Blandford St Mary

Marriages July 1754-1837

Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC by Kim Parker from the Parish Registers

03Nov1754 JamesSELLERof Dorchester Holy Trinity
  Licence&AnnCOOMBSof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Robert ROBBINS, William TEMPLEMAN junior
26Dec1754  JohnCOFFof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& SarahRAPSONof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Daniel ROBBINS, Robert HUMBER
29Sep1755  JosephWATTSof Blandford Forum
  Banns& BethiaHODDERof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: William SOAPER, Edward CURTIS
08Feb1756  WilliamRAPSONof Blandford Forum
  Banns& SusannahTIZARDof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John CUFFE, William CUFFE
23Nov1756  WilliamBRINEbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Licence &MaryCREECHspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: William BENJAFIELD, Robert ROBBINS
11Apr1758  JosephWIREbachelor of Tisbury, Wiltshire
  Licence &SusannahBUTTspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Thomas BRINE, James KNIGHT
10Jul1760  CharlesABBOTbachelor of Winchester St Lawrence, Hampshire
  Licence &JaneBRINEspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: M. HAWKINS, Jane WEST
25Dec1760  RobertKAILof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& SusannaHARVEYof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Betty FRAMPTON, Martha DUNFORD
23Mar1761  WilliamELLISof Winterbourn Stickland
  Banns& MaryARNOLDof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Robert ROBBINS, Gregory W[faded]
12Jan1762  JosephDALEof Iwerne Minster
  Licence &BettyFRAMPTONof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Martha DUNFORD, Robert ROBBINS
02Mar1762  JohnRUSSELLof Shillingstone
  Licence &MarthaDUNFORDspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Betty DEAL, Robert ROBBINS
22Oct1763  WilliamKAILLbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& ElizabethWHEELERspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Susannah RABSON, Robert ROBBINS
14May1764  JohnIRESONbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MaryTULKspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John IRESON, Elizabeth INKPEN
31Dec1764  JohnBRINEbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& ElizabethCROSSspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Robert ROBBINS, Betty GALTON
01May1765  WilliamDUNFORDbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& LucyBATHspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Mary SIMMONS, Robert ROBBINS
07Sep1767  JamesBRINEbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Licence &JaneKNIGHTspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Penelope WARLAND, James KNIGHT
08Oct1767  GeorgeMETYARDbatchelor of Blandford Forum [signed MEATYARD]
  Licence &MaryTHOMPSONwidow of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Ann MEATYARD, Stephen BARTON
12Apr1768  ThomasCASHbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& JaneBOYCEspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Charles MEW, Robert ROBBINS
03Oct1768  JohnCOWARDbatchelor of Tarrant Keynston
  Banns& ElizabethFRAMPTONspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Jane FRAMPTON, Robert ROBBINS
29Apr1769  WilliamTUCKERbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& ElizabethGALTONsingle woman of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Susann RAPSON, Robert ROBBINS
24Sep1769  RobertBELLOWESwidower of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MaryTOOMERspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Jane CASH, Charles MEW
29Jan1770  BenjaminHARVEYbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& AnnFISHspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: James ADAMS, Dina FISH
05Nov1770  JohnBUTTbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& AnnWILLIAMSspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Mary BERANETT, Robert FORD
16May1771  RobertSEXEYbatchelor of Langton Long Blandford
  Licence &SusannaBRINEspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Ann BRINE, James BRINE
16Jun1771  JohnCUFFEbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MargaretSCOTTspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: William CUFFE, William KAILL
19Aug1772  RichardDAVIDGEbatchelor of Whitchurch
  Banns& ElizabethBOYCEspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Robert BELLOWES, Mary HISCOCK
13Oct1772  GilesSHITLERbatchelor of Hazelbury Brian [place crossed out]
  Licence &AnneBRINEspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Susanna SEXEY, Daniel ROBBINS
07Nov1774  JosephBELBINwidower of Blandford Forum
  Banns& SarahSAMPSONspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Lucy DUNFORD, William KAILL
29Nov1774  JamesWOODFORDbatchelor of Godshill, Isle of Wight, but a sojourner in Blandford St Mary
  Banns& ElizabethADAMSspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Mary SEYMOURR, Robert FORD
25Apr1776  RobertBELLOWESwidower of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MarthaSHERWOODspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Peregrine BAKER, Elizabeth MARSH
12Jun1776  RobertFORDbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MaryHOLLANDspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Thomas BRINE, William KAILL
21Oct1776  WilliamSOPERbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MarySEYMOURsingle woman of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Susanna FRAMPTON, Robert BELLOWES
26Nov1776  RobertMOLTONbatchelor of Blandford Forum
  Banns& LaetitiaBOYCEspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Elizabeth ADAMS, John GAZALEY
26Nov1776  JohnBOYCEbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& JaneMOLTONspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Ruth BARFOOT, Betty DAVIDGE
25Dec1776  JohnSTICKLENbatchelor of Blandford Forum
  Banns& MaryWILLIAMSspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Mary STICKLEN, Jane WILLIAMS
29Jun1777  JamesPLOWMANbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& AnnPARSONSspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Jean BRADICK, William KAILL
19Dec1780  JasperHOPKINSwidower of Pentridge
  Licence &MaryKINGSBURYspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John GAZELEY, William KAILL
30Jul1781  WilliamCOMPTONwidower of Charlton Marshal
  Banns& SarahCUFFEspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Robert ROBINS, William KAILL
04Feb1782  ThomasGOULDbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& RebekahADAMSspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Susannah KAIL, William COMPTON
26Mar1782  WilliamSAVAGEbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MaryROBERTSspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Elizabeth KAILL, William KAILL
20May1782  JohnWILLIAMSbatchelor of Landaff, Glamorganshire [Wales], but a sojourner in Blandford St Mary
  Banns& AnnGREENAWAYspinster of Blandford Forum
       witnesses: Mary BIGGS, James MITCHELL
02Sep1782  MartinBLANCHARDbatchelor of Portsmouth, Hampshire
  Licence &JaneWILLIAMSspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Ann BLANDFORD, John STICKLEN
11Mar1783  ThomasWARRENbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& SusannaHUNTspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Elizabeth MITCHEL, Elizabeth INKPEN
21Aug1786  ThomasBRINEbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& JaneROBBINSspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Mary FRY, Philip THOMAS
04Jan1787  StephenANSWORTHbatchelor of Tarrant Keynston
  Banns& JoannaLACEYspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Hannah LACY, John ROBERTS
05Feb1787  SamuelSHORTbatchelor of Brianston
  Banns& MaryLIDFORDspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Ann LIDFORD, Ann SHORT
04Jul1787  WilliamMATEbatchelor of Bere Regis
  Licence &ElizabethCLENCHspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Ann KINGSBURY, Mary CLARK
22Oct1787  ThomasADAMSbatchelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& AnneCOOPERwidow of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Mary SAVAGE, Philip THOMAS
23Dec1787  RobertHAWKINSwidower of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& AnneFRAMPTONspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Betty DALE, Daniel ROBBINS
30Mar1788  WilliamFREEMANbatchelor of Stourpain
  Banns& MaryBRINEspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Anne BRINE, Sarah FREEMAN
11Jun1788  JohnCOBBbatchelor of Blandford Forum
  Banns& SusannahRAPSONspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Amelia RAPSON, Ann KAILL
14Jan1789  WilliamKAILLwidower of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& ElizabethGRIFFINwidow of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Ann ADAMS, Thomas (?) ADAMS
26Jan1789  JamesALLENbatchelor of Bryanstone
  Banns& SusannaWILLIAMSspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Mary GALTON, William COWARD
24Feb1789  ThomasBECKLEYbatchelor of Lymington, Hampshire
  Licence &MaryBASKETTspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Mary WOOD, Richard Comyns COLE
13Apr1789  JacobADAMSwidower of Winterborne Zelstone
  Banns& HannahBELLOWESspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Mary GALTON, Betty SHORT
05Apr1790  JamesJOHNSONbachelor of Blandford
  Banns& JaneDENNETTspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Mary GALTON, John KICK
26Apr1790  JohnKICKbachelor and sojourner in Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MaryGALTENspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: James JOHNSON, Betty SHORT
05Aug1790  JamesBRINEbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Licence &SusannaSKIVINGTONwidow of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Elizabeth KELLEWAY, John FOOT
20Dec1790  JosephMITCHELbachelor of Blandford
  Banns& ElizabethBALLspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Thomas HARMON, Ann MITCHELL
21Jan1791  GeorgeAUSTENbachelor of Great Canford
  Banns& BridgetSHORTspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Martha BELLOWES, John FOOT
28Mar1791  JohnBENSONwidower of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& CatherineBENNETTspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Mary COMPTON, Robert HAWKINS
07Jul1791  RichardGALPINEbachelor of Dewlish
  Banns& ElizabethKELLAWAYspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Ann HOUSE, James BRINE
24Apr1792  JosephBURGEbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MarthaWODENspinster of East Morden
       witnesses: Amelia RAPSON, John FOOT
21Feb1793  JohnCLARKbachelor of Bryanstone
  Banns& MariaFOOTspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John FOOT, Ann CLARK
08May1793  RobertFLIPbachelor of Covent Garden [London]
  Banns& MaryCAISHspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Eliza DENHAM, John BISHOP
01Aug1793  JohnHURSTbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Licence &AnnSEXEYspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Elizabeth PERCY, Daniel ROBBINS
22Jun1794  JosephBELBENbachelor of Child Okeford
  Banns& MarthaHALLETspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Lucy MEECH, John FOOT
30Nov1795  HenryGREENbachelor of Spetisbury
  Banns& AnnNOTTYspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: William MITCHELL, Phile DAVIS
25Dec1795  AbrahamPIPLERbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& AnnBUTTspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Benjamin FOOT, Ann BUTT
20Jan1796  CharlesCHICKbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& SusannaWATKINSspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Jeremiah CHAPMAN, Martha PICKFORD
05Apr1796  BenjaminFOOTbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& JaneFALLspinster of Blandford Forum
       witnesses: John FOOT junior, Ann CAISH
21Jun1796  RichardKERLYbachelor of Blandford Forum
  Licence &Frances MariaHUTTONspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: William HUTTON, Therese LETSON (?)
04Aug1796  HenryBELLOWSbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& AmeliaRAPSONspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Hariet RAPSON, Charlotte RAPSON
13Feb1797  JohnBELLOWSbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& ElizabethJOYspinster of Blandford Forum
       witnesses: Hariet RAPSON
02May1797  JohnFOOTbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Licence &MarthaBARTLETspinster of Higher Lytchett
       witnesses: Sarah HOLLOWAY, Henry WHEELER
23Jul1798  JohnSOPERbachelor of Blandford Forum
  Licence &MaryHUNTspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: William MUSTON, Mary SOPER
24Jan1799  WilliamSWYERbachelor of Blandford Forum
  Licence &SarahHOLLOWAYspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: James SELBY, Mary FANCY
08Apr1799  JohnBISHOPbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& DinahPAINEspinster of Child Okeford
       witnesses: JOhn FOOT, Hariet RAPSON
19Nov1799  GeorgeCRUMEYbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& AnnSELLERspinster of Sturminster Marshal
       witnesses: Edward CROMEY, Grace CROMEY
25Feb1800  WilliamTAYLORof Bradford Peverel
  Licence &ElizabethCLAPCOTof Blandford St Mary [signed CLAPCOTT]
       witnesses: Elizabeth SMITH, John GALPINE, Henry SNELL, Sarah CLAPCOTT
16Mar1800  WilliamMITCHELLof Blandford
  Licence &FrancesWOODof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Mary CLARK, John TEMPLEMAN
21Apr1800  RichardSMITHof Blandford
  Banns& ElizabethJAMESof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: James COX, John FOOT
11Aug1800  EdwardGILBERDof Blandford Forum
  Banns& JaneBUTTof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Abraham PIPLER, Jane PIPLER
12Apr1801  JosephPURCHASEof Abbotsbury
  Banns& SusannaBIGDLEof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Mary STEVENS, John FOOT
12Oct1801  SamuelKERLEYbachelor of Wimbourn Minster
  Banns& HarrietRAPSONspinster of Blandford St Mary [signed Hariet]
       witnesses: Charlotte RAPSON, Catern RAPSON
04Feb1802  Honoré Boudonde SAINT AMANSof the Province of Guinne, France
  Licence &AnneBEACHof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Martha BEACH, Mary SOPER
20Jul1802  BenjaminKERRIDGEbachelor of Melcombe Regis
  Licence &HannahFOOKSspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Jeannett LUTTTES, Henry COLLIER
06Sep1802  WilliamSEYMOURwidower of East Orchard
  Banns& SusannahKAILspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Mary CLARK, Sarah TUCKER
07Feb1803  JohnCUFFbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& HanahCOLLESSwidow of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John BARNES, John FOOT
11Apr1803  RichardRIGGSbachelor of Winterborne Kingston
  Banns& ElisabethCAISHspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Mary CASH, Joseph RABBETS
28Nov1803  RobertBALEwidower of Blandford Forum
  Banns& MaryBALEwidow of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Martha BELLBEN, John BUTT
28Nov1803  JohnEDMUNDSbachelor of Blandford Forum
  Banns& SusanahPOORspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John IDGE, John FOOT
01Dec1803  ThomasMUCKbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MaryCLARKEspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Elizabeth HUPELL, Sarah TUCKER
25Mar1804  JohnNORFORDof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& HannahWARRENof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Lucy MITCHELL, William TAYLOR
08Aug1804  JohnROBERTSof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& SarahPERCYof Shillingstone
       witnesses: Cathrine RAPSON, John BISHOP
28Apr1805  LukeOSBORNof Blandford Forum
  Banns& SarahWHELLERof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Maria FORD, Mary BENSON
17Jun1805  ThomasWYATTof Dorchester
  Banns& ElizabethMITCHELLof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Abraham MATHEWS, Sen (?) COFFIN
07Oct1805  WilliamBELRINGERof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& ElizabethCROADof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Maria FORD, John FOOT
11May1806  RichardPERRIMANof Whitchurch
  Banns& FrancesRIDEOUTof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Elizabeth CLARK, Thomas AMEY
23Feb1807  JohnWARRENof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MariaFORDof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Sarah MOORE, Grace CROMEY
19Jul1808  JohnKERLYof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& CatherineRAPSONof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Charlotte RABSON, Sarah KERLY
14Nov1808  WilliamDOMONEYbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& JaneFOOTspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Leah DOMONEY, John FOOT
26Feb1809  RobertSHORTbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MaryREADof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John FOOT, William BRINE, Elizabeth READ
07May1809  RobertDURDENbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& AnnCAISHof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Charlotte BRINE, Ann TRATH
29Jan1810  FrancisSHEPARDbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& GraceCROMEYspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Ed. CROMEY, John FOOT
15Oct1810  ElijahKAILLbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& AnnSOPERof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Ann MORGAN, Jonathan HASKELL, John FOOT
29Mar1813  JosephHARTbachelor of Blandford Forum
  Banns& ElizabethDENNETTspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John MOLTON, John FOOT
07Sep1813  RichardQUINof Barnes, co. Surrey
  Licence &AmeliaSMITHof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Susan STRANGEWAYS, Frances STRANGEWAYS
21May1814  James BarrowSTOREYof Blandford Forum
  Licence &AnneSNELLof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Richard PHILPS, Caroline GALPINE
19Jan1815  ThomasBEVERCOMBEof Blandford Forum
  Banns& MarySTURMYof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Ann FIANDER, John CLARKE
19Apr1815  RobertKIDDLEof Blandford Forum
  Banns& ElizabethINGRAMof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John SMALL, John FOOT
27Apr1815  RobertREGALEof Down St, Picadilly, co. Middlesex
  Licence &JaneCOFFINof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Richard DIXON (?), Claire CHEVALLIER
29Jul1816  JohnEDWARDSof Bryanston
  Banns& MaryHERVEYof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: James EDWARDS, John S. BELLOWS
10Dec1816  JohnCROMEYof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MaryHAPGOODof Blandford Forum
       witnesses: Edward CROMEY, John Sherwood BELLOWS
23Dec1816  JohnHENVILLEof Anderstone
  Banns& FrancesKIDDLEof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Robert KIDDLE, Thomas HENVILLE
10Feb1817  EdwardSINNICKof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MarySOAPERof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John BARNES, John Sherwood BELLOWS
04May1817  CharlesBARFOOTof Blandford Forum
  Banns& RachellBRINEof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Joseph BARFOOT, Charlotte BRINE, Sarah BARFOOT
25Oct1817  ThomasGOULDof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MaryBROWNof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Maria GOULD, John Sherwood BELLOWS
12Jan1818  WilliamHORLOCKof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& ElizabethCOBBof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Alice JERINSON, John Sherwood BELLOWS
21Jan1818  JohnSTICKLANDof St Thomas, Sarum, Wiltshire
  Banns& Harriet ElizabethGALPINEof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Maria GALPINE, John GODDARD
11Apr1818  RobertREEDof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MariaGOULDof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: J. OXFORD, Mary CASH
09Dec1818  JohnWILSONof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& AmeyHANCOCKof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: James GOODERIDGE
25Dec1818  GeorgeSNOOKof Poole
  Banns& LucyAMESof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John GREENSLADE, John Sherwood BELLOWS
15Mar1819  PhilipETHERIDGEof Ringwood, co. Hampshire
  Banns& SusannaSOPERof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Jane BURGES, Thomas SIMMONS
12May1819  JohnGODDARDof Blandford Forum
  Banns& MariaGALPINEof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John S. BELLOWS, James GODDARD
26Dec1819  JohnBARTLETTof Shaftesbury Holy Trinity
  Banns& JaneBARNESof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Charlotte RABSON, John BARNES
18Jul1820  HenryMARSHALLof Blandford Forum
  Banns& SarahHARVEYof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: James HARVEY, John Sherwood BELLOWS
01Nov1820  CharlesDENNETTof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& ElizabethSHEANof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Joseph HART, Elizabeth HART
27Dec1820  RichardGULLIVERof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& HarrietGRIFFENof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Jane GULLIVER, John S. BELLOWS
16Jan1821  JohnCOFFINof Blandford St Mary
  Banns&& JaneHAYNEof Blandford Forum
       witnesses: Edward COFFIN, Sarah WHEELER
05Jun1821  DavidCOZENSof Blandford
  Banns& CharlotteOLDof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: George ADAMS, Maria BARTLETT
23Jul1821  James WarehamBARFOOTof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& CharlotteBRINEof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: James FOWLER, Rachel BARFOOT
09Aug1821  WilliamHICKSof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MariaBARTLETTof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: George COLLINS, Charlotte BRYNE
22Apr1822  JamesFOWLERof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& RachelBARFOOTof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Charlotte BARFOOT, James Wareham BARFOOT
29Mar1823  ThomasSINGLETONof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& Mary JaneJAGGERSof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John BALL, Elizabeth CLARK
31Jul1823  JamesBOYCEof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& SarahCOFFINof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Edw. COFFIN, Elizabeth COCKRAM
05Jan1824  GeorgeBUTTof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& AnnCOOKof Blandford Forum
       witnesses: George PIPLER, Eliza KAIL
01Mar1824  RobertCUMBERLANDof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& ElizabethMULLINSof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John BEALE, Thomas MULLINS
04Apr1824  JamesSHEPHERDof Blandford St Mary
  Licence &EleanorBORTHWICKof Langton Long Blandford
       witnesses: Thomas ROBERTS, Ann PAIN
17May1824  WilliamRUSSbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& Mary AnneKAILof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: George PIPLER, Eliza KAIL
09Aug1824  WilliamROLLSof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MaryTOOMERof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Joseph ROLLS, Elizabeth ROLLS
24Oct1824  AbrahamHARDINGof Tarrant Gunville
  Banns& IsabellaBELLOWSof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: S.BOND, Eliza BOND
01May1825  CharlesWAREHAMof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MaryWARRENof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Walter SCAMMELL, Mary CASH
17May1825  ThomasAMESof Blandford Forum
  Banns& AnnGOMERof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Francis HOUSLEY (?), Sarah AMES
25Dec1825  JohnBURGEof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MargarettaSTICKLANDof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John BEALE, Joseph BELBEN
04Sep1826  HenrySTICKLANDof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MarySHORTof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: William RUSS, Eliza KAIL
08Nov1826  BriarBELBENof Tarrant Keynston
  Banns& AnnBROWNSEAof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Thomas HORLOCK, John BEALE
14Dec1826  WilliamPIKEwidower of Tarrant Keynston
  Licence &JaneINGRAMof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Charles PIKE, Priscilla PIKE, Percival PIKE, Louisa KENYON
29Jan1827  WilliamKERLYof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& JaneRATCLIFFEof Blandford Forum
       witnesses: John BEALE, Mary GROVE
29Jun1828  WilliamHARVEYof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& AnneDOMINYof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Walter SCAMMELL, Diana Sophia KERNEY
17Jul1828  RichardKIDDLEof Bryanstone
  Banns& FrancesHENVILLEof [Tarrant] Gunville
       witnesses: Joshua COX, Eliza KIDDLE
13Nov1828  JamesSAMWAYSof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& Mary AnnePLOWMANof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: James PLOWMAN, William HARVEY
10Dec1828  FrancisSMITHbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Licence &MarySOPERspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: William SMITH, Hannah SOPER
11Jan1829  HenryMARTINof Blandford Forum
  Banns& ElizabethROBERTSof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: James WATTS, Mary ROBERTS
26Apr1829  JohnHUNTof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& SarahNORFORDof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John NORFORD, Anna COFFIN
26Apr1829  EdwardNORFORDof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MariaKINGof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John NORFORD, Anna COFFIN
07Jun1829  WilliamNORFORDof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& LeahDOVERof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John DOVER
14Sep1829  GeorgePIPLERof Poole St James
  Banns& ElizaKAILof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: H. KAIL, Susan KAIL
12Jan1830  HenryKAILof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& SarahCHURCHILLof Blandford Forum
       witnesses: John CHURCHILL, Caroline CHURCHILL
18Jan1830  GeorgeHURDLEof Blandford Forum
  Banns& MaryALLENof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: George DYKE, Harriet ALLEN
15Feb1830  JamesBROWNof Durweston
  Banns& AnnHIBBERTof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Job ROBERTS, Selena BEALE
09Mar1830  GeorgeKNIGHTof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& JaneDURDENof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Charles BRINE, Susan DURDEN
27Sep1830  JosephFOOTof Cann
  Banns& ArabellaMAIDMENTof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: George WATTS, Mary MAGGS
30Sep1830  JohnHAYWARDof Blandford Forum
  Licence &HarrietSOPERof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: M. LAMBOURNE, James SOPER
27Dec1830  EneasFOILof Broad Chalk, Wiltshire
  Banns& ElisabethBELLENGERof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: George GIBBONS, Elizabeth HENVILLE
23Jan1831  Charles George AllenWIFFENof Canford [Magna]
  Banns& CharlotteCUFFof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Henry COWARD, John BEALE
14Aug1831  JamesGAULTONof Langton
  Banns& SusanPLOWMANof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: William GAULTON, Anne MAIDMENT
14Aug1831  LaurenceELFORDof Winterborne Stickland
  Banns& HannahCUFFof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: William GAULTON, John BEALE
26Sep1831  GeorgeTAPPERof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& LoveCORNICKof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Hannah FEACHAM, George COLLINS
05Jan1832  JohnHARVEYof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MaryGODDARDof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Anne Sophia HARVEY, John BEALE
05Feb1833  JohnCARTERbachelor of Blandford Forum
  Banns& ElizabethMONKof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Thomas MONK, Susan CARTER
21May1833  GeorgeKAILof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MariaJOYCEof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Robert ENGLISH, Dianna DAY
27Aug1833  JohnJAMESbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& CharlotteWYATTspinster of Blandford Forum
       witnesses: Francis MAIDMENT, Elisabeth JAMES
24Mar1834  JamesFOILbachelor of Litchett
  Banns& ElizabethBRADLEYspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Edward KAIL, Emily RANDAL
08Apr1834  GeorgeHAINEof Bryanston
  Banns& MariaKAILof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Ambrose KAIL, Mary Ann KAIL (?)
28Sep1834  RobertSHEPHERDof Blandford Forum
  Banns& ElisabethSTOODLEYof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Charles PIKE, Maria SHEPHERD
01Feb1835  GeorgeNORRISbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& AnnBILLOWSspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John HORLOCK, Jane BELLOWS
09Apr1835  SamuelWILLIAMSbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Licence &SusanDURDENspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: George KNIGHT, Ann WILLIAMS
03May1835  JohnSTURMEYbachelor of Blandford St Mary
  Banns& Mary AnnPRINCEspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: William HARVEY, Elizabeth PRINCE
19May1835  WilliamSQUIREbachelor of Yarmouth, I.W. [Isle of Wight]
  Licence &ElisabethJENKINSspinster of Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Robert REDKMONY (?), Harriotte JENKINS
01Sep1835  ThomasKNIGHTof Spetisbury
  Banns& LouisaDURDENof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: George KNIGHT, Jane HARVEY
18Oct1835  JohnHORLOCKof Blandford Forum
  Banns& JaneBILLOWSof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: John BELLOWS, Ann COLEMAN
28Dec1836  WilliamMONKTONof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& MaryCOLLINSof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Thomas JENNINGS, Mary Ann MONKTON
26Jan1837  WilliamELLIOTTof Blandford St Mary
  Banns& HannahBUGDENof Blandford St Mary
       witnesses: Mary Ann GALLAN, Thomas BLANCHARD

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