
1871 CENSUS RG10/1995 Enumeration District 6
Enumerated by Arthur Yearsley

Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Kim Parker

123 persons in 28 households on the night of April 2nd, 1871

AddressForename(s)SurnameRelationStatusAgeSexOccupation BirthplaceFolioPage
1ArneThomasGOVER HeadUnm42MDairymanDOR Ridge191
  JuliaGOVER SisterUnm32FDairywomanDOR Ridge191
2SlepeGeorgeGRANT HeadMar41MFarmer of 100 Acres DORBushy191
  Elizabeth GRANTWifeMar55F  DORSlepe191
3SlepeWilliamBATTRICK HeadMar25MFarm LabourerDOR Bushy191
  Charlotte BATTRICKWifeMar24F  DORNorden191
  MarthaBATTRICK Dau 6F DOR Slepe191
  Elizabeth BATTRICKDau 5F  DORSlepe191
  GeorgeBATTRICK Son 3M DOR Slepe191
  EdwinBATTRICK Son 1M DOR Slepe191
4SlepeHenryBATRICK HeadMar21MFarm LabourerDOR Corfe Castle191
  JaneBATTRICK WifeMar23F DOR Corfe Castle191
  LouisaBATTRICK Dau 3F DOR Slepe191
  Mary J. BATTRICKDau 1F  DORSlepe 191
5SlepeJohnGREEN HeadWid46MFarm LabourerDOR Bushey191
  JohnGREEN Son 13MFarm LabourerDOR Middlebere 191
  Emanuel GREENSon 9M  DORSlepe191
6SlepePhillipBENNETT HeadMar44MFarm LabourerDOR Corfe Castle191
  Mary Ann BENNETTWifeMar43F  DORCorfe Castle191
  JohnBENNETT SonUnm21MFarm LabourerDOR Corfe Castle191
  JamesBENNETT SonUnm15MFarm LabourerDOR Corfe Castle191
  JaneBENNETT Dau 12F DOR Slepe191
  BessieBENNETT Dau 9F DOR Slepe191
7ArneThomasBALSON HeadMar43MFarm LabourerDOR Studland192
  Willibel Ann BALSONWifeMar42F  DORSlepe192
  William BALSONSonUnm20MFarm Labourer DORSlepe192
  JohnBALSON SonUnm16MScholarDOR Slepe192
  Mary Sarah BALSONDau 13FScholar DORSlepe192
  AnnaBALSON Dau 11FScholarDOR Slepe192
  ThomasBALSON Son 7MScholarDOR Slepe192
  BesseyBALSON Dau 2F DOR Slepe192
  RachelBALSON Dau 2F DOR Slepe192
8ArneGeorgeMASTERS HeadMar44MFarm LabourerDOR Wareham192
  JaneMASTERS WifeMar46FLabourer’s Wife DORArne192
  GeorgeMASTERS Son 15MLabourerDOR Slepe192
  William MASTERSSon 13M  DORSlepe192
   RobertMASTERSSon  11M DORSlepe19 2
  JamesMASTERS Son 8M DOR Slepe192
  ThomasMASTERS Son 4M  DORSlepe192
  ElizaMASTERS Dau 6mF DOR Slepe192
9ArneHezekiahWELLSTEAD HeadMar50MFarm LabourerDOR Wool192
  FannyWELLSTEAD WifeMar50FLabourer’s Wife DORWool192
  Mary Ann WELLSTEADDauUnm21FDressmaker DORWool192
  Charles WELLSTEADSon 19M LabourerDORWool192
  Robert Charles WELLSTEADGrandson 2M  DORArne192
10ArneDavidGUY HeadMar31MFarm LabourerDOR Winfrith203
  SusanGUY WifeMar28FLabourer’s Wife DORNorden203
  AnnGUY Dau 6F DOR Norden203
  HenryGUY Son 4M DOR Norden203
  Mary Jane GUYDau 2F  DORNorden203
11ArneJamesGRANT HeadMar36MWoodmanDOR Corfe Castle203
  SarahGRANT WifeMar33FWoodman’s Wife DORLangton203
  EmmaGRANT Dau 5FScholarDOR Arne203
  William GRANTSon 2M  DORArne203
12ArneRobertBEAVIS HeadMar46MGame KeeperDOR Downshay203
  ElizaBEAVIS WifeMar51FGame Keeper’s Wife DORDownshay203
  RobertBEAVIS Son 13M DOR Arne203
  AlbertBEAVIS Son 12M DOR Arne203
13ArneElizaWEBB HeadWid60FHouse KeeperSSX Bosham203
  Laura Rose WEBBWifeGranddau6F  WIL?Busderp203
14ArneJohnSMITH HeadMar32MCordwainerDOR Worth Matravers203
  Harriet SMITHWifeMar25FSchoolmistress DORNetherbury203
  William Henry SMITHSon 7MScholar DORArne203
  Charles Walter SMITHSon 1M  DORArne203
15ArneWilliamDUNNING HeadMar26MFarm BailiffDOR Stoke203
  Elizabeth DUNNINGWifeMar27F  DORHolme203
  Frances Keziah DUNNINGDau 4F  DORWorgret203
  Isaac Harry DUNNINGSon 3M  DORArne203
  Emily Jane DUNNINGDau 2F  DORArne203
16ArneRobertMASTERS HeadMar69MFarm LabourerDOR Norden203
  Elizabeth MASTERSWifeMar61FNeedle Woman HAMRingwood204
  Kate Eliza WELLSTEADGranddau 1F  DORArne204
17ArneGeorgeTALBOT HeadMar38MAgricultural Labourer - Deaf from birth DORSwanage204
  Elizabeth Jane TALBOTWifeMar34F  DORChurch Knowle204
  Richard Charles TALBOTSon 7M  DORBradle [Church Knowle]204
  William George TALBOTSon 5M  DORArne204
  Henry James TALBOTSon 1M  DORArne204
18ArneThomasLOCKYER HeadMar46MFarm LabourerDOR Ridge204
  Elizabeth Jane LOCKYERWifeMar39FLabourer’s Wife DORWareham204
  Elizabeth Jane LOCKYERDau 7F  DORArne204
19ArneElizabethSTANDFIELD HeadWid74F DOR Arne204
  RobertSTANDFIELD SonUnm42MLabourerDOR Arne204
  AlfredSTANDFIELD GrandsonUnm22MLabourerDOR Arne204
  KateSKINNER ServUnm13FGeneral ServantDOR Wareham204
20ArneJohnWELLSTEAD HeadMar27MFarm LabourerDOR Wool204
21ArneJamesHORLOCK HeadMar31MDairymanDOR Corfe Castle204
  Sarah Jane HORLOCKWifeMar32FDairyman’s wife DORArne204
  William HORLOCKSon 2M  DORKingswood204
  Mary Louisa HORLOCKDau 1F  DORArne204
22ArneRobertTALBOTT HeadMar40MGame KeeperDOR Corfe Castle204
  SelinaTALBOTT WifeMar35F DOR Church Knowle204
  ThomasTALBOTT Son 8M DOR Arne204
  Minnie Augusta TALBOTTDau 7F  DORArne204
23ArneCharlesCHEESEMAN HeadMar44MBoatman - SeaDOR Arne215
  Elizabeth CHEESEMANWifeMar43F  DORArne215
  JohnCHEESEMAN Son 12MScholarDOR Arne215
  William CHEESEMANSon 9M ScholarDORArne215
  EdwinCHEESEMAN Son 4MScholarDOR Arne215
  Elizabeth CHEESEMANDau 15F Dressmaker’s ApprenticeDORArne21 5
  Annie R. CHEESEMANDau 7F ScholarDORArne215
  Lelian C. CHEESEMANDau 8mF  DORArne215
24ArneRobertCHEESEMAN HeadMar49MBoatmanDOR Arne215
  SarahCHEESEMAN WifeMar50F DOR Arne215
  GeorgeCHEESEMAN SonUnm21MLabourerDOR Arne215
  AlbertCHEESEMAN SonUnm19MLabourerDOR Arne215
  William CHEESEMANSon 14M Farm ServantDORArne215
  SarahCHEESEMAN Dau 16F DOR Arne215
  Elizabeth CHEESEMANDau 14F Dressmaker’s ApprenticeDORArne21 5
25ArneRobertWHITE HeadMar39MLabourerDOR Arne215
  Emily Jane WHITEWifeMar34FLabourer’s Wife DORArne215
  AnneWHITE DauUnm14FScholarDOR Arne215
  JohnWHITE Son 10MScholarDOR Arne215
  SarahWHITE Dau 7FScholarDOR Arne215
  EmilyWHITE Dau 4FScholarDOR Arne215
26ArneSarahRANDALL HeadWid88F DOR Newton215
  Catherine Elizabeth RANDALLGranddauUnm28F  DORStoborough215
27ArneSarahFRY HeadWid45FHousekeeperDOR Swanage216
  LucyFRY Dau 10F DOR Corfe216
  Charlotte FRYDau 8F  DORMiddlebere216
  EmmaFRY Dau 3F DOR Middlebere216
  Rebecca Mary FRYDau 2mF  DORArne216
  MarthaFRY Dau 2F DOR Middlebere216
28ArneStephenBEAVIS LodgerMar41MFarm LabourerDOR Trimpton [Drimpton?]216

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