer

26-May-1816; Robert STEVENS son of William & Sarah STEVENS; Dairyman

23-Jun-1816; Thomas LOCK son of Thomas & Elizabeth LOCK; Labourer

04-Aug-1816; William PITMAN son of William & Betty PITMAN; Labourer

24-Dec-1816; Samuel BISHOP son of George & Ann BISHOP; Labourer


02-Apr-1817; William Laurence RIDEOUT son of John & Elizabeth RIDEOUT; Carter

13-Apr-1817; Henry RIGGS son of Henry & Mary RIGGS; Shepherd of Ringstead in the Parish of Osmington

28-Apr-1817; Amelia LEGG daughter of William & Amelia LEGG; Labourer

17-Jun-1817; Charles GREGORY son of Edward & Ann GREGORY; Labourer

06-Jul-1817; Thomas SQUIB son of James & Mary SQUIB; Labourer

20-Oct-1817; George SUMMERS son of George & Mary SUMMERS; Labourer


14-Jun-1818; Anna Maria BRINE daughter of Richard & Maria BRINE; Labourer

25-Oct-1818; John HARTNELL son of John & Elizabeth HARTNELL; Dairyman

08-Nov-1818; John BISHOP son of Daniel & Mary BISHOP; Dairyman

22-Nov-1818; George STURMEY son of Thomas & Mary STURMEY; Blacksmith


24-Jan-1819; Joseph STEVENS son of William & Sarah STEVENS; Dairyman

10-Feb-1819; Elizabeth SYMONDS daughter of Elizabeth SYMONDS

18-Mar-1819; John SQUIB son of James & Mary SQUIB; Labourer

04-Apr-1819; Elizabeth PARMITER daughter of James & Sarah PARMITER; Yeoman

18-Apr-1819; Ezekiel STICKLEY son of Jane STICKLEY

06-May-1819; Robert BISHOP son of George & Ann BISHOP; Labourer

22-Aug-1819; George GODDEN son of James & June GODDEN; Labourer

03-Oct-1819; Thomas DOVE son of Thomas & Mary DOVE; Labourer Carpenter


23-Jan-1820; Daniel PITMAN son of William & Betty PITMAN; Labourer

23-Jan-1820; Betty STURMEY daughter of Thomas & Mary STURMEY; Blacksmith

23-Jan-1820; Betty SYMONDS daughter of Betty SYMONDS; Labourer

14-Feb-1820; Mary SYMONDS daughter of John & Mary SYMONDS; Labourer

12-Mar-1820; Sarah HARTNELL daughter of James & Sarah HARTNELL; Carpenter

16-Mar-1820; William RIGGS son of Henry & Mary RIGGS; Shepherd

02-Jul-1820; Charlotte GREGORY daughter of Edward & Ann GREGORY; Labourer


24-Jan-1821; Susannah BRINE daughter of Richard & Betty BRINE; Labourer

19-Feb-1821; Ellen Eliza TOWSEY daughter of Henry & Susannah TOWSEY; Yeoman, Middle Fossell

25-Feb-1821; John RANDALL son of William & Sarah RANDALL; Labourer

08-Jul-1821; Rachel STURMEY daughter of Thomas & Mary STURMEY; Blacksmith

29-Jul-1821; Ann SQUIBB daughter of James & Mary SQUIBB; Labourer

14-Oct-1821; Thomas HARTNELL son of James & Sarah HARTNELL; Labourer

14-Oct-1821; James RANDALL son of William & Sarah RANDALL; Labourer


06-Jan-1822; Ann SYMONDS daughter of John & Mary SYMONDS; Labourer

27-Jan-1822; Jane BISHOP daughter of George & Ann BISHOP; Labourer

14-May-1822; Jane SUMMERS daughter of George & Mary SUMMERS; Labourer

26-May-1822; Ann BISHOP daughter of William & Sarah BISHOP; Dairyman

26-May-1822; Eliza HIBBS daughter of James & Mary HIBBS; Labourer

16-Jun-1822; Mary RIGGS daughter of Henry & Mary RIGGS; Labourer

04-Aug-1822; Emanuel GODDEN son of James & Jane GODDEN; Labourer

06-Sep-1822; Louisa STICKLAND daughter of Henry & Bethia STICKLAND; Labourer

27-Oct-1822; John RANDALL son of John & Mary Ann RANDALL; Labourer

27-Oct-1822; Susannah STURMEY daughter of Thomas & Mary STURMEY; Labourer Blacksmith


16-Mar-1823; Eliza BRINE daughter of Richard & Mary BRINE; Labourer

11-May-1823; George PARSONS son of James & Harriet PARSONS; Yeoman, Middle Fossell

22-Jun-1823; Francis HARRIS son of Elizabeth HARRIS; Singlewoman

20-Jul-1823; George SQUIB son of James & Mary SQUIB; Labourer

27-Jul-1823; Robert HARRIS son of Robert & Elizabeth HARRIS; Labourer

03-Aug-1823; Ann DOVE daughter of Thomas & Mary DOVE; Labourer Carpenter

28-Sep-1823; Richard SYMONDS son of John & Mary SYMONDS; Labourer

12-Oct-1823; George HARTNELL son of James & Sarrah HARTNELL; Carpenter Dairyman

14-Dec-1823; Frances HARTNELL daughter of Joseph & Charity HARTNELL; Dairyman


01-Jan-1824; Sarah BISHOP daughter of William & Sarah BISHOP; Dairyman

08-Feb-1824; Thomas PITMAN son of Thomas & Mary PITMAN; Labourer

12-Feb-1824; William PITMAN son of William & Elizabeth PITMAN; Labourer of West Chaldon

19-Sep-1824; Mary GODDEN daughter of James & Jane GODDEN; Labourer

26-Dec-1824; Elizabeth SUMMERS daughter of George & Mary SUMMERS; Labourer


13-Feb-1825; William ALLEN son of William & Jane ALLEN; Labourer

23-May-1825; John COX son of John & Mary COX; Shoemaker

23-May-1825; Eliza (?) HARRIS daughter of Robert & Eliza HARRIS; Labourer

24-Jul-1825; Emily RANDALL daughter of John & Mary Ann RANDALL; Labourer

21-Aug-1825; John HARRIS son of John & Mary HARRIS; Labourer

28-Aug-1825; Esther SQUIBB base born daughter of Mary SQUIBB; Singlewoman

30-Aug-1825; Thomas OAK base born son of Ann OAK; Singlewoman

04-Sep-1825; Thomas PARSONS son of James & Harriet PARSONS; Yeoman, Middle Fossell

25-Sep-1825; Elizabeth SQUIBB daughter of James & Mary SQUIBB; Labourer

25-Sep-1825; James STURMEY son of Thomas & Mary STURMEY; Labourer

20-Nov-1825; Abraham HARTNELL son of James & Sarah HARTNELL; Labourer

04-Dec-1825; Elizabeth SYMONDS daughter of John & Mary SYMONDS; Labourer


09-Jan-1826; Mary PITMAN daughter of Thomas & Mary PITMAN; Labourer

22-Jan-1826; John GREGORY son of Elisha & Esther GREGORY; Dairyman of West Chaldon

05-Feb-1826; Henry LAMPARD base son of Ann LAMPARD; Singlewoman of West Lullworth

14-May-1826; Hannah RANDALL daughter of William & Sarah RANDALL; Labourer

18-Jun-1826; Eliza SWYRE daughter of Charles & Martha SWYRE; Labourer

10-Sep-1826; Elizabeth PITMAN daughter of William & Elizabeth PITMAN; Labourer of West Chaldon

10-Sep-1826; Edith Rebecca TALBOT daughter of Henry & Elizabeth TALBOT; Labourer


01-Apr-1827; Richard RANDALL son of John & Mary Ann RANDALL; Labourer

22-Apr-1827; Francis Robert COX son of John & Mary COX; Shoemaker

26-Apr-1827; George BRINE son of Richard & Mary BRINE; Labourer

12-Aug-1827; Mary Ann Willshire HARRIS daughter of John & Mary HARRIS; Labourer

23-Sep-1827; Frances GREGORY daughter of Elisha & Esther GREGORY; Dairyman

23-Sep-1827; Robert PUCKETT son of John & Mary PUCKETT; Labourer

18-Nov-1827; Jane RIGGS daughter of Henry & Mary RIGGS; Labourer

30-Dec-1827; Joseph HARTNELL son of James & Sarah HARTNELL; Labourer


20-Jan-1828; Robert SQUIBB son of James & Mary SQUIBB; Labourer

03-Feb-1828; David PITMAN son of Thomas & Mary PITMAN; Labourer

03-Feb-1828; Susanna HARRIS daughter of Robert & Eliza HARRIS; Labourer

16-May-1828; Martha SYMONDS daughter of John & Mary SYMONDS; Labourer

06-Jul-1828; John STURMEY son of Thomas & Mary STURMEY; Blacksmith

27-Sep-1828; George William White INGRAM son of George & Charlotte Bernard INGRAM; Gentleman, Fossell Farm


11-Jan-1829; Joseph John BUSH son of Joseph & Edith BUSH; Labourer

11-Jan-1829; Robert TALBOT son of Henry & Elizabeth TALBOT; Labourer

29-Mar-1829; George SQUIBB son of Jane SQUIBB; Singelwoman

02-Aug-1829; Thomas GODARD son of James & Jane GODARD; Labourer

02-Aug-1829; Charles John PITMAN son of Thomas & Mary PITMAN; Labourer

11-Oct-1829; Stephen SYMONDS son of Robert & Rebecca SYMONDS; Labourer

11-Oct-1829; George RANDALL son of John & Mary RANDALL; Labourer


17-Jan-1830; Antony SWYRE son of Charles & Martha SWYRE; Labourer

24-Jan-1830; Elizabeth HARRIS daughter of John & Mary HARRIS; Labourer

03-Feb-1830; Emiline PUCKETT daughter of John & Jane PUCKETT; Labourer

18-Feb-1830; George HARRIS son of Robert & Eliza HARRIS; Labourer

14-Mar-1830; Jane HARTNELL daughter of James & Sarah HARTNELL; Carpenter

28-Mar-1830; Jane STURMEY daughter of Thomas & Mary STURMEY; Labourer

14-May-1830; Susannah SQUIBB daughter of James & Mary SQUIBB; Labourer

26-Sep-1830; Charles SQUIBB son of William & Elizabeth SQUIBB; Labourer

08-Oct-1830; Jane SYMONDS daughter of John & Mary SYMONDS; Labourer


24-Apr-1831; Robert BASCOMBE son of James & Ann BASCOMBE; Labourer

01-May-1831; George Thomas TALBOT son of Henry & Elizabeth TALBOT; Labourer

08-May-1831; John Charles WOOLFRIES son of Charles & Eliza WOOLFRIES; Labourer of Church Knowle

13-Nov-1831; Frederick FURBER son of James & Mary FURBER; Yeoman

11-Dec-1831; Thomas PITMAN son of Thomas & Mary PITMAN; Labourer


07-Jan-1832; Robert STICKLY son of James & Phillis STICKLY; Labourer

05-Feb-1832; Susannah HARRIS daughter of John & Mary HARRIS; Labourer

05-Feb-1832; Joseph SQUIBB son of William & Elizabeth SQUIBB; Labourer

11-Mar-1832; Sarah HARRIS daughter of Robert & Eliza HARRIS; Labourer

15-Mar-1832; Mary Ann HARTNELL daughter of James & Sarah HARTNELL; Carpenter

21-Mar-1832; Henry Robert BURDEN son of Henry & Mary Ann BURDEN; Labourer

22-Apr-1832; Levi PARKER son of Mary PARKER; Singlewoman

31-May-1832; Jane House RANDALL daughter of John & Mary Ann RANDALL; Labourer

17-Jun-1832; Richard SQUIBB son of James & Mary SQUIBB; Labourer


03-Feb-1833; Harriet Sturmey SQUIBB daughter of William & Betty SQUIBB; Labourer

05-Feb-1833; George STICKLEY son of James & Phillis STICKLEY; Labourer

10-Mar-1833; James SQUIBB son of William & Elizabeth SQUIBB; Labourer

20-Mar-1833; William BASCOMBE son of James & Ann BASCOMBE

23-Apr-1833; Ann DOWNTON daughter of Sarah DOWNTON

12-May-1833; John SYMONDS son of John & Mary SYMONDS; Labourer

14-May-1833; Elizabeth BRINE daughter of Caroline BRINE

22-Sep-1833; William WOOLFRIES son of Charles & Eliza WOOLFRIES; Quarryman of Corfe Castle

13-Oct-1833; Job BURDEN son of Henry & Mary Ann BURDEN; Labourer

20-Oct-1833; Thomas ALLEN son of Jane ALLEN widow, now of Chaldon Herring but late of Winfrith Newburgh where the child was born


23-Feb-1834; Mary Ann PITMAN daughter of Thomas & Mary PITMAN; Labourer

08-Apr-1834; Elizabeth TALBOT daughter of Henry & Elizabeth TALBOT; Labourer

13-Apr-1834; George PAIN son of George & Elizabeth PAIN; Bricklayer of Winfrith

04-May-1834; Mary INGRAM daughter of Thomas & Ann INGRAM; Yeoman

25-May-1834; Eliza HARRIS daughter of John & Mary HARRIS; Labourer

25-May-1834; John HARTNELL son of James & Sarah HARTNELL; Carpenter

31-Aug-1834; George PITMAN son of Harriet PITMAN

07-Sep-1834; Richard PARKER son of George & Sarah PARKER; Labourer of West Chaldon

09-Nov-1834; Thomas STICKLEY son of William & Mary STICKLEY; Labourer

21-Dec-1834; Richard HARRIS son of Robert & Eliza HARRIS; Labourer

25-Dec-1834; Mary Ann STICKLEY daughter of James & Phillis STICKLEY; Labourer


01-Feb-1835; Henry SQUIBB son of William & Elizabeth SQUIBB; Labourer

29-Mar-1835; Mary Ann BASCOMBE daughter of James & Ann BASCOMBE; Labourer

12-Jul-1835; Theresa RANDALL daughter of John & Mary Ann RANDALL; Labourer

23-Aug-1835; Frederick SQUIBB son of William & Betty SQUIBB; Labourer of E. Chaldon

Godparents: John Randall, Edward Snelling

06-Sep-1835; Anna Maria BURDEN daughter of Henry & Mary Ann BURDEN; Labourer of E. Chaldon

Godparents: Mary Squib, Mary Ann Randall, John Talbot Tincleton, George Talbot

20-Sep-1835; James William PITMAN son of James & Ann PITMAN; Labourer of E. Chaldon

Godparents: Bethia Burden, Hannah Brine, James ____, Charles Parker

25-Oct-1835; Frederick CHILCOTT son of James & Mary CHILCOTT; Labourer of E. Chaldon

Godparents: Mary Parker, Charles Hibbs, _____ Grant, William _____


21-Feb-1836; Thomas PAINE son of George & Elizabeth PAINE; Labourer of E. Chaldon

Godparents: Sarah _____, Mary Parker Netherbury, John Harris

08-May-1836; Elizabeth BURDEN daughter of Charles & Mary BURDEN; Dairyman

Godfather: Richard Gale of Osmington

07-Aug-1836; Alice Elizabeth LOCK daughter of John & Alice LOCK; Dairyman

Godparents: Mary Gale, Mary Squibb, James ____, John Smith Winfrith, Thomas Lock

07-Aug-1836; Frank HARTNELL son of James & Sarah HARTNELL; Dairyman

Godparents: _____ _____ Winfrith, Sarah Hartnell

16-Oct-1836; William HARRIS son of Robert & Eliza HARRIS; Labourer

Godparents: John Harris, _____ Harris

25-Dec-1836; Louisa HARRIS daughter of John & Mary HARRIS; Labourer

Godparents: Susannah Harris, Eliza Harris, William Pitman, William Squibb


19-Mar-1837; Frank PITMAN son of James & Anne PITMAN; Labourer

Godparents: Elizabeth Pitman, _____ _____, George Richards, W. _____ Kingston

14-May-1837; George INGRAM son of Thomas & Anne INGRAM; Yeoman of Athelcourt in the Parish of Winterbourne Kingston

Godparents: _____ _____ William Stickley

11-Jun-1837; Harriet BASCOMBE daughter of James & Ann BASCOMBE; Labourer

Godparents: Sarah Downton, Mary Squibb, James Stickley, William Tarp (?)

18-Jun-1837; George STICKLEY son of William & Mary STICKLEY; Labourer

Godparents: _____ Allen, George Lock

16-Jul-1837; Mary Jane BURDEN daughter of Henry & Mary Anne BURDEN

Godparents: Elizabeth Talbot, Bethia Burden, Richard _____

30-Jul-1837; Eliza BRINE daughter of Caroline BRINE; Singlewoman

Godparents: Sarah _____, Sarah _____

24-Sep-1837; William STICKLEY son of James & Phillis STICKLEY; Labourer

Godparents: _____ _____, _____ Parker (?)

05-Nov-1837; Marianne SQUIBB daughter of William & Elizabeth SQUIBB; Labourer

Godparents: Charity Hibbs, Mary Parker


21-Jan-1838; Jane BURDEN daughter of Charles & Maria BURDEN; Dairyman

04-Feb-1838; Henry SQUIBB son of William & Betty SQUIBB; Dairyman

30-Apr-1838; Thomas House RANDALL son of John & Mary Ann RANDALL; Labourer

30-Apr-1838; Charlotte Margaret HARTNELL daughter of James & Sarah HARTNELL; Carpenter

27-May-1838; John LOCK son of John & Ellis LOCK; Dairyman

19-Aug-1838; Jane LOCK daughter of Thomas & Sarah LOCK; Labourer


13-Mar-1839; Robert HARRIS son of John & Mary HARRIS; Labourer

04-May-1839; Robert John HARRIS son of Robert & Eliza HARRIS; Labourer

23-Jun-1839; Mary Jane BRINE daughter of William & Maria BRINE; Labourer

07-Jul-1839; John Talbot BURDEN son of Henry & Mary Ann BURDEN; Labourer

18-Aug-1839; Thomas Henry GREGORY son of William & Hannah GREGORY; Labourer

08-Sep-1839; Giles INGRAM son of Thomas & Anne INGRAM; Farmer of Sturminster Marshall

27-Oct-1839; Elizabeth PAINE daughter of George & Elizabeth PAINE; Labourer

25-Nov-1839; John BURDEN son of Charles & Maria BURDEN; Dairyman


05-Jan-1840; Henry STICKLEY son of James & Phillis STICKLEY; Labourer

09-Feb-1840; Sarah BASCOMBE daughter of James & Ann BASCOMBE; Labourer

12-Apr-1840; Joseph STICKLEY son of William & Mary STICKLEY; Labourer

07-Jun 1840; James Andrew BRINE son of Ann BRINE; Labourer

14-Jun-1840; William LOCK son of John & Alice LOCK; Dairyman

26-Jul-1840; Joseph LOCK son of Thomas & Sarah LOCK; Labourer

21-Aug-1840; Martha SYMONDS daughter of John & Mary SYMONDS; Labourer



09-Apr-1841; George Thomas BURDEN son of Henry & Maria BURDEN; Labourer

02-May-1841; Thomas STURMEY son of Rachel STURMEY; Spinster

30-May-1841; Susan BRINE daughter of William & Maria BRINE; Labourer

30-May-1841; Mary Ann PARKER daughter of Jacob & Ann PARKER; Labourer

25-Jul-1841; Edward PITMAN son of Hannah PITMAN; Singlewoman

07-Aug-1841; Thomas HARRIS son of John & Mary HARRIS; Labourer

16-Aug-1841; John BURT son of John & Harriet BURT; Coast Guard

16-Aug-1841; Harriet BURT daughter of John & Harriet BURT; Coast Guard

05-Sep-1841; Job HARRIS son of Robert & Eliza HARRIS; Labourer

17-Oct-1841; William LONG son of William & Maria LONG; Coast Guard


02-Jan-1842; Charles PITMAN son of Daniel & Mary PITMAN; Labourer

16-Jan-1842; Dorcas BRINE daughter of Caroline BRINE; Spinster

30-Jan-1842; Hezekiah STICKLEY son of James & Phillis STICKLEY; Labourer

01-May-1842; Owen RANDALL son of Hannah RANDALL; Spinster

15-May-1842; John Francis DAVIE son of John & Elizabeth DAVIE; Coast Guard

29-May-1842; Charles LOCK son of Thomas & Sarah LOCK; Labourer

12-Jun-1842; Nicholas Edward LEGG son of Nicholas & Elizabeth LEGG; Coast Guard

10-Jul-1842; Robert BURDEN son of Charles & Anna BURDEN; Dairyman

17-Jul-1842; John RANDALL son of John & Mary Ann RANDALL; Labourer

24-Jul-1842; Thomas LOCK son of George & Martha LOCK; Labourer

31-Jul-1842; John BASCOMBE son of James & Ann BASCOMBE; Labourer

19-Aug-1842; John STROUD son of John & Elizabeth STROUD; Dairyman of Fossel in Chaldon Herring

21-Aug-1842; Edward LONG son of William & Maria LONG; Coast Guard

18-Sep-1842; Harriet HOCKING daughter of William & Harriet HOCKING; Coast Guard

28-Oct-1842; Emily Ellen BURT daughter of John & Harriet BURT; Coast Guard

15-Nov-1842; Harriet PARKER daughter of Jacob & Ann PARKER; Labourer

18-Dec-1842; Charlotte Sarah BURT daughter of James & Hannah BURT; Coast Guard

25-Dec-1842; Edna HARRIS daughter of John & Mary HARRIS; Labourer


15-Jan-1843; Charles William GREGORY son of Charlotte GREGORY; Spinster

17-Mar-1843; Job CORNICK son of Reuben & Mary CORNICK; Labourer

02-Apr-1843; Charles Edward BURDEN son of Henry & Mary Ann BURDEN; Labourer

09-Apr-1843; George SQUIBB son of Thomas & Jane SQUIBB; Labourer

23-Apr-1843; Giles Thomas INGRAM son of Thomas & Anne INGRAM; Farmer of Sturminster Marshall

28-May-1843; Lucy Ellen STERLING daughter of Spencer & Ann STERLING; Royal Navy

02-Jul-1843; Edward BRINE son of William & Maria BRINE; Labourer

27-Aug-1843; Selina BASCOMBE daughter of John & Ann BASCOMBE; Labourer


11-Feb-1844; Mary Anne PITMAN daughter of Daniel & Mary PITMAN; Labourer

25-Feb-1844; Mary Anne GREGORY daughter of William & Hannah GREGORY; Labourer

24-Mar-1844; Mary LOCK daughter of Thomas & Sarah LOCK; Labourer

28-Apr-1844; Louisa PITMAN daughter of William & Mary PITMAN; Labourer

29-Apr-1844; William HARTNELL son of James & Sarah HARTNELL; Carpenter

25-May-1844; George Henry GLENDENING son of James & Elizabeth GLENDENING; Coast Guard

25-May-1844; Thomas Frederick GLENDENING son of James & Elizabeth GLENDENING; Coast Guard

25-May-1844; John STICKLEY son of James & Phillis STICKLEY; Labourer

02-Jun-1844; Maria HARTNELL daughter of George & Jane HARTNELL; Carpenter

14-Jul-1844; Thomas Henry HARRIS son of Robert & Eliza HARRIS; Labourer

25-Aug-1844; Hester PARKER daughter of Jacob & Ann PARKER; Labourer

19-Sep-1844; Mary LOCK daughter of George & Martha LOCK; Labourer


12-Jan-1845; Mary Martha BROWNJOHN daughter of Joseph & Mary Ann BROWNJOHN; [occupation illegible]

23-Feb-1845; Thomas POOSS son of Robert & Emma POOSS; Labourer of Fossell in Chaldon

09-Mar-1845; Dorcas BRINE daughter of Caroline BRINE

21-Mar-1845; Albert Hyman BURT son of James & Hannah BURT; Coast Guard

30-Mar-1845; John SQUIBB son of Thomas & Jane SQUIBB; Labourer

13-Apr-1845; Charles Edward PARKER son of Daniel & Charlotte PARKER; Shepherd of Fossell in Chaldon

__-Apr-1845; Jane BRINE daughter of William & Maria BRINE; Labourer [day of the month not stated]

__-Apr-1845; Henry BRINE son of William & Maria BRINE; Labourer [day of the month not stated]

07-Sep-1845; Thomas James LOCK son of Thomas & Sarah LOCK; Dairyman

21-Sep-1845; Rosanne CORNICK daughter of Reuben & Rebecca CORNICK; Labourer

16-Nov-1845; Thomas GREGORY son of William & Hannah GREGORY; Labourer


11-Jan-1846; Frederic PITMAN son of Daniel & Mary PITMAN; Labourer

11-Jan-1846; John HARRIS son of John & Fanny HARRIS; Labourer

26-Feb-1846; John PAINE son of George & Elizabeth PAINE; Labourer

01-Mar-1846; Frank PUCKET son of William & Charlotte PUCKET; Labourer

01-Mar-1846; William George RANDALL son of James & Eliza RANDALL; Labourer

15-Mar-1846; Hannah STICKLEY daughter of James & Phillis STICKLEY; Labourer

15-Mar-1846; Richard TOMS son of Thomas & Elizabeth TOMS; Labourer

29-Mar-1846; Frances SYMOND daughter of William & Jane SYMOND; Labourer

19-Apr-1846; George James HARTNELL son of George & Jane HARTNELL; Carpenter

07-Jun-1846; Emily Jane PITMAN daughter of William & Mary PITMAN; Labourer

17-Jun-1846; Charles BASCOMBE son of John & Ann BASCOMBE; Labourer

17-Jun-1846; Thomas BASCOMBE son of John & Ann BASCOMBE; Labourer

13-Sep-1846; Eliza PARKER daughter of Jacob & Ann PARKER; Labourer

18-Oct-1846; Mary Ann THOMPSON daughter of David & Mary Ann THOMPSON; Coast Guard of White Nose in Chaldon

25-Oct-1846; Susan Jane LOVELESS daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth LOVELESS; Labourer

20-Dec-1846; Matilda BASCOMBE daughter of Joseph & Harriet BASCOMBE; Labourer of Owermoigne


07-Jan-1847; Mary Ann PITMAN daughter of David & Jane PITMAN; Labourer

28-Feb-1847; Isaac George BURT son of James & Hannah BURT; Coast Guard of White Nose in Chaldon

28-Feb-1847; Emily Jane Springet HANCOCK daughter of James & Frances HANCOCK; Coast Guard of White Nose in Chaldon

28-Mar-1847; William FRAMPTON son of William & Frances FRAMPTON; Labourer of West Chaldon

11-Apr-1847; William BRINE son of William & Maria BRINE; Labourer

25-May-1847; Robert John PAIN son of John & Elizabeth PAIN; Labourer

25-Jun-1847; Frederick MERRITT son of Frederick & Harriet MERRITT; Coast Guard of White Nose in Chaldon

27-Jun-1847; Mary Jane NUGENT daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth NUGENT; Coast Guard of White Nose in Chaldon

11-Jul-1847; George LOCK son of Thomas & Sarah LOCK; Dairyman of Owermoigne

11-Jul-1847; Clara CORNICK daughter of Reuben & Rebecca CORNICK; Labourer

25-Jul-1847; Robert STICKLEY son of James & Phillis STICKLEY; Labourer

25-Jul-1847; Job RANDALL son of James & Eliza RANDALL; Labourer

22-Aug-1847; Edward BASCOMBE son of Ann BASCOMBE

05-Sep-1847; Horatio Richard HAWKINS son of William & Emily HAWKINS; Chief Boatman in charge Coast Guard of White Nose in Chaldon

26-Sep-1847; George Thomas DAWKINS son Of Thomas & Jane DAWKINS; Gentleman of Beaulieu in Hampshire

31-Oct-1847; Edward LOVELESS son of Thomas & Elizabeth LOVELESS; Labourer

31-Dec-1847; Isabella HARRIS daughter of John & Fanny HARRIS; Labourer


26-Mar-1848; Thomas Yeoman POLWIN son of Thomas & Grace POLWIN; Coast Guard Service

09-Apr-1848; Jane PARKER daughter of Daniel & Charlotte PARKER; Labourer of Fossell in Chaldon

14-Apr-1848; Frank PITMAN son of Daniel & Mary PITMAN; Labourer

11-Jun-1848; Robert BARNES son of Thomas & Ann BARNES; Labourer

03-Aug-1848; Thomas PITMAN son of David Jane PITMAN; Labourer

01-Oct-1848; Edward Owen RICHARDS son of Owen Charles & Emma RICHARDS; Gentleman

15-Oct-1848; Edward George STURMEY son of Edward & Ellen STURMEY; Blacksmith

12-Nov-1848; Albert William HIBBS son of Eliza HIBBS; Singlewoman

12-Nov-1848; George Parker FRAMPTON son of William & Frances FRAMPTON; Labourer of West Chaldon

24-Dec-1848; Jane PARKER daughter of Jacob & Ann PARKER; Labourer

24-Dec-1848; Hannah LOCK daughter of George & Martha LOCK; Labourer

31-Dec-1848; William GREGORY son of William & Hannah GREGORY; Labourer


07-Jan-1849; Isaac William PITMAN son of William & Mary PITMAN; Labourer of West Chaldon

21-Jan-1849; John THOMPSON son of David & Mary Ann THOMPSON; Coast Guard of White Nose in Chaldon

15-Apr-1849; Frederic BRINE son of William & Maria BRINE; Labourer

29-Apr-1849; Georgina Emily TIERNEY daughter of Philip & Georgina TIERNEY; Coast Guard of White Nose in Chaldon

13-May-1849; James Thomas Samuel HANCOCK son of James & Frances Hall HANCOCK; Coast Guard of White Nose in Chaldon

27-May-1849; George PAIN son of John & Elizabeth PAIN; Labourer

10-Jun-1849; Susan RANDALL daughter of James & Eliza RANDALL; Labourer

09-Jul-1849; Edna Emily BASCOMBE daughter of Ann BASCOMBE

19-Aug-1849; William Pitman RANDALL son of Richard & Elizabeth RANDALL; Labourer

23-Aug-1849; Edward HARRIS son of John & Frances HARRIS; Labourer

14-Oct-1849; Joseph HARTNELL son of George & Jane HARTNELL; Carpenter

14-Oct-1849; Mary RANDALL daughter of Elizabeth RANDALL; Singlewoman

14-Oct-1849; Elizabeth CORNICK daughter of Reuben & Rebecca CORNICK; Labourer

25-Nov-1849; Jenkins RICHARDS son of Owen Charles & Emma RICHARDS; Gentleman

09-Dec-1849; Hannah PITMAN daughter of David & Jane PITMAN; Labourer

09-Dec-1849; Robina Sarah PITMAN daughter of Charles John & Robina Charlotte PITMAN; Labourer

09-Dec-1849; Eliza STICKLEY daughter of James & Phillis STICKLEY; Labourer


09-Jun-1850; Laura Helen POLWIN daughter of Thomas & Grace POLWIN; Coast Guard of White Nose in Chaldon

10-Aug-1850; John PAIN son of George & Elizabeth PAIN; Labourer

18-Aug-1850; Alfred Dorey HARTNELL son of Jane HARTNELL; Spinster

25-Aug-1850; Alexander McKINVEN son of Hugh & Margaret McKINVEN; Coast Guard of White Nose in Chaldon

25-Aug-1850; John WELMAN son of John & Mary WELMAN; Labourer

15-Sep-1850; Rebecca Eliza BASCOMBE daughter of John & Ann BASCOMBE; Labourer of Tadnole in Chaldon

29-Sep-1850; William John GREGORY son of William & Hannah GREGORY; Labourer

13-Oct-1850; Emily PARKER daughter of Daniel & Charlotte PARKER; Labourer of Fossell in Chaldon

13-Oct-1850; Fanny Davis HARRIS daughter of John & Francis HARRIS; Labourer

22-Dec-1850; Frederic PITMAN son of William & Mary PITMAN; Labourer


05-Jan-1851; William PITMAN son of David & Mary PITMAN; Labourer

05-Jan-1851; Hannah PITMAN daughter of David & Mary PITMAN; Labourer

19-Jan-1851; Frederic William BURT son of George & Harriet BURT; Shoemaker

09-Feb-1851; Frances RANDALL daughter of James & Eliza RANDALL; Labourer

09-Mar-1851; Edith Rosetta PARKER daughter of Jacob & Ann PARKER; Labourer

21-Mar-1851; Mary Ann BRINE daughter of William & Maria BRINE; Labourer

18-Apr-1851; James Edward BRINE son of George & Elizabeth BRINE; Labourer   

11-May-1851; George James PAIN son of John & Elizabeth PAIN; Labourer

13-Jul-1851; Edwin RANDALL son of Richard & Elizabeth RANDALL; Labourer

10-Aug-1851; James CORNICK son of Reuben & Rebecca CORNICK; Labourer

22-Aug-1851; Eliza STICKLEY daughter of James & Phillis STICKLEY; Labourer

31-Aug-1851; Alice Julia BRINE daughter of Caroline BRINE

28-Sep-1851; Jane PITMAN daughter of David & Jane PITMAN; Labourer

12-Oct-1851; Mary Ann TURNEY daughter of Philip Smith & Georgina TURNEY; Coast Guard of White Nose in Chaldon

25-Nov-1851; Ambrose HIRST son of Mary Ann HIRST; of Fossell in Chaldon

07-Dec-1851; Charlotte Annie PITMAN daughter of Charles John & Robina Charlotte PITMAN; Labourer


08-Feb-1852; Pamela PARMITER daughter of Thomas & Mary Ann PARMITER; Yeoman

21-Mar-1852; Mary COX daughter of James & Susanna COX; Blacksmith

09-May-1852; Mary Maria BURT daughter of George & Harriet BURT; Shoemaker

23-May-1852; Annie HARTNELL daughter of George & Jane HARTNELL; Carpenter

12-Sep-1852; Susan HARRIS daughter of John & Frances HARRIS; Labourer

19-Dec-1852; George LOCK son of George & Martha LOCK; Dairyman


30-Jan-1853; Elizabeth PARKER daughter of Daniel & Charlotte PARKER; Labourer of Fossell in Chaldon

13-Mar-1853; Jane WELLMAN daughter of John & Mary WELLMAN; Labourer of West Chaldon

13-Mar-1853; Harriet Ellen GREGORY daughter of William & Hannah GREGORY; Labourer

10-Jul-1853; Harriet Eliza WOODRUFFE daughter of Morris & Mary WOODRUFFE; Coast Guard of White Nose in Chaldon

10-Jul-1853; Jane BRINE daughter of William & Maria BRINE; Labourer

10-Jul-1853; Alfred RANDALL son of Richard & Elizabeth RANDALL; Labourer

10-Jul-1853; William George PITMAN son of William & Mary PITMAN; Labourer

07-Aug-1853; Rhoda RANDALL daughter of James & Eliza RANDALL; Labourer

21-Aug-1853; Mary COX daughter of James & Susanna COX; Blacksmith

04-Sep-1853; George SHAVE son of John & Susan SHAVE; Labourer

02-Oct-1853; George PARKER son of Jacob & Ann PARKER; Labourer

02-Oct-1853; John CORNICK son of Reuben & Rebecca CORNICK; Labourer

13-Nov-1853; Samuel Charles PITMAN son of Charles John & Robina Charlotte PITMAN; Labourer

27-Nov-1853; Emily Jane PITMAN daughter of Thomas & Jane PITMAN; Labourer


29-Jan-1854; Mary Edith BRINE daughter of George & Elizabeth BRINE; Labourer

26-Feb-1854; John HARTNELL son of George & Jane HARTNELL; Carpenter

19-Mar-1854; Frederic LOVELESS son of Thomas & Elizabeth LOVELESS; Labourer of Middle Fossell in Chaldon

26-Mar-1854; Lavinia PARMITER daughter of Thomas & Mary Ann PARMITER; Yeoman

30-Apr-1854; Jane PITMAN daughter of Daniel & Mary PITMAN; Labourer of West Chaldon

11-Jun-1854; Eliza PITMAN daughter of David & Jane PITMAN; Labourer

09-Jul-1854; Fanny Lavinia BURT daughter of George & Harriet BURT; Shoemaker

09-Jul-1854; Thomas Pain TALBOT son of Elizabeth TALBOT; Singlewoman

15-Jul-1854; James SQUIBB son of Joseph & Mary Elisa SQUIBB; Labourer

08-Oct-1854; Seth HARRIS son of John & Frances HARRIS; Labourer


22-Jul-1855; Frank PARKER son of Daniel & Charlotte PARKER; Labourer of Middle Fossell in Chaldon

02-Sep-1855; Maria RANDALL daughter of James & Eliza RANDALL; Labourer

14-Oct-1855; Edwin George GREGORY son of William & Hannah GREGORY; Labourer

12-Nov-1855; Augusta Louisa PARMITER daughter of George & Theresa PARMITER; Yeoman

23-Dec-1855; Charlotte PITMAN daughter of David & Jane PITMAN; Labourer


13-Jan-1856; Elizabeth Harriet BURT daughter of George & Harriet BURT; Shoemaker

03-Feb-1856; Edith Elizabeth PITMAN daughter of William & Mary PITMAN; Labourer

17-Feb-1856; William John CORNELIUS son of John & Elizabeth CORNELIUS; Labourer

27-Apr-1856; Hannah BRINE daughter of George & Elizabeth BRINE; Labourer

15-Jun-1856; Charles John PITMAN son of Thomas & Jane PITMAN; Labourer

05-Oct-1856; Isabella ELMES daughter of Thomas & Susanna ELMES; Labourer

19-Oct-1856; Ellen PARKER daughter of Jacob & Ann PARKER; Labourer

19-Oct-1856; Georgiana BRINE daughter of William & Maria BRINE; Labourer

02-Nov-1856; Sarah Anne CHARLES daughter of Matthew & Ann CHARLES; Labourer


11-Jan-1857; Henry John HANSFORD son of John & Eliza HANSFORD; Dairyman

11-Jan-1857; Seth HARRIS son of John & Frances HARRIS; Labourer

11-Jan-1857; Elizabeth Pain TALBOT daughter of Elizabeth TALBOT; Singlewoman

05-Apr-1857; Jane Elizabeth PAYNE daughter of George & Mary Jane PAYNE; Warrener

19-Jul-1857; Mary Jane BASCOMBE daughter of Harriet BASCOMBE; Singlewoman

25-Aug-1857; Edward CORNICK son of Reuben & Rebecca CORNICK; Labourer

30-Aug-1857; Leah PITMAN daughter of Charles John & Charlotte PITMAN; Labourer

04-Oct-1857; Alice Annie FOX daughter of Maria FOX; Farm Bailiff's Singlewoman


03-Jan-1858; Alvira Mary WHEBBY daughter of John & Caroline WHEBBY; Butcher

17-Jan-1858; Alfred George CORNELIUS son of John & Elizabeth CORNELIUS; Farm Bailiff

30-Jan-1858; Jane PAYNE daughter of Harriet PAYNE

14-Feb-1858; Robert John COX son of James & Susan COX; Blacksmith

06-Jun-1858; Robert SINNICK son of George & Elizabeth SINNICK; Labourer

06-Jun-1858; Mary PARKER daughter of Daniel & Charlotte PARKER; Labourer of Fossell

20-Jun-1858; Richard Randall PITMAN son of Thomas & Jane PITMAN; Labourer

04-Jul-1858; William PITMAN son of David & Jane PITMAN; Labourer

24-Oct-1858; George PAYNE son of Thomas & Elizabeth PAYNE; Labourer of Winfrith

12-Dec-1858; Susan Margaret WALKER daughter of George & Pleasant WALKER; Coast Guard of White Nose in Chaldon


13-Feb-1839; Henry George PAYNE son of George & Mary PAYNE; Warrener

27-Feb-1859; Henry BURDEN son of Job & Lucy Ann BURDEN; Labourer

13-Mar-1859; Alice BRINE daughter of George & Elizabeth BRINE; Labourer

27-Mar-1859; Julia PITMAN daughter of William & Mary PITMAN; Labourer

01-May-1859; William CORNICK son of Reuben & Rebecca CORNICK; Labourer

11-Jul-1859; Minnie Mary Talbot DUGDALE daughter of William Douglas & Rosalie Mary DUGDALE; Gentleman of West Chaldon

24-Jul-1859; Edith PARKER daughter of Jacob & Ann PARKER; Labourer

03-Aug-1859; Mary Ann SQUIBB daughter of Joseph & Mary SQUIBB; Labourer

04-Sep-1859; Ellen Kate STICKLEY daughter of George & Sarah STICKLEY; Labourer

16-Oct-1859; Tom Frank Florence HARTNELL son of Frank & Elizabeth HARTNELL; Carpenter

20-Nov-1859; Albion James CORNELIUS son of John & Elizabeth CORNELIUS; Bailiff


23-Jan-1860; Walter James COX son of James & Susan COX; Blacksmith

29-Jan-1860; Elizabeth Ann RANDALL daughter of George & Harriet RANDALL; Labourer

12-Feb-1860; Ann Eliza Hopkins TALBOT daughter of George & Elizabeth TALBOT; Labourer

12-Feb-1860; Annie STICKLEY daughter of William & Martha STICKLEY; Labourer

26-Feb-1860; Melina RANDALL daughter of James & Eliza RANDALL; Labourer

11-Mar-1860; John PAYNE son of Thomas & Elizabeth PAYNE; Labourer of Winfrith

11-Mar-1860; John Henry BROOMFIELD son of William Henry & Harriet BROOMFIELD; Coast Guard of White Nose in Chaldon

06-May-1860; Rosanna PITMAN daughter of Thomas & Jane PITMAN; Labourer

20-May-1860; Mary Jane FOX daughter of Charles & Ann FOX; Labourer

20-May-1860; Thomas Randall FOX son of Maria FOX; Singlewoman

17-Jun-1860; Henry Charles BONE son of James & Jane BONE; Gentleman of Hayling Island, Hampshire

01-Jul-1860; Elizabeth PITMAN daughter of David & Jane PITMAN; Labourer

07-Oct-1860; Julia Anna CURTIS daughter of John & Jane CURTIS; Farm Bailiff

07-Oct-1860; Caroline PEARCE daughter of James & Mary PEARCE; Shepherd

12-Oct-1860; Charles GREGORY son of William & Hannah GREGORY; Labourer

11-Nov-1860; Louisa Sarah Randall LEE daughter of Joseph Russell & Louisa LEE; Coast Guard of White Nose

23-Dec-1860; Jane PARKER daughter of Daniel & Charlotte PARKER; Labourer of Fossell


30-Jun-1861; Hannah BURDEN daughter of Job & Lucy Ann BURDEN; Labourer

14-Jul-1851; John George PITMAN son of Edward & Emma Jane PITMAN; Labourer

25-Aug-1861; Sophia Louisa CARNELL daughter of Thomas & Emily CARNELL; Coast Guard of White Nose

25-Aug-1861; Jane PARKER daughter of Jacob & Ann PARKER; Labourer

25-Aug-1861; George GALE son of David & Sarah GALE; Labourer

29-Dec-1851; Selina HARTNELL daughter of Frank & Elizabeth HARTNELL; Carpenter


19-Jan-1862; Sarah Ann PAYNE daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth PAYNE; Warrener of Winfrith Newburgh

02-Feb-1862; Mary RANDALL daughter of James & Eliza RANDALL; Labourer

13-Apr-1862; Harry TALBOT son of George & Elizabeth TALBOT; Labourer

03-Aug-1862; Henry CORNICK son of Reuben & Rebecca CORNICK; Labourer

03-Aug-1862; Charles PAINE son of John & Hannah PAINE; Labourer

14-Sep-1862; Susan Harriet CORNELIUS daughter of John & Elizabeth CORNELIUS; Farm Bailiff

12-Oct-1862; Selina Jane BRINE daughter of George & Elizabeth BRINE; Labourer

07-Dec-1862; Robert James TALBOT son of Robert & Charlotte Margaret TALBOT; Labourer

28-Dec-1862; Mary Eliza LEE daughter of Joseph Russell & Louisa LEE; Coast Guard of Whitenose


29-Mar-1863; Catherine PASCOE daughter of William & Hannah PASCOE; Coast Guard of Whitenose

29-Mar-1863; John Edward Hooper CRITCHELL son of Richard & Eliza CRITCHELL; Coast Guard of Whitenose

12-Apr-1863; Bessie RANDALL daughter of Owen & Fanny RANDALL; Labourer

03-May-1863; Susan Jane LOVELESS daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth LOVELESS; Labourer of Fossell

10-May-1863; George PITMAN son of David & Jane PITMAN; Labourer

15-Jun-1863; James John Dean BAKER son of William & Elizabeth Catherine BAKER; Coast Guard of Whitenose

15-Jun-1863; Elizabeth Catherine Dean BAKER daughter of William & Elizabeth Catherine BAKER; Coast Guard of Whitenose

02-Aug-1863; Mary Ann KILWELL daughter of Robert & Katherine KILWELL; Coast Guard of Whitenose

02-Aug-1863; Charles Henry TIPPET son of Richard & Mary Jane TIPPET; Coast Guard of Whitenose

02-Aug-1863; William FOX son of Charles & Ann FOX; Labourer

02-Aug-1863; Emily FOX daughter of Maria FOX

11-Oct-1863; Mary Anne BURDEN daughter of Job & Lucy BURDEN; Labourer

11-Oct-1863; Albert Edward PITMAN son of Edward & Emma Jane PITMAN; Labourer

08-Nov-1863; Sarah Ann SQUIBB daughter of Joseph & Mary SQUIBB; Labourer

06-Dec-1863; James CARNELL son of Thomas & Emily CARNELL; Coast Guard of Whitenose

06-Dec-1863; Edward HOWE son of Simon & Ann HOWE; Shepherd


03-Jan-1864; Albert William PITMAN son of Thomas & Jane PITMAN; Labourer

03-Jan-1864; Eliza Emily RANDALL daughter of George & Harriet RANDALL; Labourer

03-Apr-1864; Albert William PAYNE son of Thomas & Elizabeth PAYNE; Labourer

01-May-1864; Alfred PAYTON son of Joseph & Eliza PAYTON; Bricklayer of Fareham

01-May-1864; William Edward ARDLEY son of William & Edna ARDLEY; Seaman

18-May-1864; Louisa Sarah TALBOT daughter of Robert & Charlotte Margaret TALBOT; Labourer

29-May-1864; Olivia Augusta HARTNELL daughter of Frank & Elizabeth HARTNELL; Carpenter

12-Jun-1864; George RANDALL son of Owen & Frances RANDALL; Labourer

24-Jun-1864; Louisa Amelia PARKER daughter of Jacob & Ann PARKER; Labourer

04-Sep-1864; Elizabeth CORNICK daughter of Reuben & Rebecca CORNICK; Labourer

24-Sep-1864; William Robert KERLEY son of Peter & Mary KERLEY; Labourer

11-Dec-1864; Robert Job RANDALL son of James & Eliza RANDALL; Labourer


01-Jan-1865; Thomas Soper BRINE son of George & Elizabeth BRINE; Labourer

15-Jan-1865; Emma Louisa CORNELIUS daughter of John & Elizabeth CORNELIUS; Farm Bailiff

07-Mar-1865; Edward James GREGORY son of Charles William & Theresa Brine GREGORY; Labourer

12-Mar-1865; Sarah Anne BURDEN daughter of John Talbot & Sarah Jane BURDEN; Labourer

09-Apr-1865; Elizabeth Amelia LEE daughter of Joseph Russell & Louisa LEE; Coast Guard

09-Apr-1865; John Thomas PITMAN son of Thomas & Jane PITMAN; Labourer

20-May-1865; Florence PITMAN daughter of Edward & Emma Jane PITMAN; Labourer

25-Jun-1865; Charles PITMAN son of David & Jane PITMAN; Labourer

25-Jun-1865; John PITMAN son of Charles & Margaret Mary PITMAN; Labourer

29-0ct-1865; Mary Ann CAKE daughter of George & Elizabeth CAKE; Labourer

26-Nov-1865; William BURDEN son of Job & Lucy BURDEN; Labourer


17-Feb-1866; Mary Ann Elizabeth HARTNELL daughter of William & Elizabeth Daw HARTNELL; Carpenter

17-Feb-1866; Grace Ann HARTNELL daughter of William & Elizabeth Daw HARTNELL; Carpenter

14-Mar-1866; John TALBOT son of Robert & Charlotte Margaret TALBOT; Labourer

15-Jul-1866; Elizabeth FOX daughter of Charles & Ann FOX; Labourer

09-Sep-1866; William SINNICK son of George & Elizabeth SINNICK; Labourer

11-Nov-1866; Dinah Anne PAINE daughter of John & Hannah PAINE; Labourer

09-Dec-1866; Amelia Sarah PAYNE daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth PAYNE; Labourer

23-Dec-1866; Edward John BURDEN son of John Talbot & Sarah Jane BURDEN; Labourer


17-Feb-1867; Thomas William RANDALL son of George & Harriet RANDALL; Labourer

28-Apr-1867; Harriet Ellen PITMAN daughter of Hannah PITMAN Singlewoman

26-May-1867; Mary Elizabeth BLANCHARD daughter of Robert & Mary BLANCHARD; Coast Guard of Whitenose in Chaldon

23-Jun-1867; Phebe Jane HARRIS daughter of Robert & Sarah HARRIS; Publican

23-Jun-1867; Alice Beatrice PITMAN daughter of Charles & Margaret Mary PITMAN; Labourer

01-Sep-1867; William Frank HARTNELL son of Frank & Elizabeth HARTNELL; Carpenter

22-Sep-1867; George BURDEN son of Job & Lucy BURDEN; Labourer

22-Sep-1867; John Thomas House RANDALL son of John & Elizabeth RANDALL; Labourer


16-Feb-1868; Edward George PITMAN son of Jane PITMAN; Singlewoman

16-Feb-1868; Mary Ann Hartnell TALBOT daughter of Robert & Charlotte TALBOT; Labourer

16-Feb-1868; Mary Jane STICKLEY daughter of William & Martha STICKLEY; Labourer

31-May-1868; Dorcas RANDALL daughter of James & Eliza RANDALL; Labourer

31-May-1868; Edward GILES son of Rupert & Marianne GILES; Labourer

28-Jun-1868; Annie Jane PAYNE daughter of John & Hannah PAYNE; Labourer

28-Jun-1868; Mary Ann WHELLER daughter of Robert & Sarah WHELLER; Labourer

12-Jul-1868; Eliza Anne GERARD daughter of Daniel & Clara GERARD; Labourer

06-Sep-1868; Frederic FOX son of Charles & Ann FOX; Labourer

08-Nov-1868; Emily Jane PAYNE daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth PAYNE; Labourer

22-Nov-1868; Henry BALLEN son of Joseph & Matilda BALLEN; Labourer


10-Jan-1869; Mary Elizabeth BURDEN daughter of John Talbot & Sarah Jane BURDEN [name of parents blank in PRs]; Labourer

04-Jul-1869; Elizabeth GERARD daughter of Daniel & Clara GERARD; Labourer

04-Jul-1869; Henry SINNICK son of George & Elizabeth SINNICK; Labourer

05-Dec-1869; Frank PITMAN son of David & Jane PITMAN; Labourer

26-Dec-1869; Annie Maria RANDALL daughter of George & Harriet RANDALL; Labourer


20-Mar-1870; Jane WHELLER daughter of Robert & Sarah WHELLER; Labourer

20-Mar-1870; Tom TALBOT son of Robert & Charlotte TALBOT; Labourer

27-Mar-1870; Patience RASHLEIGH daughter of Henry William & Charlotte RASHLEIGH; Farm Bailiff

26-Jun-1870; Thomas BURDEN son of Job & Lucy BURDEN; Labourer

27-Jul-1870; Emma WHITING daughter of Thomas & Mary WHITING; Labourer of Tadnoll in Chaldon

21-Aug-1870; Emma Hoare FOSTER daughter of William & Ann Purchase FOSTER; Keeper

02-Oct-1870; Frederick George BASCOMBE son of Thomas & Sarah Letitia BASCOMBE; Gardener

30-Oct-1870; Anna Julia PAYNE daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth PAYNE; Labourer

16-Nov-1870; George FOX son of Charles & Ann FOX; Labourer

15-Dec-1870; Walter George DOREY son of James & Ann DOREY; Labourer


01-Jan-1871; Alice SYMES daughter of Richard & Ann SYMES; Labourer

26-Feb-1871; George James BURDEN son of John Talbot & Sarah Jane BURDEN; Labourer

07-Apr-1871; Gertrude Susan COX daughter of Edward & Elizabeth COX; Labourer

12-Sep-1871; William George PITMAN son of Thomas & Jane PITMAN; Labourer

__-___-1871; Emma Jane WHITING daughter of Thomas & Mary WHITING; Labourer of Tadnoll in Chaldon [date blank]

17-Dec-1871; Elizabeth Mary MONDEN daughter of John & Elizabeth MONDEN; Labourer


04-Jan-1872; Charles HARTNELL son of Frank & Elizabeth HARTNELL; Carpenter

14-Jan-1872; Thomas CLEAL son of David & Mary CLEAL; Shepherd

09-Jul-1872; William George PERIGO son of John & Elizabeth PERIGO; Shepherd

28-Jul-1872; Cynthia Mary WELLSTEAD daughter of William & Louisa WELLSTEAD; Labourer

25-Aug-1872; Rosanna PITMAN daughter of Francis & Eliza PITMAN; Shepherd of West Chaldon

08-Sep-1872; Harold James Henry Rolls POVER son of Mary Ann POVER of Osmington

08-Sep-1872; Alice Louisa PAYNE daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth PAYNE; Labourer

04-Oct-1872; George RIGGS son of Letitia RIGGS

03-Nov-1872; Alice PITMAN daughter of David & Jane PITMAN; Labourer

15-Dec-1872; Amelia Louisa COX daughter of Edward & Elizabeth COX; Labourer


05-Jan-1873; Walter Henry HARRIS son of Robert & Sarah HARRIS; Labourer

23-Mar-1873; Walter George TALBOT son of Robert & Charlotte TALBOT; Labourer

29-Jun-1873; Clara Sabina TOMKINS son of James & Harriet TOMKINS; Labourer

27-Jul-1873; Florence Augusta HULETT daughter of John & Hannah HULETT; Shoemaker

29-Jul-1873; Henry Joseph TAYLOR son of Joseph & Matilda TAYLOR; Labourer

04-Sep-1873; Agnes Harriet LOVELACE daughter of Edward & Ellen LOVELACE; Labourer

25-Dec-1873; Harry John MONDON son of John & Elizabeth MONDON; Labourer

25-Dec-1873; Emma Kate CROAD daughter of William Oaks & Elizabeth CROAD; Dairyman of Winfrith


11-Jan -1874; Agnes Julia PITMAN daughter of Isaac William & Louisa PITMAN; Labourer

19-Feb-1874; George Henry BARRETT son of Samuel & Jane BARRETT; Labourer

13-Apr-1874; Harry Joseph Wakely HARRIS son of Susan HARRIS; Spinster

26-Apr-1874; Lizzy Margaret HOUSE daughter of William & Mary Jane HOUSE; Carpenter

02-Aug-1874; Mary Jane WARREN daughter of John & Susan Ellen WARREN; Labourer

06-Dec-1874; Rose Gertrude PAYNE daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth PAYNE; Labourer


23-May-1875; John CLEAL son of David & Mary CLEAL; Shepherd

06-Jun-1875; Wilton Robert HOWARD son of Frederick & Eliza HOWARD; Dairyman

20-Jun-1875; Emmanuel Charles BELT son of Edward & Prudence BELT; Labourer

01-Aug-1875; Walter Henry HARRIS son of Robert & Sarah HARRIS; Labourer

08-Aug-1875; Frederick James Lefevre WALDON son of Susan Anne WALDON

15-Aug-1875; William Edward PRING son of Samuel & Caroline PRING;

26-Aug-1875; Leonard James COOMBS son of Sarah COOMBS

24-Oct-1875; Emmeline Kate HULETT daughter of John & Hannah HULETT; Labourer of Fossell in Chaldon

25-Dec-1875; Louisa SKILLER daughter of Stephen George & Mary Elizabeth SKILLER; Mason of Tadnoll in Chaldon


09-Mar-1876; John William TOD son of John Ford & Ann TODD; Farmer

26-Mar-1876; William Edward BLYTHE son of William & Frances Mary BLYTHE; Gardener of Isle of Portland

16-Jul-1876; Ethel Mary HOUSE daughter of William & Mary Jane HOUSE; Carpenter

06-Aug-1876; Annie Elizabeth KERRIDGE daughter of James & Elizabeth Anne KERRIDGE; Coast Guard

17-Sep-1876; Henry Edward COSH son of Henry & Mary Ann COSH; Labourer

15-Oct-1876; Frances Mary STAPLE daughter of Francis & Jessie STAPLE; Labourer

12-Dec-1876; Margaret TOD daughter of John Ford & Ann TOD; Farmer

25-Dec-1876; Bessie Hartnell TALBOT daughter of Robert & Charlotte TALBOT; Labourer

25-Dec-1876; Frances SHINAR daughter of George & Mary Ann SHINAR; Labourer

31-Dec-1876; Elizabeth BELT daughter of Edward & Prudence BELT; Labourer

31-Dec-1876; Jane CARTER daughter of Emily CARTER


18-Mar-1877; William Thomas LOVELESS son of Frederick & Mary LOVELESS; Labourer of Fossill in Chaldon

12-May-1877; Frederick Walter James RIGGS son of James & Caroline RIGGS; Labourer

14-May-1877; Rose Hannah WAR daughter of Giles George & Susan WAR; Labourer

20-May-1877; Elizabeth Annie WELLSTEAD daughter of Levi & Annie WELLSTEAD; Farm Bailiff

27-May-1877; Albert Daniel BOWRING son of Thomas & Emily BOWRING; Labourer of Fossill in Chaldon

24-Jun-1877; Frances Maria HOWARD daughter of Frederick & Eliza HOWARD; Dairyman

26-Aug-1877; Charles Edward John WARREN son of John & Ellen WARREN; Labourer

09-Sep-1877; Arthur BURGESS son of James & Isabella BURGESS; Labourer

16-Sep-1877; Annie Gertrude PARKER daughter of Ellen PARKER

25-Dec-1877; Annie PARK daughter of George & Jane PARK; Labourer

25-Dec-1877; Frederick George SKILLER son of Stephen George & Mary Elizabeth SKILLER; Labourer of Tadnoll in Chaldon


24-Feb-1878; Ellen BROWN daughter of Walter & Clara BROWN; Farmer

03-Mar-1878; Ellen WELLSTEAD daughter of Levi & Annie WELLSTEAD; Farm Bailiff

21-Apr-1878; George STAPLE son of Francis & Jessie STAPLE; Labourer

28-Apr-1878; Ernest George PITMAN son of William George & Susan Anne PITMAN; Labourer

25-Aug-1878; Richard George House RANDALL son of John & Elizabeth RANDALL; Labourer of Charminster

06-Oct-1878; Alice Mary BLYTHE daughter of William & Frances Mary BLYTHE; Gardener of Isle of Portland

09-Oct-1878; David TOD son of John Ford & Ann TOD; Farmer

12-Oct-1878; Sarah ALLEN daughter of Thomas & Theresa ALLEN; Labourer of Fossill in Chaldon

18-Oct-1878; John COX son of John & Martha COX; Dairyman of Fossill in Chaldon

20-Oct-1878; John George DOWELL son of Francis & Harriett DOWELL; Labourer of Tadnoll in Chaldon

19-Dec-1878; Elizabeth DOLPHIN daughter of Frederick Henry & Martha DOLPHIN; Coast Guard

25-Dec-1878; William Fred BISHOP son of George & Lucy BISHOP; Labourer of Warmwell


05-Jan-1879; William John HOUSE son of William & Mary Jane HOUSE; Carpenter

20-Jan-1879; Samuel Charles ELLERY son of Amelia ELLERY

16-Mar-1879; Charles Albert HOWARD son of Frederick & Eliza HOWARD; Dairyman

02-Apr-1879; Frances Eva UPSHALL daughter of Henry & Elizabeth UPSHALL; Dairyman of Owermoigne

20-Apr-1879; Minnie Blanche DOREY daughter of James & Ann DOREY; Labourer of Fossill in Chaldon

20-Apr-1879; Frederick Edward LOVELACE son of Frederick & Mary LOVELACE; Labourer of Fossill in Chaldon

29-Apr-1879; George William WELLSTEAD son of Levi & Annie WELLSTEAD; Farm Bailiff

05-May-1879; Emily Kate CHARLES daughter of John & Sarah Charles; Labourer of Fossill in Chaldon

25-May-1879; William BURGESS son of James & Isabella BURGESS; Labourer

22-Jun-1879; Samuel BUSSELL son of Charles & Prudence Ann BUSSELL; Labourer

13-Jul-1879; Kate SHERRING daughter of Thomas & Sarah Priscilla SHERRING; Labourer

10-Aug-1879; James William WARREN son of John & Ellen WARREN; Labourer

12-Oct-1879; Mary Jane WAR daughter of Giles George & Susan WAR;

13-Oct-1879; Edith Gertrude PITMAN daughter of William George & Susan Anne PITMAN; Labourer

28-Oct-1879; Kate ELLICOTT daughter of Thomas William & Matilda ELLICOTT; Coast Guard

09-Nov-1879; Francis Ebenezer STAPLE son of Francis & Jessie STAPLE; Labourer

09-Nov-1879; Kathleen BROWN daughter of Walter & Clara BROWN; Labourer

14-Nov-1879; Henry TOD son of John Ford & Ann TOD; Farmer


11-Jan-1880; Frederick William TALBOT son of Robert & Charlotte TALBOT; Labourer

27-Mar-1880; John Bray Foster COX son of John & Martha COX; Dairyman of Fossill in Chaldon

11-Apr-1880; Reginald Alfred LONGMAN son of Henry Parsons & Eliza LONGMAN; Farmer of Fossill in Chaldon

09-May-1880; Mary WELLSTEAD daughter of Levi & Annie WELLSTEAD; Farm Bailiff

11-Jul-1880; William Thomas LOVELACE son of Frederick & Mary LOVELACE; Labourer of Fossill in Chaldon

12-Sep-1880; Elizabeth Ann SKILLER daughter of Stephen George & Mary Elizabeth SKILLER; Labourer of Tadnol

12-Sep-1880; Frederick Walter DOWELL son of Francis & Harriett DOWELL; Labourer

10-Oct-1880; James RIGGS son of Charles & Susan RIGGS; Labourer

14-Nov-1880; Florence Mary PITMAN daughter of William George & Susan Anne PITMAN; Labourer

14-Nov-1880; Mabel Eliza Annie LEWIS daughter of Thomas William & Eliza Anne LEWIS; Private 56th Regiment

25-Dec-1880; Mabel Ethel Ellin WARREN daughter of John & Ellen WARREN; Labourer

25-Dec-1880; Rosaline Ann WARREN daughter of Tom John & Harriet WARREN; Labourer


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